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a a erred eee Ta M. TYRA Now on stall care pe teunches ! QUANTITATIVE APTITUD GQ Ma CAT a (Common Admission Test) s n CU a Beira was % i 8 i i ae ‘Prices Ry: 3h sa 22, may % ‘axed ou the Previous % he Pie Page conan chante tom pe a hed 2 bubsoero atts conn © Usesstudeatendty language ve Provides conces,qulcher techniques be 2 © Brscutiat for every CAT aspirant se. K Kuntan & P Pandey Download Ebooks at Contents Chapters aw to Prepare for Maths Additiongo~ Mutiny, Deg Sausing Cube” Tichrena Lean Tratons > Decimal Fractions 7 Elementny Algebme Sunde NumnerSystemé Binary Syien - Pormataion gt Combisaiouf vo Poabiity & Ratio atl Pepoton Partrerehion Penentge aren Frotlons seed on Agi Profitand Lees Site intesty, Compornd inetd alligion« Thine ent Wor, Work and Wages Pipes and ister ‘Timeand Disa Tain Steams on PageNo. v 3 9 3 a 3 % 9% Bs 141 182 1 209 2s 245 23 309 319 327 31 aor aL 453 489 301 529 553 3 2 3. 35 36. Blementary Mensuration “1 Blementexy Monsuration «IT Series Data Sufficiency Data Analysis ‘Trigonometry wm 363 593 617 6st 1 Foreword ‘Whee did vouserp this momning? AUE.35, id yontoach your dtostinetion in time? Ves, [anived 10 minutes eater even though | got up five minutes late. T wily walk but tacay I took a bas. Why note ‘ai! lant stor? Raster, yes. But in my case ae speed of the bus was, sufficien: Besides, ¥edhzpated tae tates ofthe bye nieans of trumnport and concluded that sakiig a xt would mean incurring usnezessary expenditure ‘Wow! what a clever guy! Saves money, saves time, Dogs he Jno some magic? Tse a student of occult siences? Na, doer Hein ordinary mortal ike any of ys. tke exades fs inconsvon confidence, thanks to his ability compute at magical pace. Incter words, Quicker Maths is an asso:st every step of one's lie By Quicker Ma, the book means speed and socurzey at bath ‘smmple mimerial operations and complex probiems. And itisheertening that fhe Book takes iate account afl kinds of problems that one may ‘encounter in the ordinary nun oie ‘There are several hooks one comes actoss which tuke care of problems asked in ceaminations. Bat they are emwentional and prove selutions with the help of éatail mod, This book provides yeu bots the Geta as well che quicker methods: Aud itis i che lator chat the ‘book is inesissble. That the book provides yo hotk dhe methods is & ‘pointer fo te fit that you see bein Ted its faith whore you have ‘o blindly fellow what the guru sys. The conclusions have been rlien- ally drawn, The book iherafoce serves 8 a guice -the true function af a ‘ger - and onoe you get well-versed with the book, you will feel ferspowered enough to evolve formulas of your own, I think the sal magic Les therot Atthe same time, scare study ofthe book endows you with ‘the magical ability 1 ane at an answer with seconds. There may be some semi-edocaled persons who smear al this value ef the book. Can you beat a computer? -a vontampivous question ie esked. Abserd ‘question, For one, tae globe is yet to get sullicieatly cqmipzed with ‘computers. Two, even when we ents: fulledgad htech age, let us hope itianot atthe cost of our mines. Lat nol computers and calculaors become the proverbial Frankenstein's monster. The mind isa healtiy wo Download Ebooks at onganandcomputing health ston, Comps answer EeTipeetate resid nt ocosanelh 7 Maton ait othe ain be isis cacnoers every intial. Inwotofte examina even celebs en Seren sc rompates And tanto a hail eck ves weer an Yoo rea randero his bok, you cat defini (Rove fone mex aes the. ona dt secs has hos = feof taka vcived ith bo oval hos stat who are Barn op Seve tt Mathematics Marutis at an amazing 200 kesph, the book definitely ane reute amc Ata seve tod re lh pope cation asssty acs, ete = oo Tee ip sumone gldeans enon rude enioy ie ide. eae her ape ig nical pers, ce nus ofthe bok vi acre ae rowel eel AP seme times en esmaige makes emly scare ast the lings Fe eer aes ct at yoa vss eth Quis Method kes ing very es eee ihe Cok proves ou speed ota ie cont off. ot mores etna Cvis bat Rt sa orgie cat, One 0a Shan ft gi Chetananané Singh [Bditor, Bathing Services Chronicle Author's Preface We a1 Banking Services Chromicte (BSC) analyse suudcats’ problems, IFaatudont isnt ubleto periomn wellatan exem, cur researcit froup members try 19 penetrate rhe student's payche end get athe raots ‘of the problems. hn the course of our discussions we found that the ‘mathemati section often roves tats the Achilles” heel for cost ofthe students, Letters om ony students cleanly indicated that thei problera ‘was nat that they could sot salve the questions. No, the questions asced ngeneral competitions aroin fit ao easy that most ofthestucdents would secure a cent por cent scor if it were aot for the time barrier. The ‘problem: then i: INABILITY TO SOLVE the question INTIME. ‘Unfortunately, chore was hardly aay ack available (0 the student which could take care of the sime aspect, And this prompted the [BSC menibers to scton, We desided 9 offer a comprehorcive book with ‘our atention tawmeied a the twin alvantagé Gicton: speed and aecwracy. Sources were hunted fot: Vedic Math=mstizs to compater progres ‘mings. Our ara waste gol everything beneficial from wherevecpossible. ‘The moateacourtoted questions were categorised. And Quicker Meh ‘ods were inol.pontly atived at and &idgently verified. Flaw dees the book lelp save yous time? Probably all yo lvarat by hear the muliplication-tabies as children, And you have also been told cht muliplication isthe quicker method fora specific typooF ‘udition. Simialy, there exits = quicker method for lanost every type ff problems provides you ara well-versed with sonte key determinaats and foeranas, Tor the benefit bl yrerstanding we have also given the detail method and how we ariveat te Quicker Method. However, for practival purposes you toed not delve too mucin the theory. Concenteate on {ye seorking formula instead. For the benefitef non-mattermatie students, the book takes core to explain the aleuged terms in an ordinary language. So that even i€ you are vaguely familie with numbers, the book will prove [boneticial for itis selGexplanatary. “Tie mathealiessardent are celatively in eornfbrabeposi- tion, They da ii bavota maks ae effertto understand the concepts. But ever i their caso, there are certain aspeeis of questions sed in the oi Download Ebooks at coonptive cams shih havebecaletby Cham untonshet sine shoot Shyu So arevatoain cot ‘eine ca of every stn, Soween te wigu seing propo siete bon ssn aby o mcrae snes prblemsoling ae ie con Sas bean Obsoval proceed mcbodialy. Agra ies he wae for snp comes crap. Te ee Rom anv expe lowed by Oars. Assent chap emer uy wil efaly akin 2 eked mpowenen of be TERLey este spond Toe stent ate sgt son ther Cathet al oggeon eit innovemen ‘Rad Hate os extn tank ol Tose wo ave payedestcn neg dbo va oto tieseadr. speily tha Pestana Py for having played 2 Key wel ia roctiog tie Stour Cheanand Sigh fre setcaloon cng of ebook See A Nijan Bhar fox aving sey verded the ral, Mc Sif Sagh's aloud ecitans cannot be orgoen, Fenda key aoe mn ove gap, The angen caved Fors Mi lait, acy Bhar Sr Napendrs Xeon Sake, Me Sandecp SE A oan Kae, ay Kame Rij ana, Me Act Fee NSM Singh somneae, hasbeen walublo, And ans to Air ridecy Qupl for pening Preface to the Second Edition It is.a grea pleasure to aot that Magical Book om Qvicker “Mache continues 3 be poptior mong the students who are looking fer Detter sults inthis ctethroat World of competition. This ook has ‘rough thenew cénceptaf time saving quiekermethad in mathematics, ‘Sa mimy other publications have ced to publish similar books but sone ‘auld reach even close to it, The vason is very simple. tise fst sod the origina! book of 1 kind. Others can only be duplicate end not the driginal. Some people cau even print the duplicate ofthe samo book. It ‘wl prove dangerous to our publication as well as io our reader. So, tmnggost our readers to confirm thecriginaliy ofthis boo before buying, ‘The contimesion is very simple. You can. ind a tuec-dimvensional HOLOGRAM on the cover page ofthis book. ‘This edition has boon extensively revised. Mistakes jut fst dition, have been corrected. Some sur chapters like Feamutation- Covthinatipn, Probability, Binary System, Quadratic Expression st. ‘ave been troduced. Somme old chapters ave beerstewrittan, Hope you ‘ll os find this book more eonipeehensive and roe usefol . oo Preface to the Third Edition ‘The patter of question paper as wel a5 tae standacd of quos- ‘ions have changed over the past couple of years. Besides Penmuation- ‘Combination an Prcbabilty, quosions from izonomtry = in the fora cof Height and Distance-have also deeuinrodoced Ip chapters Hee Data Anas Daa Sinan Sas, ew ype of wena ng || With te abowe contest in tind, a ee mew chapters eve been jntodacad anda few old ones eskrpes, Important Previous Exam ‘questions have boon added to almost al the chapters. But they have been added in larger nambess in the chapters spevilly mentioned above. ‘An introductory chaptec has boon added on "How te Prepare Joe Maths", | suggest going through this chopter before siting eny sarge. A revision in the cover price was fong due. The fist edition £1995), whieh costs 200, nad only 612 poges. ‘The price remained the Same even in the second edition (1999) in spite ofthe rumber of pages bing ineresred to 748, Buc tho third edition (2000) has gone into $07 votumins pags ence bmg inrasa oe 25, Kindy bet oa Download Ebooks at How to Prepare for MATHS (Using this book for Competitive Exams) 1. Importance of Maths paper (PO) Quanicive Aptnude is a compulsery paps. You can't ne- lect. So make sure yor are ready fo improve your mathematical skills Each question valuis 12 mares wherews gach question of Ressoning values only 1068 marks in PO cxart, So, you devote relatively move ‘ume on this paper you get more oaths. Alb, the answers of Maths questions are more confiomed than answers of Reasoring questions, ‘which ae often confising. Most of you fel tis a mors tice consuring ‘paper, bat ifyou low our emidenes, you cam save your valuable time In examination hall Other exams: There acc vory few competitive exams without maths pager, SSC exams havedhiTavent types of Maths paper. The iat ‘exam of S$C contains Snbjective Question pape, Keeping thin and, Thave als given the detail method of cach shorcut ot Quicker Method sive inthis book, ach thenrem, which gives you a iret formula sso contains peoor of the thcorer, which is nothing but a general fmm {Gevoting numerical values by letters sy X, Vet) of dt othe, 2. Preparation for this paper (A) How to start your preparation ' ‘Mae sa very interesting subject. Ifyou dens find tiarest- i simply means you hava’ (tied o Undecetand it Lene assure yOu ‘ery sips and 100% logical. There x nothing i be assumed and noting obo confused abou. So ratiag to ery yeu came forward (ws firmndesennination to len tbs. Ths most basic hinge Maths ar: 3) Adin - Sizacton 1) Mahipicaion Division ‘All ess four things ae most uch, Asleest one ots four things cercinly need in aay ype of meematical question. So, Crs 4 cur basi ercultons fer we save ous valuable Ge in each auestion, To caleulte Faster, suggest the fllowing lips: {i) Remember the TABLE upto 20 {at leas: ‘Yow should now thar tables have bean prepared ta make Addition Jn the problem of addition we-have bwo enain factors (speed ‘and accuracy) ide considerstion. We will discuss a method of ad- tion which is faster thin tho method used by masa people and als as & ‘higher Gepree of accacacy. Inthe leer par of tais chapter we will 3iso discuss a method of checking and double-chooking the results: {in using conventional meibod of adeifion; the average mE cammot always aud a fidy long colunnn of figures without rokaing a mistake, We shall eam how to check he work by indwideskcolarans, ‘wihout repeating the addition, This has sever adveniages: 1) We gave the labour ef repeating all the wore, 2} We latte ear, if any, inte column where tees ad 43) We ae certain to find er, which isnot necessary inthe eoaven” tions! method. "This lst point is something that most people do not realise, Each oge of us has his own weaknesses and. own kind of proneecss.10 {5 56. f you alehim dicey he wil si ‘ealculation twill Sip out x8 "56". 1 23s his Zaveurte eos, he would ‘be likely to sepeat it whea he checks by repaiin, ‘Totalting in columns "Re in theconventione! method sf éaltion, we weit te figures tobe added in edluam, and under tho bottom figure we draw atime, so that te tora wall be under the coluam, When writing tiem we remember that the matheraetical mule for placing the numbers is to align the ightchend-sde dipits (when there are whole numbers) aed the decimal points (when hore sce decimals), For example: Right-hand-side-digits Decimal alignment alignment 4234 13.05 8235 251 6as. 539.652. 5321 2431,0003 3500 49.28 9989 “The eemventional methed is 19 adé tho figures down the righthand onluran, 4 plus plus 6, ond soon. You can do ths if you wisi Download Ebooks at a QUICKER WATHS inthe now method, but tis mot compulsery: ou can begin working 00 any colar. But for the rake of convenience, we will srt on the ‘igh hand column. ‘We add az we go down, but we “eover cout higher than 10", “Thats wen to muning tla bocomes grater than 10, ve reduce ity 10and go ahead wits the reduced figure. As we dos, we make a small tickorcheck-matk beside the mumber that mede oor total higher than 10 For example: " ~ 4 pli 812: this is more than 10, so we surat 10 om 12. Mar: 2 lick and start adding again 6 Gy 2.8 1 tplas,9 ‘ © Opie d,9 9 9 plas 9 18: mack atick and seduce 18 by 10, ey 8 “The final figue, 8, wi) be writen unde the column as the ‘sunning foal”. "Next we count she tos that we have ust made as we dropped. 10's. Asweave? ticks, we write under the column as he "tick figure’ “The example wow looks like this $234 ae 646 sia 350, 98h runingiotil: 8 teks 2 rveepetthe sme pces onc of theca were theres a os smi 350 5S 655 mm runing tonal + ticks? ‘eon 8 “Now ve arive atthe final resultby adding togethecthe wing fetal and the ticks inthe way ehown inthe following diagram. ‘enning total BR ticks orrrro Total: 28778 ‘Save more times Weo'serve tha the ruenng taal is ae othe teks ‘eclow in she immediate right column. This addition ofthe teks with ‘mediate left cofuma can bedone:in single te. Thetis, the number of tio inthe first coluran from ight is added to the second eoluran row right, the mares of ies in the Pc column isadded to he thd column, anid 30 on, The whole method ean be undoriaod inthe following steps. 4234 2236 645 5321 350, 98s Tout: 5 ‘Step. [A plus’ is 12, ark a tisk and ode 2 0 6, whieh Gs 8: plus 1 29,9 plus 089; 9 plus is 18, marka tck and write down $intho frst column of tota-tow.] 4234 ase 666 . 