Bibliography of Gilles Deleuze

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Bibliography: Gilles Deleuze, Flix Guattari

Source: SubStance, Vol. 13, No. 3/4, Issue 44-45: Gilles Deleuze (1984), pp. 96-105
Published by: University of Wisconsin Press
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The following bibliography of the writings of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari is
divided according to six headings:
I. Books (a.) by Deleuze, (b.) by Guattari, (c.) by both authors;
II. Collections of Texts (recueils by Deleuze);
III. Articles, Prefaces, Interviews (a.) by Deleuze, (b.) by Guattari, (c.) by both
IV. Studies in French of works (a.) by Deleuze, (b.) by Guattari, (c.) by both authors;
V. Translations into English of books, articles, and interviews (a.) by Deleuze, (b.)
by Guattari, (c.) by both authors;

VI. Studies in English of works by Deleuze and Guattari.

All the contributors to this issue, as well as Lawrence Grossberg, deserve special
thanks for their additons to these references. While I have attempted to compile as
complete a bibliography as possible, I assume, however regretfully, that there are various

works which have eluded compilation. Nonetheless, I hope that this list will serve as
a research tool to complement the preceding multifaceted examination of recent works

by Deleuze and Guattari.

I. Books

a. by Deleuze
David Hume, sa vie, son oeuvre. With Andre Cresson. Paris: PUF, 1952.
Empirisme et subjectiviti. Paris: PUF, 1953.
Nietzsche et la philosophie. Paris: PUF, 1962.
La philosophie critique de Kant. Paris: PUF, 1963.
Marcel Proust et les signes. Paris: PUF, 1964. Rev. ed. publ. as Proust et les signes,
1971, 1976.

Le Bergsonisme. Paris: PUF, 1966.

Prisentation de Sacher-Masoch. Paris: Minuit, 1967. Re-edited; Paris: Union gen
d'edition, 10/18, 1971.
Diffirence et ripitition. Paris: PUF, 1968.
Spinoza et le problime de l'expression. Paris: Minuit, 1968.

Logique du sens. Paris: Minuit, 1969.

Dialogues. With Claire Parnet. Paris: Flammarion, 1977.
Ois il est question de la toxicomanie. Alengon: des mots perdus, 1978.

Superpositions. With Carmelo Bene. Paris: Minuit, 1979. Originally publ. in It

Milan: Feltrinelle economica, 1978.
Spinoza. Philosophie pratique. Paris: Minuit, 1981.
Francis Bacon. Logique de la sensation. 2 vols. Paris: Editions de la diff6rence, 19
Cinima 1: L'Image-Mouvement. Paris: Minuit, 1983.
b. by Guattari
Psychanalyse et transversalit6. Paris: Masp~ro, 1972. Italian trans.: Una tomba per

SubStance No 44/45, 1984 96

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Bibliography: Deleuze, Guattari 97

Verona: Bertani, 1974. German trans.: Psychotherapie, Politik und die Aufg

tionellen Analysen. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 1976. Preface by Gille

problemes de groupe."

La revolution moldculaire. Fontenay-sous-Bois: Editions Recherches,

"Micro-politique du fascisme," appears as "Micro-politique du desir"
etpolitique (Paris: Seuil, 1974). Three chaps., "La fin des f6tichismes,"

du fascisme," and "Mary Barnes ou l'Oedipe anti-psychiatrique,"

text(e), II, no. 3 (1977) (see V.b.).
L'Inconscient machinique. Fontenay-sous-Bois: Editions Recherches, 1
c. by both authors
L'Anti-Oedipe: Capitalisme et Schizophrinie I. Paris: Minuit, 1972.
Kafka. Pour une littirature mineure. Paris: Minuit, 1975.
Rhizome: introduction. Paris: Minuit, 1976.
Politique et Psychanalyse. Alengon: des mots perdus, 1977. One essay, by

untrans.: "La place du signifiant dans l'institution"; the three othe

Language, Sexuality and Subversion (1978; see V.a.b.c.): Guattari's "

politique," Deleuze's "Quatre propositions sur la psychanalyse,

Guattari, Claire Parnet, and Andre Scala, "L'interpr6tation des 6

Mille Plateaux: Capitalisme et Schizophrinie II. Paris: Minuit, 1980. Trans

Rhizome" have appeared both in I and C and in On The Line, and

Semiotext(e), II, no. 3 (1977) (see V.c.)

