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We the members of the sports contingent of Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, in
order to establish a formal sporting institution within the institute that is based on
competitiveness, discipline, transparency, accountability, fair play and that supports and
promotes any and all forms of sporting activities in the institute do hereby on the [Date] of
[month] ordain, enact and give to ourselves this Sports Constitution.
The aims and objectives of the sports contingent (hereon referred to as the contingent):
1. The contingent shall strive to uphold the highest standards of discipline required of its
members and mutual trust and confidence amongst them.
2. The contingent shall seek to impart a sense of fair play, transparency and
competitiveness among its members.
3. The contingent shall endeavour to promote all forms of sporting and fitness activities
in the institute and drive quality participation of contingent members and students.
SECTION A: Membership
1. All regular full time students of IIMC selected or nominated to be part of one or more
sports team of the institute shall constitute the membership of the contingent.
2. All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the
respective teams will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of conduct that
the contingent has adopted.
SECTION B: Supremacy of the union and Student Constitution
The Sports council being an exclusive nominated or selected body shall thus be affiliate to
the broader student body (union) and thus answerable to the Sports Secretary (representative
elected by the union) in all matters regarding students rights, responsibilities, access and
The Sports Secretary chairs all the meetings. In his absence the members present can decide
(by unanimity or majority voting) upon any other present member to act in the capacity as the
chairman. The Sports Secretary will present any decisions or proposals passed by the Sports
Council to the union.
If there is any inconsistency between the Student Constitution and this Constitution, the two
instruments shall as far as reasonably possible be reconciled and if the inconsistency cannot
be reconciled, the Student Constitution shall prevail.
SECTION C: The Sports Council
1. The Sports Council comprises of
Sports Secretary
Either Captain or Vice-Captain of every sport pursued within the institute
2. The sports council shall be the supreme governing body of the contingent and its
decision binding on all contingent members.

3. The sports council shall also be instrumental in acquiring certain exclusive and timebound accesses to campus sporting facilities for the contingent practice sessions in the
run up to any major sporting event that IIM calcutta participates in. Representative of
each sport in the council is responsible for his/her sport in this regard.
4. Members of council are not permitted to go on Student Exchange Program
5. All matters of the contingent shall be administered by the Student Council or any other
body nominated by the Student Council for the purpose. However this shall be in
accordance with all clauses mentioned in the Union and Sports constitutions in this
6. The quorum at the meeting of the Sports Council shall be at least 50% of the council
7. In every meeting of the Sports Council, every elected member shall have one vote in
every issue taken up for voting. The student council shall select the choice which wins
the majority. In case of a tie the sports secretary shall have the second or casting vote.
8. In a Sports Council meeting, any proposal put forth regarding any issue shall have to
be approved on a unanimous basis by the entire council. In case of lack of consensus,
the Sports Secretary shall have the onus of driving one or arriving at an ultimate
9. The Sports Council meeting shall be convened by the Sports Secretary or any Sports
Council member by informing the Sports Secretary when the need arises. Such a
meeting can be adjourned or postponed by a simple majority of the Sports Council
members present.
10. Each sports council member has to attend at least 70% of all the council meetings
held during his tenure. If a council member fails to do so, then the sports secretary
shall initiate the impeachment process from Sports Council and any other occupied
post of Sports office. In case of any unforeseen emergency, he/she can however
delegate the responsibility of being present in any one council meeting to the other
representative of his/her sport (either Vice-captain or Captain depending on who is
holding the council position).
11. A minimum of three council meetings must be conducted every term. If this number
is not met by those meetings that are convened by council members in event of a
need, then the onus is on the Sports Secretary to ensure this.
SECTION D: Functions and powers of the Sports Council members
1. The members of the Sports Council shall have the right to introduce for discussion
and voting any matter relating to contingents interest or pertaining to sports or fitness
activities conducted for the student body, in the meetings of the council.
2. In the event of necessity, the Sports Council members shall represent the contingent,
whenever deputized.
3. The council member shall be solely responsible to the bills submitted by/to them.
4. Each council member will give an account of his work done once in each trimester to
the sports secretary. He/she will also give a comprehensive report of their teams