5321 350 9985 Stop I. Tow 78 [3plus 2 (umber of tik in fiat column) is 5; $ plus 3s & 8 plus 4s 12, entk a tick aed carry 2; 2 plus 2 is 4; 4 plus 1s 9, 9 plus B 18.17, mark tick and write dovin 7 in 2nd column of wte-row Ina similar way we proceed for ed and 4h coluras. Download Ebooks at 0 “quioxer avis] 4234 a23¢ 646 5321 350 $985 28778 ‘Tosa: ‘Note : We see that In the leftmost cofuan we are left with 2 ick \Write dovn the mumber of ticks in a column left to the leftmost column, Thus we get the answer a litte earlier chan she previous} method. One more itustation (Q: 707.235 + 1923.62 ~ 56.009 + 564.949 + 65.6—7 Solution : orgs 1925582, Sku séasies 6 Toul: 3319609 “You may nice a cueton is itnece ryt write the numer in columa-onm? Ue ars er ito You ny ge the are ASO dng ve. Quon aban row fne onto aprodien of aliens. ious ee ning hee a a a pings, be suggest you's sched which would by f Etgamen bien ere ms ot Stop "Pu srr tothe ight ofthe hs etal ctl took he tel isa decal equal nea suber Fer exitape, te abore qn say beri x Sgr a28 + 925820 F800 © Sea 1 65.600 Step St ang he st gt om gin, Se Se gi wie hustbece dealt wily Ifyou dont ext, duplication may ose, Doig unig tl don't gard 10, Tha wen wo ence 0, oma tice auywiete rear sbeut ou calculaicn, Now, go aed lt mneberexsoeing 10. Sona7s N1OD3896 + S800) sc4.n4f + 6560p=_ 7 saselion - " ‘splusCis 5: Splus9is M, rake ticki ough aves and cary coverds 43 is 77 pls 087, 50 waite down T-Durisg his we ake tral te digits which ore usd, (saves stom confusion and lion tion Step HS, Adi theme of teks Grou with te digits n 2nd pao. and tase tat ick Frm ough “TOY 335 + EOI AIH 58.019 +504.98} + 65. | tauniber of tick) plus 2 3,3 pls 28 5 5 las 0 and ps0 swe dew 9 iit plac. Step. . “ron Ab + 1903.636 + 58.)6) +504. fh e05.6bb 4 plus Bis 11; maka tin rough and cary over 3:1 plus Oi Thus is 10, mark another tick in rough and carry ovier zec0; 0 plus 6 is 6, 30 pt doa ts ple. Step V. . Lan Sensing ego span are ANT S28 + 12S GAD + 5.009 + $68.945 + 65.059 = 3319.697 _Additon of uynbers(vlthout desimals writen i a row fora, Qu suo21 + aba tap 7025-4 (133 Soin : Step 1: 53971 +6808 +86 + 7025-1 1113 Step I: $3021 + 6308 + 86+ 7028 + 1113 ‘Step HE $392] + 6908 #864 7025 + 11132, 472 872 Step IV: 52021 + 6308-+ 86+ 7025 +1119 Shop V: 53921 + 6308 + 85 47005 + 11132 = 78472 Note : One should get good command aver this metiod because i is very mel useful etd fas-calevlating, If you don't understand it Wy agai and eyain. ‘Addition and subtraction in a single row Bx. £2412 -83+70=7 Stop I: For units digit of our enswer add and subuact ihe digits at units ‘pages according to the sign atached with fhe espeetive nome For example, in the above eaae the walt plate of our temporesy resulsis 2-3+0~ Download Ebooks at 2 QUICKER Mares Sowritgaxs * M28 70=__(1) ‘Sindy, the temporary value at ren place is 1-8+ 756. So, write as 412-83 +70="_@ (1) ‘Smilarly, se cemaporary value athaandreds place ie. So, were 412-83 + 70=(4€0)(1) Step Il: Now, the shove temporary fines have the changed ino real ‘value, To replace (-LJbya-+ve digit weborrow from digits tens or buncted, Asthed:gitatensls 72:0, we willhave to borrow stom hundreds ‘We borrow 1 frum 4 (at hundreds) whick becomes 10 st tes Jeaving 3 at bundreds, Again we borrow 1 from tone which Dbeoures 10 at unite pce, lawving 9 at ons, Tus, at units place 10-19. Thus our final result= 399, ‘The above explanation can be repented as GD aHeD A) ® @) Ch 9-09 6 (Note: Te sbovs explanation is easy to understand. And the method is ‘ore easy to perform. Ifyou practise well, the tw steps (L&I) ‘cane performed simulkanenvsly. ‘The second step can be perfonned in another way lke VO) CD = 400-1 =399 5124. 829+ 781-438 cording fa step I, the emnporary Sgure is (5) C4) (0) 9) ‘Step Il: Borsow I ftom 5. Thousanssplace becomes $-1=4. Iborowed fio thousands Becomes 10 at hundreds, Now, 10 - 4 = 6 at hhundveds place, but 1 is borrowed for tens. So digi at hundreds becomes §- 1=5, | boowed ftom hundreds becomes 1. ‘Again we borrow 1 fot tens forunis place after which the digit at tens plas is 9. Now, 3 borrowed from tens becomes 10 atunits place. Thus the result at units place is 10-9 = 1 Our requiced newer 4591 Note: Aiter step I we com peor Hiker 5 4) (0) 6-9) = 8000-4 ‘ton 8 ‘But is method can’the comet with ten 119 patorm simut- taneously. So, should try-to understand steps Id I wel! so ‘atin Faure Wwe ean pero thera simultaneously Bx. 3 73216 - $366 +3510-999=7 ‘Boln Step] gives the veut: (1) (2) 5) (18) 9) Step H: Ui digt= 16-91 [1 barowes fom (16) reals 16-1=-17] “Tens dig = 20-17=3 [2 borowed ftom 5) results $-2=-7) ‘Hlundzede4igit= 10-7 =3 [1 hoarowea Som 2 resus -2- 1 “Thousands digit= 10-37 11 bowowed fom 7 results 7-1 So, the require vale is 67321. ‘The above exteulations cs alan besarte’ from lemost digit as doce inst 0 examples. We have sated foun righimast git inthis case, The resol i de saree in both cases, Dut forthe combined apesiion of two ope you Will have te ert foe ighteos digit Gc nis digi). See Bx. ‘Note Orr mths forstepHl 29S) IND CAHNNE = Ass = 70000 » (2669) = 67331 Bx. 4 BU976- 12345-3021 Soln: Step: (4) (2944) (2)<-5) Stepld 141 5 ‘Single step solution: "Now, you mast learn to perform the to steps simultncousy ‘This the siruplost example understand th cowlined mete. ‘ACunlls plage: 8-5 8 (}, To make it positive wo have to ‘borrow from ts, Yeu should semeribes that we can't borew ‘rom sve value fg 12345. We wil havo to borrow from postive value from 89978, 80, we bermwed 1 from 7 (tens igi of 89978) oh, 89978-12345 - 26218 ~ [Now digit wt tons (7-1 Digitat hndeeds: 9-3 -2=8 Digitat thousands: 9-2-5 Digit ton thousands: §-4-3—4 ‘he roqused value= 41415, Ba. 8 28360 + 98062-9873 7 Single sep solution: Tens dig6-+6-7=5 Unitedigit=942-3=8 HHendreds dig 349-8 Download Ebooks at “ QUICKER MATHS “Thousands digit=8+ 8-9=7 ‘Ten thousands digit=2+3=5 Bx. 6: Solve Ex. 2 by stgie- step method. [24 +829 +731 -435— ‘Units digits 4-9-4 1-5 (9). Bowow I from wens digit of the postive valu. Suypose we borrved fr 3 0f 731, Ths ‘equited value = 57458 4 5124-92973 1-438 Tens digit: 2-242 -3 -+ye value, Suppaio we bored from 70781: Then 5124-42947 3 1-435=_ 91 Hundreds digit: 18+ 6-4~ 5), Bonow 1 from thousnad [igh of tve saluc, We have only ane such digit, iv. 5 of 5124 Then “1 La S124-si947 34-435 =4597 (Thesonds digit remains a $1 = 4) ‘Now you can perform the whole calculation im a single at ‘without wring anything ex, 1 Solve Bx. 3 ina single step wichout writing anything other than tlteanswer. Teyityourset, Don'tasove tonost example und yo «ean contideatlysaive such questions within seconds, ERB: 10789 + 3945 - 2310 1203=7 ‘Sainz Whenever we get a value more thin 10 afr addition ofall the mis ‘pits, ow wil pt thesis digit ofthe result and eary ove the te dig We aa the tes digit to +ve valu, not to the-ve tale, Similar meted should beadopted for el digits: en 10-7 € 94 3906-2310-1223= 11202 [Notes 1, We put + aver fhe digts of ave value 19789. teean also be pt ‘vr the igs oF 3046, But i can't putover 2310 and 1223. ‘uinthe exam when you are Eve to uce yur pe on question pa you eat aber te digit with your pen isend of wring +1, 2, 1) 2 ovecthe digis. Hence, inszad of wating 8, you should ‘Sever 8 with your pen, Similxty, write 8 in place of 7. x. 9: 765819 - 59,003 + 12.088 -86.59 =? ‘Soin: First, equate he manber of dyits alter decimals by potting 2 ‘kth cna. So, ? = 765 819 - 85.003 + 12.038 - 86.850 Ex. ation 6 ‘Now, apply the sere mathod as done it Px. 4,5, 6,7 8 8. Aaqad 7 3.8 1.9-80.003+ 12.028 - $6.90 = 001.964 Method of checking the calculation : Digit-sum Method "Ths method taso called the ninercerasinder method. The concept of digit. sun consists a i: Tie getihe digt-oun ot a macber by ding acres" the umber. For Vrsanes ths gitsem of 9022 is 1 pus 3 ples O ps2 pus? 88 1. Wealwaye roduce tne dgieepr oa wngle Gye snot abeady Youle fre. For insane, he digit-sum of 5264s 5 hus 2 pis 8 pia § (7, oF ps 788) Tar intercross a ier, wesnay drop ox These haps te nse two dips tht adapt 9, such as 2a 7, we ignore ath of itor, sothe digt-sumot 990195 Late gance, (wean 95 we pte smmerenit) 1v. Bevaise"aices don't cout in this process as we sav ia igteaum o°9 ithe sue aa dite of oem The digits oF, forename sz, ‘Quick Aadition of Dgit-sua: Weave are “shdingacrass”anumbes shoot a8 our running total reaches wo digits Weald these two together, and go abead witha sgl digit sour new rig ot Toreyample: To gettho eigit-sim of $86542932851 wo do Fis Iga two igor number We educethix 1610 singl ig 1 plat Bet, Wego ahead wih this 757 plas 6 64 (13,07 1734) 4 plus is 8 fnget it ps 25s & Pocge $. Provanding this way We wet toe aig auto 7. er decines we woiccry hose way Bure dan py ay neni otnececzal por. the digits. 06256, fr esampe is por novestey in prctoal sease 10 anderson why the suetiod works, bu you wal se how iteresting this is“ baie Thott arte redvead gitar fs be sane as the raider «ven he numbers divide oy % or Ceample: Digitsary £523 And alee whes 523i ivides by ye gt he emer 1 Checking of Caleutation Baxie rule : Whatever we do to the numbers, we also da to thelr dligie-sum; then the result that we get froma the digits of the fpumbers must be equal tothe digit-sumu of the answer. Download Ebooks at 16 QUICKER MATHS For example : The number: 234+49+ 15430 -117 The digitsum:5+ 4+6+ 3-0 Which reduces to : o=06 This mile is also applicable w subtraction, multiplication and upto some extent to division also. These will be discussed in the coming chapters. We should take another example of addition. 145+ 32.54 23.9= 579 digit-sum: 6 +1 +- 5 =3 or, 3 °=3 Thus, if we get LHS = RHS we may conclude that our calculation is correct. Sample Question : Check for all the calcutions done in this chapter. Note : Suppose two students are given to solve the following question: 1.5+ 32.5 + 23.9 =? ‘One of hem gets the solutionas 57.9. Another student gets the answer 48.9. Ifthey check their calculation by this method, both of them get it to be correct. Thus this method is not always fruitful. If our luck is’ against us, we niay appreve our wrong answer also. Addition of mixed numbers 1, 44; ghey Q3 a7 4 3 9 7 Solution : A couventional method for solving this question is by con- verting each Of the numbers.into pure fractional numbers first and then. taking the LCM of denominators. Te save time, we shouldadd the whale numbers and the fractional values separately. Like here, _ at + at + syecenne[s + $ + 3] =i6 BtBiU =156+12 =0s+p+2 , Soln ; (5-442-1)+ pecan] I =2 (Ao Banting nload Ebooks at ee ___ Multiplication Special Cases We suggest you to remember the tables up to 30 because it saves some valuable time during calculation. Multiplication should be well commanded, because it is needed in almost every question of our concern, . Let us look at the case of multiplication by a mumber more than . 10. MULTIPLICATION BY 11 - Step I: The last digit of the multiplicand (number moultipiied} is pat down as the right-hand figure of the answer, Step I: Each successive digit of the multiplicand is added to its neighbour at the right, Ex,1, Solve 3892 x 11=? Soln: Step I; Put down the last figure of $892 as the tight hand figure of the answer: ‘ 3392 x 11 2 Step Ur Each successive figure of S892 is added to its right-hand neighbour, 9 plus 2 is 11, put | below the line and carry over 1.8 plus.9° plus | is 18, put 8 below the line and carry over 1. 5 plus 8 plus 1 is 14, put 4 below the line atd carry over 1, . 3892 x 11 , 12. (9+2 = 11, put 1 below the line and carry over i} 5892 x 11 . 812 (8+9+1 =18, put 8 below the line and carry over 1) 5892 x 11 4812 (S+8+L = 14, put 4 below the line and carry over 1) Step IIT; The first figure of 5892, 5 plus 1, becomes the left-hand figure of the answer; : - . 5892 x 11 64812 The answer is 64812, u SS dno, onan Download Ebooks at ‘quicker MATHS [Ab you see, sash Hguto-of tho lang mantis used twice, Ieis fist sed ss "number", and then, 2 the nest ate, itis used a6 a ~ naighbour, Looking carofily, we cam nee just one rae fatend of tree hile, And this only tule can be called as “add the right nelghbout™ nile ‘We innst ft writes zion nit of che given number, or at Tena imagine a zero there ’ “Thon we apply the idea of ding the neighbour wlevery figure ofthe given twmber in tur: 05892 1 FAs there is no neighbour om the right, s0 we ads nothing, 08802 IE 4512 “As wo did earlier sa 1 oasiz, ‘oro ps5 ples cxsied-over Lis 6 "This exaraple shows why 0 naod the zero in dont of the mubtipioand: is to tem us not sinp 700 soon. Without The zero fo Frost, we migathavenoglecte thelast6,endwe tight then havethought that the answer was only 4812. The answer than the given srumber by ono digit and the zero infront kes caro of that ‘Sample Problems Solve the following : WVTIMLAL x U2) 231454 11 3) 89087 11-4) 5776800% 11 591122332608 x 11 ‘Ang: 1) 122222) 5) 12543658688 2254395. 39979737 4) 63544800 MULTIPLICATION BY 12 ‘Torulply any number by 12, we “Double each digit in turn and add its ueighbour”. "This isthe satne-as mulipiying by 11 except that now we double the ._ Teuibes" before we add its "neighbour" : For example : Ex: Solve: 5324012 = Soln : Step 1. 05324 12 oi T(@ouble che right hand flgureand add 200, ‘as thar fs no-neighbout) Mltipteation 8 Step tt,” 95324 x 32 35" Glouble de 2 aad a4) Step II, 05324 x12 $55, (Gouble the. and wl 2) Step IV. 09824 12 “FEB ouble the $ und add 3 (12), put 3 ‘below the fine and earry over 1) ‘Last Step, 05324 x. ‘3886 (ero doubled is ero, plus $ plus ‘rid over |} “The answer is 63,888, Ifyou gp through it yourself you wil find that the ealoulation goes very fist and is very ey. Practice Question Solve the following 135609 x 12 21123008 + 12 aysora9 x 12 4922200007 12_——_5)444890781 x 12 ‘Ans: 1) 4273082) 133476108. 3) 5481468 4) 266400084 5) 5338688532 MULTIPLICATION BY 13 ‘To mutiply any number by 13, we “Treble each digit in turn and add {ts right neighbour”. ‘This isthe same a5 mitiying by 12 except that ow wo "tebie" the "murah" bofore we acd its "neighbour", sve went to multiply 9482 by 13, ve proceed like this i Step OIF ‘9 (rable the right hand figure and write it down an there 1an9 neighbour on te right) ppt 13 7 (xB13=27, wre down 7 aiid carry over 2} Step TIT, 09483 + 13 29 Btep1V, 00483 4 13 329) [Last Step. 09482 x 13 i TRI (GOH 12, waiteit down) ‘The answer is 23.279. Step H. (434812222, write down 2 and cxery over 2) (9x344+2=33, write down 3 and catry over 3) Download Ebooks at QUICKER Ma Ima similar way, we ean define les for mutptcaion b ‘Bu, during those sulGplicatons we will have to get four of five Uses of gt, which ie soeetines nt oo easy to cay oves. We Ihave an easier metiod of enlipicaton for those large values. ‘Gea you Get salar tathods for motipbeation by 21 and 31 eis mot vary tvgh fo define the rules. Try it Multiplication be Step Us Sabet heighten igre ofthe ong number Som 10 Thi ive the righthand gute ofthe answer, Step I Taking the ex digit Bom righ, subtcact from 9 wed ad acighbour ons ht ‘Step TIE AL the at sts, hen you are wider the zoo eon of th on ‘umber, surat one from the neighbour and use shat asthe lef Figure of he answer. Bets $576 927 Soln + 08576 9 aly | «Step I Surette 6 of 8576 fom 10, and te bave dof the ewer. “© Step HL. Subtact she 7H 9 (ve have 2) and add the neighbour 6; th reaultis 8. : Matinction MULTIPLICATION BY 23, Probably you wil do onehing ut go for simple mul "Todo so reer the two sep = yy 100), Btep TE: Divide iz by 4. Teed? [General Rule for Multiplication fealiptication . a Suppose you are ven a large number like 125690258. And tomneone asks you to multiply that number by 25. What will you da? ion. Now. we suggest you to rautply that numer by 100 and then divide by 4. Step I: Put wo 2eroesat the right of tenunber (ae ithas tobe hultiped Bo, your answer's 12569025800 +4= 3142256450, fsiteasier than your Having deals in fairy suficient detail with the sppication 3 special cases of multiplication, wonow proceed to deal withthe "General Formta” applicable to all cases of multiplication. Ite sometines no! vety convenient to keep all the above cates and their stepe in rind, 90 all af us saould be very much familiar with “General Formule” of Step IV. (9-6)+5+1 (cased ave = 7, put down, Hiptieati fcituumber | Bessemer pe cette, + efidnd figure of 8576 by one, au 7 i the Aefi-nand, igure of 87502 ans 5 “Thus answer it 77184, right-hand digits of multiplicend and muhiptior : Here wen be entinw oyon. edit of maliplicand with unit-dgit of the multiplier) 13M x 9=2 2)569%9 7 3) 1328 x 9=7 4) SOI x 9? wi? 5) 39273258 « I anvwers 3306. 