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Question ID: 1600

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 5
Question: Mechanical wave motion requires
'A' Answer: high pressure
'B' Answer: low pressure
'C' Answer: particle motion
'D' Answer: ionic bonding and disbonding
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1605
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 6
Question: In an homogenous and isotropic elastic medium such as low carbon steel, sound velocity
'A' Answer: decreases with distance from source
'B' Answer: varies with direction
'C' Answer: is constant in all directions
'D' Answer: depends on frequency
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1610
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 7
Question: The amount of time between two compressions, or two rarefactions of an elastic wave is called
'A' Answer: wavelength
'B' Answer: period
'C' Answer: frequency
'D' Answer: velocity
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 1615
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 7
Question: The velocity of sound is
'A' Answer: constant for all materials
'B' Answer: varies with frequency
'C' Answer: varies inversely with wavelength
'D' Answer: is characteristic of a material
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 1620

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 8
Question: Compared to the atomic or molecular spacing of a material, ultrasonic wavelengths are
'A' Answer: much greater
'B' Answer: smaller
'C' Answer: about the same distance
'D' Answer: are multiples of the atomic spacing
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1625
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 8
Question: The elastic wave that has particle motion parallel to the direction of wave propagation is called
'A' Answer: longitudinal wave
'B' Answer: compression wave
'C' Answer: density wave
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1630
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 10
Question: In Rayleigh waves, particle motion is
'A' Answer: parallel to the direction of wave propagation
'B' Answer: right angles to the direction of wave propagation
'C' Answer: retrograde
'D' Answer: in counter clockwise ellipses
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1635
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 10
Question: Rayleigh waves can be used in steel to penetrate up to
'A' Answer: 10mm
'B' Answer: 10cm
'C' Answer: 1m
'D' Answer: 1 wavelength
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 1640

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 11
Question: In bending waves (plate wave mode) particles in the middle zone of the plate vibrate
'A' Answer: in longitudinal mode
'B' Answer: in shear mode
'C' Answer: in Rayeigh mode
'D' Answer: not at all
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 1645
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 11
Question: In the Lamb wave called a dilational wave, particles in the middle zone of the plate vibrate
'A' Answer: in longitudinal mode
'B' Answer: in shear mode
'C' Answer: in Rayleigh mode
'D' Answer: not at all
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1650
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 13
Question: If one sound beam passes through another moving in the opposite direction, the result will be,
'A' Answer: a change in amplitude
'B' Answer: a change in direction
'C' Answer: a change in frequency
'D' Answer: no change
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1655
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 14
Question: In a standing wave, nodes and antinodes are separated by
'A' Answer: 1/4 wavelength
'B' Answer: 1/2 wavelength
'C' Answer: 1 wavelength
'D' Answer: 2 wavelengths
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 1660

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 15
Question: Standing waves are generated in ultrasonic testing for
'A' Answer: through testing (pitch-catch)
'B' Answer: resonance thickness testing
'C' Answer: flaw detection
'D' Answer: B-scans
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 1665
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 18
Question: Specific acoustic impedance is the product of
'A' Answer: density and permittivity
'B' Answer: hardness and velocity
'C' Answer: velocity and density
'D' Answer: specific activity and amplitude
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1670
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 17
Question: Poisson's ratio is expressed in units of
'A' Answer: m/s
'B' Answer: Pa
'C' Answer: N/m2
'D' Answer: no units, it is dimensionless
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1675
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 17
Question: Frequency can be expressed in terms of
'A' Answer: 1/s (s=seconds)
'B' Answer: cps
'C' Answer: MHz
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 1680

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 18
Question: The ratio of sound velocity in water to the longitudinal velocity of sound in steel is very nearly
'A' Answer: 1:1
'B' Answer: 1:2
'C' Answer: 1:4
'D' Answer: 1:5
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1685
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 20
Question: Rayleigh wave velocities for a given material are always
'A' Answer: greater than longitudinal wave velocities
'B' Answer: greater than transverse wave velocities
'C' Answer: less than transverse wave velocities
'D' Answer: about the same as shear wave velocities
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1690
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 23
Question: The ratio of the incident sound pressure to the reflected sound pressure is called the
'A' Answer: acoustic impedance
'B' Answer: acoustic intensity
'C' Answer: coefficient of reflection
'D' Answer: coefficient of transmission
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1695
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 23
Question: The ratio of the incident sound pressure to the transmitted sound pressure is called the
'A' Answer: acoustic impedance
'B' Answer: acoustic intensity
'C' Answer: coefficient of reflection
'D' Answer: coefficient of transmission
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 1700

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 24
Question: When is the coefficient of transmission a negative value?
'A' Answer: if Z incident is less than Z transmitted
'B' Answer: If Z incident is greater than Z transmitted
'C' Answer: if Z incident equals Z transmitted
'D' Answer: never
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1705
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 25
Question: Incident sound pressure plus reflected sound pressure equals
'A' Answer: 0
'B' Answer: 1
'C' Answer: transmitted sound pressure
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1710
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 25
Question: Total incident sound intensity can be calculated from
'A' Answer: the sum of the reflected and transmitted intensities
'B' Answer: the difference between reflected and transmitted intensities
'C' Answer: R plus D (reflection and transmission coefficients)
'D' Answer: R plus D (reflection and transmission coefficients)
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1715
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 31
Question: (Sin a1) (C2) = (Sin a2) C1) is a form of
'A' Answer: Krautkramer's law
'B' Answer: Snell's law
'C' Answer: Boyle's law
'D' Answer: Hooke's law
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 1720

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 31
Question: If the Sine of a refracted angle is calculated to be 0.707, the refracted angle will be
'A' Answer: 36 degrees
'B' Answer: 45 degrees
'C' Answer: 60 degrees
'D' Answer: undetermined from the given information
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 1725
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 31
Comments: Trick question, no shear waves in liquid
Question: For a shear wave travelling from steel to water incident on the boundary at 10 degrees will give a refracted shear wave in
water with an angle of
'A' Answer: 0 degrees
'B' Answer: 5 degrees
'C' Answer: 20 degrees
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1730
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 34
Question: The critical angle refers to the
'A' Answer: longitudinal waves' angle
'B' Answer: incident angle
'C' Answer: refracted angle
'D' Answer: reflected shear wave
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 1735
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 34
Question: The critical angle occurs when the sine of the refracted angle equals
'A' Answer: 0.707
'B' Answer: 0.846
'C' Answer: 1.000
'D' Answer: 1.414
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 1740

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 33
Question: At a solid to free boundary, an obliquely incident longitudinal wave from the solid can result in, at most,
'A' Answer: a reflected longitudinal wave only
'B' Answer: a reflected longitudinal and reflected shear wave
'C' Answer: a refracted longitudinal long wave
'D' Answer: a reflected longitudinal and reflected shear and refracted longitudinal wave
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 1745
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 33
Question: At a liquid/solid boundary with an obliquely incident longitudinal wave from the liquid the result could be at most be
'A' Answer: a reflected longitudinal wave only
'B' Answer: a refracted longitudinal wave only
'C' Answer: a reflected longitudinal, and a refracted long wave
'D' Answer: a reflected long and refracted long and shear wave
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1750
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 31
Comments: A second critical angle can only occur if transverse waves are present in the refracting medium
Question: Given V (water) = 1.5 mm/us and V (steel) longitudinal velocity = 5.0 mm/us and shear velocity mm/us, what is the second
critical angle of an incident longitudinal wave from steel.
'A' Answer: 19 degrees
'B' Answer: 27 degrees
'C' Answer: 36 degrees
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1755
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 33
Question: A shear wave polarized in the plane of incidence impinging on a free boundary at right angles to the boundary will result in
'A' Answer: a reflected shear wave only
'B' Answer: a reflected shear wave and reflected longitudinal wave
'C' Answer: reflected longitudinal wave only
'D' Answer: a surface wave
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 1760

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 43
Question: Maximum surface wave energy is obtained when the angle of incidence is
'A' Answer: 0 degrees
'B' Answer: 60 degrees
'C' Answer: 90 degrees
'D' Answer: just over the critical angle
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1765
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 46
Question: Geometric-optic treatment of ultrasonic waves fails to account for
'A' Answer: reflection
'B' Answer: refraction
'C' Answer: diffraction
'D' Answer: normal incidence
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1770
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 47
Question: The relationship for acoustic pressure of spherical waves P=Pe/d, implies
'A' Answer: an inverse proportionality to distance
'B' Answer: infinite sound pressure at the source
'C' Answer: both a and b
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1775
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 49
Question: Spherical and cylindrical waves reflecting off a plane surface preserve shape but not
'A' Answer: velocity
'B' Answer: wavelength
'C' Answer: frequency
'D' Answer: acoustic pressure distribution
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 1780

