Scrip Faqs

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What is Scrip?

Scrip (not Script) is a term that means substitute money. It is a way for you to help lower tuition costs for Notre
Dame students and help generate revenue for our school. In essence, it SAVES MONEY for parents and

How does it work?

SCRIP cards are purchased by you, and then used by you, for your everyday purchases at the gas
station, grocery store, hardware store, restaurants and many more local business.
As a non-profit organization, Notre Dame School receives a discount from generous businesses on the Scrip
cards you purchase. The discount typically ranges from 3% to 10%. The difference between the discount
provided by the businesses and the face value you pay is a donation to the school from the business.
On each Scrip purchase you can now also choose where 1% of your purchase goes including credit towards
next years Notre Dame tuition. The school gets a donation and you can lower your child or grandchilds
tuition. Its a win-win!!

Why should I use Scrip?

Scrip participation requires only a little planning and can easily be incorporated into your budget for purchases
made on a regular basis. Most families know where they will buy their groceries and gas each week so if an
effort is made to purchase Scrip cards in advance, the purchases can create income for our school and save
you on your tuition bill.
In the last six months my wife and I made a commitment to purchase and use Scrip whenever possible. It takes a little
planning ahead but it got easier when we made it a habit. We spend $600 a month in groceries and at least $200 a
month in gas. We now purchase Scrip to pay those expenses. We also purchased Scrip for some minor home
improvements and for dining out. It all adds up but it helps to keep us on a budget. The 1% tuition credit from our
Scrip purchases along with the tuition credit from the Scrip purchases of my wifes parents, her aunt and uncle, and a
couple family friends, we will save around $100 off our tuition bill for next year. We feel good because even with our
tuition credit all that Scrip purchased also resulted in donations to the school totaling over $300and that has just
been in the last 6 months. - Notre Dame Dad

Who can buy Scrip?

Anyone can purchase Scrip all year long. Some people mistake them as only gift cards to be given away as
gifts. They actually do make great gifts but are also meant to be purchased by you and used by you like a
prepaid card. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, neighbors and parishioners can all purchase Scrip
and put the tuition credit towards the student of their choice.

When and where can I buy Scrip?

Scrip is available for sale in church the first weekend of each month before and after Mass. You may also
purchase them at the Notre Dame School Office during the school year or the Church Office during the
summer months.

How do I get started on buying Scrip?

1. Just do it.
2. Plan ahead and purchase your Scrip cards to start saving now.
3. Choose where you want your 1% of your total purchase to go towards
a) Student of your choice (Notre Dame and Religious Ed. Students)
b) Notre Dame School General Fund
c) Adopt a Student Fund
4. Use your cards each month and repurchase on a regular basis
5. Save on your tuition costs each year (annual purchase totals go towards next years tuition)

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