2)5121 3) 11982 4) 506437 5) 0245022 1a “We dou't suggest yoo to pive mach emphasis en this cael, = we 3 “Because it Ye not very much easy to use. Som times it proves ee A “Step 1s Puta zeto at she right end of the number; ie, waite 85760 for I, 2 aoe ~ sp Seal rt ie 18 x 56 Gxi+2ai) Download Ebooks at Py 2 QUICKER MAT Mulioncanon ‘Step FEL. In the last step we sultiply the left-hand fy of be ANSWERS pr i a a ‘hoes a aae sya 49315051639 oyzz7 7)2t0Ls) 4402 12 9629-10) $633 * Ex.2, Solve (1) 325» 17=7 (2)4359 4 I Soln (I): Step. 32 5 : vos | 156 Gel a2 2 Q)17 x 18=7 “ Wa) 5 (5 7=35, putdown 5 and carry over 3 Step Ie Stop IL. 2 y memes » Stop 1. we . : 2S (xTeSn143 =P, putcosen and camry over 2} (HxB4 Poel +5 = 20, write down 0 Step IML 3 2 5 aed cary over) Step 1. "7 N Tae eta 9, vin dona) 525 (3x7420182=25,putdown Sand @srxs=? Now's cary over) erent + Repeat the eros-niultplicition wot all he consecutive By os Dalrs of dighs exhaust. In step I, we cross-nuil6plied 25 and 17 : india step IIL, we erose-multiplied 32 and 17. 4 (7x2= 14, write down 4 and carry over 1) StepIV. 3 2 5 Sept, 87 92 = 17 04 (sx2+9< 74180, it down Gand cary 0 =r - Sip. 67 25 Gxt42=$, putt down}. o2 . (Q)Stepl 43-59 Practice questions . W5Tx 43 2)51% 42 3)28%43 4ps6x 92 SPRTx 19 ze ve SUITS 37 10)97 89 — Te : - 7 (3=27, pur down 7,cany ove). DBxM IO Bex 7 Download Ebooks at QUICKER MATHS: 43 ‘Step IL 3 37 Sip. 4.4.5 9 (5x3 #9422 = 35, pat down 5 dnd catty over 3) Stop tv. ale 5 $9 24 2D 2,5, 7 WoH3K2e2 =20, put down 0, cary over 2) Step Ye ‘350 3 : 100257 x22 10,putitdown) ‘We can write all the steps together: 4359 23 . Badd DG HHT HID HS ! = 0 2 3 = 100257 (0%, we can write the anewer dircity without waiting the intermediate steps The oly thing we should hoop in mind isthe Yearying numbers Gxaes243 22, purdovn 3, capy over2) Muitsleaton 26 4359 4350 230 oy, 23 10 20223827 100257 Note : You shoud try for his direct calculation. Ie saves alot of tte It Ina very systernat¢ caleulation and ia very cary tozemember, Wate the above steps egain and again emf you get Gat systematic pattem of exoss-muitilication, Multiplication by a 3-digit number Bx: 1. Solve (1) 321 x 132 =? 2)-4562 x 345=7 (3) 69712 641 =? Boln:(1)StepL 324 132 2 (x2=2) Sept 321 12 Qedas1=7), Step 324 ish ‘ 37-2 (Qudtadttxt = 13, write down 3 ‘and cary over 1) Seeplv. 921 2 | 2372 GxSHx2+h= 12, write down 2 and carry aver 1) Download Ebooks at 42372 Costas) 320 132 1 eB Bx D) BHD AL DABIIKY Ts = a 72 40072 @ 4562 345 GeBAN yl St S41 SGT SAO Da 25 7 3 8 » 10 = 1573890 @ 69712 oat (66 etx! 1x684N94 KI! HLT Ph Db 1 =a 36 cs ° Bo 2 ‘oe : Did you ger the cleer concept of crss-rultipliation tt ‘ngecress-mlipication? Did your bow the digis i cross wuttip ttuon inetease, remain constant, ard then decreas? Take a sharp lo fr question (3) In he Best ow othe answer, sf you move from right Tef, you will se that “here is. only exe utilisation (1x2) in. the pat Ta the second part hero are to (Vo and 42), in he 3rd pat ((o27, Ax ad 6x2), the oh pat thee (1x9, 7 and et) in the 5 sport aguinthice (146, 40 ane 67), in the Gh part too (4x6 and 6x tnd in te last partly one (6x6) mulsipication. The paricipation ‘digits in croms-uliplication.can be shown bythe lowing Giagrams 169712 M.69712 ML69Z12 mye oat é 64 ay Muttooation Fa vigg 712, wLg9712 oil ‘sat Foreach of the groups of figures, you ave to ross-multply ‘Multiplication by a 4-digit number Example: Solve 1)4325 x 3216 Sola : 1) £325 » 3216 =? Step L432, 2) 686329 » 124 3216 (0. (Sx6= 30, write down O and camry over?) ‘Step 14325 3216 D6 (xGHxS+3 = 20, write down O and cauy over, 2} Step IIL y afi . i) Of36 21451242 ~ 32, saitadown 2 end cary over 3) Step 1V. 442 . e fhe Z 9200. AxGedel:2e2+5x343 = 60, write down nd carry over 4) Step ¥. 4325 Pe 6 09200 Caeirsezidnte4 ~20, dite down 0 and cary over2) Download Ebooks at Ea QUICKER MATHS Step VI. 4325 $216 909200 (4x2+3432=19, write down and exrry over i) ‘Step VILL 43.25 3216 13909200 (34 ‘Ans 13909200 2.646325 « 8124-7 “Try this question yourself and match your steps withthe given sligraramatic presentation of participating digits. Seep 645329 sethoneny Bind . 812 ‘Step Mm. ned Step IV. ye sits wits Step V. gy Step VI. 649329 . Step VIL 446329 Step VIL. ve ais Bis Step IX. ve Bia Practice Problems: Solve the folowing 12342456 BIO GT —-YTZAD1—&) 2945.67 5) 345672 «ASE 6}S65> 952 7) 458 008 B)S4I« 342 9) 666 444 10) 81035 45D 1156321 « 672.32) T27Rx 569 13) 5745 502 14) 4455 x 887 1598862241 3, write it down) Mutiotcation| Fay ANSWERS: 1) 106704 -2)22780R 3)375832 4) 1571159) 1378642 6)541688 7) 413864 8)185022 _9}295704° 10) 3646350 My 37847712. 12) 727182. 13) 3228600 14) 3960485 15) 30Z1942 (CHECKING OF MULTIPLICATION Exi: 3S x = 195 digitum: 6 x 4 = 6 om = 6 or, "6 = 6, Thus,curotioulation i caret. Bed: 9712 x oal = 44085392 5 Therefore, our enlelaton is camect ann digitsum: 6x 6~9 61,365 0 o%,0= 9 Thus, our calculation is corect ‘But if someone gets the answer 43227, and tri to cheskehis caleulation vith the help of cigitstin cule, see What happens : aBL x 132= 43727 Aigitsam 6» 6-0 36= 0 on 0m 0 . “This shows that our aneworis correct: Bar ti not tue, Thys we see that ‘Four uckis very bad, we cam aprove aur wroug ener, Download Ebooks at Divisibility We now take up the interesting question as to how one can determine whether 4 certain given number, however large it may be, is divisible by a certain given divisor. There is no defined general rule for checking the divisibility. For different divisors, the rules differ at large. We will discuss the rule for divisors from 2 to 19. Divisibility by 2 Rule: day number, the last digit of which is etter even or 0, is divisible by 2. For example: 12,86,130,568926 and 5983450 are divisible by 2 but. 13,133 and 596351 are not divisible by 2. Divisibility by 3 Rule: Jf the sum of the digits af a member is divisible by 3, the number is also divisible by 3. For example: 1) 123; 14243 =6 is divisible by 3; hence 123 is also divisible by 3. 2) 5673: 5464743 = 21; therefore divisible by 3. 3) 89612 : 849464142 = 26 =2+6 = 8 is not divisible by 3, therefore, the number is not divisible by 3. Divisibility by 4 Rule: if te last two divits of a number is divisthle by 4, the number is divisible by 4. The number having two or more zeros at the end is alse divisible by 4. ; For example : 1} 526428 : 28 is divisible hy 4, therefore, the number is divisible by 4. 2) 5300 : There are two acibs at the end, so it is divisible by 4. 3) 134000 >-As there are more than two zeros, the number is divisible by4. 4} 134522 : As the last two-digit number (22); is not divisible by 4, the number is not divisible by 4. Note: The same rule is applicable te check the divisibility by 25. That is, 4 nuraber is divisible by 25 if its last two digits are either zeros. ot divisible by 25, 4 Download Ebooks at Rule mambo ends in 5 r 0, he number is disse by 3. Forexample 1) B45 1a an Sih 8 iis debe Wy 5. 2) 1340: Anit last digit i 0, itis vise by 5. 3) 1843 Asis lat ig is either 5 noe tan visible by 5. Divisiiity by 6 Rules fa numberisdvtste by bots 3und 3 she munber fats divs 1y6. So, fora mumber 1o be divisible by 6, 1) The mumber shouid end with an even digit or Band 2) The sum of ts digits should be divsibie by 3. For exarple: 1) 63924: The Gnst condition is lsd asthe last digit (4) isam_eve ‘ube and slso 6#3+0+244=)24 is divisible by 3; therfe the number ia divisible by 6. 2) 154 : The frst condition is fulfilled but not the second, therefore, umber is zo divisible by 6 39261 ; The Set condition i ot Buled, therefore, we don't noe check for the 2nd condition, Spectal Cases “The rules for divishty by 7,13, 17,19». swe very mu nique and me found very rely. Befor oingon Sethe rule west. ‘ow some teams lke Vonesnore” oseulatar and negative oseulato *One-mos” ooculstor means the amber weeds one more 0 a multiple of 10. For oxample: oscar far 19 needs 1 to bocome: (2x10), hus eseulaor for 193 2 (akon fro 2x 10= 20), Sil oxculetr for is 5 (ken fom 5» 19= 50). Negative aculsine means the umber auld be reduced one tobe aaliple of 10. Fer example: "Negative asclator for 21 is 2 (akon from 2 x 10 = Silly, negative osculator for $1 (taken Som 5 x 10= 50). Note: (1) Wharis the osultar fer 7? ‘Now we look fortkatmnleple ef 7 whichis oitherlessor by 1 thas a mulipic of 1, For example 7» 3= 21, a8 21 sono m: ‘than 2 16, cur negative osculatori2 for? ‘ed 7 x 7 49.0149 ig one less han 5 « 1, our fone ovsulatorin5f7 Cohisloy 2 ‘Sinsilarly osculstor for 13, 12and 191s: For 13:13 x3= 29, “one mare osculator is 4 (from $x 10) For 17: 17x3= 5, negative oselator i 5 from 510) For 19: 19 4. "ouesmore" oscar x2 (Fem 2 10) {2)Can you detine oaenlator: Rr 29,39, 28, 31,27 and 23. (@) Gan you get any osculator for an ever numer ora number eniog ‘wis °5° (No, But why 2) Divisibility by 7 ‘ist af elLwo reall the cosulator for 7. Once agein, for your ‘convenience, 387 3=21 (one more tan 2 10), ournegativeasculsior 482, Tais gcuator'2" isu key-digt This acd only tis digits used to check the divieibility of any number by 7, See how il works: Ex ts [a 112 divisible by 77 Solu: StepT. 112 11-2x2=7 'A8 7s divisible by 7, the mane 112 is also civsibe by 7. EX 2:15 2061 divisible by 7? Sobre Stop I 296.1: 296 x2 = 294 Step Ik 294:29-42=21 ‘As 21 is divisible by 7, the mumber is aso divisible by 7. x3 SS2PTRR B 5527783 - 82 = 9527757 SSQTIGT: 992776 7x 2= 550762 ‘55226 2: $5276-2 x2 5572: 5507-202 2315523 2= 546 Sg: 54-02-42 ‘A3 42 is divisible by 7, tho number is abso divisible by 7. Note: I. Inallthe examples exchef herumbers obtained afer Co equal ‘sign (-)isalso divisible hy 7. Whenever you find nomsber which Tacks divisibie by 7, you may stop there en euuclule the rest ‘without any hesitation. 2-The above eins cn helen oetine eee aay Tey mdose. Divisoaty by 8 Rolle: {the fast ree digits of a muiber is dvisibs ay & the munter salva divisible by B Asn, i te last three digits af a mumber are zeros, the number evistbte by &. Download Ebooks at ey ‘QUICKER MATHS Excl. 1256: As 256s divisible by 8, the mumaber is also divisible by 8 [Ex.2, 135923120 As 120 i dvisble by 8, the mumber i also divisible bya 1Ex,2. 139287000: As the susberhas thyee zeros at the en the number “eaivisible by 8 (Note: The samo nae is applicable to cack the dvisibiity by 125, Divisfoliy by 9 ile: fthe sum ofa the digits ofa umber is divisible by 9, she mune seaton dive by 9. Excl, 39681 :31946+8+1=27 iedivalbleby 9, hee th marie inalvo ‘visible by 9 ERD 456138 HS+OHHSH8E 27 is divisible ky 9, hence the mumber 1s also divisible by 9. Divistbaty by 10 le: Any mamber which ends with zero is divisible by 10, Mere ive eed fo dlscuss thls rl, Divisiinty by 11 . alec he sues of gta ode ad even places are equator ifr Bf ctwsmber date by Hi, tent rer tara dvb iy 1 Bhi 3209682 5) SHG DBS and Sh 26545" 15 ‘Aa 5. ~ 5, foe mmberis divitbley 1. a 24S TID 523+ Fd d= 4742 17 Aa Sy and Sain iy 1 visible by 11, the mumbai alo avsible By, x3 8927291658 5) = 8190 Sy AT and So ae De DLISH 14 ‘AstSs ~ Si) 30 isdivsle by 11 th umber ls vse by] Divisthitigy wy’? Rule: Any manter whichis divisible by bath ant 3, ts also cvsible yi, "To check the divisibiity by 12, we 1) fiat ave the lst tendigit number by . 17s isnt divisible by 6, the nuraberis mot divisiale by 12, [Fis divisible by 4 then 2) check whetherhe number is divisible by 3 or no. Ex.1, 135792: 92 is divisible by 4 and also (1434579420127 sdivisble by 7; hens ho nomber is divisible by 12. Divtoty 36 ‘Remark : Recall the method for calculetion of igt-sum, What did you Adocarlicr (én Istchupter)? Forgetnine" Do the same here, For exam: Aigit-sum of 135792 _1 plus 3 plos 5159, fngetit 7 pls 2 in 9, forget its And fivally we ged wotbing, Thal means al the “orget nine” eounss a nuraber whieh ia cultiple of 8, Thus, the mamber is divisibfe by 9 Divinity by 13 ‘Osculetor for 13 is 4 (See note) But tie time wr oseutor is ot negative fs in case}. Wis ‘one riore’ esalater. So, the working, ‘vil be cifferent row. Tis can be seen inthe following exar=pes. Ex tris 18 aivisble by 139 Sein: 143: 14+ 3% 4=26 ‘Since 26s Alvisible by 13, the suber 143i alsa divisible by 13. “This working muy friner be sanplifi a Step: 143 16 [443 (Rom 143 +4 (Gom 149) Step 1 4 3 "26/16 [4 6 iam 1.6) + (ftom 16) +1 (fom 143 ‘As 26's divisible by 13, the number is also divisible by 13. ‘Note : The working of secoad method is also very systematic. At the serve tne itis more accaplebie because it has fess vrting work. Ex 2: Check the divisblity f 24167 by 12. De l6T 2os6/20034 26) (er (om 24162) 46 (fora 267% 24] fad fom 8943 (fram 34) H (oes 24167) = 20] [0 (rom 203 +2 (oom 20) 4 (fon 24167) ~ 6] [6 (rm #2 (kom 24167) = 25) Since 26 civil hy 13 the saber is aleo divisible by 13. Remarc: Have you txleriond the working? If your atswer if 80, WE suggest you to go through each stzp earfilly, This is very simple at systema cafcultion, Bx 3: Check the divisiility of 6044808 by 13. Som 694 485 8 s9ugDAUI9E2 4x10 = 32 2138-19 OHH = AL aiid 12 Download Ebooks at 38 (QUICKER MATH ay ” at9= 18 44116" 39 Since 39 s divisible by 13, the glvon number is divisible by 13. Note : (1) This axethod is applicable for “one-mare” oeculatar only. ‘ie can’t use this mettiod in dhe eae oF 7. (@) Thisisa one-line method end you don’t need to write the calcula during ckams, These ere given mecely to make you understand well 8925: w92-555= 307 857: 86-5x7=51 Since 51 ia divisible by 19, the given number i also divisible by 17. Distlity by 18 ales Any umber which sds by Sand hast ast di (neti) sven or zero) ts disibe by 28, Tx. 1.926568: Digit is maltipl oF nine Ge, ivisibie by 9 and unit ligt (8 even, hance to mumberis divisible by 18. By, 2.273690 : Digitsum ia wolfe of rine and he number exes ero 30 the muroberadivibe by 18 Note: Dosing the caleuation of digt-sum, Rll the method of "orget ane", If you get zeo at the ond of your ceculation, it means the Gigitsem i divisibioby 9. Divisibility by 14 Any number vhich ts divisible by hoth 2 and 7, nals vst ‘by £4. Thats, the number fat dit should be even and at the 2 ‘me the mumiver should be divisible by 7. Divtstblity by 15, Any nuraher which is divisible By both 3 and Sis also diy by iS Divisibtity by 16 2 thatequred R= 198 Mothod H1-The worko finding FCF may sematosesimpied Dy th folowing devise @ Any obvious factoe which {s common to both numbers may be ‘snot etre hele apd. Cae shuld hoover be he to smltiply this factor into the ECE ofthe quotients. © (ii fore ofthe numbers has a prime factor not contained in the eter, ‘tray bo rajctad : (Gi) Atany stage of the work, any fstor ofthe divisor not entained in the dividend mey be rected. Thit s beomuse any factor which divides ely one ofthe two cannot bea portion ofthe required LICR. Ex, Find he ECF of 42237 and 75582, Sola: 42237=9 x 4603 T5582 = 2x9 x 4199 "We may reject 2 which is ot a cornmon fetor toy rue). But 9 isa comution factor. We, therefore, et it aside (by rate i) exd find the HCP of 4199 and 4693, : 4199) 4693(2, i #198. 