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Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: Ride on Math

Name: Patrick McGrew

Content Area: Mathematics: Algebra II

Grade Level: 11-12

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

A-SSE.1a Interpret expressions that represent a quantity in terms of its context. Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms, factors, and coefficients.
A-APR.1 Understanding that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication;
add, subtract, and multiply polynomials.
A-APR.3 Identify zeros of polynomials when suitable factorizations are available, and use the zeros to construct a rough graph of the function defined by the polynomial
F-IF.7c Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. Graph
polynomial functions, identifying zeros when suitable factorizations are available, and show ending behavior.
F-IF.8 Write a function defined by an expression in different but equivalent forms to reveal and explain different properties of the function.
F-IF.9 Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions).
Big Ideas/Unit Goals:
1 Use of correct vocabulary and symbols when identifying the characteristics of polynomial functions.
2 Use arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on two or more polynomial functions.
3 Determine end behaviors of both odd and even polynomial functions.
4 Use factoring methods on polynomial function to find zeros along the x axis.
5 Integrate technology to graph larger polynomial functions.
Unit Summary:
This unit will cover polynomial functions. In the beginning of the unit we will review functions, linear equation and quadratic equations. From there, the unit will cover
specific polynomial factoring, finding zeros on the x-axis within the polynomial functions, and students will gain understanding of the end behavior of a given function.
Homework and group work will provide extra/additional practice to reinforce the material throughout the unit. Lastly, students are asked to create their own polynomial
function in which resembles a roller coaster and graph the function using Geogebra. This final project will be to present their roller coaster (polynomial function) to the class
in their own format (poster, power point, and etc).

Assessment Plan:
Question Check prior knowledge of functions,
quadratics, and mathematical properties
Class Discussion Discussing functions, quadratics, and
mathematical properties

Discussion Identification of polynomial functions and
mathematical properties
Question for understanding/Small Group Evaluation of the
properties of exponents
Class Activity - Doing the Pre- Calculus Dance
Question for Understanding/Mid-lesson Assessment
Determining end behaviors of polynomial functions,
Webercise Critical Thinking questions, Graphic
Organizer/Concept Map Identification/evaluation of
mathematical vocabulary
Question/Small Groups Determine/evaluate factors for
polynomial functions (factor)

Project/Presentation Graph of a polynomial function
with both correct use of both math and language
Test Identification of polynomial functions and correct
evaluation of properties and examples.

Lesson 1
Student Learning Objective:
Students will be able to
identify patterns from one
polynomial function to the
next by evaluating common
traits from each function. Each
student will be able to
determine the end behavior of
a polynomial be interpreting
the functions leading term.
Lesson 2
Student Learning Objective:
By using factoring method,
students will be able to
determine zeros along the xaxis. Students will
demonstrate the ability to
graph functions by using
zeros, x and y intercepts, end
behaviors, and test points.
Lesson 3
Student Learning Objective:
Students will be able to
identify patterns from one
polynomial function to the
next by evaluating common
traits from each function.

Acceptable Evidence
Demonstrate strong to reasonable
understanding of the material
covered with few to zero mistakes

Lesson Activities: Follow along the PREZI presentation covering the description of a polynomial
function, properties of exponents, and end behaviors. Work independently or in small groups to
complete questions asked. Class Activity doing the Pre-Calculus Dance.

Acceptable Evidence:
Demonstrate strong to reasonable
understanding of the material
covered with few to zero mistakes
made. The design is relatively
organized, formatted, and has
almost all the required

Lesson Activities: Individually complete the webercise activity of watch the educational videos by
PatrickJMT and Khan Academy. Complete the examples and graph at least three of your answers
using Geogebra and sketch the graphs.

Acceptable Evidence:
Demonstrate strong to reasonable
understanding of the material
covered with few to zero mistakes
made. The design is relatively
organized, formatted, and has
almost all the required

Lesson Activities: In this section, you will be creating a concept map to organize information about
polynomials and polynomial functions. You will use a web-based organizational tool to create your
concept map. This web-based tool is free to use and is called MindMeister. Each student is required to
complete there own individual concept map. You will have one week to complete this assignment. The
title for your concept map will be, Understanding the Language of Polynomials.
You will the create a new 'relationship/bubble' of EVERY vocabulary word in the list above. (12 total)
You will create another 'relationship/bubble' connecting to the vocabulary word, to state the definition.
(12 total) Include one example for 3 of the 12 vocabulary words. (only choose 3 words to give an
example for)

Unit Resources:

Useful Websites:

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