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 60
Question: The advantage of inspecting a thick solid cylinder with a waterpath two times the cylinder radius instead of just the cylinder
radius is
'A' Answer: increased sensitivity
'B' Answer: reduced entry noise
'C' Answer: smaller near zone
'D' Answer: more uniform pressure through the cylinder
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1785
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 63
Question: The ratio of the diameter of an oscillator to the wavelength it generates gives the
'A' Answer: acoustic velocity
'B' Answer: near zone length
'C' Answer: acoustic impedance of the oscillator
'D' Answer: number of interference maxima and minima
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1790
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 63
Question: For practical purposes, the equation for the near zone distance can be approximated by (where l = wavelength and D = probe
'A' Answer: D / l
'B' Answer: D squared / 4 l
'C' Answer: D squared minus l squared/4 l
'D' Answer: (D-4l)/l squared
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 1795
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 63
Question: Given an "X-cut" normal beam contact probe on steel, the probe is 12 mm diameter and has a frequency of 2 MHz. The
approximate near zone length is (V steel = 6.0mm/us)
'A' Answer: 4mm
'B' Answer: 12mm
'C' Answer: 24mm
'D' Answer: 48mm
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 1800

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 63
Question: A transducer has a near field in water of 35 mm. When used in contact on steel the near zone will be about
'A' Answer: 47 mm
'B' Answer: 35 mm
'C' Answer: 18 mm
'D' Answer: 9 mm
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1805
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 66
Question: The so called angle of divergence applies to the
'A' Answer: dead zone
'B' Answer: near field
'C' Answer: Fresnel zone
'D' Answer: far field
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1810
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 66
Question: Sin(gamma) = 1.2 lambda / D (where lambda is wavelength and D is the crystal diameter) is the equation for
'A' Answer: the first critical angle
'B' Answer: interference minima in the near zone
'C' Answer: half angle of divergence in the Fraunhoffer zone
'D' Answer: optimum energy angle for shear waves
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1815
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 66/67
Question: The angle of divergence is a function of
'A' Answer: crystal thickness of the probe
'B' Answer: crystal dimension eg. diameter
'C' Answer: crystal shape
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 1820

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 70
Question: A rectangular probe, 4mm X 8mm, will have its maximum half angle of divergence
'A' Answer: in the 4mm direction
'B' Answer: in the 8mm direction
'C' Answer: in no particular orientation
'D' Answer: constant in all directions
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1825
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 72
Question: Given a 10 X 10mm square probe of 5 MHz fundamental frequency, compared to a 10mm diameter 5 MHz probe, the near
zone of the square probe would be
'A' Answer: longer
'B' Answer: shorter
'C' Answer: the same
'D' Answer: independent of wavelength
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1830
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 77
Question: In ultrasonic testing, actual point focusing of sound is not possible due to
'A' Answer: damping effects
'B' Answer: divergence in the far zone
'C' Answer: assymetric vibrations
'D' Answer: diffraction effects
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1835
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 80
Question: Huygen's wavelet theory and Fresnel zones can be used to predict
'A' Answer: focal length
'B' Answer: maxima and minima points in a sound beam
'C' Answer: radius of curvature in a focused probe
'D' Answer: fundamental frequency
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 1840

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 94
Question: AVG (or DGS in English) diagrams compare flaw signal amplitudes to
'A' Answer: side drilled holes
'B' Answer: flat bottomed holes
'C' Answer: a theoretical maximum
'D' Answer: DAC's
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1845
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 99
Question: Flaws oriented obliquely to the incident sound beam may be better detected using
'A' Answer: high gain
'B' Answer: higher frequency
'C' Answer: focused probes
'D' Answer: separate transmit and receive probes
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1850
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 101
Question: Echo amplitudes of reference reflectors are dependant on
'A' Answer: size
'B' Answer: shape
'C' Answer: wave mode
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1855
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 102
Question: A surface can be considered smooth if its irregularities are not more than ________ wavelength.
'A' Answer: 1
'B' Answer: 1/3
'C' Answer: 1/10
'D' Answer: 1/100
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 1860

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 104
Question: The problem of scatter of a rough surface can be reduced by
'A' Answer: immersion testing
'B' Answer: a smaller diameter probe
'C' Answer: a lower frequency probe
'D' Answer: longer pulse length
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1865
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 104
Question: The effect of oxides or other non metallic inclusions within a defect is to
'A' Answer: amplify the signal
'B' Answer: split the signal by mode conversion
'C' Answer: reduce the signal amplitude
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1870
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 105
Question: As the pulse length of the excitation voltage is shortened the transmitted pulse
'A' Answer: frequency spectrum broadens
'B' Answer: frequency spectrum shortens
'C' Answer: increases energy output
'D' Answer: increases penetration ability
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1875
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 105
Question: In general, the frequency content of an ultrasound beam has a larger proportion of high frequencies in its spectrum
'A' Answer: on axis
'B' Answer: off axis
'C' Answer: in the far zone
'D' Answer: in the free zone
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 1880

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 107
Question: The most significant result of scatter and absorption is
'A' Answer: frequency content changes
'B' Answer: directivity
'C' Answer: attenuation
'D' Answer: beam spreading
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1885
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 108
Question: The effect of attenuation by absorption is most pronounced
'A' Answer: in steel
'B' Answer: on the beam axis
'C' Answer: on higher frequencies
'D' Answer: on lower frequencies
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1890
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 109
Question: A neper (Np) is a unit of
'A' Answer: attenuation
'B' Answer: acoustic impedance
'C' Answer: pulse rate
'D' Answer: wavelength
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1895
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 110
Question: If 3 dB gain was removed from a 100% FSH signal the resulting signal would be __________ FSH.
'A' Answer: 97
'B' Answer: 94
'C' Answer: 85
'D' Answer: 71
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 1900

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 110
Question: If a signal is dropped from 100% FSH to 32% FSH, the number of dB gain removed from the receiver is
'A' Answer: 14
'B' Answer: 10
'C' Answer: 6
'D' Answer: 4
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 1905
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 111
Question: Attenuation in plastics and rubber is predominantly attributable to
'A' Answer: absorption
'B' Answer: scatter
'C' Answer: beam spread
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1910
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 109
Question: The attenuation coefficient has the units
'A' Answer: dB/m
'B' Answer: Np/cm
'C' Answer: Np/mm
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1915
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 114
Question: Non-crystallized materials such as glass are most likely to be
'A' Answer: isotropic
'B' Answer: anisotropic
'C' Answer: piezoelectric
'D' Answer: not inspectable
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 1920

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 115
Question: Attenuation in cast metals is usually reduced by
'A' Answer: forging
'B' Answer: rolling
'C' Answer: extruding
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1925
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 117
Question: For a given metal of a given grain size, attenuation in the cast form of the metal relative to the worked form is usually
'A' Answer: greater
'B' Answer: less
'C' Answer: identical
'D' Answer: unpredictable
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1930
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 119
Question: The effect utilized by ultrasonic transducer crystals is the _________ effect.
'A' Answer: piezoelectric
'B' Answer: pyroelectric
'C' Answer: ferroelectric
'D' Answer: hall
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1935
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 119
Question: Piezoelectric crystals' structure will always contain
'A' Answer: face-centered cubic form
'B' Answer: hexagonal form
'C' Answer: symmetry about polar axes
'D' Answer: asymmetry about polar axes
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 1940

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 120
Question: An X-cut quartz crystal is primarily used to generate the ________ wave mode.
'A' Answer: longitudinal
'B' Answer: transverse
'C' Answer: Rayleigh
'D' Answer: Lamb
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1945
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 123
Question: A typical voltage range for driving (exciting) piezoelectric crystals would be
'A' Answer: 50 to 100 mV
'B' Answer: 50 to 100 V
'C' Answer: 50 to 100 kV
'D' Answer: 500 to 1000 V
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 1950
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 123
Question: Y-cut crystals generate shear waves into a solid material by
'A' Answer: refraction
'B' Answer: direct coupling
'C' Answer: reflection
'D' Answer: no means known
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 1955
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 125
Question: The efficiency of the piezoelectric effect is rated by K33 which is the
'A' Answer: piezoelectric modulus
'B' Answer: electromechanical coupling factor
'C' Answer: deformation constant
'D' Answer: Young's modulus
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 1960

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 127
Question: After a voltage excitation of the piezoelectric crystal, the amplitude of its oscillations decrease by the quantity determined by
'A' Answer: Q factor
'B' Answer: damping coefficient
'C' Answer: characteristic frequency
'D' Answer: resonance frequency
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 1965
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 127
Question: The characteristic or fundamental frequency of a piezoelectric material is not dependant on
'A' Answer: damping material on either face
'B' Answer: thickness of crystal
'C' Answer: velocity of sound in the crystal
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1970
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 129
Question: To determine the damping coefficient you must know
'A' Answer: the acoustic impedance of the backing material
'B' Answer: the acoustic impedance of the loading (front) material
'C' Answer: both a and b
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1975
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 130
Question: Harmonic resonances of piezoelectrically excited crystals occur at
'A' Answer: twice the characteristic frequency
'B' Answer: all even multiples of the first resonant frequency
'C' Answer: all odd multiples of the first resonant frequency
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 1980