494, Download Ebooks at 2 QUICKER Mari 454 ia divisible by 2 but 41.99 snot. We, therefore, divide 4 bby 2 and proceed with 267 and $199 (by seit) 247 }4199(17 ir. origina murs 247 «9 = 2223, Note: Irthe HCE of wo numbers be uniy, the musibes mast be Uo each ose To find the HCF of two or more conerete quantities Fis the quuttos should he ceded othe ent unt xc Fad the genes weight hick canbe comiained excl ink 238 gmand3 kg 805m Bain: 1g 235 ge = 1235 ym 3g 430 gm 3430 am, . “The greta! weight zequites isthe HCP of 1235 and 430, whi be found tobe 5 am. HCF of decimals Rule: First ne (necessary) she same member of decimal places tn ail te given nana; the find their HOP ax if they are igre and snark theresa ax ay secimal places a there arin each ofthe nunders Ex. I: Find the HCP of 16.5, 048 and 15, Solo ‘The giver mabe are svat 16 80, 0.45 and 18.00 Step Fit ve Find the ECF of {650,45 and 1500. Which somesty 15, ‘Step H: The required HCP = 0.15 Ex, 2: Find the HCF of 1.7, 0.51 and 0.153, ‘Sola: Step I Firat we find the HCF of 1700, 519 and 183. Whieh comes * to, Step I The requind HCP ~ 0.017 HF of vulgar fractions Def: Tie HICF of sho or more fractions is the highest fretion which x exacily divisidle by each ofthe fraction. : Rule First express the given fractions in thet Towést terms HCE of wumerais Then CT oMy of derominatrs HOF end Lo st Note: The HCF ofa number of factions is always « ction (bat dis ‘8 no rae ith LCM). tetraunoncret® 6 42 B Sota: Here Fo fH ? fons are. ® ang 12. “Tins tie factions are ® 7 and 33 HOF of 660.12, 6 LCM of 117,177 17 . 6 Note : We se that ach ofthe mnie perfect evil by 5 {85.2 Find ho rene! engtthatis contained ancractmumboroftines Lin ana seth and tm ACE 3B 2 4 Te ene gh wet Heo a HeP of 7 and 38.7 _ Loa of Dani. 7 na 93 Sola: Zana 83 «te rye « be Miscellaucous Examptes on HCE researc pent a yl ie 210 38106 ave nna Goa rope? som: Se ee recs wee ied es Tuva he ack sty Sey oe io Sa bee, nee ts pene al Sue eee stead ibe eae ta 2 Wh ste pat numba ine ie 3 4F and 2 oe hdr and reso? ‘Sola : The required greatest number will be the HCF of (38 - 2}, (45-2) meh arie weal on x. 3: Tht gs ser tio wi ie 1,751 0 rlene ema Fach sath nel Pl wees HEP (410-051 7d oe . fare / Download Ebooks at F ane Lem ‘QUICKER Ma fo find the LCM of two or more given numbers fethod I: Method of Pete Factors Rule: Resobie the given numbers into their prime factors end then find the prodtct of de highest power of i he facors that occur in the given pmbers. This pratt willbe the LCM. Wx. 1: Find the LCM of 812,15, and 21. Bol: 8=202¢2=2° ‘Bx, 4: Find the greatest nzanber which ie such that when 76, 15] and: are divided by it, the cemainders are all alike, Find also ‘common renainder ‘Sola; Lethe the remainder, tin the mumbers (78 -K), (151 -X) ao (@225- ) are exactly divisbte by the requized number. Now, Iknow that if two numbers are divisible bya certain number, their difeience is alsa divisiole by that curaber. Hanes, ‘umbers (181 -k)- (76 -1), (226-1) - (151 -E) and 226 - b) xax3= 2x3 (76-4) 01 75,75 and 150 ae divisible by the required runiber. x8 . ‘Therefore the roqured nurnber= HOF of 75, 75 and 150 =7 xT Anu the reeninder will be found after dividing 76 by 75, a8 ¢ The nuabers £1284 and 7655, when divided by a certain ‘of three digits, leave the same remainder. Find thetnemaber of , Sai. . Solu: The rquited number must be a factor of (11284 - 7655} or 3 Now, 2629 19 191 ~ 191 isthe required number Ex 6: The product of two uumbess is 7168 and theit HCF is 16; Sd umber, ‘Solu: The numbers must he mulipes of hair HCP. So, lat the um ‘be L6aand 160 wheren and are two mumberspriae to cachot “464 x 16° 7168 of, ab = 28 ‘Now, the pats of mambers whese product is 28 are 25,1; 14, a. 14 ex 2 which are not prim to each other should be rejected. Hreo0e, the roquirod numbers are 28 x 16, 1x 16;7 x 16,4 1 : or, 448, 16: 112, 64 Here, the pit factors tha occur inte given numbers are 2, 4,5 and 7 and their kighest powers are respectively 2, 5,5 and 7. Hence, the regued LOM = 2 3354 7= 840 Bx 2: Find Uo LCM of 18,24, 60 aad 150. Soln 18=2x3x3-243" 24a 222x392 23 Om 2x2x3x SmI SKS 15002 35x $-2x 9S ere the pie factors that pun the ven numbers ce, ‘Sand 5, and their highest powers we2*, and 3 reopeatively Hence, he required LOM = 25x 38x 3 = 1800, Note: The LCM of to munbers wish are prin to each oke i he prodect. "Phas, tbe LCM of 15 and 17g 15x 17255“ ‘Method I: The LCM of soveal small mbes canbe easly found by Be fellowing rule: ‘Wate dowa the givon umber in a Ine separating theme by conunas. Divide by anyone of ie prime numbers wid ill exactly divi at leas ay two of the given mombers. Set dvi the ‘goters andthe undivided numbers inane below the st. Repeat the proces until yu: getline of eumbess which ae prime to one aot. ‘Te pret ofall divisors an che musts i the last Ine willbe the required LOM, ‘Note: To simplify the work, we may cance! aay sage of te proces, ‘any one of the numbers which i flo of iy oer number in the same ine, Cota rttipe: A oman mukipte of wo ore abe ruber wichs eval dvi by ashofthem, Th, 30 Snulipie of, 5, 56, Oand 15. Toad! commie multiple (LCM:"The LOM of te a ma mbes she est abit which ens divbeby each ot | “Tis, 15 a common mulipic of3 acd 3. 30ea sormon ripe of 3 an. i 45isn conmonrailtpleof ants. i ‘But 5 ie eat commen mall (LCM) a 3 and 5. Download Ebooks at o QUICKER MATHS #6, 34, 135, 75 1% 45, 25 6 15, 25 BRS c-tho required LOM 2.x 3 x3 526% 5=2700 Taline(1, Hand the factorwoF 10K and 90 respectively, therefve, 12 ord 15 are stwsk of, te ine £2), 45 ia taetr of 135, therefore 49 Js stuck. off Im line (3s a fastor of 6, therefore 3 is struck off Ute product of to wumisers is equel tote riluct of their HCT For example: TheLCM and HC of and 15 re 6band 3 respectively. Multinfeatian of to mumboes = 12 « 15 = [80 HCP x 1.CM = 3 60= 180 “Thus, see Mas the produet oF two murabers is equal 1 the producto tele LCM ané HCE. LOM of decionals Rules Fest maake (if vecesnory) the same number of decimal places it ail the sven nections; then find their LCM asf they were integers, and snark: in she rest as many devia places as there are in each of the bers. Ex. Find the LOM of 0.6, 96and 0.36, Sola: The given menibers ace equivalent to 0.60, 9.60 and 0.36. "Now, ind the LCM of 69, 960 and 36. Whick is equal t 2480, fhe toquired CCM = 28.80 LCM of fractions The ECM ef roo or more fractions is the feast fraction or integer witch i exact divisible by Bach of hem. [Rute Fest express the fractions in their lowest terms, them ayy = LEM afnumereor HOM ch of denominator HOF ana Lot 5s ix. 1: Fing the LCM oF 1S yy 108 Moe Danse 1) The coquired Lom = LOM Son 3 HC sf and 40s wie vp 108, cia Yas “tas > Tas * 35 ‘Thos, the factions are 26, SE ang the eat me haped Thus. the factions we? ppg 2 Serogiea em 1M af 8.3 and 2 ‘he required LCM = L fo NNole: in Ex 1 (we see that the LOM ofnetions isan integer. Thus, ‘wemay conclude thal LOM of estan iy bea ttn oe ieseger, Miscellaneous Examples on LCM Ha The ZCM of uo numbers is 2078 and their HCF is 27. onc of the oumbers is 188, fd the other Lea x 2079 First number” 189 Soles The required name: =297 2s Find the feast nummer whic, whon divided by 18, 24, 29 and 42, ‘vill leave in each eas tie satne rennander 1 Solo: Cleary, the roqsized member must be preter than the LOM of 13, 24,20 and 42 bp 1. Now te= 2 3? Daa? «3 30=2e 3x5 4222347 Lom=3? «2x 5x 7-250 © the required nuniber = 2520412521 Download Ebooks at 6 . QUIGKER MATHS 1EX3, What isthe lust aomber which, when divided by 52, leaves 33 a5, tie zemainder, aad whom divided by 78 leaves $9, and when divided by {17 Teaves 96 as he respective remainders? Solu: Since $2 -38= 19,78 -39= 19, 117-98 = 19 “We see that the remainder in cach oases ess than the divisor bay 19. Honee, if 191s added t Ue soquired'mumber,isbocomes exactly divisible by 32,78 and 117. Therefore, he required nantber is 19 Yess es LOM of 52, 78 and 117. 1 LOM of 52,78 and 117 ~ 468 the reer numer = 468 -19 = 44 “Exc: Find the greatest moraber of six digits which, on being dived by 5,7,8, Dang 10,leave5-4,5,6, Jan 8 as remainders respectively, Soln: The TEM Of6,?, 8,9 and 10=2520 “The greveet tahoe of 6 digits = 999909 ‘Dividing 996999 by 2520, weet 2079 as yemainder Hence; the Gigi carsher divisible by 2520 is (059909 - 2070}, or 997920. Since 6-4=2,7-5—2, 8-G=2, 9-772,10-8~2, tho ‘remainder in each oases Jess than the divisor by 2, the cequived cumivet = 997020 -2 997918 ox: Fld tho pretest nuusber lass than 900, whic icivisible by 8, 2) and 28, Solw: Tho least umber evisible by 8.12 ond 24 is 168. Clearly, any} multiple of 168 wil be exactly divisible by each ofthe anne E12 and 28, But since the requires number isnot to exceed 9, Wis 368» S= 840, [Ex 6: Fie thy knot ruzaber which, upon being divided by 2,3. 4, leaves im each ces ¢remaindsro 1, bot when divided by 7 eave re reminder. Solu: Ths LCM of 3, 3,45, 6= 60 the eqied amber must he 60K +1, wires apotivessteger, = 1x8 HEH Okt GEL iow, tis muruber i tbe divisiile by 7. Whatever may the value of, the portion (7 Sk) ssalways divisible by 7.1 tee must choose that Teest value of K which i) make 4& + Sivisble by 7 Piling k= 1, 2, 3.4, Sete. n succession we fi that k shoul be S ‘the romped number = 6Uk + 168% $41 = 301 Notes ‘the abave exaraple could al be worded ax follows. A pers ‘kada number ofloys idisteltuteamong cites. Ait ho gov HOF and Lon o 2 toys to eae hil, then 3, thea 4 shen 5, sn 6 but was aways {ef with one. On trying 7 be al none Tet, What is the satel fume of ty that he could have bal? ‘What least ruuroer must be eublracte’ fiom 1936 so thot the ‘eamzinder aiken vided by 9, 10, 15 val leave tn each cas the ‘same remainder 7? Sola: The LCM aT, 10 and 15= 99 (On dividing 936 by 90, the cemainder ut 7 tsaleo spac of is remainder the reine umber =46.-7 = 38 ‘Ex. 8: What gestesl number can be subtracted frm 10,000 90 that he remainder may be diviible by 32, 36, 68 and 547 Solu; LCM of 32, 36, 48, 54 S64 ihe reguited reset umber = 10,000 - 864 = 9,136 ‘ex. 9 What is the leact multiple 37, which wen divided by 2534 5 ued 6, feaves the remands 4,2, 3,4, 5 respectively? 45,660 nce divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are 60, where K isa kx. Since 2-1=1,3-2= 14-351, 5-4= Sand 6-3= Le cemaindet in each case io leas than the divistr by 1 be requinad mambo 00k T= 889 | ED) [Now this number iso be divisible by 7, Whatever may be the value of k the partion 7 Sk is always divisible by 7. Hence, we must “Shouse the least vale fe which will make (3) divisible 7-Patins feoqui ia 12,3, ee, in anocassion, we find that k sul be 2 the required narnber = Uk A= 60> 2-1 = 119 EXERCISIS {What the gresiest number tar il dvide 2920 ond 3250 and wil Lae ‘seavairaes 7 ond 1 respectively” ‘zwinat isthe feat nuraber by which $23 matt be milled in ardor to ‘produce a mltipe of 715.2 43, he LCM of two sumbers i 2310 and fheic HC & 20. Tone ofthe numbers ia 7% M0 find the oer nur. 4.Tinve belle commence tolling togeer an they tll alee 025, 0.1 and ‘0125 seconds After what terval wil hey agen tl togetner ? '5, Wout i ic smallest sum of momey Which eonamns Rs 2.50, Rs 2, Rs 4.20 and Rs 7.30 ? Download Ebooks at 2 ‘Quickes waTHS: {6 What is the greatest number whish will divide 410, 751 ad 1980 soa ‘leave the remainder 7 in each cane? vat he HC ana LCM of, $ awe ‘8. Three men str! together to travel the sume way around a circular tack Of kr, Theirspeedsare , 55 und Slonper hour respectively, When. will they meet a the string pint? 9. Find the smallst wile namiber which is exactly divisible by Voy gh glee al Tye ps 2p 35 ane sb 10. Howe many ties isthe HCP of 6, 36,72 snd 24 contained in their 10M? 1, Find she eat equare number which s exactly divisible by 5, 6,15 auc 18, 12, Finn tho least sumer which, when divided by 8,12 and 16, eves 3 es ‘he reanainderin cach case bat when divided hy leaves no remainder 13, Find the greatest nae iat wil divide 55, 127 end 17590 98 leave ihe see remainder jn each ese 14. Find ha leastruitipl of 1 which, whendividedby8, and 16 lemver 3 ae remainder. 1S. What Feast eueber should be ade lo 3800 tothe it exec dvisibe ‘by 42, 49, $6 and 63 ? 16.Find te Iastmumberwhict, when divided by 72, 80nd 8, leaves the rermaaders 52, 60 and 68 respectively. 117.Piod th pretest mimber of 4 digits which, when divided by 23,4, Gand , should leave remainder in each case, 18, Find te greats possible length which ean de sed o messure exactly ‘he gt Fe, 3m 8Sex, 2m 955m. 19, Find the least name of agrees required to pave she eating of tal Sin om long. end San 2 er broed 120, Whats the anges nse which divides 72, 147 and 2520 leave the sao remainder im each ease 7 The traffic Highs tne differentrosdcsssings change afer every 48 se, 72 see, and TOR se. respectively. If thoy all change simultane ‘ously at 20:0 hes, hen at what time wil hey again ekango mans weouoly ? 22. The CF and LCM attwoncbecs ae 44 rd 264 respocivey the st sumer is dvded by 2, he quotients, Whats the oer amber? Hor aatcm oo 2 Theos 0 mts 12160 lh HCP 2 Fd he pouvoir UsFodlbepetstambere?agisande namie 5 tat al Hc 28 Fete et br fo wi 12, 19,20 4a be shar, ccna eet unk te 24 Fee ont nr tat esd 8s ey 3,36 oan 27. The sof wo sumer nd ei HOF. ype Foshan ome 2h Ina hal 01 bean sve on died Ge get pombe clsea tt hc oye ne eas Ghee ofits Wars ticronerocees? 