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by Joyce Fassbender




54 square

US size 7 (4.0mm) 16 and 40 circular

needles, or size needed to obtain gauge

Knit Picks Wool of the Andes (100%
Peruvian Wool; 110 yards/50g); MC: Coal
23420, 24 balls, C1 Amethyst Heather
23900, C2 Baltic Heather 25648, C3
Golden Heather 25979, C4 Persimmon
Heather 24280, and C5 Garnet Heather
25633, 2 balls each; C6 Everglade
Heather 25643, 3 balls

Yarn Needle
Stitch Markers

18 sts and 36 rows = 4 in garter stitch,

Infinite Rainbow Throw

Square type 3


CC as C2 and 6 with CC as C3.)

The squares of this modular blanket are worked in a modified log

cabin design. Individual squares are knit, then sewn together and
a border is knit on the edges to finish.

(Make 2 with CC as C1, 2 with CC as C4, 4 with CC as C5, 6 with

Inner square: Cast on 14 sts in MC using long tail cast on. Work
26 rows as K all sts. Bind off all sts.
Side 1: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

All four square types are shown in diagram form as a guide. You

14 stitches in MC. Work 12 rows as K all sts. Bind off.

will be using the same main color in all squares while changing

Side 2: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

the contrast color as instructed.

21 stitches in MC. Work 12 rows as K all sts. Bind off.

When picking up stitches in the garter stitch along the side of

a square, place one stitch per garter ridge. When picking up
stitches from the bind off or cast on edge, place one stitch per
bound off or cast on stitch. The video detailing the technique
used to pick up and knit stitches can be found at http://tutorials.
When changing colors, bring the new color up underneath the
old color to prevent holes from forming at the sides of the square.

Square type 1
(Make 8 with CC as C6, 4 with CC as C1, 4 with CC as C4, 2 with
CC as C5, 2 with CC as C2 and 2 with CC as C3.)

Side 3: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

21 stitches in MC. Work 12 rows as K all sts. Bind off.
Side 4: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K
21 stitches in MC, then PU and K 7 sts in CC. Row 1: K7 in CC, K21
in MC. Row 2: K21 in MC, K7 in CC. Repeat rows 1 and 2 five more
times. Bind off in pattern.

Square type 4
(Make 8 with CC as C6, 2 with CC as C1, and 2 with CC as C4.)
Inner square: Cast on 14 sts in MC using long tail cast on. Work
26 rows as K all sts. Bind off all sts.
Side 1: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K
14 stitches in MC. Work 12 rows as K all sts. Bind off.
Side 2: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

Inner square: Cast on 14 sts in MC using long tail cast on. Work

21 stitches in MC. Work 12 rows as K all sts. Bind off.

26 rows as K all sts. Bind off all sts.

Side 3: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

Side 1: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

7 stitches in CC, then PU and K 14 sts in MC. Row 1: K 14 in MC, K7

14 stitches in CC. Work 12 rows as K all sts. Bind off.

in CC. Row 2: K7 in CC, K 14 in MC. Repeat rows 1 and 2 five more

Side 2: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

times. Bind off in pattern.

21 stitches in CC. Work 12 rows as K all sts. Bind off.

Side 4: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

Side 3: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

21 stitches in MC, then PU and K 7 sts in CC. Row 1: K7 in CC, K 21

21 stitches in CC. Work 12 rows as K all sts. Bind off.

in MC. Row 2: K21 in MC, K7 in CC. Repeat rows 1 and 2 five more

Side 4: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

times. Bind off in pattern.

21 stitches in CC, then PU and K 7 sts in MC. Row 1: K7 in MC, K 21

in CC. Row 2: K21 in CC, K7 in MC. Repeat rows 1 and 2 five more
times. Bind off in pattern.

Square type 2
(Make 2 with CC as C5, 4 with CC as C2 and 4 with CC as C3.)

Sew together squares in pattern as shown in Blanket Diagram.

Then work border.

Side 1: With RS facing and starting at the upper right corner, PU
and K 210 stitches along edge of blanket. Work 28 rows as K all

Inner square: Cast on 14 sts in MC using long tail cast on. Work

sts. Bind off all sts.

26 rows as K all sts. Bind off all sts.

Side 2: With RS facing, turn blanket 90 degrees. PU and K 224 sts

Side 1: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

along edge. Work 28 rows as K all sts. Bind off all sts.

14 stitches in CC. Work 12 rows as K all sts. Bind off.

Side 3: With RS facing, turn blanket 90 degrees. PU and K 224 sts

Side 2: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

along edge. Work 28 rows as K all sts. Bind off all sts.

21 stitches in CC. Work 12 rows as K all sts. Bind off.

Side 4: With RS facing, turn blanket 90 degrees. PU and K 238 sts

Side 3: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K

along edge. Work 28 rows as K all sts. Bind off all sts.

7 stitches in MC, then PU and K 14 sts in CC. Row 1: K 14 in CC, K7

in MC. Row 2: K7 in MC, K 14 in CC. Repeat rows 1 and 2 five more
times. Bind off in pattern.
Side 4: With RS facing, turn work 90 degrees clockwise. PU and K
21 stitches in CC, then PU and K 7 sts in MC. Row 1: K7 in MC, K 21
in CC. Row 2: K21 in CC, K7 in MC. Repeat rows 1 and 2 five more
times. Bind off in pattern.

Infinite Rainbow Throw

Weave in ends, wash and block to size.

Square Diagrams

Type 1

Type 2


Type 4

Type 3

Blanket Diagram

Infinite Rainbow Throw

About the Designer

Joyce Fassbender is a biology lecturer in New York City.
She recently got a puppy that shes training to be a good
knitting dog, but not to knit because, sadly, it cant hold the
needles. When not playing with the puppy, shes obsessing
over shawls and lace
For pattern support, please contact


M marker


bind off


make one stitch



cable needle


make one left-leaning

rnd(s) round(s)

tog together


contrast color





Centered double dec


make one right-lean-

Sk skip


cast on

ing stitch


cont continue


main color

dec decrease(es)

P purl

DPN(s) double pointed



purl 2 sts together




through back loop

right hand


through front loop

right side

wrap & turn (see

specific instructions

sl 1, k2tog, pass

in pattern)

slipped stitch over


k2tog: 2 sts dec


wrong side

sl, k, psso: 1 st dec


with yarn in back

work even



place marker

SL slip


with yarn in front

every other row


purl into the front and


slip marker


yarn over

back of stitch


sl, sl, k these 2 sts tog

pass slipped stitch


sl, sl, p these 2 sts tog

inc increase
K knit



knit two sts together


knit into the front and


back of stitch

P-wise purlwise

pick up


sl, sl, sl, k these 3 sts

stockinette stitch


K-wise knitwise

rep repeat

St st


Rev St st reverse stockinette

sts stitch(es)

left hand

Infinite Rainbow Throw

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