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 142
Question: Although rarely used in modern day NDT transducers, quartz has the advantage of
'A' Answer: chemical inertness
'B' Answer: high coupling coefficient
'C' Answer: high dielectric constant
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1985
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 144
Question: For high temperature measurements the preferred piezoelectric material is
'A' Answer: lithium niobate
'B' Answer: lithium sulphate hydrate
'C' Answer: quartz
'D' Answer: PZT
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 1990
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 144
Question: Polarization of PZT crystals is accomplished using
'A' Answer: strong permanent magnets
'B' Answer: strong alternating voltage
'C' Answer: strong direct voltage
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 1995
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 145
Question: A significant disadvantage of PZT as a transducer material is its
'A' Answer: low density
'B' Answer: high curie point
'C' Answer: high acoustic impedance preventing good matching
'D' Answer: exceptionally high electromechanical coupling coefficient
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2000

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 157
Question: Electrodynamic methods of generating and receiving ultrasound rely on
'A' Answer: magnetrostriction
'B' Answer: eddy currents
'C' Answer: laser heating
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2005
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 163
Question: Magnetostricitive probes consist of
'A' Answer: copper windings through thin laminated plates
'B' Answer: copper windings around a ceramic core
'C' Answer: solid steel wrapped with copper wire
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2010
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 165
Question: Optical methods used in ultrasonic testing such as Schlieren diffraction and interferometer methods are used in
'A' Answer: transmission techniques only
'B' Answer: reception techniques only
'C' Answer: both transmission and reception
'D' Answer: optical methods are not used in ultrasonics
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2015
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 187
Question: To make useful ultrasonic holograms requires
'A' Answer: penetrating acoustic waves
'B' Answer: a source of reference waves
'C' Answer: conversion means to optical holograms
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 2020

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 194
Question: Pulse-echo ultrasonic testing
'A' Answer: uses a single probe
'B' Answer: uses separate transmitter and receiver probes
'C' Answer: both a and b
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2025
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 196
Question: Using the pulse echo method with a 0 degree probe having separate transmit and receive crystals, the pattern on a CRT of a
flat steel plate would appear as
'A' Answer: evenly spaced multiples
'B' Answer: randomly spaced multiples
'C' Answer: a single spike from the opposite wall
'D' Answer: an uninterrupted base line
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2030
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 198
Question: Phantom echoes of multiples when testing thick specimens are a result of
'A' Answer: insufficient suppression
'B' Answer: modulation from the power supply
'C' Answer: PRF set too high
'D' Answer: too much gain
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2035
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 198
Question: The main bang signal is formed as a result of the
'A' Answer: dead zone
'B' Answer: couplant/specimen interface
'C' Answer: transmitter pulse
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2040

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 204
Question: When an ultrasonic machine is equipped with this option, the pulse energy and pulse length can be adjusted
'A' Answer: receiver fine grain control
'B' Answer: swept gain
'C' Answer: time corrected gain
'D' Answer: damping
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2045
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 205
Question: The voltage of a received ultrasonic signal at the machine's receiver is typically
'A' Answer: 1/1000 to 1 volt
'B' Answer: 10 to 100 volts
'C' Answer: 100 to 1000 volts
'D' Answer: not measurable
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2050
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 205
Question: In order to adequately amplify received signals an ultrasonic machine's receiver amplifier must have a gain of about
'A' Answer: 6 to 12 dB
'B' Answer: 20 to 40 dB
'C' Answer: 80 to 100 dB
'D' Answer: 100 to 200 dB
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2055
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 209
Question: The main disadvantage of a broadband receiver in a ultrasonic machine is
'A' Answer: non-linear response to amplification
'B' Answer: amplifier noise limits possible amplification
'C' Answer: RF display cannot be used
'D' Answer: rectified display cannot be used
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 2060

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 215
Question: The zero time on a contact normal beam probe
'A' Answer: corresponds to the rising edge of the main bang
'B' Answer: corresponds to the falling edge of the main bang
'C' Answer: is determined indirectly by calibration blocks
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2065
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 220
Question: The acoustic impedance of backing material is often increased by
'A' Answer: adding a tuning transformer to the probe
'B' Answer: increasing test pressures
'C' Answer: adding metal powder to the material
'D' Answer: increasing suppression
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2070
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 221
Question: A great disadvantage of the old quartz crystal transducers that used the work piece as one of the electrodes was
'A' Answer: a fluctuating dead zone
'B' Answer: insufficient damping
'C' Answer: decreasing sensitivity with use
'D' Answer: an increase in frequency with use
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2075
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 229
Question: A contact angle beam probe used in fixed housings occasionally requires
'A' Answer: transformer tuning
'B' Answer: machining or replacing of the wear face
'C' Answer: new couplant between crystal and plastic wedge
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 2080

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 230
Question: Wedges used to introduce refracted waves into a test specimen are made of
'A' Answer: copper
'B' Answer: brass
'C' Answer: plastics
'D' Answer: all of the above can be used
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2085
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 230
Question: In order that one can operate above the critical angle of reflection of longitudinal waves, wedge material for angle beams are
'A' Answer: grooved on the front face
'B' Answer: always made of polystyrene
'C' Answer: chosen with a longitudinal velocity greater than the shear velocity of the test piece
'D' Answer: chosen with a longitudinal velocity less than the shear velocity of the test piece
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2090
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 232
Question: The layer of highly absorbing material sometimes bonded to the top and front of an angle probe's wedge is called a (an)
'A' Answer: cap
'B' Answer: backing
'C' Answer: anechoic trap
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2095
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 236
Question: A calibration for horizontal linearity would check properties of the
'A' Answer: receiver amplifier
'B' Answer: image unit (oscilloscope)
'C' Answer: calibration block
'D' Answer: probe
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 2100

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 237
Question: The purpose of the 50mm diameter perspex insert in the IIW block is to
'A' Answer: check constancy of probe sensitivity
'B' Answer: establish probe exit point
'C' Answer: calibrate for range
'D' Answer: both a and b
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2105
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 240
Question: An echo pulse width in steel determines
'A' Answer: a system's resolving power
'B' Answer: time of flight
'C' Answer: the far zone length
'D' Answer: the frequency of the probe
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2110
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 246
Question: Pulse echo instruments without an image tube are
'A' Answer: not useful in NDT
'B' Answer: not yet available
'C' Answer: used for wall thickness measurements
'D' Answer: not portable
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2115
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 249
Question: Electronic gates on the trace of a UT machine can be used to
'A' Answer: determine the presence of flaws
'B' Answer: determine the amplitude of flaws
'C' Answer: both a and b
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2120

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 253
Question: When flaw echo signals are recorded so as to display a plan view of the test piece the presentation is called
'A' Answer: A-scan
'B' Answer: B-scan
'C' Answer: C-scan
'D' Answer: D-scan
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2125
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 265
Question: Resonance testing techniques used for thickness determination use
'A' Answer: continuous sound waves
'B' Answer: pulsed sound waves
'C' Answer: Y-cut quartz crystal transducers
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2130
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 270
Question: The purpose of a reference delay-line in an ultrasonic interferometer is for
'A' Answer: determining amplitude from a known reflector
'B' Answer: accurate time measurements
'C' Answer: eliminating near zone effects
'D' Answer: eliminating dead zone effects
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2135
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 289
Question: Uniform and strongly adhering films of paint or oxides are not removed for ultrasonic testing if
'A' Answer: sand blasting cannot remove them
'B' Answer: formed on curves surfaces
'C' Answer: their presence does not interfere with the test
'D' Answer: sufficiently smooth
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2140

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 293
Question: Due to its cost and toxicity _________ is not used as a couplant in contact testing,
'A' Answer: SAE oil
'B' Answer: heavy diesel oil
'C' Answer: mercury
'D' Answer: methyl-cellulose solution
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2145
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 302
Question: Water jet techniques with water paths of 100mm are restricted to the through transmission methods because
'A' Answer: sound cannot travel upstream for pulse-echo testing
'B' Answer: too much water is required
'C' Answer: of disturbing echoes behind the surface echo
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2150
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 304
Question: A narrow high intensity ultrasound beam capable of finding very small flaws has its disadvantage in
'A' Answer: sizing the flaw
'B' Answer: characterizing the flaw
'C' Answer: requiring a small scanning grid
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2155
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 305
Question: An effective maximum range for a 5MHz 10mm diameter probe is around ________ in steel.
'A' Answer: 50mm
'B' Answer: 100mm
'C' Answer: 200mm
'D' Answer: 300mm
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 2160

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 310
Question: A minimum distance of a probe from an edge of the test piece is maintained to eliminate side wall interference. This distance
is inversely proportional to the
'A' Answer: soundpath
'B' Answer: wavelength
'C' Answer: frequency
'D' Answer: beam spread
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2165
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 314
Question: When testing a 30mm diameter, 500 mm long shaft from the flat end of the shaft using longitudinal waves from a 20 mm
diameter 2 MHz probe, numerous signals are seen on the screen after 500mm. These are
'A' Answer: ghost images
'B' Answer: secondary echoes
'C' Answer: internal thread indications
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2170
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 327
Question: Touching the reflection point of a normally incident transverse wave with an oily finger will
'A' Answer: reduce the signal by about 2 dB
'B' Answer: reduce the signal by about 6 dB
'C' Answer: increase the signal by about 2 dB
'D' Answer: have no effect on signal amplitude
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2175
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 329
Question: When using a refracted angle of 60 on a 20 mm thick plate the half skip distance is
'A' Answer: 28mm
'B' Answer: 34mm
'C' Answer: 40mm
'D' Answer: 58mm
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2180