II. Collections of Texts (recueils by Deleuze)

Instincts et Institutions. Paris: Hachette, 1953.

Nietzsche. Paris: PUF, 1965.

Spinoza. Paris: PUF, 1970.
Mimoire et vie by Henri Bergson. Paris: PUF, 1975.

III. Articles, Prefaces, Interviews

a. by Deleuze

"Mathbse, Science et Philosophie." Intro. to Jean Molfatti de Montre

la Mathise ou Anarchie et Hiirarchie de la Science. Trans. Christian Ost

Editions du Griffon d'Or, 1946.

"La Conception de la diff6rence chez Bergson." Etudes bergsoniennes

"Nietzsche, sens et valeurs." Arguments (1960).
"Sacher-Masoch." Arguments (1961).
"Lucrece et le Naturalisme." Etudes philosophiques, no. 1 (January-M
rev. form in Logique du sens, appendix.
"Mystbre d'Ariane." Etudes nietzschiennes (1963) (part of final chap. o

"Unite de A la recherche du temps perdu." Revue de Mitaphysique et de Mora

"Pierre Klossowski ou les corps-langage." Critique, 214 (March 1965). R

in Logique du sens, appendix.

"Renverser le platonisme." Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale (October

Rpt. in rev. form in Logique du sens, appendix.

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98 Bibliography: Deleuze, Guattari

"L'Homme, une existence douteuse." Le Nouvel Observateur, 1 June 19

Les Mots et les Choses).

"La Bate humaine." In Oeuvres complites d'Emile Zola. Paris: Cercle du

1967. Rpt. in rev. form in Logique du sens, appendix.

"Methode de dramatisation." Socidte'francaise de philosophie (1967).

"Sur la volonte de puissance et I'&ternel retour." In Nietzsche, Cahiers de R

Minuit, 1967.
"Une Theorie d'Autrui (Autrui, Robinson et le Pervers)." Critique, 241

Michel Tournier's Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique). Rpt. in rev. for

sens, appendix.
"Le Schizophrene et le mot," Critique, 255-256 (August-September 196

L'arve et l'aume, Louis Wolfson's Le Schizo et les langues, Lewis Carroll's A

land). Rpt. in rev. form in Logique du sens, chap. 13 (see V.a).

"Spinoza et la methode generale de M. Guerault." Revue de Mitaphysiq

(October-December, 1969).

"Faille et feux locaux, Kostas Axelos." Critique, 275 (April 1970) (on A
pensde planitaire, Arguments d'une recherche, and Le jeu du monde).

"Un nouvel archiviste." Critique, 274 (March 1970) (on Foucault's L'archeol

Rpt. as separate ed.: Montpellier: Fata Morgana, 1972. Italian tra

saggi. Cosenza: Lerici, 1976.
"Schizologie." Preface to Louis Wolfson. Le Schizo et les langues. Paris:

"Hume." Histoire de la Philosophie, 4. Ed. Francois Chatelet. Paris: H

"Les intellectuels et le pouvoir." L'Arc, 49 (1972). English trans. in Fou

Counter-Memory, Practice (see V.a.).

"Schizophrenie et Societe." Encyclopidie Universalis. Paris: Editio

Universalis France, 1972.

"Trois problemes de groupe." Preface to Guattari. Psychanalyse et Transv

Italian trans. in Guattari. Una tomba per edipo (1974).

"Pens'e nomade." In Nietzsche aujourd'hui. Paris: Union generale d'editi

English trans. in Semiotext(e), III, no. 1 (1978), and in The New Nietzsch
Styles of Interpretation (see V.a.).

