Week 5 Journals

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TP Journal Zainab Ahmad Autumn 2016

Week 5 journals
Sunday 3rd of Nov. 2016
Today, I spend more time with MST to discuss about my evaluation reports. I
was happy because I saw my MST work hard to help me, advise me and give
me some feedback to improve my teaching. Then I met my colleagues to talk
about what we need to finish this week because it is the last week for us in
the school.

Monday 4th of Nov. 2016

In the English class today I saw the teacher use the board a lot and just write
on it and students copy. I was disappointed because most of the students
didnt understand. I knew that because I students to tell me what theyve
learned and only 3 students answered. I noticed that in most of English

Tuesday 5th of Nov. 2016

Today I was exiting to teach a new lesson for the students which is multiply
by 2 digit numbers. First I prepared my materials. I believe that organizing is
the most important thing for teachers. I teach the students today, they
participate with me. I saw that almost all students understand the lesson.
Because I encouraged them to be quiet according to Skinners theory about
positive reinforcement.

Wednesday 6th of Nov. 2016

Today is the last day. I have to think carefully of what Ive learned this TP and
put a goals for the next TP to be better. From my experience in previous TPs,
MCT and MST reports and peer observation Ill decide some goals. My next
goals are:
1- To make students learn through exploring. Because MCT give me a
positive feedback when I used it.
2- Use an effective reward system because my peer gives me ideas that
could help me to manage the classroom.
3- Choose enjoyable activities and beneficial at the same time to assess
students understanding. My MST advised me to do that.

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