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 329
Question: To calculate skip distance in a flat plate of thickness 'd' for a refracted angle 'X' we use the formula
'A' Answer: (cos X)/d
'B' Answer: (sin 2X)/d
'C' Answer: 2d/cos X
'D' Answer: 2d (tan x)
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2185
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 329
Question: To inspect cylindrical pieces with transverse waves in the circumferential direction, maximum depth is obtained using
'A' Answer: 35 refracted angle
'B' Answer: 45 refracted angle
'C' Answer: 70 refracted angle
'D' Answer: any of the above is adequate if the diameter ratio is sufficient
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2190
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 332
Question: The delta technique is used to determine
'A' Answer: flaw size
'B' Answer: wall thickness
'C' Answer: flaw orientation
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2195
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 334
Question: Surface waves used for ultrasonic testing are generated by
'A' Answer: conversion of longitudinal waves via plastic wedges
'B' Answer: Y-cut quartz crystals
'C' Answer: both a and b
'D' Answer: surface waves are not used in ultrasonic testing
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2200

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 338
Question: Frequency analysis of the reflected pulse is occasionally used to determine
'A' Answer: flaw size
'B' Answer: flaw depth
'C' Answer: coupling efficiency
'D' Answer: wave velocity
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2205
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 341
Question: Changes in flaw echo shape on the video display are used to determine
'A' Answer: flaw depth
'B' Answer: flaw type
'C' Answer: stand-off
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2210
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 358
Question: A defect that is not likely to be located by ultrasonic testing of a forging blank is
'A' Answer: segregation
'B' Answer: flake cracks
'C' Answer: non-metallic inclusions
'D' Answer: cold cracks
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2215
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 429
Question: In order to introduce a shear mode into cylindrical shaped specimens when immersion scanning in the circumferential direction
you need only
'A' Answer: use Y-cut crystals in the transducer
'B' Answer: switch from pulse-echo to through transmission
'C' Answer: off-set the probe from normal incidence
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2220

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Krautkramer 3rd Edition
Page Number in Source: 456
Question: When immersion inspecting small diameter tubing (<15mm diameter) with a normal beam probe radiating axially towards a
mirror mounted ahead of it, the wave mode used for inspection in the tube is
'A' Answer: longitudinal
'B' Answer: transverse
'C' Answer: either a or b depending on mirror orientation
'D' Answer: none of the above, mirrors are not used
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2225
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 4
Question: Below 20 kHz, sound waves are considered to be
'A' Answer: ultrasonic
'B' Answer: sonic
'C' Answer: subsonic
'D' Answer: infra-sonic
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2230
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 8
Question: Relatively low ultrasonic frequencies are used in long range sonar units because
'A' Answer: whales and submarines are big targets
'B' Answer: higher frequencies cause whales to attack
'C' Answer: sea water attenuates sound at 60 dB/km
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2235
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 27
Question: Lamb waves are used in testing
'A' Answer: thin bar or plate
'B' Answer: composite materials
'C' Answer: liquids
'D' Answer: bolts
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 2240

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 29
Question: The time required for a wave packet of ultrasound to go from 10% to 90% of its maximum amplitude is called
'A' Answer: pulse length
'B' Answer: PRF
'C' Answer: rise time
'D' Answer: fall time
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2245
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 29
Question: The time duration for an ultrasonic wave packet to have its trailing edge drop from 90% to 10% of its maximum amplitude is
'A' Answer: pulse length
'B' Answer: PRF
'C' Answer: rise time
'D' Answer: fall time
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2250
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 38
Question: Ferroelectric materials are electrostrictive substances that exhibit
'A' Answer: low acoustic impedance
'B' Answer: high coupling coefficients
'C' Answer: large deformations with applied voltage
'D' Answer: natural acoustic damping properties
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2255
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 38
Question: In ferroelectric materials, the units which contain a net electric polarization are called
'A' Answer: cells
'B' Answer: bi-poles
'C' Answer: mono-poles
'D' Answer: domains
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 2260

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 38
Question: A voltage applied across a slice of piezoelectric material will cause it to
'A' Answer: twist
'B' Answer: expand
'C' Answer: contract
'D' Answer: either b or c depending on polarity
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2265
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 40
Question: Ferroelectric materials are made to respond in a piezoelectric fashion by
'A' Answer: using bi-metal electrodes
'B' Answer: using only D.C. voltage
'C' Answer: sintering the material
'D' Answer: poling the material
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2270
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 40
Question: A net dipole moment is found in ferroelectric ceramics such as PZT when
'A' Answer: heated above the curie temperature
'B' Answer: the domains are frozen and aligned
'C' Answer: used under water
'D' Answer: use on highly retentive steel
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2275
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 43
Question: In contact testing methods, the purpose of the layer of couplant is to
'A' Answer: reduce attenuation
'B' Answer: stop back-scatter
'C' Answer: allow only compressional wave to enter the piece
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 2280

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 52
Question: In which of the following properties, considered when dealing with transducer materials, does quartz excel in?
'A' Answer: receiving constant
'B' Answer: transmitting constant
'C' Answer: dielectric constant
'D' Answer: coupling coefficient
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2285
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 54
Question: Curie temperature of a transducer material will indicate
'A' Answer: toxicity of vapour
'B' Answer: coupling constant
'C' Answer: acoustic impedance variations with temperature
'D' Answer: maximum work surface temperature
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2290
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Gene Rodenberry StarTrek
Page Number in Source:
Comments: This is meant to be amusing. It may be deduced by knowing Di-lithium is not an ultrasonic material.
Question: Di-lithium crystals are noted mostly for their
'A' Answer: high coupling coefficient
'B' Answer: low dissipation factor
'C' Answer: low curie temperature
'D' Answer: warp drive operation on starships
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2295
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 59
Question: Internally reflected waves within a lightly loaded resonant transducer (ie. acoustic impedance on either side is lower than the
'A' Answer: nullify resonance
'B' Answer: change the resonant frequency
'C' Answer: increase the maximum oscillation amplitude
'D' Answer: are totally internally refracted
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2300

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 62
Question: For continuous wave testing, rise time of the transducer oscillation relative to the applied driving voltage is
'A' Answer: longer than fall time
'B' Answer: shorter
'C' Answer: about the same
'D' Answer: not important
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2305
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 62
Question: The first oscillation of a piezoelectric element hit by an alternating voltage pulse is
'A' Answer: higher than all other oscillations in that pulse
'B' Answer: lower than all other oscillations in that pulse
'C' Answer: never higher than the second oscillation in that pulse
'D' Answer: higher or lower than the second oscillation depending on the front loading
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2310
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 67
Question: Acoustic transformers are constructed of
'A' Answer: araldite
'B' Answer: cork
'C' Answer: tungsten loaded epoxies
'D' Answer: any transitional layer designed to achieve maximum power transfer
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2315
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 70
Question: The purpose of tungsten powder incorporated in transducer backings is to
'A' Answer: increase acoustic impedance
'B' Answer: increase absorption of backward moving ultrasound
'C' Answer: both a and b
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2320

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 80
Question: Nickel and its compounds as well as cobalt and ferrites differ from other magnetostrictive materials in that they
'A' Answer: expand in applied magnetic fields
'B' Answer: shrink in applied magnetic fields
'C' Answer: are anti-magnetostrictive
'D' Answer: are also piezoelectric
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2325
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 87
Question: Magnetostrictive transducers have application in
'A' Answer: drilling
'B' Answer: welding
'C' Answer: ultrasonic cleaning
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2330
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 114
Question: In a standing wave, the points of zero pressure change are called
'A' Answer: null points
'B' Answer: nodes
'C' Answer: anti-nodes
'D' Answer: the still zone
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2335
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 121
Question: A lens shape that would result in a divergent beam in optics gives a convergent beam in ultrasonics because
'A' Answer: electromagnetic wavelengths are shorter
'B' Answer: electromagnetic waves are faster in solids than liquids
'C' Answer: mechanical waves are usually faster in solids than liquids
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2340

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 129
Question: Ultrasonic transducers used in ultrasonic cleaning apparatus are operating at a frequency of approximately
'A' Answer: 25 kHz
'B' Answer: 200 kHz
'C' Answer: 0.5 MHz
'D' Answer: 50 MHz
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2345
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 146
Question: The purpose of ultrasonic vibrations added to the tip of a soldering gun when soldering aluminum or magnesium is to
'A' Answer: eliminate the need for penetrant inspection
'B' Answer: make a fine grain structure with high shear strength
'C' Answer: break through the oxide coating
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2350
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 161
Question: Which of the following is not a therapeutic application of medical ultrasound
'A' Answer: ultrasonic treatment of arthritis, bursitis, sciatica
'B' Answer: destruction of brain tissue in neuro-sonic surgery
'C' Answer: establishing health, sex and age of a fetus
'D' Answer: destruction of gall stones
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2355
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 170
Question: The timebase or baseline is displayed as a horizontal line by means of
'A' Answer: line focus electronics
'B' Answer: line focus optical lenses
'C' Answer: a light spot moving across phosphor
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2360