2 ep tie Tn wept a a her MCE ye ee Sa 12205 7a rim enh fe Bia csrumberm tebe fr toner, ‘odd yi Palewe'n exh eso some e 12. Fid eso 0a 0 ach we iy seatelty oan (a) it Jeaves no remainders and Site ronete geese Solutions (Hints) 1 The greatest aucia number will be the HCE. es Risatesroen ms-seines ‘ty aul Scan eof rd. 5085 de ‘Sree te too ge three eae“ $.Mereaed nmber 22072039 4. Thy wil laser te fing he LOM oF Basa laces Oa LeMoro25 0 ania 25 = C0250 10 ay 125) x 0001 ‘i001 03 9m Le oF25 20184 75}x 00 ten ve (2930-7) and 250-11), 8. LCM of 25,20, 12.and 7: Download Ebooks at 80 QUICKER Mat 6 The tequred umber wl be the HCE of (410-73 251-7), (1080 teat, “qevtcy = MCE of Mumemtos 1, % LCM of Deneminators 30 LCM ef Numessors —_ 140 TOM=fcR af Denorsinaters ~~ 140 8m ke y emia aire ration dint 2 ha reapenivety 23s 2 gg Me, LOM of 112,11 2 LM org amg" create 1 72 they wil met aBer 2b, 9. The tequired smallest number ~ LCM ofthe given auribers 10, HCE of 48, 36,72, 24= 12; LCM of 48, 36, 72, 24> 144 ‘he roquted tumor = 9, | Note: This sa hit-and-rial method. Try solve by the detailed method, 15, LOM of 42,49, 56,63 ~ 3828; therefor, the required leas: umber = 3528-3500= 28 16, 72 -$2=20, 80-6020, 88-68 20: We see that in cach one, the remainder i ess than the divisor by 20. The LEM of 72, 80 and 8 7920, therefore, the requited number = 7920 -20= 7900 7. Tho greatest nuiber of 4 digits =9999 LOM of2, 3.4, 5,6,7= 420 ‘On diving 999 by 420, we get 399 as reminder. the greatest aneber of digits which is divisible by 2,3, 4, 5,6 and 7= 9999 -339 = 9660 4 the requited namber= 9660-* 1= 9661, 38, The required length = HCE of 7m, 3.85m and 12.95, Le [ack aot 45,6, 15, 1 18 wich sexs dvi “ICP of 79,385, 1285)< 1m =33 x01 20.39m=25 om " ‘numbers, 6 15,18 180 wich iy nile the give N19, Side of each tile= HCP of 1517 and 902 = 41 cin. ‘Avea ofeach ile—A1 <4 ex? ee nerober of tikes SITs 902, 41x41 Solveasin Ex. 13. ‘The requzed sure 180-22 x3x3x5—2 x Px 5 ‘Therefor, if 180 is mubipled by 5 (260 «5 ~ 900) then te er wil be a perfect square as well as divinible by 4, 5,6, 15 and 18, 12, The least muribur which, when divided by 8, 12 and 16, eaves 3 4 {CE of (147-97), (252-181) and (252-77) onder ACeM ots, 12,1943 = 9843-51 GE oF 0,15 175-34 Other such ober ar 48 243 = 99,483.43 = 147 "ML of 4,72, 108 ~ 432 ‘Tee te gs wl tage stanly fe 82 ond ofa. Wse03. ‘hoy wil age simtancously a 6:27-12 22. The fast namber= 2% 44= 88 HCE LCM _ 45 264 + Thesreond wamber= HERS UCM _ 38-20 23, HCE the required number which is divisible by 7is 47 "Note: This is hitand-ial method. Can you ge he answer by defined method? (5 Ex. 6). 13. Letx be the remainder, then the niobers (553), (127) an (15.3 > a onacty vise by De gure ner, ‘Now weknow tt iftwo ners are vin y acartain um (hemthciediftencisalsocvisblely thewumber. Hence (G2F-x)- (55x), (115) (127) and (1753) «(55 0, 72,48 120 are dvs bythe requed ruber. HCF of, 72 and 1202 therefore the equed numer = 24 ‘Note: Find the HCH of tho positive differences of mnabs. tw yoor purpose quickly. 14.1.CM of 6 12 end 16 ~ 48, Such numbers or 68% 1-3) =51, (08 243) 99, whichis dvabe by 2. “Then let he mumbai be 12s and [2y. P Now 12x x 12y=2160 . = xy= 1S, Possible values of x and y ave (145); Ch 35,3): (15, 1) possible pita ofmumbers. (12, 180) and (26, 60) ‘Taofeuired mubece should azlples of LH, Weave the gretest anes igs 9998.0 Ovid 5999 by 14, we ge CS ase remainder. the required greatest umber of digits = 9999 - 63 = 9936 ‘Again, we have the leas numberof digs ~ 10000 Download Ebooks at ez QUICKER MATH: ‘On dividing 10,000 by 144, we get 64 as the remainder, Ht “, the required least number of 5 digits = 10,000 + (144-64) = 10,08 i 25. The required number = LCM of i2, 18, 32, 40 = 1440 26. LCM of 32, 36 and 40 = 1440, therefore, the required number = 1440-8 = 1432 27, Let the numbers be 33a and 33b. Now, 33a + 33b = 528 or, 33 (atb) = 528 oatb=16. The possible values ofa and b are (1, 15}; (2, 14); (3, 13; 4, 12); (5, 11 (6, 10); (7, 9); and {8, 8) Of these the pairs of numbers that are prime to each other are (i, 15); G, 13» , [Deane (7,9). -’. the possible pairs of numbers aré (33, 495); 9, 429); (165, 363); (231, 297) 28. Number of classes = HCF of 391 and 323 =17 29. if two numbers are divisthie by a certain aurnber, then their sum. ig aiso divisible by that number. According to this tule: if 15-is the HCF of two parts of L000, then, 1000 must be divisible by 15. Buritis tot so, Therefore, itis notpossible to divide 1000 inte two parts such that theit HCF may be 15. 30. Ifthe numbers are prime to each other, then their HCF should be unity. Conversely, if their HCF is unity, the numbers are prime to each other, In this ease, the HCF is 1, so they are prime to each other. 31.LCM of 9, 11 and 13 = 1287 ‘Therefore, the number which, after being divided ‘by 9, 11 and 13, leaves in cach case the same remainder 6 = 1287 + 6 = 1293 +, the required least number = 1294 - 1293 = 1, 32. The LCM ef 6, 9 and 12 = 36 (a) Multiples of 36 which lie between 300 ahd 400 are 324, 360 and 396. -. the required sum = 324 + 360+ 396 = 1080 ()) Here the remainder is 4 in cach case So, the nutnbers are (324 + 4) =) 328 and (360 + 4 =) 364. (The no. 396 + 4 = 400 does not lie between 300 and 400 go it is not acceptable.) * the required sum = 328 +364 = 692. (Download Ebooks,at Fractions Tf any unit be divided into any number of equal parts, one or more of these parts is called a fraction of the unit. The fractions one-fifth, 2.43 two-fifths, three-fourths are written ad's, 2 and 4 respectively. The lower number, which indicates the number of equal parts into which the unit is divided, is called denominator. The upper number, which indicates the number of parts taken to form the fraction, is called the numerator. The numerator arid the denominator of a fraction are called its ierms. Note: 1. A fraction is unity when its numerator and denominator are equal. 2. A fraction is equal to zero when its numerator alone is zero. The denominator of a fraction is always assured to be non-zero, 3. A fraction is alsa called a rational number. 4, The value of fraction is not altered by multiplying or dividing the numerator and the denominator by the same number. Pere = 225 284 MS Ens 7 344 5, When the numerator and the denominater of a fraction have no commen factor, the fraction is said te be in its lowest terms. Ext 15 _ ax 5 20 4x5 The numerator and the denominator have a.common facter 5, & is not in its lowest terms. If we cancel out 5 by dividing both the mmerator and the denominator by 3, we get >, which has no common tor. Hence 4 3 is the fraction = in its lowest terms. - When a fraction is reduced in tts lowest terms, its numerator denominator are prime to each other Le. they have no common fOr. 6. Ifthe numerator and the denominatorare large numbers, orif their on factors catmot be guessed easily, we may find their HCF. After dividing the terms by their HCF, the fraction is reduced lo its lowest term. Download Ebooks at e QUICKER Mavi Frectons me 8 0 Bx. S036. rc oF 385056 and 715104 = $5008 SEP TE in which he te dffeoat are Now, 385056. _ 385056 +5500 7 ‘Fractions in wich the denominators “TIO ~ Fislesssoo ~ 7S : se, niniloneton bea tematic conon 7 Aniniger canbe expressed faction with any denomina ‘wo wont For compe it'we wtf oxpres 23 84 foetion uonsnator ie 17 she proces wl bea follows: amples: SoWed Examines: 125508 yeah ‘Bx fs ind te sn of) wipe je 1D Soba: Al he factions ein thir owes! ea Br 38 ays LEM Of, 3,412 BT n ae ne peda Ls (2s 3)x24 (22493 Proper fraction: A proper faction isone whose maroon ses tos, b+ 3 +9 4 edo oete9 | Git . Forexample: +. 1g « 43 a proper factions. The value of ea Note :Studentashouldnstwzitettestep U2 +21 + G2+K2 + (2+ )xI @ fon spat ha. Ingres acon! whore mere ep oc: than the denominator is calfed an improper fraction. Forename 12,2, 1 mpopeactn ‘hoa ofan inoperative i 00 one mn Rte Twn ns 3, 28 BI Joo." 4 te 1 a5 ~ 18 ‘on cha hs actin nu mixed abr. Soy, Bayh, Boyd 47a eis Ts “Tog the giver expresso bgcomen AE 1g yg ‘Now alle whole umber together anal he Satins tge 1 +, consist oF a whole number and a proper faction, iti called oe 3 are uni cores! wishing ‘rien et etan aneheacraccwnriaced ay earl oak soemmnsfir dyed bch hedenomi Zt ligt ligt ay 20 (rier? decimal Fractions 8-16: 79-107 TO wg StS 90 Fractions in which the degeminators are the same are call 130 ” Ie fxn ak ion i OR ERAMBIES TAT AT Ay Inthe the to ving hee etn was preatnt. Download Ebooks at 6 OUICKER MT atx ax 2 5 Day * 8x og 108 «91 4 aya 9508 5 saa oe Sas 6 6 ape? whee LOM oF 912,16, 8=144 Z_M BOT ee? ete ano ig | aR Bag i _ 29 isn 79 Ta” ad 22+ MA 18H = 195" 297 0 22 1 1 wee ayd ao 7 2 45" 75 ote 2 j35 x a Z Change the mined action into an mpropet Satin. ‘The the expression Becomes By gs, He 2 ax Zas05 5 6 Bois aicksor= S45 8, 1 D105 6° 6% Or a 4 0 205 49 sete tg — 20 seb Ie F =a, On ftheintogralpartoftbentiesnuruber beg cater than thedivier, ‘we proceed a3 follows: * ° ‘4 i 1 SRF + 2S]a 1g eae BS, dou (x6 4) wart B34 , ma" 5 = 3 . Fractions oa 1 $e eminnteriptety sey desiree mae ea. ietoinctngng es sie rion Aan od nfea iran ne ioe eh Hee ni !s 2 yl geist pete uy ; Soln "Te divide ration by a fection, eutiply the fection by the revinudat ofthe dvison” 1) Bist change the mixed numbet into an improper faction, Then snokply the Faction bythe reciprocal ofthe iso, 90, 108 98, BN SS _ AT Bin 72" Tos Ge w 3S potent Baka E Compound Fractions +A faction of ration i called o coisa factor : 3 bed add 3 ‘hn of Sisacomomnttacuon ant bof Ba be $5 Combined Operations _ te “th semsyng etonsivelting virus igs and otk the folowing pons souls remembored. The operat of ater and evo shold we perro elec ttoc of aon and sable. (aemckotthe signs or ssid be pple nly the umber whe inmadity bows. 4 2,B « s*i2 3 4 4,0,5.2 m2 nya 7 a 4, Wht _ 1s Beas rc) (4) The operations within brackets are fo be cared oui rst. ge {G4) The file of 'BODMAS" is applied for sombined operat Download Ebooks at fs avers cst pitt ommeiteee cen So 8 12 78 8 245 B0 FFs gry Me omer facton, 73 as 1,2 ' ip 3 Or 275 7 i % Ea ‘or, mulipty the numerator and denominator by the LCM of denominators 2,3, 4, 9 namely 36, a Lz day 2. 1 thu, 273 2% 38 + 5 6 244 POR De he whe Pe ne) Note: Th second meta work vicky, 0 we suggest hat you a this metiod. * ‘oes fn you adopt Sola: whe (Continued Fractions: Fretions that coatain an addtional faction in ‘he (ammerator or the) denominator are called continued fraction, Fractions ofthe form (}4 + —1—~ or se called eontinued facts Rule: Zo simply a continued fraction, begin at the bottom and work pears Bx. 1: Simplify 2+ Download Ebooks at 0 QUICKER MAT tye 8 a5 x 2: Simplify: § + —t oy wh Sola 54 ie 1 ase BE a [Note No shortout method has been derived for solving these question ‘But you can solve ttese questions more quickly by () more mental esloutations; ane (i) skipping the steps. Miscellaneous Solved Examples on Fractions fbx.i: One-quatr of one-sevent ofa ln is a0 he Rs 20,000, Wh isthe value of an eight hiy-fifths of fend? i ‘Soin : One-giarter of ane severth: Now ofa ndessR20600 3 feeling neta pane! of cenim its eR 7A, Wha wn ide stan a as ofthe land will cont shins Ar king or Lott cx pe ome wit Ay t Le oe] contents, Now of $=R5740 0 GpeR5740 + LeRS. Lt Ex. sum of maney increase by its soventh part amounts to Re 40, Find the sum, s soass + 1.409 Songios sR Fractions - n Bx. 4: A tain stars full of pussengers. At the ft station, it drops ‘onc-ehil ofthese and takes in 96. more. AL the ex, it draps one-half ‘ofthe new tts] and takes in 12 more, On reaching the asx tation, ticze fre foute fo be 243 left, With how many passengers di thestain start? Salm: La the tai start with “after dropping one third and taking in 96 passengers, the un bas ‘ 8 496 = 7 9 pasengrs= 2288 passenger 294288, $s ose ste, tember otimncgen= 2 ow, ADB pa ce “ments en ‘Ex. 5; Determine the missing figures (donoted by sta) in Gx following. Selman asin connor oer a anne oepend Oe Es Satn: (Sines eon cond ation tines in 30 Het eats tc ye agp of Be a SSiteumbermtte a Th, veh 20 : sas 9 8.3 oe a EG Hence the mits digits are 7 and 4. a 452 TA Nee ‘The denowinstor inthe frat maxed umber ard denominator in Ge third iced umber are insxtcs, which must be amsliple of 17, “Ths, the equation rca: 1 Alt Se ayfe—b) 10 tt 6 + fe @ Vo a sivas smaller value 5 5 nz ads = a Download Ebooks at a QuicKeR Ma 2, 0 + Ue roquized fnction Bote al 5 pst DS; x My = Meg Decimal Fractions Decimal Fraction : Fraction in which die denominators we powers of 10 ace called devisalseactions 3 1d 8 gy one tZ a as eam: 35> 76 ens cing x desta : in eadnga decimal, th diss ate namaed inorder rent Pies 4s ig ead a8 2270 point (or decimal) four five, ven, Ss Decimal places: Tae murberof ences which low te deci point 6.LOM of 90 and 120 = 360 Pied the number of decimal places. Tua, L432 has tee decimal Soin 260 days, tes proven eve time =. 200 = 10 jy fm PEE SHEE Owe eal ples, Inbrervioe ime= 6 "59 5 Converting a decimal into a vulgar fraction and after overhang the service sae Sirs Rule: rte cn the given number tou tie decal poi, forthe 0 * Fa Thana, on for he anomanstor write fold By 68 may ros ‘time saved =42 5 5 tes ‘as many ate there figures after the decimia! potnt. 326 Ta 1: Rotuce the following éecial value ito the vulgae Factions 2063 .0}0.0032 «3.013 Har WO ygsamd ~ 195582 ‘i 133 . ii). Change EF iato valer fection 133, ston 15300 Solas pasar" Dasa = 24321 “Ths to remove the decimal, we equate dhe runrber of igures ‘nthe decimal par of the mumerator and the denominator (by putting _atos) and than remove the deci. rs integer may be expressed as decimal by patting 2et0s inthe Download Ebooks at B ‘QUICKER matt Addition and Subtraction of Declmats ‘Rule Write down the numbers under one nother, placing the dect points ce caltnn, The numbers can naw be aided or subtracted the sz way, Es. 3: Add togeter 5.032, 08, 150.03 and49, 4 5.032 8 150.03, 20.00 195.862 Ex, 4: Subtract 19.052 fiom 24.5. Solm : Haro, we write two zeros the right oF 24.5 and then subtract in the case of inegers. 24.300, Ws 5448 ‘Multipticntion of decimals 1: To maldply by 10, 190, 1000, ee. Rule: Move the decimal point By as many places to the right as mar ‘are there 2270s in the muiipier. x. : (2) 39.052 100 3905.2 Sg) 42.63 x, 1000 = 42630 112 To mutdply by a whole number Boule: Multiply asin she case of imegers, and in the product mark ‘many décimal places as here are inthe muliplicand. prefiting seros necessary. Bx (99 x 12>) Solm: Step I: 9x 12= 108 ‘Step: As tote is one decimal place in maliplioand, the product| should also have oly ono decimal place. So, ans = 10,8, Has (i) 000 1267 Soin: Step: 9x 12= 108 Step LAs there are three decimal places in the mutiphicand, the ‘product should also have thee docimst places, So, ans = 0.108 Ex. (i).00000 « 12=7 Sole ecimel Frectons 7 Step 1: As dere at five docnul places it the muhiplican, the duct shou als have five decimal places, So, we pein two zeros to Bele anger = Ans =000108 ‘UT: To multiply @ decimal by a decimal Rae: Afalply asin oper, and athe prodact many decimal Places a there are inthe case of the nutter ond the mailicond togcther, drasag zero, necessary. Ex (61x 07-7 Soin Sep: 61 «7 =427 Stop lt As hire re (242°) 4 dosial places nthe mtpier and the multipicané topsibey,theprodctsholdalso have 4 esimal locas. But there aro any three digit tho product; ao we prelix ane Ze ‘the product before placing the decimal. So, the answer = 0.0427 bass x 024=7 Soin: Sep 1: 2325 24 = Son80 ‘Step I: Thete should be (442)6 decimal places inthe product, Thus, ansver= 0.056220 ~ 0.05628 Division of Decimals 1s When the visors 1,100, 100, ee, ale To idea dsinal by 1, 200, 000 et, move te decimal point 1 dete places tte lef respectively. Tus (a638- 10=4638 (4309 = 200008300 {iano 098+ 19906 =2.0000008 (fiv)234.789 + 1900000 = 9.000224789 (7) 5.08 + 10900000 9000000308 2s Whig thedivtior tsa decimal fraction . Rule: Afove re decal poo as manyplaces to the right in both ie divisor and dividend as wll mak the dviora whole mamber, ame terart the ddend f ecestary. Divide sipledson an when poutakea figure from the decimal part (any) of the dividend so altered, Set down the decimal pani he uot : Basso wx @) ad; = 2M — sna as 323 3250 _ Ope > “TF” . Download Ebooks at ns QUICKER MATH ‘Recurring Decimals ‘A decimal in which figure or set’ of figures is rep contiually is called a recurring or perfodic or clrenlating declin "The repeated figures or eet of Squres is alla the perlod ofthe deeSal For example: (1), 5= 0.333 ©} Pe ousaasrisnesT142887 Question: Which ofthe flowing voga Faction will produce ec ring decal fractions? ecortng is expressed by pating a ber (or dos on the se eT gt ‘epeting aio So, nth above examples OG 95 Vie Oy Ve Oe Dey (1)0333..