performance and related conduct in major events (Sangharsh, IIMC/XL, Valhalla etc.)
post the completion of the event.
5. The Sports Council shall ensure that all the legacy sporting activities are conducted in
the institute campus and also ensure adequate participation and representation from
every sport in all legacy inter-collegiate competitions outside of campus.
6. The council members shall undertake full responsibility of the sport that they represent
in terms of reporting inconsistencies within their sport, conducting their own sport in
inside and outside campus sport meets in coordination with the respective POCs,
ensuring stock of goods required for their sport are up-to-date, maintaining discipline
within the team, ensuring practice sessions are held as per section F, tracking
attendance of every team member in these sessions as per section F, ensuring
maximum level of preparedness of the team in any competition, calling any defaulting
member of their sport for disciplinary hearing and measures as per section J and
promoting their sport in terms of training and awareness amongst other members of
the student union.
SECTION E: Functions and powers of Individual team captains
1. The captain has the powers and responsibilities ofa. Conducting trials for their respective sport teams to for the year long pool of
players and also for specific tournaments or events if need be.
b. Scheduling practice sessions for the team as per section F.
c. Selecting and forming the best performing team to represent in any sporting
event as per his discretion to enroll his team in it.
d. Reprimanding a defaulting player as per section J via the sports council or
with a warning in case of default of rules of the constitution.
e. Nominating and appointing the next captain and vice captains after his term in
office as per section G.
SECTION F: Team practice sessions
1. Team practice sessions will be conducted for each individual sport by the captain of
that team across the entire academic year.
2. The captain has the right to schedule as many sessions per week as he sees fit over
and above the number agreed upon by the council as a bare minimum for any
3. Every member of the team is required to compulsorily attend a minimum of 75% of
the practice session in any month/term/period during his entire tenure as member of
the contingent. Specifically, in Term I and part of Term II before and upto the
summer placements, the member has the relaxation of requiring to attend a minimum
of 50% of the practice sessions during this time.
SECTION G: Selection/Election of Captains and Vice Captains
1. The current captain of any sport team is required to nominate the next captain and
vice captain for his sport and present their names to the sport council himself/herself
or via the council member for his sport in front of the sports council.

2. If there are any objections from any member of the council regarding the nominations,
these will have to be discussed and resolved within the council.
3. Post discussion, the outgoing captain shall appoint the post holders and communicate
it to the student union.
4. The last date to present these nominations will be by the 15th of February or two
weeks before the end of term VI, whichever is earlier.
SECTION H: Tenure of the Sports Council
1. The Sports Council shall remain in office for one academic year, from June to March
2. The Sports Secretary in consultation with the newly appointed captains of various
teams will form the new sports council, appoint them communicate the same to the
student union and hold the first council meeting with them by the end of Term III or
last day of February, whichever is earlier.
3. The newly appointed council takes over duties and office from the very first meeting.
SECTION I: Disciplinary rules during sports events
1. The contingent members and specifically the council members are expected to follow
and abide by all the rules of the constitution and are understood to be aware of all its
rules. Lack of knowledge of its rules will not be a valid excuse for any violations.
2. Additionally, the participating team members of any sport in inside or outside campus
sporting events are to refrain from drinking and smoking up in the week leading up-to
the event and up until the completion of the event.
3. They are also compulsorily required to be present in the event venue until the formal
closing of the event.
4. Failing to abide by any of these rules will automatically set into motion any of the
disciplinary actions against the contingent member as per section J. These actions will
be decided upon and applied by the council on the member on a case to case basis
based on the severity of the default and previous warnings issued.
5. The council will first call to hearing the defaulters and then announce the action.
SECTION J: Disciplinary Actions
Any of the following disciplinary actions are applicable to contingent members as per
increasing severity of the case.
1. The member has to issue a formal public apology in the official student forum.
2. The concerned contingent member will be barred from playing in any of the
upcoming sport events based on the councils discretion.
3. The concerned member will not be provided CV point verifications for his/her sports
achievements in any or all of past events that he/she has participated in based on the
councils discretion.
SECTION K: Impeachment Process
1. The sports secretary has the right to initiate the impeachment process of any of the
council member in case of violations mentioned above.

2. He will propose removal of the concerned member from the council and put the
matter to vote in any council meeting in front of the other council members. The
concerned member is expected to be present in this meeting.
3. The vote is said to be passed if 75% of the other members are in favor of his removal
from office.
4. In case the said member is impeached thus, his contributions to office till the time he
was in office will automatically become null and void.

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