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 187
Question: Increasing the pulse repetition frequency will result in
'A' Answer: decreasing sensitivity
'B' Answer: increased resolution
'C' Answer: altering the probes' frequency output
'D' Answer: brightening the baseline
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2365
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 191
Question: If it is difficult to resolve two defects separated by 0.5 cm, resolution may be improved by
'A' Answer: increasing gain
'B' Answer: increasing soundpath
'C' Answer: decreasing pulse length
'D' Answer: decreasing probe frequency
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2370
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 191
Question: Damping is achieved in an ultrasonic transducer by
'A' Answer: electrical adjustment of the pulse
'B' Answer: using high loss backing
'C' Answer: using matching layers between crystal and workpiece
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2375
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 223
Question: Elastic constants such as Young's modulus and the bulk modulus can be calculated from ultrasonic measurement of
'A' Answer: attenuation
'B' Answer: reflection coefficients
'C' Answer: acoustic velocities
'D' Answer: frequency domains
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2380

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 240
Question: In order to accurately determine acoustic velocities you must know
'A' Answer: your instruments PRF
'B' Answer: Snell's law
'C' Answer: Young's modulus or the bulk modulus
'D' Answer: the thickness of the test piece
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2385
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Goldman
Page Number in Source: 249
Question: Measurement of changes in sound velocity are used for determining
'A' Answer: density
'B' Answer: flow rates of fluids
'C' Answer: thickness
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2390
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 4
Question: Linearity of an ultrasonic machine's timebase must be within
'A' Answer: 1mm
'B' Answer: 2mm
'C' Answer: 1%
'D' Answer: 10%
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2395
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 5
Comments: Not required for single crystal normal beam.
Question: Which item is not always marked on all standard transducers sold for NDT purposes
'A' Answer: frequency
'B' Answer: exit point
'C' Answer: crystal dimensions
'D' Answer: serial number
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 2400

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 5
Question: For the purposes of ultrasonic testing, signal-to-noise ratio is a function of
'A' Answer: the probe
'B' Answer: the oscilloscope
'C' Answer: a combination of probe and scope
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2405
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 5
Question: When evaluating the performance of a probe-instrument combination, far field resolution is limited by
'A' Answer: the probes' functional frequency
'B' Answer: instrument gain
'C' Answer: available suppression
'D' Answer: the test surface of the calibration block
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2410
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 6
Question: The arbitrary amplitude response from flat bottomed or side drilled holes is used to establish sensitivity level because
'A' Answer: sensitivity is optimised
'B' Answer: resolution is optimised
'C' Answer: results can be reproducible
'D' Answer: both a and b
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2415
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 7
Question: Viscosity of couplant chosen for a contact ultrasonic inspection will usually depend on
'A' Answer: probe size
'B' Answer: nominal frequency
'C' Answer: surface condition
'D' Answer: sensitivity required
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2420

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 8
Question: In longitudinal wave inspection of the parent metal adjacent to a weld, minimum sensitivity is usually set such that
'A' Answer: it is 6 dB over the 80% FSH level for the appropriate side drilled hole
'B' Answer: it is 20 dB over the 80% FSH level for the appropriate side drilled hole
'C' Answer: backwall echo is 100% FSH in the absence of defects
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2425
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 8
Question: When doing an ultrasonic weld inspection material thickness, weld preparation configuration, defect type and orientation are
the main considerations for
'A' Answer: probe dimensions
'B' Answer: frequency
'C' Answer: probe angle
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2430
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 8
Question: Gain corrections to compensate for attenuation are dependant on
'A' Answer: frequency used
'B' Answer: grain structure of test material
'C' Answer: pulse energy
'D' Answer: a and b
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2435
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 9
Question: The IIW Block #1 is used to calibrate
'A' Answer: range
'B' Answer: exit point
'C' Answer: refracted angle
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 2440

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 11
Question: When calibrating an ultrasonic instrument for range, the maximum distance of interest should not be less than
'A' Answer: 100 mm
'B' Answer: 200 mm
'C' Answer: one half the horizontal scale
'D' Answer: two thirds the horizontal scale
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2445
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 13
Question: DGS diagrams are used to establish
'A' Answer: defect depth
'B' Answer: defect size
'C' Answer: correct probe dimensions
'D' Answer: beam divergence
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2450
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 14
Question: In the DGS (AVG German) system of defect sizing, the diagram relates to soundpath distance to the _________ to obtain the
relative distance.
'A' Answer: probe size
'B' Answer: near-field length
'C' Answer: stand-off distance
'D' Answer: depth of defect
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2455
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 15
Question: Where geometry permits in weld inspection, the distance you need to move the probe back from the weld to ensure 100%
volume inspection is
'A' Answer: 1/2 skip from the weld centre-line
'B' Answer: 1 full skip from the weld centre-line
'C' Answer: 1/2 skip from the edge of the heat affected zone
'D' Answer: 1 full skip from the HAZ edge
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 2460

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 15
Question: During manual scanning, detection of obliquely oriented defects is improved by
'A' Answer: using a lower frequency
'B' Answer: longitudinal wave inspections
'C' Answer: adding swivel motion to the angle beam probe
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2465
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 16
Question: Shear-wave probe angle for contact testing of plate between 10mm and 100 mm thick is
'A' Answer: 45 and 60 degrees
'B' Answer: determined by probe frequency chosen
'C' Answer: dependant on plate thickness, position and nature of defect
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2470
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 17
Question: Given a flat plate 25mm thick, the full skip range distance with a 60 degree probe is
'A' Answer: 35mm
'B' Answer: 50mm
'C' Answer: 100mm
'D' Answer: not possible to determine
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2475
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 17
Question: The half skip range on a 16mm thick plate with a 70% probe is
'A' Answer: 24mm
'B' Answer: 33mm
'C' Answer: 47mm
'D' Answer: 64mm
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2480

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 18
Question: A defects' vertical extent is deduced by __________ motion of the probe
'A' Answer: lateral
'B' Answer: traversing
'C' Answer: rotational
'D' Answer: orbital
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2485
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 19
Question: A sharp signal with large amplitude response seen from one side of a weld but not the other, having a sharp drop off with both
rotational and orbital motion would indicate the presence of
'A' Answer: porosity
'B' Answer: lack of fusion
'C' Answer: slag
'D' Answer: cracking
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2490
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 22
Question: The use of ultrasonic methods to check fillet welds is usually restricted to determining the extent of penetration. This is best
facilitated by
'A' Answer: a guidance system to hold the probe at a fixed distance
'B' Answer: c-scan presentations
'C' Answer: 45 and 60 degree probes in tandem
'D' Answer: holographic techniques
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2495
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 25
Question: Size estimations of defects based on amplitude response are
'A' Answer: the best option available
'B' Answer: never reliable
'C' Answer: used by all codes
'D' Answer: always referenced to side drilled holes or notches
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 2500

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 26
Comments: Also in ASME Section V
Question: The amplitude reference line used to compare flaw response to reference hole response at varying depths is abbreviated
'A' Answer: ARL
'B' Answer: AVG
'C' Answer: DAC
'D' Answer: DGS
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2505
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 26
Question: If you are drawing a DAC for an inspection range of 200mm and your response from the 3/8 node reference hole at 125mm
has already dropped to 10% FSH you will have to use
'A' Answer: a new calibration block
'B' Answer: larger reference holes
'C' Answer: the DGS (AVG) system
'D' Answer: a split DAC
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2510
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 27
Question: A transfer valve is established using
'A' Answer: published attenuation valves for the alloy tested
'B' Answer: two shear wave probes in a through transmission technique
'C' Answer: DGS (AVG) curves
'D' Answer: multiple back-echoes from a normal beam probe
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2515
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 27
Comments: Although less than zero code may require negative transfer values not be used.
Question: If coupling conditions on a test piece are better than on a calibration block the transfer value will be
'A' Answer: greater than zero
'B' Answer: less than zero
'C' Answer: not used
'D' Answer: 1 (one)
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 2520

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 29
Question: Vertical extent of a defect is determined using
'A' Answer: a 6 dB drop method
'B' Answer: a 10 dB drop method
'C' Answer: a 20 dB drop method
'D' Answer: any of the above is acceptable if the appropriate beam spread plot is made for comparison
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2525
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 31
Question: Acceptability of a defect is determined by
'A' Answer: code or customer requirements
'B' Answer: amplitude relative to reference
'C' Answer: length
'D' Answer: type of flaw
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2530
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 36
Question: The most pronounced effects of beam deviation by surface roughness are had when using
'A' Answer: immersion testing
'B' Answer: low frequency transducers
'C' Answer: 70 degree contact probes
'D' Answer: normal beam probes
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2535
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 36
Question: The result of increasing the temperature of a test piece from 10C. to 30C. is
'A' Answer: increase sensitivity
'B' Answer: decrease the refracted angle
'C' Answer: decrease the acoustic velocity
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 2540