=03 (0,03) Sola: 8) Reduce the fraction to is lowes terms, 50 | et arc 0148s?) ties es Ghoupst. = 08H oo 028) 53 GF Pare Recursng Decal A devia faction in which al the figure a er tchon wilt yodce su | RST ete eecar marine nny zt )te sive wz thn ist rami et | For esanmple,0,T2D857 joa pure recurring devia my ‘Mined Recerring Decimal: A decimal faction in which ome p24 4 : aor; sofiada mic emagJosmal eroxtoie: 02054 oF - is aamixed recurring decimal. ty note 1, the shove vulgar Siaetion will not produce recuming Geci— ‘Tes example (2), the period is 3, in (2) itis 142857 and in (3) it is 54. sal Note Iti denonitar of valga fotin inst lowest ems bell 3 YL Mhollyadeup ofpowursor? and, etheraloncorraliptiedrogsihergy 18 ~ 6 ~ 34 2 | Ihe fraction is convertible into a terminating decimal. ‘By note 3, a mixed recurring éecimal will be produced. mie Berar — wa -o38 aiid : By note 2, a pure vecairring deci:nial will be: 1. i iwi = sl aoes qn = S03 Drow specie I be produced x a Tg” axe 2:4 pure recurring decimal is produced by a vulgar fraction in its note 3a -tenms, whose denominator is neither divisible by 2 nor by 5. ? 2 mixed recurring decimal will be produced. Ess} = 08 Wy = 027 es > ons ‘By noc 3, a mixed recurving dina wil bo podned. ‘ é 8 Omg and GpZeos Gg - 05 3. A mixed recurting decimal is produced by & vulgar faction in its ‘owest ters, whose denominator egatans powers of 2.0 5 in addisiv] other actor, ons Dy sole 1, no reeuring decimal will be prof. Download Ebooks at (Case: Pure Recurring Decimals IRale: 4 pure recurring decimal is equal ro a vulgar faction which fe or its umerator the period ofthe decimal, and for ts denorinatot ‘nuniber which has for its digits ax many nines cs there are digit period. [Ex Express the following recutsing decimals into vulgar decimals. a3 WOds 0ST 3) We have 5=.555.., (1) ‘Mattplying both vias by 10, weyet 10x 08=5.55..—. ‘Subtracting (2) fom (2), we got Sein: Directly som the mule, wealsogetthe same result. 3 hasits pot 5,0 the numorstor ia 5. And us there ia only ove digit in the peo, 00h tigi nth pA ) 308 Nene = ps2 Dern tes sth mer os ine don «aes ‘Try to solve Eixs (b) & (c) by detailed method. ExecitacsReucieg Delmas fn mt reg ern! ep our rion oh tem a Sree ten arr the digits to the end of first period, and that formed by the diglts whic do not recur; and for its denominator the munber formed by as nines as there are recurring digits, followed by ax many zeras as the ‘are non-recuriag digit. Ex. Buptess te following as-vulgar actions | DOI BOATS 0) LOOT i [Soln : a) 0.18 = 0,18888 41) 10x O.1B= L.38#8 ——42) an 100 O18 tH =) Sttaacing 2} fom Gh wae 90% 01 Be 38-1 oe Z Also by els mmantor= 181 (lL dgomnbet none ‘ouig-by eon encin New ore Tat Cloud by oe vat an ne bona recs it) 29 ~ Vga atin = BL = O45, Numer = 2019-3 48170 Dnainttr = vine (tere ae te ring iss) falowel ty ete we ne eur ig) 99909 , fon = £8100 4817 2 Vee atin = 5 9g ©) S00E = 5 =O _ 5 SE 90900 ‘9005 Solve Ex, (b} and (e) hy the detailed mth, Addition and Subtraction of Recurring Decimals “Addition and subtraction of recurring decioals ean be under- stand well with the help of given exsmpics. Example: Add and subtract 3.76 and 1.4576. 3.7) 676767 | 67 14 | 576876 | s? 5.2 2ss34a] 24 5.225558 O23 Explanation: Step: We sepavate the expansion of recurring dcimals into throe pert Ta the lef-ride part dere is integral value with non-recumng clocitmal digit. Inthe above ease, 14576 ina 1 a integral partand ‘Fisas aoa-recuiring decizal digit, So, | hasbeen separates stom 14576876576. - ‘Although the fist value does not have any wer-recuring decimal digit Ge. 3.78, both te digits 7 snd 6 ae recurring), ‘we put as many digs in the le-side pert as thers are wom recur- weoint | $0= 23000097 Download Ebooks at ‘QuioxeR wan ring digs in the second ve. Tha, we have po 3.7 tele pct Tes veto 37 Step: the dle pa, te mmo isis equa 9 the LO te urbe of recuig eigen ven les, tis the Se vale tan 2 vere ipt aL second vale sce pis so mom pata gs CF? ‘Step IIE In the right-side part tke two digit, Now add or » ___youde with simple addition and subtraction Stop IV: Now leave the righ side pa and pat baron the mide Of the resultant. The left-side pare will remein result, You ean see the same in the shove example, Veritcation: 97649255 Sand A516 —4 A572 S59 73 gp aml LATO IS = Fg i 76, 4 S872_ 4, 16x 9990 4457 x RIB, + BBL ane ARE eae 1 esp RMN ADI ate | tare 119550 109890 Tose0 wee * 5609990 apn 2816297 | 2870 =5*Fooa59 = 33 ~ 5 Ta8309 ~~ From (1) and (2) iis verified tha our addition is coro. ‘Now, fbr subsretion: 169800 — 4872 99 99 x 90 306 19590 _, 3100188 5900850 She mnts_ 5, 30068 Bi 1x 9090? * a1 x 5559 ros) and (2):tis verified that our exbarction is correct T6111 — 4572 «11 Ux 9950 3100191 —3 39599900 1 ross3= 10 524.785 + 10.193 234+ Bx, 2: Find 324.786 ~ 10.193, Soint, 324.18) O78 10.194 333 [33 siaso| 345 ‘Tus, ans= 314.5955 ‘Veriftention: 224.786 — 10.19 786 «900 16 989% Ses Bx, 3: Find 17S + 0007 Sola: 8 327.8661 38 “Ths ans = 327.86638 Download Ebooks at 99900 7 Isa 4 BE i799 300 3100207 3 n 2 7 m4 od 559 1 -[e-si sg to = Das 88 786 900 + 174 5999 958 B60 TROD ATA HCT 95g 0 oo PRD2 = 98 a og nots ‘99800 ne 58900 $9285, _ 544295 —99 514 50545 Oa m eal Freeone = x4: Find 17.2058 —7 9340 202194 9 Sela: AZNB | 68) 68 20 ao 7.986 | 99 | 99 ares +0659 863 sai bet le Anoter way of allan is ‘Thus, ans = 9.12555 _ + 3s ne a.ssa, Muttiplication of Recurring Decimals a Case A: While aligiiog esting decimal ty amipleof 0, set of epeating dig is aot alte. Porexersla fecond vethod: 14.3» 10~ 4.030303... x 10 49,30303....= 40,305 237.266... (8.633. 2 124.337 x 1000 = 124.427427... x 1000 = 124427. 237 as 3. 0.008799 x 10000 = 6.006379379... x 16000 = 63.79379... B = 655 2 ‘Case B: While multiplying a recutring decimal by a mumber which 06 uot ¢ ntubtiple of 10, frst ofall, the recusring deciraal is chan a into the vulgar fraction and then the calculation is done. 06 cuaogle ‘has, sot = 67 a2: 36388 0 72624080. 27 T36MM3... (19 3 9 <8 Sy iB 117004201 51211 1200081195 WO Gy gg = Oy Ss. =200-+04833...<290°+0.187 = 20.185 ss BD LAD 55200 1m 27 x HEE, AWS, 6 “Thepoessofdvsionrepeutstoourqutenecomes S191. 3" om re ° nee 12x 582 S471 _ Sar 1g 12 SSE yg y AL Sa | STL 35390 = 189 § ogg “a5 12157 > 1aism. Division of Recurring Decimals Case A: When the divisor isa multiple of 10. 15 + 1000.= 6.060006... + 1000 = 0.000060606.. 0000u3 23645373 10 = 1.645375 (Case Br When the divisor nota mlliple of 10. Bx: (728 52=17% ay boyd sae iipep suited Approximation and Contraction Rode: Inorease fetangurey Ff the wccoedingfgure be Sor greater % Far'Stanple: (9 The apovimat valve of 3689 up ove dil abe 30.0) ° aperrimare ah of 3684upto he devil acess 268 {ae nese tas 0.3085 upto ts dial paces 39, {i Tas oppenimate vl of 0.3685 up to devine places 03 ((v) The approximate value of 0.3468 up to ono decimal place is ©.3. Noe Dovimals whi are coveceat oe vo, Shee. plces st i {ete sonsat afc mar et, minted spectively. Download Ebooks at 88 Quicker mar Stgnean ngures ‘Tho flowing expe ce goes t exp the mean e tertn significant figures. “ (3) Tha poptiateno n ceti pls 189000 cores othe neseat Mn ete the sumed toe ed and populate issued whe 18 euch is ears ete peat The fare 169, whi gives enum af is, eg oe areas we Sete rer which these again ofthe nis ae sido be sensplse (b) Tue alstance Detywin wo places is 1400 km sonst othe aeare usa em. ha ue ee sitet anc ths vo soos hoe Henican “The slate between paces is L400 im core the nee Tan Teese 140 espn bt ee er ent (2) The length oF a sing is 0.07 cra correct othe 2ed decimal piace, ‘This means 7 she significant figure butte zen a the beginming sf non-significn:. Note: Zeros 2 the beginning of a decimal ate olways non-significant Th, sion Asus ae those witch nan appr asinal ren expres team fica ite nears ae | Contracted addition Rule Sef down the decimals under one another. Ther addin the ui ‘way, taking care tht the last fgure retained be increased by 1 5 uccecding figure be 3 ar greater than 5 [Bx Find the sum of 220.4524, 29,042034, 0085279 and 3412 come (03 decir places. Soin : 520.4301 29,0293 0852. at | Hig a2075 Anse 49.825 Remark = 1f you ate assed to get the axiqer cotret to theee decimal hse, then we Hot mece Cs 3 (vo moe) decimal pices Caring Download Ebooks at Doda Fractions ‘Contracted Subtraction Rule : Write down the subirahend under the minced én the tal way, retaining two places of decimals more than what i required. $x Find 160, 342195 ~ 22. 0048326 corect to four decimal pinoes. Soln: Aa ie ane asked to gal the solution cereetto for doaimal places, ‘we will ute not more tha 6 decimal places ducing our calculation. 160,342195 32000832, 128397368 Anewer= 128.3374 EXERCISES 1. Express the floning decimals a factions in their lowest terms = a)00375 0.00625) 1.008125 2. Simplify: 2) 9.25 +0036-+00075—_b) 34.07 + 0.007 + 0.07 ©)309 +209 + 0.309 +0039 dh 35-7892 + 0.005- wats 9) 0.6 + 0.56 + 1066 -6 606+ 66.16 3. (Remove decimals) . 038% 10 —)0275<10"7 6034 x 19.000 0.132500 53024513 Divide 3) 28.9 by 17 _b) 457263 by 136} 68 by 800 hobby 0008 6) 2.378 by HOOKS — 9.1 by AOD05 390.1 5000 ind the quotiout to ue placos of decimals + 054091 b)a321+077 c)5.002+ 0.00078 6. Siraphfy the followings: 00s 14 di-oorefeax2 wi Deas oe of 0175 Door7 x 4.19 i "7. What should come in place of question mark (7) 7 a} 3 DB x D4 f.008 # 300~ 7 by0.25 - 0.9025 0.025 of 2S ©) 0.00053 +0.17 0f30 x 100 =? 908x7= 0.00005 a ‘QUICKER maf woo 2 OG a0"? 1138 gg, pT 02-400 VLEET T5625 « 0.0289 «72.9 x 64 248x005 oe 16 mor loR=324 DLT RIL43794974 3.79 03207 4) 921 & 11-54-2032 1154-105 x 11.54=2 YG.278 + 30.237? x 1.27 # 30.277 «125 + (1.23) =9 ma) 23) ~ 4x 237% 09) + 30-3) O.09)- 0.3) =? 8, Stats inetch case whether the equivalent decimals terminating ar ran smenating: Fy Bg lt gies a6 eas oe OTT 6s 9. xpress he flowing ecurring decimals in hei vulgar factions B03 HOT JUD )2a% estos 1 1 ots 5 = 00276 ten wats hewiwoofsapdig 7 11113324 + 145=91 9, then what the vahngof 3328 5 919 42.1545 = 2.24, nan wha isthe vale of 2S 9 224, at nib vo of Po 13.1813 = 2.48, theo what isthe value of VE 14 EV = 54, then what othe vale of 529.16 + Yo.2916 + vBo02a16 + \ODOONIITE 7 15, Wht decimal of sm hour isa second ? 16.16 1.5x=0.05y, then what ie the value of 2= 7 yax 17.{05407+ 0.5403) » 900 18, 03487 + (045 x 03) = Lt og Decal Fractions 30 od Loval2s ~ 1s * Uy 2apO295 — WYM.147 —) 34.398. d) 16.768 0) 60.78 B.ap25x 108 b)279% 10% 34 d).66 «) 2719926 x 10° Aadi7 000254035 ©)0.08 —_ d) 8000 24750) 200 ‘¥)0.00002 $a)0.704 = — 6) 5.6120) 641.803 Ga)88888 602. ¢) 2500 8) 0.008 7.a)0.0243—b) 6.25 3) 0.01 4) 0.00005 0257 #).0.0024 pV _0os 2 aa T5625 x O1RRY = 72.9 x G8 [saan 61 462107 15625 « 289 729 x 64 x 10 1x9 68 ~atxatee 0% 38.725 300 4) Given expression = 3.79 (1 + 37 + 32) = 3.79 (100) =379 iene 11241221209. foy ISB ena 1 Given expression = (1.27 +123)* = (2.5) = 15.625 a) Given expression (2.3-03)' = 2 = 8 th cou fa alg ison atous ems say ‘oncpt pw aon Sls tae oantakel erie tac cose tata coal ator te = 1) insomnia se is emia fr) eer a Seas w Js terminating since its denominator i made up of Download Ebooks at 80 ‘QUICKER MATHS Decimal Fractions powers of § only. 7 7 i 91 Bp? aay oeag Mma enatng since its denominator bas Tors over than 2 and 5 ees ] OTE page mirmioatig. 141092076 = 54, thor the roquied expression a : ireasieeeae ©) Jos ~ 5 terminating. 15, t= 000008 fopcos) | swos-2-2 wom Zh 165 ass 9. Ey 008 er $ | nes theme of smonsndo vided, wo hs, omons = 08833 = 1035, « 8 Yen EO pen | gaara © toe = 0 = ent 108 2750 . | - 5000381F * Sete xc? 3618 | ‘Thia question should not be solved by detailed method. If sear ti a pe gouwl bl aeye n0 fi ; [atom gaaaaas Kom ago dsiin einai S poston et | ee et aero 09276 te sina sval be movl $ pltcee right. | ibe go inn gous ecm get oar anh ust, m8 tg 1 thereto he reuit 33642 sorter Tite wet" aa avec shoo be ga Ban 60975, oi ei | ‘Value shouldbe obtained by moving the docimal tothe tight. 11 We have, 13324 = 145 =91.9 or, 13324 + 91.9= 145. ‘Then we have io find 133,24 + 9.19 =? wer divide the whole numberof dividend by or and observe the mumbec of digit iu the whe ‘number of quotient. In this case when 133 is divided by 9 the quot (Gvhole number ) will have 6x0 digits. So, our aaswer shovld have 2digit whole mumber. £. required answer =14 5 Download Ebooks at 1 Elementary Algebra : . 