"Presence et fonction de la folie, I'Araign e." In Saggi e richerche de letteratu

Rome: Bulzona, 1973 (last chap. of 1976 ed. of Proust et les signes
"A Quoi reconnait-on le structuralisme?" in Histoire de la philosophie
Chatelet. Paris: Hachette, 1972-1973, and in La Philosophie au XXe S

Belgium: Marabout, 1979.

"Ecrivain non: un nouveau cartographe." Critique, 343 (December 1975

Surveiller et punir). Italian trans. in Deleuze: saggi. Cosenza: Lerici,
"Preface." In Guy Hocquenghem. L'Apres-Mai des Faunes: Volutions. Par
"Table ronde." With Roland Barthes and Gerard Genette. Cahiers Marce
Paris: Gallimard, 1975.

"Avenir de linguistique." Preface to Henri Gobard. L'aliination ling

Flammarion, 1976.
"Entretien Avec Gilles Deleuze." Cahiers du Cinima, 271 (1976) (about J

and Anne-Marie Mieville's television series Six Fois Deux; see V.a

"L'ascension du social." Postface to Jacques Donzelot. La police desfamill

1977 (see V.a.).

"Philosophie et Minorit&." Critique, 369 (February 1978).
"Spinoza et Nous." Revue de Synthise, n.s. 3,no. 89-91 (January-Septem
in Spinoza. Philosophie pratique (see I.a.).

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Bibliography: Deleuze, Guattari 99

"En quoi la philosophie peut servir a des math6maticiens ou mem

etc." In Vincennes ou le disir d'apprendre. Paris: Alain Moreau, 197
"Entretien 1980." L'Arc, 49 (1980; rev. ed.).
Interview with Herv6 Guibert (on Francis Bacon. Logique de la sensa
December 1981 (see V.a.).

" 'La photographie est d6ja tiree dans les choses': entretien avec Gilles

Bonitzer et Jean Narboni." Cahiers du Cineima, 352 (October 1


"Inedit: Godard et Rivette." La Quinzaine littiraire, 404 (1 November 1983) (from L'ImageTemps, forthcoming).
"L'abstraction lyrique." change International, 1 (Autumn 1983) (excerpt from L'lmage-Mouvement).

b. by Guattari
Numerous articles in the journal Recherches, some of which are reprinted in Psychanalyse
et Transversaliti.

"I1 colletivo di Heidelberg." 1972 interview with Guattari and the SPK group of Heidelberg. In Una tomba per edipo. Verona: Bertani, 1974. Guattari's study of this group,
"Le S.P.K.," appears in La revolution moliculaire (1977).
"Colloquio a proposito dell' 'Anti-Edipo.' " 1972 interview with Arno Munster for the
Frankfurt Neue Zeitung. In Una tomba per edipo (1974).

"Laing divise." La Quinzaine littiraire (1 January 1972). In Una tomba per edipo (1974).
"Tombeau pour un oedipe." Change 12, "Deraison desir" (September 1972). In Una tomba
per edipo (1974) and in La revolution moliculaire (1977).
"Mary Barnes ou l'Oedipe antipsychiatrique." Le Nouvel Observateur (28 March 1973).
In La rivolution moliculaire (1977).
"Le suicide." Cahiers de l'Herne (June 1973). In Una tomba per edipo (1974).
"La qualith della vita nelle istituzioni umane." Una tomba per edipo (1974).
"Riposta ad una inchiesta." Una tomba per edipo (1974).
"Intervento di F6lix Guattari al Congresso della Scuola Freudiana." Una tomba per edipo
(1974). Trans. of Guattari's address publ. originally in Lettres de l'Ecolefreudienne, 9,
and in La revolution moliculaire (1977).

"L'Amateur Amat6." Preface to Marc Pierret. Le Divan Romancier. Paris: Christian

Bourgois, 1975.
"La poetique de l'enonciation." Semiotext(e), I, 3 (1975).
"Les Radios libres populaires." La Nouvelle Critique, 115 (June-July 1978).
Desiderio e rivoluzione: intervista a Filix Guattari a cura de Paolo Bertetto. Milan: Squilibri, 1978.

"Mitterand et le Tiers Etat." Le Nouvel Observateur, 876 (22 August 1981).