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 36
Question: The ability to discern individual defects separate from the initial interface signal is called
'A' Answer: dead zone limit
'B' Answer: near surface resolution
'C' Answer: surface acuity
'D' Answer: damping
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2545
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 37
Question: The IIW Block #1 cannot be used to calibrate
'A' Answer: angle beam resolution
'B' Answer: range for time-base
'C' Answer: time-base linearity
'D' Answer: sensitivity
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2550
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 38
Question: The maximum amplitude response from the 1.5mm diameter hole in the IIW Block #1 is used to determine
'A' Answer: longitudinal wave sensitivity
'B' Answer: shear wave sensitivity
'C' Answer: dead zone distance
'D' Answer: both a and b
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2555
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 39
Question: IIW blocks are constructed of
'A' Answer: ASTM-A36 steel
'B' Answer: stainless steel
'C' Answer: aluminum
'D' Answer: any metal or alloy
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 2560

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 37
Question: The 91mm step in the IIW Block #1 is used for
'A' Answer: setting shear wave range with longitudinal waves
'B' Answer: establishing non-standard ranges
'C' Answer: shear wave resolution determinations
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2565
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 43
Question: The purpose of the small Rompas or DIN block (IIW Block #2) is
'A' Answer: range calibration
'B' Answer: determining exit point of probe
'C' Answer: determining actual refracted angle
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2570
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 43
Question: The 5mm diameter through hole in the DIN or ROMPAS block is used for checking
'A' Answer: shear wave sensitivity
'B' Answer: longitudinal wave sensitivity
'C' Answer: beam angle
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2575
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Butt
Page Number in Source: 43
Question: When setting sensitivity of a longitudinal probe using the IIW blocks
'A' Answer: total number and size of last echo are used
'B' Answer: response from the side drilled hole is used
'C' Answer: both a and b can be used
'D' Answer: IIW blocks are never used to set sensitivity
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2580

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Hislop
Page Number in Source: 184
Question: The dB difference between a signal 25% FSH and 100% FSH is
'A' Answer: 6 dB
'B' Answer: 8 dB
'C' Answer: 10 dB
'D' Answer: 12 dB
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2585
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Hislop
Page Number in Source: 184
Question: To reduce the influence of incident angle when evaluating beam characteristics the preferred target is
'A' Answer: a cylindrical target at right angles to beam axis
'B' Answer: a spherical target of tungsten
'C' Answer: a flat bottom hole
'D' Answer: vee notches
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2590
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Hislop
Page Number in Source: 184
Question: Given that maximum acoustic intensity occurs at the focal point, the focal point for a flat 100mm diameter 4 MHz probe in
water is
'A' Answer: 10mm inside the probe damping
'B' Answer: the probe face
'C' Answer: the end of the near zone
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2595
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Hislop
Page Number in Source: 185
Question: In the AVG (DGS) diagrams originated by Krautkramer in 1959, the reduced range is given
'A' Answer: as a fraction of the near zone
'B' Answer: in millimeters only
'C' Answer: as a ratio of the probe diameter
'D' Answer: where the amplitude equals the ideal backwall echo
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 2600

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Hislop
Page Number in Source: 190
Question: In immersion testing, defect sizing is improved in the flaw traverse technique measuring probe movement to 6 or 20 dB drop
levels by use of
'A' Answer: lower frequency probes
'B' Answer: focused probes
'C' Answer: Y-cut transducer elements
'D' Answer: oil coupling instead of water
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2605
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Hislop
Page Number in Source: 189
Question: To determine the functional, or operating frequency of a probe you need
'A' Answer: a UT machine capable of R.F. display
'B' Answer: a frequency analyser
'C' Answer: to know probe diameter and its near zone as measured in water
'D' Answer: any of the above can be used
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2610
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: M & T
Page Number in Source: 75
Question: The resolving power of an ultrasonic system depends primarily on
'A' Answer: the loop gain of the transducer
'B' Answer: operating frequency
'C' Answer: amount of gain used in the receiver amplifier
'D' Answer: the pulse energy
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2615
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: M & T
Page Number in Source: 76
Question: When a flaw has a size that is less than the wavelength of ultrasound impinging on it,
'A' Answer: the AVG (DGS) system must be used for sizing
'B' Answer: dimensions are determined using the 20 dB drop method
'C' Answer: it is not possible to determine the flaws' shape
'D' Answer: it cannot be detected
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2620

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silvus
Page Number in Source: 10
Question: Signal averaging, correlation, and filtering are techniques used in ultrasonic systems to
'A' Answer: extract weak signals from incoherent noise
'B' Answer: improve resolution
'C' Answer: characterize defects for type
'D' Answer: none of these techniques are used in ultrasonic testing
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2625
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silvus
Page Number in Source: 12
Question: The process where by a re-current signal is extracted from incoherent noise is called
'A' Answer: amplitude modulation
'B' Answer: frequency modulation
'C' Answer: signal averaging
'D' Answer: filtering
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2630
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silvus
Page Number in Source: 14
Question: Receiver noise must often be filtered out of a test system. Receiver amplifier noise increases proportionally to
'A' Answer: the square root of the bandwidth
'B' Answer: the inverse square of the bandwidth
'C' Answer: attenuation
'D' Answer: temperature
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2635
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silvus
Page Number in Source: 18
Question: A group of ultrasonic transducers arranged in some form of geometrical pattern with individual transducers use sequentially as
transmitters, receivers or both is called a
'A' Answer: sequenced array
'B' Answer: switched pulser
'C' Answer: C-scan array
'D' Answer: multi-element probe
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 2640

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silvus
Page Number in Source: 16
Question: Which is not used as an acoustic imaging method?
'A' Answer: deconvolution
'B' Answer: sequenced array
'C' Answer: liquid-surface levitation
'D' Answer: holography
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2645
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silvus
Page Number in Source: 38
Question: In order to determine a particular material parameter by ultrasonics you would need to find its
'A' Answer: critical angle
'B' Answer: acoustic velocity and acoustic impedance
'C' Answer: attenuation
'D' Answer: any or all of the above depending on the parameter sought
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2650
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silvus
Page Number in Source: 40
Question: The so called delta technique derives its name from
'A' Answer: its origins in the Mississippi delta
'B' Answer: measurements of changes in velocity (delta "V")
'C' Answer: the triangular juxtaposition of transmitter, receiver and flaw
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2655
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silvus
Page Number in Source: 45
Question: Increasing a focused probe's focal length can have the advantage of increasing focal depth, but this is achieved at the
expense of
'A' Answer: increasing attenuation
'B' Answer: increasing focal spot size
'C' Answer: reducing resolution
'D' Answer: both b and c
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 2660

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silvus
Page Number in Source: 47
Question: Which is not an advantage of electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMAT)?
'A' Answer: high electric to acoustic power conversion
'B' Answer: can inspect rough or coated surfaces
'C' Answer: non-contacting
'D' Answer: inspection of high temperature surfaces
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2665
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silvus
Page Number in Source: 44
Question: In highly automated inspection apparatus, ultrasonic phased arrays permit
'A' Answer: elimination of mechanical scanning apparatus
'B' Answer: increased resolution over a greater depth range
'C' Answer: control of beam shape
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2670
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 1
Question: Rayleigh waves have
'A' Answer: distinctly different velocities from longitudinal and shear waves in the same medium
'B' Answer: ellipsoidal particle displacement
'C' Answer: a velocity slightly less than shear waves in the same medium
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2675
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 4
Question: For crystalline material to have piezoelectric properties it must have
'A' Answer: asymmetry of crystal axes
'B' Answer: silicon as one of its component elements
'C' Answer: nuclear spin parity
'D' Answer: no unstable isotopes
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 2680

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 6
Question: For unpoled poly-crystalline piezoelectric materials, an applied pressure results in
'A' Answer: polar alignment of crystal
'B' Answer: radial mode vibration
'C' Answer: maximum voltage
'D' Answer: zero net voltage
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2685
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 6
Question: Even under ideal conditions, the electro mechanical coupling coefficient (k) will not exceed
'A' Answer: 0.1
'B' Answer: 1.0
'C' Answer: 10
'D' Answer: 100
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2690
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 11
Question: If the product of the relative transmitter and receiver efficiencies of quartz is 1, which of the following piezomaterials would
have a product less than 1?
'A' Answer: PZT
'B' Answer: ZnO
'C' Answer: PVDF
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2695
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 12
Question: A dual crystal probe using PZT as a transmitter and PVDF as a receiver, as compared to just PZT used in the send-receive
mode would be
'A' Answer: about 7 times more efficient
'B' Answer: half as efficient
'C' Answer: hampered by low signal to noise ratio
'D' Answer: useless
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 2700

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 63
Question: The purpose of using metal powder in epoxies as probe backing material is to
'A' Answer: increase acoustic impedance of the backing to match the ceramic piezoelements' acoustic impedance
'B' Answer: provide an electric conductor to the back electrode
'C' Answer: decrease bandwidth
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2705
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 81
Question: In ultrasonic testing, beam focusing is accomplished by
'A' Answer: placing lenses in front of the planar transmitter
'B' Answer: suitably curved piezo material
'C' Answer: specimen geometry
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2710
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 84
Question: The result of a cylindrical shaped lens on the front of an ultrasonic probe is a(n)
'A' Answer: point focused beam
'B' Answer: line focused beam
'C' Answer: asymptotic beam
'D' Answer: negatively focused beam
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2715
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 111
Question: Which is not an advantage of electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs)?
'A' Answer: no couplant needed
'B' Answer: hot surfaces are more easily inspected
'C' Answer: easily shaped beams
'D' Answer: increased sensitivity over ferro electric probes
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 2720