4 y Algebraic Expressions: A number, including literal numbers, along with the signs of fundamental operations is called an alg¢braic expres- sion. They may be movomials, having otily one term a8, +6x, -3y eto. They could also be binonials, ic having two terms as p? +21, - x.2x ete. They may even be polynomials, i.e. having more than two terms. Addition ‘and Subtraction of Polynomials: Thé sum or difference of coefficients of like tenns is performed. For cxampje, let the two polynomiats be 3a712e-3, Stax, The sum of these two expressions is 5x> +(3x2. ayant) -35 a3 +x°43x-3, The difference between these Iwo is the subtraction of smaller expression from the greater expression ie. Sx'-2x"tx-Gx"}2x-3) = SUK? + x-3K-DK +3 = SOD DH Dx) +3 = Se Se 13, Ex, 1: Find the sum of —15a? + Sab — 667, a? — Sab + 11b?. —Ja2— Iaab— 13h? and 26a" - 16ab — 70" Soln: ; (15s? » aap 6b") + (a? — sab + 116?) +(~7a? — 1Bab ~ 1367) sl + (26a — 16ab — 7b? = {1587 +a? 792 4 26a") + (ab - Sab - 18a - 16ab) ~6b? + 1b? ~ 136? — 767) = 5a? — 36ab — 15b* : ' Ex. 2:1fP=a4 +a? ta? 9, =a? 903-5 + 3aand + ~3a-2a7 +03 Find the value of P+Q+R Sola: P+ O+R= ar ' (tae? tata) a? 2a? 2430 +(8-3a- 207 +03 mala (32a? > a + (a? +a? ~ 28 + Ga - 3a) +C6-2 +8) =a'+G+0+0405a" 4 Remainder Theorem: This theorem represents the relationship be- tween the divisor of the first degree in the fonn (x-a) and the remainder r (x). ' Download Ebooks at QUICKER MATHS 1 ax iatgral function of x is divided by x°~ 8, uml te remainder doesnot nota y then the reminder is te same a tae ginal expresso: wi ‘pin place of "nother words, if) fe divided by x2, the remainde is Ra en if) =! = 25" + 3x - ‘is divided by 3-2, orders 2) 2) =2) -20)8+30)-422 5 Now: (Ds nse by her 9) ty esac esr wat (3) 9) eee by x= th remainders (4) The method of finding the reminder is a ll [Punt divisor equal to zero, Like, ifthe divisor is wx +b then b ate-0> x the evita anette 3) ‘Similerly, you can find the othes remainders, 1 en erent en x4 42 4 6x -2 is divided by (x +9). saw dit eaten ete tee re sie as cite o B42: Find th semaindr when 27 ~ 92+ 3x Bib dvd by a2 Soln: Step I: 38-420 x= 4 z Step : Reminder is 3) Gg ne aa $-8-4-2- 82-2, Ex. 3: Ifthe expression Px? + 5x2 —3 and 2x? — 5x + P when divided by Xd leave tho same remainder, find the value of P. Soin: Download Ebooks at Elementary Algebra Solw: Solu: Then rfl) 2 +0923 o4e-es (ay ~ 904) + P= P+ 108 Find he yalssof pandg when pe + 2-24. isoxally Disibe by (es and (el) “Whes tke eapresion & excl dvaihie by any divisor, te rernuinder wail bo ze, “Now heroin when he iso ix is Ri=pri-2-q0 SP rg atom) and the remainder, whoa the divisor x42 6 fet) =PEI +? -2¢-1)-9= 0 Spritz Spt qe3————(2) Solving (1) & @),we have, =2, a1 Factorization of Potynoralate: The factor Uueorem based cu the remaine er thorem is useful inthe feciniatioe of polynomials, Factor Theorem: Let [(x)>e2potyaoniil anda bearet number. Then the falloscing two esl holt: Fifa) 0 then (8) 1 faetor oF). GNF) ia Toto of FG) then fa) =O. Ex, 1 Let 9 Find ot whether (2) and G3) ate fctrs of (0). P12 x + Aix mds (8) To check whether (%2) isa fictor of f(x) we find F(@) ie, 1). Eis beoomes ze then 3-2 a fate of fi aceting ‘othe fac dorm Gof division algorithm, £Q)= 2-125 28 44x 2-480 ence, by the factor theorem, (x - 2) i a factor of £3, () Tochecigwhether(x-3)iaa ctor of (3), werepeat the above piovess wit £2), EQ)=3 126 4443-4823 flo} = 43) 4 0, Hence (x-3) 5 nota factor oF, 6 ‘QUICKER mar x-2 Findon x= ieafaroF 2) — Se? . sbove rule. Soln: We have, 3x Sua a! inexact divisible by x -a (sheen io or ev) 4.39 — 2? and xa!” are exactly divisible by x-a. ‘Alle above statements ean be proved. We aro going 1 prove only staterants (1)and {5}, You shouldty te prove the remaiting three yourself. (x? +a" is exacly divisible by xb, Putxt4=0 = x= Teen ft) =a) +2" =O “Thinis possible only when mi odd, )x"—a" is exactly divisible yx -a Purg-2n0 = =a ‘Then ita) =e" — 3 ‘This ia tue ins sen, 3: The expression 3° ~ 2 has. factor 13 2)7 3)10 417 3)Noneof hese Boin: 528-25" = a =(25)"- 7" “As we dan'tknow abou, bythe condition (),(25-8)i9a fio, isa factor of 5" — 2", i. 4 The lst digit in the expansion of (1° = 1 when wis any #2 inoger is 12 21 DO 4-1 SpNoacof those Soln: The fst digirin the (4177 for amy value of ia 1.‘Thus the est Aigiin "1 60. o> 3 1Pee= 1 tr othe sen te QQ) 41-2 (3x - L) is a factor of the above expression. Note: (1) We can sce how the factor theorem has bec derived from [ie then x ais factor of i) ipa ctor of @3) G4) 70, when x a.nd xb then Nx) is exactly divisibl bay (xa) (X- B} ies (Xa) and (xb) otha the Factors of (G) tan integral function of two or more variables is equal ‘whou two of these variables are supposed to be equa, then function is exactly divisible by the difference of thes vatib) ee | (- 2). €-2) and (@-b) wethe aes of | ab— op + (6a)? + ofa ~b)° Proof: Putb= int given expression. ao r0f0~ a4 oo}! =0+ (0-4)? ee-9)°=0 5 (@-e) ia for of he given expression. Silay, it can shown that c= and 2b are the flora ofthe given express Canditions of Divsblty 1.x" + ais exactly divisible by (x+a) only when n is odd 2.08 + bS is exzely divisible by ab, 2 aT aie mot ena die by (c+) when newen eg. o® + UP is not exnetly divisite by a+b. ‘ox + al is never divisible by (K- a). eg.a" +b" oral? +b! is not divisible by a~b. 4.3 a is exactly divisible by x +8 when mis evs, eg. x5 —af is exacly divisible byx ta GL- isa factor ot oxaet divisor af 41)" — ("for say “ve integer of 2, Now, when dl - 140 is 2 factor, th last cgi in ‘he expansion ehouis be 0 Find the last nwo digits of the expansion of 2!" ~ 6 when nis ‘any positive itoger. Soin: 25) - (64 = (on — 36" ‘Since 2n isan even integer, the above expression sust be diiee ‘ley (64+ 36) {By condition (4)}. Gonce, 64-+36= 1008 the {actor of the above expression. Hence, the last two digits aF ts expession mast be C0. Download Ebooks at 8 Elementary Algebra ey : i ‘The procuct of ouiptication of two Tinear polynomials also vena quadratic polynozsial. Lat theta linea polynomials be (bl) and Gx +), wherel > 0, p+ 6. Then the prodact ofthese polynomials is the quadratic polynomial, Ipa? + Og + mp) + mq, This is written in the standard form atax? + bx + ¢, Thon a=Ip, b= C+ mp)and = ma, Factorization of Quadratic Equations : The qualraie polynomiat ax? + bx +e can be factorized only if Garo exist two sumnbera r ~ Ex. 61 Foral integral vslues ofp the expression 7 pR 2|2 io ait Soin 7-3 = PP_ a = oan [By the condition (5), 49 - 27 = 22 is a fuetor of the exprosi eye x. 7: What shoul be subicacted irom 274° = 9x2 6 = 5 t0 ekatly divisible by Gx ~ 1)? ‘Soln: We will find the rervainder by the rule of remainder. OF ee atm 3e-1 =o 5= Cee ee atctncota=lge mp (i) s= 20% pag © covefician of x? x constant Solved Example : Factorize 92 + Thx 5 Solution «@) Here a=2, b= Ll snd c= 5S Gi) Fine two muntecs ands such tbat r+ s=b= 11 and ry s=axgn2x S10 So the members are 1D and 1 (Gi) Now, breale up the middle term 11x ofthe given polynesaial a f0x + ix te? + Ms +5222 + On + 1A t5 (5) + HS) = (ZRH) (eS) Conattions for Factorization of a Quadratic Equation: At) quadratic expressions cannot be factor’zod. To teat whether ean be factoized or not follow the points given below : (itt? - 40> 0, then fe quadratic equation ean be factorized, (@) fb? 4ac <0, then the qusétatic equatis conaot be fectorized, ‘Some important fomaulae that ave used in basi operations ad In finding the factors ofan expressiw. are surnmerized below: 1a? b= (arnyecby Bas by = aP + 2ab +? 3.43)? = a? 200 + bP 1) aft) of) ft ‘Thus, the rerminder is (3) x) - 3) - & te Le2e5—7 : I We reise the given expression ty the reminder (2 ‘ccpossion vil be exactly divisible by tho given divisor. H cur required valve is -7. “Thonrem for Zero of a Polynornial LA) Bay xl pan"? +. + an be a polynor with integral eo-effclonts. Ian integar ke # zoo polyno then Kis factor of ‘Solved Example: Fir all integeal zeros ofthe polynonial, ayes’ 22 eyed, 4 Solution : Suppose (i an integral aco of he polynomial fy). ‘by the above ton, Kiss fir af enh, 4 Hance, poss values of are Il, 2-2 4 and 4 ‘Now. est cack of them 0 a0 whather itis 210 of th polyno er n0t (A= -24 17 4144-4 Siew) ¥ 0,501 ismekaOat’ GED = CAP © 2) G1? + G1) + 4 = 0; Since 1) = 0, the athe 2320 oF 1) Gi) Sandy, 2.2 ad ae not te sof). Ths he 4a = Gry with ‘plea er of i) isl. tae a otis ato of A) S.-W = (o-8) ( aabed, 2 natbieges Gab eb! = @4t)' 0b eb) tah —88 = b+ Bubfa-b) Blas b = (ab + ab ‘Quadratic Equations: As equation In which the highest power variuble'ie 2 ie called a quadratic equation, For example, _eauation of the type sx? He + e~ 0 denotes a quacratic equa Download Ebooks at bo quicker war 5.0 bF = sty? Laat e oe Sebo = (orb 4y Qtr ab bee) W@rbre Pe OrNerI EHD V2.2? +b? = (a Hb)? ab BaP steobe vb HA Mfatb+e = Othen the yulue ofa? +b? 46° is Jobe. 1S.x2 x(a + b)+ab = Ge tabtx +b) 18. ab ~ 0) bP ea) +o fa -b)=- (a -W-e)(e-a) B.Gosbag? obs 24 bbe) “Theory of dees: The exresion ofa mean the prov of fo cat oqo‘. Whanen a pstv impor milled te expr fr indox othe power ofa Any quantity raised he power seve always equa tL. Forexangia, a= 1 (wherea £0) We? = (3) = 1.7" =, 000)? 1,e. Whenever any ind ofthe power taken from tho {o denominatar of from the denuminator to numerator, the sign oft changer, vor toe Lavy of lndices: While solving the peoblemsof exponents the fllewi - laws aze nso: (pat xtag eey aa aes A) Kay” = x9" (8 ait nme 16.22(b +6) 4 be +0)+ 6? wt b)+ Sabe=Q@ tb + abt be tea) V7 aba) b6(6 18) Seale a) dade tat Oe +), Bemsrtary aigenra 01 Note: The difference bemicen (2) & (3) can be seen i the fellowing. examples: er) -3 2-79 ey 3P 2 a369 = 3% 39 729227 = 19683 TnallBieabove laws, mand nae positive integers. algebra, the root problems are solved by laws oF indices, for example fa means 0%, 4G masa, a! means FBLC: The highest common factor of two oF more algebraic expres sions be delerined bythe ftlowing methods: 1. By the factor method 2.By the dviton method In-caseof the factor method, et fst the factors ofthe given expressions are Sound seportcly. Then the maxitmurn numer of ene ‘mon factors are taken out and multiplied, the product of which becomes he HCE. “For exaople, we ote asked a fnd the HCE. of 8 (2- 5n+.0) and 12629), we alfa finde asks of ie sven expressions separately. Thus, BO — 5x46) = 42 (6-3) x2 and 12 @2-9)=4 36-3443) “Then the maximum nur of common elemento he two wl ive {ho HCF ofthe expressions. Therefne, HCE —4 (4-3) ~ 4-12 1.G.M The mininnura tiliptied quantities ut of wo ox more ales ‘raic expressions is callod LCM. If only two expressions are given, en at Fist we find ther HICF by the factor method oF by the division method and apply the following formate to find hair 1M, Jon + Pell of the two. expressions LEM of ore expressions Cite to ‘Tims, LCM of 8 62 -Sn-+ 6) and 12 (c>-9) wil be equal to BGC ~ $x 6) x 12 G29) Foon 4G) Gye Forms) Download Ebooks at we ‘QUICKER MAI =m Gh set0) +3) 24 (x! —Sx? + x + 3x” — Lo + 18) 224 (2498-418) : Solving Quadratic Equations: A quadratic ceuation wan solved always give two values of the varuble, These values of ‘avable se called the roots ofthe equation, "Any quaatio equation ca ether be solved bythe factor meth ory formula (By dhe Factor Methd: Whes we suive a cuadetisequstion by factor method, we fist find the factors of the’ given equat ‘aking the right-hand side equal to zero and then by equating factors to er, wo get the values ofthe variable, For example, solving the quadtatic equation x? «Sx-+6=0. We fa ind te factors of 5x +6 which ah 5) ad Then we sy that (e-3)-2) 9 ‘Ae hat, we ake eg brackel puting it equ to 20 nara find the vehies of ie. wheax-3= Opives x= 3 j saad Wen 2=0 givee=2 ‘Theetre, elton x3 orx=2, (@ By Formulas When we want solvea quadatic equation arta be+e=0, we apply te following foswila bE WP dao 2 “Taking + and sigs spomtly, wget two values of 1 ‘quantity ac is called the discriminant, ‘The two v2lues of i fom a quadketie equation aie called the roots of the equation. roots are denoted hy @.and Bs It is seen thar the sum of the roots o auideteeqton ax? ote ve=0i ens 2 hese eB and procuct of te rot is equal to Se, « B Fora quale equation ax? +bx +60, () The roots wile equal i>? = 43, (The roots willbe equal and cea C9? > dus, (i) The coos will be unequal and. untesd ib? < 4, jemontary Algabea 198 rousing qesdatc equation trom even Reots: Whneve we te given the rots of a quadratic equation x? - x {sura of the roots) + fect fhe oo, er exmnole ty ros ae pve a 2 and 9, he Be dno quien Wess PoGtNat3x 260 Pb 46-0 ne {) Aquat guniona?-+be# =O wiltave loca er. {When aquatic equation 2 + ix Das ane oo eg Sere ton 6 (i) When ie oso the ganda equations” +a“ re nove recipeocats of exch ae, en C= (Go) When both oe roots ar gaa 0 2, b= O and (0) Wan one ont nite, tan 0 ae wha oth he oot {Shite bane —Oand =D. {) Whine oosre 9a negra bt peste sig en b= 0. {i} If rwo quadratic equations ax? + bx + c= 0 and arx” + bix Fe) = Gand have a cormmen toot (i.0., ane rect common}, then (be! - bre) Ai A hey have bt the rons even han = B= S Ga) The pte otf ay nepal mrt ity mares Gog E EAS, Hapa, YTID, ESF, NT, er) to nt a have to deal wih the problems reganting imaginary narers, So 2 siraple introduotion is sufficient, 90,127 So, 4 = AC Ip Sa G8 x ~2i, which san imaginary umber Solved examples Ex. ind the discriminant of the following quadratic exutions. Tel ‘onglue ofthe oot of te equations. Vesiy thom. Ox 443-0 G3 pax -3=0 Giy-o¢+ Tea Gvj2e 6+ 7=9 Download Ebooks at 104 ‘QUICKER wat Sots Gi) nx? -4x +3=0,2" I, b=-4,0=3 4x 1x3=16-12<4>Oandalsoaparfect quar. So, the will be distinct rational nomena. “ Bal ‘These axe itn rational ater) (Din 4-3 40,0-3,bH4.024 Dew dacag 243 4(3)= 18+ 36" 53>0 and is wa peed mare ‘thereof il be dine atonal nomnbets. mba tt guava " 7a asd Now, the roots are NES 240-2 vi os ie, a-5,b=7, 00, D=b) 4zcbecomes'=7?—49 > 0 andalspa perfec squ So, the oo wile dsne canal mambo 2 or, 4i-<19 is absolutely incorrect Lerac ap be the roots of the coresponing, quacraic equation (ue. +bx + e~0) ofthe quadratic expression ax? + ‘be ety, suppose) The. we have fr al the seal valuos of x: Case L [fer ang fare real en equal o: both imaginary euD <0 then yi.e,ax2+ hx + will have the sme sign as tat of a, dhe coefficient of x2, That is, CD 50 and a is +ve, y will be always #9, and aj -ve y wil be always ve, in the right con 80, Download Ebooks at toa ‘QUICKER en Men sone tte: ea ang Par reat and unequal ie.itD > 0) Sign chemo nyse et vreteae ie opposite ta that ura siete o teen Find the sigh scheme for he gud ce sien tai exresion x47 The coresondingeaution lowest eee B= C47 451277 16-28-12-¢0;6 roots a imogin 51950. Mette, fr i the real atu of me exesion x= 4u 1 Nie aiway poor Forallthe rel vas of ( maybe 02,3207,3,.,.320 22 Bee) t-te +720, Yau can patx~ any real punberand very hax? 44-47 Latur suppose x42 tense 7 CADE dv tayo ess 18720 When x= 007 tend 4x47 (0074x007 +7 ~O0N0GT 4) 32 ~ 097399) When =2-Y5 then ae» 435-485-8045 + 2HereD—12<0ies he -02751=9 0542-547 2x1 2 WPAN So, ie put x= 2-+ 5i or? - Wis ho given expression wi become ze, The expresiion canotbe nee ne " When x= 2+ Vii, fax 7 GIP a2 4 WE i947 Sioilaly, when x=2-W3i,3?—4n+7=0, 4. The sign sceme snot valid fir imaginary values of. if we Put =i in the piven expres I) 16447 Etomontary Algebra 109 =-16- 16i-+7=-8 - 165 which ig imuginary and it cannot be ‘cornpared with any ral or imaginary number. So the porpase of the sign scheme booomes mezuingless exeept for the roots (2 + ¥8i whieh are rman) Ex. 2: For what values offs, 9x’ + 42x +490 Solu: The corresponding equatinn is x? + 42x44) =9 = (42y' 4x 9% 49= 1764 - 1764-0 Hore, the coefficient of? =a=9>0 So, for oll real values uf x, 9x? + 4x + 49> 0 ie. the given exgroion is alvays posit. Ba. 3: ind the sign scheme for-t° 35-428, ‘Sola: The comesponding equation i -x2 + 3x +28=0 = GF 4x CI) +12 = 110 fon ne 22M 32 8 ‘Thevot of te eqeton a p= MM, ols 47 ‘Here, the evefticient of x7 is -1 <0. So, the sign scheme forthe given expression -x2-+ 34 +28 is as follows: Gre) ~e 4 wot 7 ve) That is, Case (i): HA x < Tyan? + 3512820 Case (Dr if <4 oF > 1,58 Fn FIR SO Case ii ifx=o4 0¢ 7, x2 +44 1 28=0 ‘Note: You caa vetify heabove Cases (i) and (i) by puting such values ‘of as may be easie for calculation. Myre putx~0, 4 <0< 7 wo se, 100-+30+28= <0 Es, 4: For what rings ofthe values of is 22x -7 non-positive? Sola: The cementing ation i 2k Da (HP 4x2 RC =I6456= 7270 Hore, the coefficient of x? is 2>0 we heroots are ESUENTE 42% _ 24.0 The roots 2x2 2x2 2 or the given expression 222 — 4x +7 is as Download Ebooks at 10 QUICKER Mary (9) 2eNE 2498 ? 