"Plaidoyer pour un 'dictateur.' " Le Nouvel Observateur, 961 (8 April 1983).
"Boite noire: le curseur a z6ro; "boite noire: le non-retrait"; "La guerre, la crise ou la
vie"; with Eric Alliez. "Le capital en fin de compte: systemes, structures et processus

capitalistiques." change International, 1 (Autumn 1983) (Guattari is a member of the

editorial board of this new review).
"Creativite et folie." Discussion with Jean Oury in Cahiers Actes Sud, 1 (February 1984).

"Boite noire: La valse t sept temps"; interventions in the debate "L'&tat nucl6aire: Table
ronde." change International, 2 (May 1984).

c. by both authors
"La Synthbse Disjonctive." L'Arc, 43 (1970).

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100 Bibliography: Deleuze, Guattari

"Capitalisme et Schizophrenie." L'Arc, 49 (1972). Interview publ. in Una t


"Deleuze et Guattari s'expliquent." La Quinzaine littiraire (16 June 1972). Interview publ.
in Una tomba per edipo (1974).
"Il languaggio schizofrenico." Tempi moderni, 12 (1972). Interview with Vittorio Marchetti
publ. in Una tomba per edipo (1974).

"Bilan-programme pour machines d6sirantes." Minuit, 2 (1973). Publ. as appendix to

the rev. ed. of L'Anti-Oedipe (1976), and in English trans. in Semiotext(e), II, no. 3
"Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari." In C'est Demain La Veille. Paris: Le Seuil, 1973 (interview

originally publ. in Actuel).

"Le Nouvel Arpenteur: Intensit6s et blocs d'enfance dans 'Le Chateau.' " Critique, 318

(November 1973).
"Extraits de Mille Plateaux." La Quinzaine Littgraire, 333 (1 October 1980).
IV. Studies in French of Works

a. by Deleuze
L'Arc, 49, "Deleuze" (1972; 1980, rev. ed.):

Bercu, France. "Sed perseverare diabolicum" (on Logique du sens and unpublish
course notes).

Cl6ment, Catherine. "Les petites filles ou les aventures de la philosophie" (intro.

to issue).
. "Postface 1980: De l'Anti-Oedipe aux Mille Plateaux, Bob Wilson
philosophe" (study added to rev. ed.).
1. "Entretien 1980."

Fedida, Pierre. "Le philosophe et sa peau" (on Logique du sens).

Gandillac, Maurice de. "Vers une schizo-analyse" (on L'Anti-Oedipe).
Kaleka, G&rard. "Un Hegel philosophiquement barbu, notes pour un mauvais usage
de l'Histoire" (overview of Deleuze's philosophical work).
Klossowski, Pierre. "Digression a partir d'un portrait apocryphe."
Rosset, Clement. "Secheresse de Deleuze" (on Diffirence et ripitition and Logique du sens).

Semp6, Jean-Claude. "Le leurre et le simulacre."

Taat, A. Mieke. "Les signes du feu" (on Logique du sens and other essays by Deleuze)

Vuarnet, Jean-Noel. "M6tamorphoses de Sophie" (overview of Deleuze's work).

BindS, Jer6me. "Deleuze Va Au Cinema." Le Nouvel Observateur, 989 (21 October 1983
(on Cinema 1: L'Image-Mouvement).
Borel, Jacques. "Notes sur l'imparfait proustien." Critique, 295 (December 1971).

Brabant, G. P. "Masoch ou ... masochisme?" L'Inconscient, 6 (April-June 1968).

Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine, et al. Les Chemins de L'Anti-Oedipe. Toulouse: Privat, 1974

Cressole, Michel. Deleuze. Paris: Editions Universitaire, "Psychothbque," 1973. A Itr

from Deleuze, publ. as an appendix, appears in English trans. in Semiotext(e), II,
no. 3 (1977).

Foucault, Michel. "Ariane s'est pendue." Le Nouvel Observateur, 31 March 1969 (on Diffirenc
et Ripitition).

- . "Theatrum Philosophicum." Critique, 282 (November 1970) (on Deleuze's Dif-

firence et Ripitition and Logique du sens). English trans. in Foucault's Language, Counter-

Memory, Practice (see VI).

