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5) the “doubting of aniqiy” movement; and 6) the dete on Chine Jad Wesern ctrl wales, Needles to 3, these phases overlapped Zohar coders, and cesta eng writers gered prominety in moe than oe phate ofthe movement "Bom i anisadionais character one may infer that the lenders of the movement ced ery macht he Wes Posi wat their get Tuoi, scene and mein were thir pret sbgens, ana the aly years eqecially"John Desey apd Bresnd Rosell were thee fest idolo The leader theelves were in many cases Western ede, Thovgh not eecesniy wooed onthe West since Westerns ec {Son tay now esi nthe Es apn, andi he new watinl Sn misionary colleges of Chia, Ofen cllge profess heme, ‘hey bow had the ture platform w make woe of ab well the new rg of pic jaro and the itlecual and erry reviews Thich wees novel entre othe moder age. Awe all they ad 2 new olin, young inter rsrated by Chin’ fares in the pst, and full ofeager hopes fr dhe fue THE ATTACK ON CONFUCIANISM. “The open asl on Confucianism, whi Began in gx, wa led by Chien Techn {iyy gp, editor of eagosine ended The New Youeh, Hake rele had stacked ¢ mat cera of the concps of CConfcirisn, ften indeed in the ame of purified and revised CConfoin bel, or with lee abvious pasts, eomining eric of corain apes with pee of whe. Cen, by contra, chaleged Confuse from Beginning to end, realising ax he did so that he feeck atthe very heart ofthe tational ele: For him, a partion of “dence” and "demeray” Canfdanion sod simply fo rxcion and thhcuransm, He idetifed wih the od tegime, with Yoan Shi Ents atemps to restore the-monarcy, with everything fom the pat that his ind; had shed progress and eres ‘Such an uncompronsing tack wae bound to sock many—those who Ind en Gafni much or ranted a he god earth of Chin, te thre who al ed tot consul, and wth me pide, 36am Pretion of era raonalsen, Bur there were eas pen whom [ise] ive’ bald denunciations bad an living effects, pricy ounces and es, fr whom Confcianism fad cme bold Tec onsve meaning as thar ova eduestin became mone Weserizeds foe whom a fa was nw He ely to be fli cei on Kes SSply ar form of unwanted parental or sce reraint. Young, peo- ie ata groups wth Peking thir center, The New Youth 25 thee THouthpiees and Chien ax thet Uterary mpi, were glad to tow ‘emacs into crude agains this bugbear from the ps, 20d 10 frac their own coming of ag inthe modern wed by shout Dato the old erty shop of Contac! CHEN TU-HSIU The Wey of Confucius ond Modern Life “Though sic vch a thi, which appeared in cee, 1916, Cen Te remap tc ow etl wer Mee: He aa ete fi ching mu (The New You), ha rs Waser ie Fee nce eng the sve eect a eon, whore aie Saco ha fen stl ins ope nore cole ad en Tee Hee Wesel and “uke” Chen des hs eS Fees PFs mi seamed to ave Caton snon bat ha opie nein ety the ano wart found the Chie Coat Fate peas er pean crm erin and mal ei, il ey ch of nnd ‘un “Acung Th ne ens sheng bun” Hie ng me, ar, No (December 1996), p33) “The pale of modern ie is eoaomic and the fundies prio of ‘Cedi peeon i india dependence. Its fl as peneteed ikea Comequenly the independence ofthe individ in te ei [el and the independence af propery in he economic el bear wits tect they, hu ealiening the theory fof sch neato], Dees of (Bi [cain sail mores and aerial clre have ten a res sep forward Te Ching te Confcinnins have bal thi teachings om tei bial norms: Sous and wines pest eter personal indidaiy nore Nat propery. Fates an elder bers bing up ther sons and youget ‘he snd re intra supprtd by he, Teis sal near iy of fhe Book of Rie sha "While pens ae living the som dts ot re Lass] a la AD aD at Vids dd ddd {ard his pion or property ht owe.” 27:14} This i sbsately ot he fray to penal independence, al mera constionl sates, whether monies or republics, there at polite parties. Tee who engage pry acne all express thes spt of independent conviction, Tey goth own way and neck not agree with ce fathers or hasan, Wen people ate bod by the Confsianteschings of Sal piety apd cheene to the point of th son tot devating fom the fer wy even thre years ar bis death fed the woman olying nce oly er father and bund bu also hee ton? how can they form thi wn politcal pay and sake ee wm Uoice The movement af women's patton im polis ix alan am “spect f mame’ ie a modern cvliion. When they ae ound by the Confucian teaching that “To bea women means to brig” tit The wifes words shold nt travel beyond ber own apartment” and ‘hat “A woman does at dics afis oti the home," would i ak te unsualthey partied poles? In the Wet sume widows choose to remain single Bea they ate song ataced oes ate sao od snes ease sey pater {Snes thy ave thing eo do ih what ald ee casy of idaho. Wis who eat ace nee dep by sc all. On| ‘he ther band inthe Chinen aching of decent she doctrine tno reariage afer the ban’ dst" es comdered to be ex tremely shart and wnchae for womaa to veto husands of | nan to are two rulers The Book of Re abo prohibits widows fom tailing nigh [XXVIt2r] and poole fom being inde wih one | Iridows [18:21] For the ike of ther fay repuasin,geple hve Foret daughtrinlw eo remain widows. Those woatn have had po fcedom and have ened mn eile fe, Year aber year thee many promising young womsn have ved a physlly and spray "bool ie AU hin the rea of Confacan tachi of dec {ow sty Tn tly’ cvlied sie, scl intercourse Lette men and women ina common pactc, Some een that because women havea tender fare and cn emer the ree of man they are aecesry in publi Sat esa Usa] or private guierng It nt considoed improper even for sangre (© Ste dance topatber