2 oe) (ve) 22358 agin pai ie > < 2225 te given expression wil forx aod or BE cy neg or og vel expression bebe Tous for 2=2 x 222 tn gen expression is ive i he express is eter 2x0 or negaive over you ant to dhe the sig stheney yo py tke apptoriaate vahoe of 1 and Gea proceed, For snaapl, we P= 14 (epproxioately) Now, the rots are 23 14 43407 = 1221281,“ ‘As Bw tots have been found by approximation, $0 while che in for the sign scheme, you should sot ike Such values ‘which are nearer to the roots. 220 2 25-20-7~23>0 Pulling x=-2, 2 dy-7= 2448-7 =920 ‘Thus, me find that the sign scheme is correc, Bx. 5: The inequality fb? + 82 9h + 14 is correct for b25bo-5 b> bet ipa sb--6 Gr}b24bs4 (p26 b=4 ‘Soln: The given squality is b+ Sb2 9b + 14 1a. b?+ib-Ob- 1420 of, b?-b- 120. For the equation bb - 14= Owe have De (leds x Clay 36=5750 Hae, the coefficient of b= 2 >0 and Elementary Algebee am ep Dal ‘he toats are 130d 38 So, the sign scheme forthe expression == 14 sas fllows: (oe) 3343 (se ‘Thaefor <-33 of b243,0-b- 1420 ‘To dec the comes option, we deww the points of the option on the real number ne of he sige sobeme i) Ge) eye) TG SABI 443 5 6 To ‘Now, we tally wk ofthe options one by one Ceetly, option (is corect. Option (ii also correct Between these two options, wo slserve that opion (i is more suitable than option (i). Though opti (i is eores, sot a5 lose as opi (i. ‘Options (iv) ant (¥) are ieorceet, Heros (ithe ans: 6 fy ont proves xy enum hon ay sutnsay (22) — [SF =7.6 (ppeexioately)) ZT)? ‘Webaow fa be sare ofany ea. 2 0 ss 52) xom(t52) 20 ‘Asx+ yis constant 29 i the maximum when! oy Shove x-ya0 one: Gh storx-yo0 onnay Ex, 7: Which ofthe following values ofP satisfy the inequality =PQ-3MorPIS:P Othen (P= 4) <0... (9) Download Ebooks at ap me quicker gears Bomontany Aigebra 118 ox en (3) <0 hen (P- 4) 0 a ne Bel oaat Froni()P>3and Peds Poa a8 HAG ro (a) PS and P> 4 asp ‘Which sno in choices. Hence from (our ase is (0 Hix 14: Te Inequality 3a = 8a + 2420 gots slisied for which of the Direetins (Ex. 8-12} In each questian one or nore equations) following values of? ivare provided. On thebasivotthese youhavetofidoutiherdaion {J DES?&e=4 }2ea~4 Bare between pang. aera 2) None at ese Give answer (Dif p=a, Sun: Thy caution fo te given ineauabity i Give snewer ifp> sas Int 240. iveanswer()ifa> p, > Ha-)¢0-4) Givcamser( ip 24, and neds Give answer) if p ‘The real umber line of ve sign scheme is 5 te te a ef we 4 He 2 “The two sales of n give the two cad pote oft noua. On Mea? 4 36= 129 thoabovouxiswehavethveesingesin Whichvaluecf can exer, aed GhI O which saris the > a inequalry. Hance a= 28 valod value WLI t1=0 Mh. : “Again put vali which s between 2 and 4 Suppose =, The Sn - 180+ 2427 ~ 54°F 24 ~-2 < Om does not sttisies the inequality. Hence 2= n-<4 isnot a val Solm: 23) tap pet te te ” ; | Mabn ota mich eaten Sapo The to qeta$-35 Taeean 1 SOS EM ai eh eisai inequality. Hence a> 4s valid value. ere oto: Tho inequality (34-6) (n-4}>0 . ses on > 2andns4 ned Hos 294120 9 (q-1} - ' When bh ace ve oy 2 ae any Int 2) <4 122 Download Ebooks at m4 QUICKER Mat acres jangacd 5) None of se pda 2 2nd x <—%) ae eet peisibleatatine 80, front ese {only ce anaser ie (1). 1 you have no idea about quale equatia, you can verity st incuely By pattie the stable vate of Bom each che ‘Whichover stistcs the inequality shoald be our ase Directions (Ex. 16-203: IMeach question one o! more equation) 4s (are) provided, On the basis ofthese you havete find out relation between pand q : Sire answer (itp q Give anewer Q) Epo Give answee (3) iF p Give answer (fp gan Give answer (129 2 p ater eee Oem a 1.Wp sou 18. ape to 1.10 gp? sp Ba e+ 30-0 ip 2g? ogre | | Eerrontayy Algebra 15 Solutions: on ct Spo q Answer -(2) Notee howe that p13 thon ie IM p-7=9 Gil) 3q?- 199+ Wp Ai) By 39- 7g +7930 G-D-Mg-=0 = G4-Mq-Y-0> a= Fort fn Wesgethaamp 19.3.0)49-Sp-+t-0 diyq?-2q4 1-0 na asa 20.356) qe tts SED We see that p= ov a> p Conditions for the Maxjanum and the Minimum. Values of the ‘Quoidrade Expression ax’ + bx +e(= , suppose) Forthsitvirwum value ey, he contition is Nae By hus io exininnum Value). Theninae vale ot » Be Pristine | Download Ebooks at na QUICKER MA For the maximum value afy the condition isa <0 fifa 0, tas no mani le). The mast wate of y= 22 ick paso wieax= 2 ‘Ex. Lr fx dered), find the maxirnim velue of 2x? +x +3 and also fi thocanaponig ao Sola: The soresponding equation ix-2x2+ x43 ~6 D=()-4 (2) 3= 1424 25 1. Tee soquised maxionma value ofthe given expression = 3 35 — 3.125 and the coxtesponsing valve of x 025 OF 470-9 148 G-yp= 1424-59-25. 89 Given tha xis eal, so 2 Wor, 25 ~8y 240,25 2 By 25 2 ys 8 ce. themeximurn value ofy is 2 suistatany= Sin ge 2223+ out ax o2t=25 sige eet or, x~1)'=0, oF, dx = 1-0 eebaaas ‘Ex. 2: Ifx be veal, Gndtthe minimum value of 2x $x - 3 and also. teeencnercy ost Soin: The cocespondiry equation is = Sx-3 =0 Sy 4 2x (R= 25+ UW= Ad “herrea ol of gen emetn D_ #9. 4.125 and te consponding valuc of) a axa 8 lomentary Algebra uw Paplanation; 22-53 -3= y 6) ot, 2x? = Sx - (y+ 3) Desi de 2» Hy#39) = 2548+ 3)—49+ By Given that xiereal =. D2 oF 49 +820 oF, 4 2¢8)y 35 e-em we ofy 6.128 nd ning y= in Wy weget 2x 5x3 ‘0x, 16x? dbx - 24+. tr lode 250 cele sf 0 4x - 2 ne aceainamtrctenistls woe puss eRe ie sr entrance on ech Scenes ea hema oles STS Fn yd “Stereereae sein Spee psd tal Fee et pio cna we ein ica 0 $5 san) 03, anes xe x45 6, 306 +5) or, 30x +150 35x +47 onyx + 5e- 150=6 on? + 15x Wx - 1500 ‘or, net 15) «1043 + 15)=0 (= 10) (c#15)=0 0, -1S Neglecting the -ve value we find tbe no, of bails = 10. Notes (3) In equation (5) Cost priss ofa ball. 0 Download Ebooks at 18 (QUICKER MATH ‘When we get balls more for tie same amount the cost price a ste We i in i oft i ecm by 1595205 (Quicker Approach: Equation %} i our frs-tep af the soation, Fi this very firet step we see thet we ary going to be traped in Sy The amen thas for Nae tes eee han Rays four yee apn, forms ecoereqution ie, f(x A) = y 4 Converted gor form ofa by v2 0) looks ice fany-20=0 (ii) The wo samtanoas equator: Gyix-ys0=0 @)6x-y-20-0 eat» = iv) Tost for common solution 5 * 2 ie. * “Tesco, ther exss anced pac whichoan satiny both the exuations (Solin or by eliotn, betting (2) am (2), 8 at 2k + 200 (by tensposition), 25> 16; puting the ie af A= axyt0=0 40, ‘The present ges of Ravi and his ther axe 10 and 40 years respectively omc) Misectiancous Examples Bho value ore? 4 betinesd Download Ebooks at 120 ‘QUICKER MAI Elementary Algebro, ‘at Soro ergarI=-3VO9 ou? bP 3 abe, (Remember) pe sittae Eth y 4 Babine teas oft 9 wv Ber wey, (SoA Soin: x? + y? ae B41 Ba1 (8-1) 4-25, Be sultry 3 3702: fave —y! vow Bot = abe oy a Soin x? 9° = (xy) OF ey? Hy) in Mit OB 41 Now fey NG ay HT ot sina 24 = an 2 Sayhaay = eifony #90207 wae Wes aobites [ar « oaF}- : [ase —v? + ean? = 26? +64] SB ne seatyveieas andy =7 vena 2,hndywheax=8 _Soln iy varies asx tet =constent TY gye® SZ 3 AID Bax, 10; Lfx-+ 2 exactly dividos:° + 6x? +11x + 6k; find the value of k. Soba I+ 2 dive th ‘muse eqal ozo when equal = Ca + 6¢-2F HC) +5 3 gr2a-ggs6k-0 9 6k=6 k=. x11 What must be added to to ako it? ‘expression, then the given expression jo, -2)=0 5237118 si=3t > ete ee en ped O=P a MH, BOT. ari Sol: The require vatue = 2— ws oO ven ae Bx. 12: Whats the square oot oF 32 +e + 4) (x4 64 +99? Sepvencsnesin gee Solns (92+ 2x +4) (x7 +6x +9) = 42}? (+3)? ap 0rd 4ad- [20+ LOIpe (oF), DL 1 the square wot is {x +2) (+ 3) 13°77 =27 and 37 =263, find the vahw of x = 12,94; int the vale of 9) Bs. 6 x= 12,94; find thevahieot (es a Soln: (x-+ y)"F = (16)* = 4096. Ex. t:Ifa tb +6-6, find the valucote® + BB +e8, Pree = GtbreP—3o+0) ers) +b) Soln: 3? sox-ye3 gam ty Download Ebooks at 122 Pg 9 S14 yommnnn (2) Adding (1) and (2), we get 18 Coty ton ses res Bo x=4, Bed: 11x=9,9= 07 tho vate oft? Son: G2 — y4y"* = @1— 174 fis 15: Find he valve of beep bette Solu: We eve :x 87 9-8) fOHN(e—2) rE nat) to) (GP Hw Loy ve inoue fo. iT HE 1 Fx 16 Theroots of 2kx? + 5kx+ 2 =Oare equal if kis equal to ‘Soln: Tie routs will be cual if'in ax” + bx +e = 6-, b?= dac, Hever, he eo at ago (w-4on2=o 2s 16 k= 0 SkASK-10=0 Ex. 20: Son: Bx, 17: What is tie condition that ano ofthe roots ofthe squat is double theotherin ax?-+hx +¢=07 Soin: Let one bot he equal oa “Then ether rot willbe 2a ‘Now, we kewow the the sum of roots == an the produet of roo Soln: . eae, own H)and 2) de conton ts 2 € 242 9 ons Download Ebooks at Sols Multiplying both sides ef the equation by (x a)(K +b) we obtain: cD Fete talm te tay (e tb) (On rearrangement, we obiain st ex(a +b-20)+ab-bs-ce-0. ‘Now, the sum of roots ~~ (a+b =20)=0=/a+b=2e. the roots of tho equation, Vy T YE Soln: We have, on squaring Bytioy-lsays-2 sya. But y=-1 nteans fy = 1 = YO2 whict is not & real number, Hence, no ral root exits, 1 fa, Bare the roots ofthe eamation x ijac+e = Oandite’ +p = 5, find the valus ofa, Since a, B satisfy the given oqanton, we most have: @? + 300.4071 Pa eps cn (On adding, we get Ge B+ tae etre > bit + B= sum of rools~. 5545 (-3+20=0 Bx. 21: Ifa, Bae te root ofthe equation x7 43ax 42a? = 0 and if a? + 6*=5, tind the value of a. {nthe previous example, weoblainod: P= S420 ‘Now, pul, ¢= 23? oy ‘QUICKER Mat We get, 9s? = $4 4a? aha =$ >e?=1 a> 41 Bx. 22: The area of a rectangle is the sare as that ofa crcl of Fm. Ethe Jeng of the rectangle exceed its breath ‘em; find the dimensions ofthe rectangle. Sola: Aree of theeiele ‘Then the Teigth is x + 3. Arcaofrectangle = Arca of circle Sxaty wae Wea 2 3 52. Bor breads caunot be negative, Hence, we dicard x= 5 sect =2. ‘Breadth = 2 om, Lenglh~ 5 om. “Thewufice area of pipe, open abot end, i enon 0 628 ‘qm. The diffrence between is rains and its Ioogth i 13 the ength beng te lange. hope was coset one ed, mouet of water can it hold? (Use 2 =3.1). Soto: Let radios iss Sip Alte ge cet Nome aed th 57975 5 Method IT ‘Change the factions into ecizals Tike 2 7 i he » de06 Ts * Bronte Clearly, ea: wes pees 1 or 22 Meio . ‘ on tgs sean 7 Rate of CM (erase nutpleaton) Solu: StepT: 13.423 < 1520 ‘Step 1: Take the first two fractions. Find the greater onc by the nuleot sett 2 i peat oe ‘You ean see how quickly this meitad works, After good! x? Puctice,you won tee vasa before snoneng negate wT ee 4,2 . 327 Download Ebooks at 1g QUICKER tan Numer Systom ma ‘Step I+ Take the third fraction. Apply CM with th third fiction st un of squares of stn natural numbers = 0+ UG" + 1) the Farge vas cusnd it Ste TV. Suu of squares of fest n natural numbers t ri 3x Foccrample F224 3%. eto? M02 D194 4x95 507 Py SLL as x75 YV. Summ of cubes of fest n natural mumbers = ry brow oaeat EMEP aa Zan ie ner? 4 ane 3, ‘Now we se that Foun ic afer 3 or Bewoen $ and 2 3 end 7 sud see that 2 > 3 ce, we apply OM with 3 end 3 end see that 3 > 7 4.03 Fy 7 Notes 1. he fst cong aries, eee Bol and en unis poids of bes, eve ee mer ot mmibas, od, tin ee (+3) mand 2) sven ue For example, from 1 to 50, theve ace 28 2 25 odd mambors 2 eat 32 25 son nmin Ak on thea Sh Stop Tk he ot ato. Apply EM with Sal and ee ‘ 3 om vwith 2 and + ena soe dae? > Een we apply OM with Zand Lend see tat? > Therefore 4,753,459 579" ER 277 Step IV: Wit sinar applications, we gat he Fal rou Ada ds Boda Perry wnten ant 2! aS een unter Sue: Thicnlsnasnedincvnupaio aeitsessanscnsed | ants ee frre Seti wehcstomstomsseet te | Ti lem tre hss faa ome better method for you Some Rules on Counting Numbers ra mabe =D Ex. 1s (Gard 25 are sqisuys of 2nd 5 respectively (nee consecutive ‘mutobets}, 25 - 16=9 aero number. Ex. 2: Differonce between 26)? and (25)"= $1 (an odd muraber) Reasoning: Derived from ths above rue 3. The difference between the squates of two consecutive nuribyrs is he 1. Sum of all he est Forexample; 424341105 12 SUB AD S565 11 Suan ot the two corsecive numbers. AL. Sum of first odd aucubers =n? Tu tiod?-s 49 for exemple: 1434547 4-16 (a there ate four ocd mumbrs). Pau 06? -@9) =26+ 25251 Fer example: 13454, nt20Mh odd umber (ie, 2042-1 20 = 400 : ITT. Sum af frst even numbers 1 (21) a For example: 244468... 100 for SOih even mumbes) 1} | I | Reasoning «? 6 Solved Examples () What is tie total of alt the even ruenburs from 1 to 400? ‘Solm: From 1 vo 400, shere are 400 numbers ab) (at) = etd) 30 x (S041) =2550 i Download Ebooks at 180 QUICKER MATHS! So, there are “2 = 207 even mumbirs Hove, wm =200400'1) 40209 let @ whic ie taba nceen mers 163) So From to) en 36 mec he ae PAS | 2890 09 pn 258 @) What is the wets oC al the odd mienbers om [10 1807 Sein hee eon aldrumims ten he gen ag $e sem = 90)8 - 8160, (4) What in tho ton] oF al the oat numisers ons 1 0 $1? Solu: There axe S11 26 odd mambers between the given range, So, 26)?-675 63) Finan sum ofa te od nutes foes 2019 101 Sito: The eee sum = Sum of al the odd nambers fogs J 19% ~ sam ofall hoo aumbers fr, (10 20 Suon pf fis 5) BL nuraber smn of fist LD odd moms GLP ae 260110 501 Power and Tndex a umber ‘pis mliplied by itself m times, the prnduct is called mh power ofp cud is written asp, In pis called the base nd called te index of he power Soune solve examples (0) What is te nuror fa the nit place in (729)°° 2 Solu: When 729 is maltiplied twice, the number i the unit loos is 1a ther words i 729s multibeam even tiraber of tints, te metaber the uni place wll be 1. Thus, the eursbor ia de unt lace (728) i (7299? = (12998 (729) = (2.1) (720) =4 Fn the un pace (2) ind the number inthe wnt place e020 6 and (ona, Numbor System 1 Soln: Winen 623 is anlipled 1wice, ths moraber inthe wait place is 9 ; Whes. 8 moliplicd 4 biaes, che aumber it tv unit place % 1. Thus, | seesay chet 1695 is muldiied Gn sumber of times, the auras in the iu place wil be 1. $4, 628) ~ G2!" =1 athe un place Goa & Cenayt*? (623)P= (0) (..8)=9 nthe unt place E629) x GBP 1% (00.9) ‘nthe ait place you solve this type of questions (loved sumer) ry ‘to get the last digit 1, as has been done in the ahve two examples, (2) Find dhe neraber in ths‘ wnit place ic (122) , (122)? and (22279, Sol Gondindd nd CBr eG = 8 Bh Bel BIC We know that 6}6¢ 8} C8) Tus, when (122) is mots An ties, he ts digit is 6, Tevet, 1227? «(228° = 6.6} Hn the uieplace 122) = gray Se G2! (6 shud) = & inthe unit poo. (22) = (122985 5 (22) =8)o4. 8} -8 Hn ae ut place, (4 Find the umber inthe unit place in (98), 05y* and (98)? Sone y=.) e987" =(..0) This, 98)" = 24)” =(..6)~4 inte eit place 08 = BFE 4 158)? (6.4) =A a eur place 8 = Cy!" 5 69) (..5)x(.2)=2 he uit lace ‘Note: Wien there is am sven curbs inthe unit place of base try {0 eC 6 in the unit place, ay tas been done in dhe above two questions. “his chepor should be cogcluget with some geaeral gles dived fortis Cre of ess, Yule For ued numbers en there an digit ia the unl place fexcept 9), melipiy oe mussel wal you got a the em place bo on Download Ebooks at

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