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Bibliography: Deleuze, Guattari 101

Glucksmann, Andre. "Prem6ditations Nietzsch6ennes." Critique, 213 (Feb

(on Nietzsche et la philosophie).

Jacob, A. "Sens, 6nonc6 et communication." L'Homme et la Socidtd, 14 (Octo

Kremer-Marietti, Angele. "Diff6rence et qualit6." Revue de Mitaphysique et de Morale, 3

Mauzi, Robert. "Les Complexes et les Signes." Critique, 225 (February 1966) (on Proust
et les signes).

Pierssens, Michel. "Gilles Deleuze: Diabolus in Semiotica." Modern Language Notes, 96,

no. 4 (1975).
Rabant, Claude. "Sacher-Masoch ou l'&change fou." Critique, 273 (February 1970).
Raillard, Georges. "Un bon objet pour Gilles Deleuze." La Quinzaine littiraire, 367 (16
March 1982) (on Francis Bacon. La logique de la Sensation).
Rolland de Reneville, Jacques. Itindraire du sens. Paris: PUF, 1982.
Seguin, Louis. "Le retour du 'theore.' " La Quinzaine littiraire, 404 (1 November 1983)
(on Cinema 1: L'Image-Mouvement).

Vauday, Patrick. "Ecrit a vue: Deleuze-Bacon." Critique, 426 (November 1982).

b. by Guattari
Cooper, David. "Guattari, et notre implication dans les luttes quotidiennes." La Quinzaine littiraire (February 1980) (on L'inconscient machinique).

c. by both authors

Aug,, Marc. Symbole, Fonction, Histoire. Paris: Hachette, 1979 (see VI).
Baudrillard, Jean. Oublier Foucault. Paris: Editions Galil&e, 1977 (see VI).
Benoist, Jean-Marie. La revolution structurale. Paris: Grasset, 1975 (see VI).
Castel, Robert. "L'avenir d'une illusion." Chap. X in Le Psychanalysme. Paris: Union
gnrinrale d'editions, 10/18, 1976.
Chatelet, Frangois and Evelyne Pisier-Kouchner. Les Conceptions Politique du XXe Sidcle.

Paris: PUF, 1981.

Chatelet, Francois, Olivier Duhamel, and Evelyne Pisier-Kouchner. "Les megamachines

du pouvoir (Deleuze-Guattari)." In Histoire des idies politiques. Paris: PUF, 1982.

Dadoun, Roger. "Le nouveau deleuze-et-guattari." La Quinzaine littiraire, 336 (16

November 1980) (on Mille Plateaux).
Descombes, Vincent. Le Mime et L'Autre: 45 Ans de Philosophie Franfaise (1933-1978). Paris:

Minuit, 1979.
Domenach, J.-M. "Oedipe ta l'usine." Esprit, 40, no. 12 (December 1972).
Donzelot, Jacques. "Une anti-sociologie." Esprit, 40, no. 12 (December 1972).
Furtos, J. and R. Roussillon. " 'L'Anti-Oedipe': Essai d'explication." Esprit, 40, no. 12
(December 1972).
Girard, Rene. "Systhme du Delire." Critique, 306 (November 1972).
Grisoni, Dominique. "Onamatopees du desir." Magazine littiraire, 127-128 (September
1977). Rpt. in Grisoni, Les Dieux dans la Cuisine. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1978

(see V.c.).
Lyotard, Jean-FranCois. "Capitalisme Energumine." Critique, 306 (November 1972) (see

Nadeau, Maurice. "Se brancher sur la machine Deleuze." La Quinzaine littiraire, 272
(February 1978) (on Rhizome, Politique et Psychanalyse, and Dialogues).

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102 Bibliography: Deleuze, Guattari

Scarpetta, Guy. "Kafka, Pour une litterature mineure." Tel Quel, 63 (

St6phane, Andre. "La fin d'un malentendu." Contrepoint, 7-8 (1972).
V. Translations into English of Works, Articles, and Interviews

a. by Deleuze

Masochism: An Interpretation of Coldness and Cruelty. Trans. Jean McNei

Braziller, 1971 (trans. of Sacher-Masoch).