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 112
Question: Electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) generate ultrasound by means of
'A' Answer: cosmic awareness
'B' Answer: eddy currents
'C' Answer: mechanical contact
'D' Answer: magnetic deformations
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2725
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 112
Question: EMATs cannot be used to generate ultrasound in
'A' Answer: non-conductive material
'B' Answer: magnetic metals
'C' Answer: non-magnetic metals
'D' Answer: both a and b
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2730
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Silk
Page Number in Source: 136
Question: The most common method used to determine the nature of a probes' sound field is by
'A' Answer: Fast Fourier transforms
'B' Answer: impedance curves
'C' Answer: side drilled holes
'D' Answer: using two transducers, one transmitting and the other receiving
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2735
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: British Standards
Page Number in Source: 38
Question: An angle beam probe is checked for refracted angle on an IIW and found to be 44 degrees. The IIW block temperature is
10C. Moving to the 40 degree C. test piece the refracted angle will be
'A' Answer: more
'B' Answer: less
'C' Answer: the same
'D' Answer: not possible to know
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 2740

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: British Standard
Page Number in Source: 11
Question: To determine the dominant frequency of a probe you would require
'A' Answer: an unrectified signal on a baseline calibrated in time
'B' Answer: a rectified signal on a baseline calibrated in distance
'C' Answer: a reference probe
'D' Answer: an impedance matching circuit
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2745
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: British Standard
Page Number in Source: 15
Question: The time interval in microseconds between the first and last instant at which the value of the pulse reaches 10% of its peak
amplitude is considered the
'A' Answer: pulse length
'B' Answer: 20 dB drop length
'C' Answer: dead zone
'D' Answer: rise time
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2750
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: British Standard
Page Number in Source: 20
Question: When determining signal-to-noise ratio the suppression control is set at
'A' Answer: maximum
'B' Answer: minimum
'C' Answer: 50%
'D' Answer: suppression setting is not important
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2755
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: British Standard
Page Number in Source: 20
Comments: ASTM E317 specifies summation effect of noise
Question: When determining signal-to-noise ratio, the noise is attributable to
'A' Answer: electrical noise from machine, cable and probe
'B' Answer: metal grain structure
'C' Answer: both a and b
'D' Answer: inability for focus the baseline
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2760

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: British Standard
Page Number in Source: 27
Question: Probe index refers to
'A' Answer: nominal frequency of the probe
'B' Answer: beam exit point
'C' Answer: the refracted angle in the test piece
'D' Answer: the incident angle from perspex
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2765
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: British Standard
Page Number in Source: 29
Question: For a given range, deviations of + or - 2 degrees in refracted angle will result in greatest depth error for
'A' Answer: 70 probes
'B' Answer: 60 probes
'C' Answer: 45 probes
'D' Answer: error will be constant at all angles
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2770
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: British Standard
Page Number in Source: 34
Question: Depth of the dead zone is determined by
'A' Answer: probe design
'B' Answer: pulse energy setting
'C' Answer: gain setting
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2775
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 3
Question: A discontinuity whose shape, size location or properties make it detrimental to the useful service of the product in which it
occurs or which exceeds the accept/reject criteria is a(n)
'A' Answer: defect
'B' Answer: slag inclusion
'C' Answer: crack
'D' Answer: anomaly
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 2780

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 3
Question: A response or evidence of a response in non-destructive testing that requires interpretation is called
'A' Answer: an indication
'B' Answer: a defect
'C' Answer: a flaw
'D' Answer: signal-to-noise ratio
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2785
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 5
Question: The component of ultrasonic wave attenuation resulting from conversion of mechanical energy to heat is called
'A' Answer: acoustic absorption
'B' Answer: coupling
'C' Answer: divergence
'D' Answer: acoustic impedance
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2790
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 5
Question: The property which determines acoustic transmission across a boundary between two media is termed
'A' Answer: acoustic impedance
'B' Answer: electric impedance
'C' Answer: conductivity
'D' Answer: transmissivity
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2795
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 5
Question: Coupling two media to provide optimum transfer of ultrasonic energy between them is
'A' Answer: a code requirement
'B' Answer: acoustic impedance matching
'C' Answer: best accomplished by dry coupling
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 2800

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 5
Comments: The normal is obviously at right angles to the surface and only equal at normal incidence.
Question: For a given ultrasonic beam impinging on a surface, the angle of incidence, the angle of reflection and the normal to that
surface are
'A' Answer: always equal
'B' Answer: never equal
'C' Answer: found by the inverse squared law
'D' Answer: in the same plane
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2805
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 6
Comments: AS-1929 does not include dispersion ie. beam spread according to Huygen
Question: Loss of acoustic energy in a material due to scatter, absorption and dispersion is called
'A' Answer: suppression
'B' Answer: attenuation
'C' Answer: damping
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2810
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 9
Question: A curve showing the relationship of amplitude to distance travelled to reflectors of the same area is usually referred to as a(n)
'A' Answer: AVG curve
'B' Answer: DAC curve
'C' Answer: DGS curve
'D' Answer: NDT curve
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2815
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 6
Question: The ultrasonic pulse received from the boundary of a body normal to the beam axis is termed
'A' Answer: backwall echo
'B' Answer: a multiple reflection
'C' Answer: the normal echo
'D' Answer: a defect
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 2820

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 6
Question: An ultrasonic display in rectangular coordinates where distance or time of flight is represented in one direction and probe
displacement represented on the other and reflected pulses as bright marks on a dark background (or vise versa) is called a(n)
'A' Answer: A-scan
'B' Answer: B-scan
'C' Answer: C-scan
'D' Answer: tomograph
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2825
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 6
Question: Noise generated by the transmitting transducer which is produced in the receiving transducer of a dual crystal probe is called
'A' Answer: signal from noise effect
'B' Answer: cross-talk
'C' Answer: acoustic pick-up
'D' Answer: FM cross-over
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2830
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 7
Question: An assembly of ultrasonic crystals mounted so as to behave as though it were a single crystal is called a(n)
'A' Answer: acoustic mat
'B' Answer: crystal mosaic
'C' Answer: phased array
'D' Answer: linear array
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2835
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 9
Question: The time interval between the initial pulse and the initiation of the time base sweep is termed
'A' Answer: range
'B' Answer: time of flight
'C' Answer: programmed off-set
'D' Answer: delay
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 2840

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 9
Question: The frequency at which the overall response of an ultrasonic pulse-echo flaw detection system is maximum is the
'A' Answer: dominant frequency
'B' Answer: resonance frequency
'C' Answer: nominal frequency
'D' Answer: anti-resonance frequency
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2845
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 9
Question: The lowest acoustic frequency which will cause a condition of resonance to be established in a given material of given
thickness is the _________ frequency.
'A' Answer: fundamental
'B' Answer: parallel
'C' Answer: series
'D' Answer: anti-resonance
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2850
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 9
Question: A probe which incorporates separate transmit and receive crystals in the same housing is called a
'A' Answer: dual crystal probe
'B' Answer: T-R probe
'C' Answer: delta probe
'D' Answer: normal probe
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2855
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 8
Question: The unit of sound (or electrical) gain or attenuation, dB is
'A' Answer: one tenth of a bell
'B' Answer: a ratio of voltages or intensities
'C' Answer: derived from naval protocol
'D' Answer: both a and b
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 2860

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 9
Question: The display of remnant reflections originating from previously transmitted pulses due to too high a PRF are called
'A' Answer: transients
'B' Answer: trip signals
'C' Answer: ghost echoes
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2865
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 9
Question: Harmonic frequencies occur at
'A' Answer: 2 times the fundamental frequency
'B' Answer: 3 times the fundamental frequency
'C' Answer: 4 times the fundamental frequency
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2870
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 10
Question: The boundary between any two media of different acoustic impedances is termed a(n)
'A' Answer: interface
'B' Answer: divide
'C' Answer: interlude
'D' Answer: front
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2875
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 10
Question: A wave that is propagated in thin material, & whose velocity is dependant on frequency and material thickness.
'A' Answer: Lamb wave
'B' Answer: Rayleigh wave
'C' Answer: shear wave
'D' Answer: new wave
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 2880

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 10
Question: The repeated reflections of ultrasonic pulses from between surfaces or discontinuities within a body are
'A' Answer: ghost echoes
'B' Answer: sing-around
'C' Answer: multiple echoes
'D' Answer: wrap-around
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2885
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 10
Question: A 'normal' probe is one which
'A' Answer: operates at half wave resonance
'B' Answer: operates at quarter wave resonance
'C' Answer: has tungsten powder imbedded in its backing epoxy
'D' Answer: introduces sound into a test piece at right angles to the surface
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2890
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 10
Question: The method whereby a discontinuity is detected and evaluated using reflected pulses.
'A' Answer: pulse-echo method
'B' Answer: through transmission
'C' Answer: bulk wave testing
'D' Answer: crack tip diffraction
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2895
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 11
Question: The number of times per second that an ultrasonic transducer is excited to produce a pulse is
'A' Answer: determined by the crystal thickness
'B' Answer: a function of the cable capacitance
'C' Answer: the pulse repetition frequency
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 2900