oes they bave been suedaced bythe how. a the way of Confinn teaching, however, “Men and women do ot st tin the tame mat "Brther an stereo donot exchange iguies Shout cach aber “Maied ere do not sit on the sme mt with, Tethers or et from the same dh” "Men an women do no kaa trek other's name exept trough & matchmaker and should have m0 toc telains or show festion wnt aber matiage presets have bee Changed" amen mos cover dee faces when they go ou" "Boy nd gis seven year or oler do no st o ext together” "Men and ‘women hive no sol eons except eough a nuhmaker and do Tot met unl afer muting pees have been echanged\"* and "Es epi lipo scien men and women do not exchange wine caps Sich rls of decorum are mt only inonsinene withthe mode of ile in Wester sce, they canna even be euerved in today’s Chia ‘Wests women make thie own Uving in vtios profsions sock asta of Lye, physi and moe employee. But inthe Confucian sro, "In giving of ein anything, + man or woman should no Touch the eters band’ ™ "Aman docs not ek about fis ine [ihe fowschal and a oman does aot tak above ae oie (he foul and"They do ot eachange cup except ia stifle fd fea" “A maid woman it obey” and the husband is the dard ofthe wie? "Th the wife naturaly supported by dhe hs tht and eds no independent lvoe. "A enc! woman iat ir ranger eo ber parents She has aly fection bus ao bligation toward them. Lathe Wes parents a ‘Hiren usally dove Ue roster aod davgersindawr, pricy fave no blipaton to serve peenteintae, Bathe way of Confuis, omen ist vevere and eect them and acter w dicey day righ" "A woman boys, that i ae her prensinlaws"™ A, Ivor serves her pentiniaeaeahe serves ber own parca” ae “hover shou day or be lazy in eying ot the ondrs of parents ahd prensa daw "Kx man is very fond of bis wile, but his parents sk a TES Ei. Fe Se an a ives at eX Lass nos ik hr, she sol be diver" (La ance nes hee wee tnany such ess ike that of La Ya [sras-tte]) “Unles od tortie tober own apartment 2 won dics mtd, abd she haan rand to dy she must gt perivion from Ber paretandav." This is he Fenn why the tage of eu to dagen tw has eve cae in Chins wey. Acconting to Westra customs, fibers do nce dicipline groworup sons but eve thm tothe lw of the country andthe opt of sce. But inthe way of Conf, “When ons pens ate angry ad ot plese and beat hi ale leds, be dct oe complain but Satad louse in hime the fering of reverence and ial pe" This i thereon why in Chia there the saying, “One hast ee if his father vane hit ty 30d the miner ae ep per if i ule wants him Confiv ved ina fea age, The ect he promoted i the ei of the feel age. The sexial oes he aught and een is own rode tliving wee teaching nd mde offend ge. The pica asi Sos be aocted were thre of 2 feudal age. The objectives, ethics, {oct nor, mos fling, and pia introns did nee go boa {he priviege and prige af «few rulers and artacrats and had ot ing to do withthe happiness of the great manes How a thie sown? Tah echings of Conf, the mat rporatelemeat in il eis an soi ie the eles of dorm andthe mow serious thing ino nent is poset Io caper one of the Book of Rites, iis id that "Theres of dram do ct go dowa to the common people and the penal satus do ae go upto grove offers” [35 lethal proof the [tue] sc of the way of Canfas and the pit of the Teal ge? ‘THE LITERARY REVOLUTION onlin the tack on Conti wa the atack om the canis licrry inguge—thelnguge of Confociantadon and of the ld le whorl, With the absedenment ofthe "ihc legued es)" “af ie ma [as61 _exominaoos or he cil service in 5 the carding ow of the fist ‘ngein at wemoved fon orcinarySpechy night seem co have ee Pata Th war 2 tine of rising mana, which inthe West Td en ike othe feof weroacle terres; an er of expanding ‘ducron, which would be grey faciated by a weiten Inaguage “Fane and wat earn period of wzong Wesrization in cought snl cholain, which would require a move flexible ineument for the ‘pean of ew eoncaps. No dose each of thse fasta contd SEER id spend ofthe ear revoition after is Iunching by Hu Shi wath the apport of Chen To, i 1p. And yee 9 gn hte neon bold whic the clascallnguage fad on eated| mes Se is sat prenige a mark of ring, ha uni Ho appeal aeke tee wich his noel ies, ees the manifesto of reformers and ttvloraies had ep othe laa tle of wong a here could be to other. Shs (85:—) bad sed agriuhre at Corel on a Boer Tem sity pant and psy a Caurbia wade John Dewey, of whom be be he eating Chinese dil. Even before his reo ome he HES gun advocating # new ween language for Chin, along with (Plomalee secaminaion sod recvtution of the das eiton| Jp thodgh and Heause, Chien Tosa’s postion a bead of the de Bsmt of ltertie at Peking Natonl University, and his new poli rar The New Youth. represented song backing for H's reo staat programs popan all the tore commanding of seni be ‘nsf nm was oo merely derive of traditional wage bt, 3 ‘Gsouly enough diced to the aimubsion of «pew erature and wie ise Tosca of deling solely upon the defines of the pas Te wigs were fl of concrete sad eostrcive sggesios forthe fave There was og hee, 6 well 3s indignation, ts pogram thus bok beyond the immedi Herary revlon, seni the vernacular a8 « means of eammunication, (0 what came © eo atthe erry seaisance There cn be no doubt chat eis owen stimulated erry sci alba mew Tins expel im dhe ‘Shum of forme and genre then poplar i the Wes Yer thee it fea debe dh is mew Hear cup was able co lil che poste oper of HI excl in sca ee, and zo cotribted farther tee proce f cil and politealdsineration, Aland his is (usr)

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