Proust and Signs. Trans. Richard Howard. New York: G. Braziller, 1
"Active and Reactive." Trans. by Richard Cohen of most of section two

la philosophie. In The New Nietzsche: Contemporary Styles of Interpretation

Allison. New York: Dell, 1977.

" 'I have nothing to admit,' " Semiotext(e), II, 3 (1977). Trans. Janis For

letter to Michel Cressole, publ. in Deleuze, above IV.a.).

"Intellectuals and Power." Trans. Donald F. Bouchard and Sherry Sim

Foucault. Language, Counter-Memory, Practice. Ithaca: Cornell Universit

"Nomad Thought." Semiotext(e), III, no. 1 (1977). Trans. Jacqueline W

David B. Allison in The New Nietzsche: Contemporary Styles of Interpretati

Dell, 1977.

"Three Group Problems." Semiotext(e), II, no. 3 (1977). Trans. Mark S

the preface to Guattari's Psychanalyse et transversaliti).

"Four Propositions on Psychoanalysis." Trans. Paul Foss. In Language, Sex

version. Ed. Paul Foss and Meaghan Morris. Darlington, Australia: Fer

"Politics." Semiotext(e), III, no. 2 (1978). Trans. Janet Horn (from D

"Three Questions on Six Fois Deux: An Interview with Gilles Deleuze." Afterimage, 7

(Summer 1978) (see III.a.).

"The Rise of the Social." Foreword to Jacques Donzelot. The Policing of Families. Trans.

Robert Hurley. New York: Random House, 1979.

"The Schizophrenic and Language: Surface and Depth in Lewis Carroll and Antonin
Artaud." Textual Strategies: Perspectives in Post-Structuralist Criticism. Ed. Josue V. Harrari.

Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1979 (secs. of Logique du sens, chap. 13).
"A New Archivist." In Theoretical Strategies. Ed. Peter Botsmore. Sydney: Local Consumption Publications, 1982.
" 'What Counts is the Scream.' " Trans. of Le Monde interview (3 December 1981) by
Herv6 Guibert. The Guardian, 10 January 1982.
"Politics." Trans. John Johnston. In On The Line. New York: Semiotext(e), Foreign Agents

Series, 1983 (from Deleuze-Parnet's Dialogues).

Nietzsche and Philosophy. Trans. Hugh Tomlinson. London: Athlone Press, 1983.
"Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation." Flash Art, no. 112 (May 1983) (trans. of excerpts

from chaps. I, III, IV, VI of Deleuze's 1981 study of Francis Bacon; see I.a.).
"Plato and the Simulacrum." Trans. Rosalind Krauss. October, 27 (Winter 1983) (an
excerpt from the forthcoming trans. of Logique du sens; see below).
"Books." Artforum (January 1984) (text related to Deleuze's 1981 study of Francis Bacon;

see I.a.).
Logique du sens. New York: Columbia University Press, forthcoming. Translation.

b. by Guattari
"Interview/Felix Guattari." Diacritics, IV, no. 3 (Fall 1974).

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Bibliography: Deleuze, Guattari 103

Everybody Wants to be a Fascist." Semiotext(e), II, no. 3 (1977). Trans. S

(from La rivolution moliculaire).

"Freudo-Marxism." Semiotext(e), II, no. 3 (1977). Trans. Janis Forman

"Mary Barnes' 'Trip.' " Semiotext(e), II, no. 3 (1977). Trans. Ruth Oh
rdvolution moldculaire).

"Pseudo-Analysis and Schizo-Analysis: An Interview with Felix Guattari

II, no. 3 (1977). Trans. Janis Forman (from La revolution moliculaire
"Psychoanalysis and Politics." Trans. Paul Foss. Language, Sexuality and

Paul Foss and Meaghan Morris. Darlington, Australia: Feral Pres

"Revolution and Desire." Interview with Hannah Levin and Mark Seem. State and Mind

(Summer/Fall, 1978).

"A Liberation of Desire: An Interview with George Stambolian." Homosexualities and Fre

Literature. Ed. George Stambolian and Elaine Marks. Ithaca: Cornell University Pres

"The Proliferation of Margins." Semiotext(e), III, no. 3 (1980). Trans. Richard Gard
and Sybil Walker.
"Why Italy?" Semiotext(e), III, 3 (1980). Trans. John Johnston.

"I Have Even Met Happy Travelos." Semiotext(e), IV, no. 1 (1981). Trans. Rach

"Becoming-Woman." Semiotext(e), IV, no. 1 (1981). Trans. Rachel McComas and


"The Molecular Revolution: A Talk with F6lix Guattari." Tabloid: A Review ofMass Cultu

and Everyday Life (Winter 1981).

"Interpretance and Significance." Semiotica, suppl. (1981), 119-125.

"Like the Echo of a Collective Melancholia." Semiotext(e), IV, no. 2 (1982). Trans. M

"Alliance: An Interview with Felix Guattari by Sylvere Lotringer." Impulse, 10, no. 2

(Winter 1983).

Molecular Revolution: Psychiatry and Politics. Trans. Rosemary Sheed. New York: Penguin
1984 (trans. of articles from Guattari's Psychanalyse et Transversalite, La Revolution

moliculaire, and two recent texts, "Plan for the Planet" (1979), and "Capitalistic Sys

tems, Structures and Processes (with Eric Alliez)," publ. in change International, 1 (see


c. by both authors
Anti-Oedipus. Trans. Robert Hurley, Mark Seem, and Helen Lane. New York: Vikin
Press, 1977; Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983. Neither includes
the Appendix, "Bilan-programme pour machines d6sirantes," publ. in the 1976 ed
of L'Anti-Oedipe and trans. in Semiotext(e), II, no. 3 (see VI).
"Balance Sheet-Programme for Desiring-Machines." Semiotext(e), II, no. 3 (1977). Trans
Robert Hurley. Originally publ. in Minuit, 2 (1972), then in the rev. ed. of L'AntiOedipe (1976).
"May 14, 1914. One or Several Wolves?" Semiotext(e), II, no. 3 (1977). Trans. Mark
Seem (plateau 2 of Mille Plateaux).
"The Interpretation of Utterances." With Claire Parnet and Andre Scala. Trans. Pau

Foss and Meaghan Morris. In Language, Sexuality and Subversion. Darlington, Australia:

Feral Press, 1978.

"Rhizome." Trans. Paul Foss and Paul Patton. I and C, 8 (1981) (trans. of 1976 version
of "Rhizome").

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104 Bibliography: Deleuze, Guattari

"A Bloated Oedipus." Semiotext(e), IV, no. 1 (1981). Trans. Rachel McCom
Pour une littirature mineure).

"How to Make Yourself a Body-Without-Organs." Semiotext(e), IV, no.

Suzanne Guerlac (an excerpt from plateau 6 of Mille Plateaux).

"Rhizome." Trans. John Johnston. In On The Line. New York: Semiotext(e),

Series, 1983. (Trans. of modified version of "Rhizome" in Mille Pla

"What is a Minor Literature?" Trans. Robert Brinkley. Mississippi Re
(1983) (from Kafka: Pour une littirature mineure).

VI. Studies in English on Works by Deleuze and Guattari

Aronowitz, Stanley. "Anti-Oedipus and Molecular Politics." New Politic

Aug', Marc. The Anthropological Circle.: Symbol, Function, History. Cambridge and Paris:

Cambridge U.P. and Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1982 (see

Baudrillard, Jean. "Forgetting Foucault." Trans. Nicole Dufresne. In Humanities in Society,

III, 1 (Winter 1980); "Oublier Foucault." Trans. Tony Thwaites and Sam Mele.
In Theoretical Strategies, ed. Peter Botsmore. Sydney: Local Consumption Publications,

Benoist, Jean-Marie. The Structural Revolution. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978.
Callinicos, Alex. Is There a Futurefor Marxism? Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press,

Cantor, Jay. "Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia by Gilles Deleuze and Felix
Guattari." The New Republic (24 December 1977).

D'Amico, Robert. "Desire and the Commodity Form." Telos, 35 (Spring 1978).
Descombes, Vincent. Modern French Philosophy. Oxford: Cambridge U.P., 1979.
Dews, Peter. "Foucault's Theory of Subjectivity." New Left Review, 144 (March-April
Foucault, Michel. "Theatrum Philosophicum." Trans. Donald F. Bouchard and Sherry
Simon. Language, Counter-Memory, Practice. Ithaca: Cornell U.P., 1977.
Frank, Manfred. "The World as Will and Representation: Deleuze's and Guattari's
Critique of Capitalism as Schizo-analysis and Schizo-Discourse." Trans. David
Berger. Telos, 57 (Fall 1983).
Gordon, Colin. "The Subtracting Machine." I and C, 8 (1981).
Grisoni, Dominique. "Onamatopoeia of Desire." Trans. Paul Foss. In Theoretical Strategies.

Sydney: Local Consumption Publications, 1982.

Grossberg, Lawrence. "Does Communication Theory Need Intersubjectivity? Toward
an Immanent Philosophy of Interpersonal Relations." Communications Yearbook, 6.
Ed. Michael Burgoon. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1982.
- . "Experience, Signification and Reality: The Boundaries of Cultural Semiotics."
Semiotica, 41, nos. 1-4 (1982).
Hans, James S. The Play of the World. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1981.

Holub, Robert C. "Trends in Literary Criticism Politicizing Post-Structuralism: French

Theory and the Left in the Federal Republic and in the United States." The German

Quarterly, 57, no. 1 (Winter 1984).

Jameson, Frederic. Fables ofAggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist. Berkeley:

University of California Press, 1979.

-. "Marxism and Historicism." New Literary History, XI, no. 1 (Autumn 1979).

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Bibliography: Deleuze, Guattari 105

-- . The Political Unconscious. Ithaca and London: Cornell U.P., 1981.
Janowitz, Annie. "An Introduction to the Machinic Unconscious." Tabloid: A Review
of Mass Culture and Everyday Life (Winter 1981).
Jardine, Alice. Gynesis: Configurations of Woman and Modernity. Ithaca: Cornell U.P., forth-


Kudszus, W. G. "Reflections on the Double Bind of Literature and Psychopathology."

SubStance, 20 (1978).
Leitch, Vincent B. Deconstructive Criticism. New York: Columbia U.P., 1983.

Maniquis, Robert M. "Pascal's Bet, Totalities, and Guerilla Criticism." Humanities in

Society, 6, nos. 2-3 (Spring-Summer 1983).
Mehlman, Jeffrey. "Portnoy in Paris." Diacritics, II, 4 (Winter 1972).
Patton, Paul. "Notes for a Glossary." I and C, 8 (1981).
- . "Marxism and Beyond: Strategies of Reterritorialisation." Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, forthcoming.
Semiotext(e), II, no. 3 (1977), Anti-Oedipus:
Brinkley, R. A. and Robert Dyer. ". .. returns home (Mythologies, Dialectics, Struc-

tures): Disruptions."
Donzelot, Jacques. "An Anti-Sociology." Trans. Mark Seem.
Hocquenghem, Guy. "Family, Capitalism, Anus." Trans. Caithin and Tamsen
Manning. Excerpt from Le disir homosexuel. Paris: Editions Universitaires, 1972.

Lotringer, Sylvbre. "Libido Unbound: The Politics of 'Schizophrenia.' "

1. "The Fiction of Analysis." Trans. Daniel Moshenberg.
Lyotard, Jean-Francois. "Energumen Capitalism." Trans. James Leigh.
Rajchman, John. "Analysis in Power."
(Semiotext(e) has announced an anthology with new material as well as out-of-print

articles to appear in late 1984.)

Stivale, Charles J. "Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari: Schizoanalysis and Literary Dis-

course." SubStance, 29 (1981).

Turkle, Sherry. Psychoanalytic Politics: Freud's French Revolution. New York: Basic Books,

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