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 11
Question: The gain or attenuation setting at which indications are assessed is the ________ level.
'A' Answer: reference
'B' Answer: scan
'C' Answer: threshold
'D' Answer: bell
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2905
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 11
Question: Instrument settings which relate a reference echo of reproducible amplitude with which other instrument settings relating to a
discontinuity echo are compared is the
'A' Answer: scanning level
'B' Answer: threshold level
'C' Answer: reference sensitivity
'D' Answer: overall system gain
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2910
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 11
Question: Addition of suppression or reject to a display effectively
'A' Answer: filters out unwanted noise
'B' Answer: reduces dynamic range
'C' Answer: increases sensitivity
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2915
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 13
Question: The relationship between amplitudes of an indication in A-scan presentation and the magnitude of the corresponding received
signals is used to determine
'A' Answer: vertical linearity
'B' Answer: manual scanning speed
'C' Answer: longitudinal/shear mode energy ratios
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 2920

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Australian Standard
Page Number in Source: 13
Question: The device which incorporates one or more ultrasonic crystals mounted inside a liquid filled flexible tire is commonly called a
'A' Answer: rubber tester
'B' Answer: rotating head probe
'C' Answer: wheel probe
'D' Answer: plate probe
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2925
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 235
Question: Which pulse method of ultrasonic testing uses only a single crystal?
'A' Answer: pulse-echo
'B' Answer: pitch-catch
'C' Answer: through-transmission
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2930
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 235
Question: The source of ultrasound in acoustic emission techniques is
'A' Answer: sudden relaxation of stresses within the material
'B' Answer: a transmitter crystal
'C' Answer: rotary wire brushes
'D' Answer: static discharge
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2935
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 238
Question: Resolving power of broadband transducers
'A' Answer: increases with soundpath distance
'B' Answer: decreases with soundpath distance
'C' Answer: is independant of soundpath distance
'D' Answer: depends solely on near field length
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 2940

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 247
Question: Examination of a metal's elastic properties by increasing the angle of incidence until either the longitudinal or shear mode
disappears is called
'A' Answer: wave mode analysis
'B' Answer: spectral analysis
'C' Answer: specular analysis
'D' Answer: critical-angle analysis
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2945
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 250
Question: When doing immersion critical-angle analyses the pitch-catch technique is used. The receiver probe is used to study the
'A' Answer: reflected longitudinal wave
'B' Answer: reflected transverse wave
'C' Answer: transmitted longitudinal wave
'D' Answer: Rayleigh waves
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2950
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 251
Question: Non-contacting ultrasonic coupling, ie. coupling across an air gap has its advantage in
'A' Answer: avoiding fluid contamination of test piece
'B' Answer: testing at elevated temperatures is possible
'C' Answer: avoiding transducer wear on rough surfaces
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2955
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 253
Question: When performing a "normal beam" inspection of 60mm thick plate by immersion technique, the minimum waterpath to avoid
waterpath multiples in the first metal wall thickness display is
'A' Answer: 15mm
'B' Answer: 30mm
'C' Answer: 60mm
'D' Answer: 240mm
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 2960

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 253
Question: If the longitudinal waves are required at an angle other than zero degrees from the normal in the test piece
'A' Answer: the incident angle must be less than the first critical angle
'B' Answer: the incident angle must be less than the second critical angle
'C' Answer: the incident angle must be between the first and second critical angles
'D' Answer: you are out of luck-it can't be done
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 2965
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 253
Question: Although no longer commonly used for thickness testing of steel plate, resonance testing still finds application in
'A' Answer: flaw detection in integrated circuits
'B' Answer: locating nonbond areas in rubber to metal
'C' Answer: shadow technique ultrasonic testing
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2970
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 255
Question: Ultrasonic systems similar to those used in nondestructive testing are used in
'A' Answer: ultrasonic welding
'B' Answer: diagnostic medicine
'C' Answer: de-watering units
'D' Answer: ultrasonic machining
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2975
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 256
Question: Transducers used for resonance measurements would more likely be
'A' Answer: broadband-type pulse
'B' Answer: high-Q factor
'C' Answer: low-Q factor
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 2980

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 256
Question: When information is presented as a B-scan on an oscilloscope, intensity (or amplitude) of a signal is indicated by
'A' Answer: strobe effects for signals over a threshold amplitude
'B' Answer: digital readout on the corner of the screen
'C' Answer: brightness of the spot on the scope
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 2985
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 268
Question: When measuring crack depth using shear-wave soundpaths, amplitude drop and probe travel, you need in addition to various
distances and the refracted angles
'A' Answer: a transmitting and a receiving transducer
'B' Answer: the beamwidth in the vertical plane
'C' Answer: maximum amplitude with respect to a side drilled hole
'D' Answer: maximum amplitude with respect to a flat bottom hole
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 2990
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 268
Comments: from equation h=x cos
Question: For a given flaw, with a physical vertical extent of 11mm, the probe requiring the maximum forward travel to locate the flaw
ends would be the
'A' Answer: 0
'B' Answer: 45
'C' Answer: 60
'D' Answer: 70
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 2995
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 278
Question: An increase in attenuation or a decrease in velocity in a material is generally indicative of
'A' Answer: degradation or loss of strength
'B' Answer: an increase in compressive loading
'C' Answer: an increase in tensile strength
'D' Answer: decreasing pulse frequency
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 3000

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 278
Question: Attenuation studies in ultrasound could be used to determine
'A' Answer: average gain size of metals
'B' Answer: yield point of materials during elastic-plastic deformation
'C' Answer: fracture toughness of stainless steel
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 3005
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 286
Question: Ultrasonic methods used to monitor or detect fatigue cracks are based on
'A' Answer: attenuation effects
'B' Answer: amplitude of reflection energy
'C' Answer: both a and b are used
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3010
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 288
Question: An advantage of using ultrasonic surface waves over other wave modes is
'A' Answer: good sensitivity to subsurface defects
'B' Answer: the ease of focusing the beam
'C' Answer: test piece contours are followed without loss due to direction changes
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3015
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 290
Question: The weld defect that results when a weld puddle solidifies from the outer edges and causes stresses sufficient to produce
cracking is
'A' Answer: crater cracking
'B' Answer: underbead cracking
'C' Answer: transverse cracking
'D' Answer: puddle jumping
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 3020

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 293
Comments: items b and c not mentioned specifically in this reference but noted in the Welding Institute Handbook
Question: The purpose of removing a weld cap by grinding it flush with the base metal in preparation for ultrasonic testing is to
'A' Answer: reduce scatter from redirection of beam
'B' Answer: improve volumetric coverage
'C' Answer: increase sensitivity to near surface defects
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 3025
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 295
Question: When testing tubular products with ultrasonics it is essential to ensure a fixed alignment between the probe and workpiece
since a slight shift of tube axis could result in
'A' Answer: a large change in incidence angle
'B' Answer: damaging the probe
'C' Answer: differential losses in frequency content
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 3030
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 296
Question: In immersion ultrasonic testing of tubular products, line focused probes have an advantage over point focused probes in that
'A' Answer: higher frequencies are available
'B' Answer: higher inspection rates are possible
'C' Answer: higher resolution is achieved
'D' Answer: higher sensitivity is achieved
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 3035
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 298
Question: When inspecting tubing using ultrasonic immersion methods in the tube mill
'A' Answer: the tube is rotated under the ultrasonic probes
'B' Answer: the probes are rotated around the tube
'C' Answer: both a or b can be arranged
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 3040

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 303
Question: Lamb waves are used to inspect
'A' Answer: threaded bar stock
'B' Answer: for inclusions in TIG welded root passes
'C' Answer: thin plate
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3045
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 312
Question: In general, ultrasonic testing of cast iron is
'A' Answer: done at frequencies from 1-2 MHz
'B' Answer: by immersion methods only
'C' Answer: both a and b
'D' Answer: avoided
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 3050
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 242
Question: Which of the following non-metals would more commonly be tested by ultrasonics in the kiloherz range of frequencies?
'A' Answer: wood
'B' Answer: concrete
'C' Answer: rubber
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 3055
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 345
Question: Ultrasonics when used on timber (ie. logs) can determine
'A' Answer: age by counting rings
'B' Answer: diameter
'C' Answer: presence or absence of decay
'D' Answer: none of the above, ultrasound is not used to test timber
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 3060

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 345
Question: Ultrasonic velocities of glasses such as quartz, fused silica and pyrex are
'A' Answer: not possible to determine
'B' Answer: available for only the longitudinal mode
'C' Answer: about the same as steel
'D' Answer: about the same as water
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3065
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 348
Question: Ultrasonics has been successfully used in testing rubber tires for determining
'A' Answer: porosity location
'B' Answer: de-lamination location
'C' Answer: the state of cure
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 3070
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 377
Question: Ultrasonic holography has an advantage over other imaging techniques in that it provides
'A' Answer: total information from a single pulse
'B' Answer: a 3-dimensional display of defects
'C' Answer: maximum inspection speed
'D' Answer: the best sensitivity of all imaging systems
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 3075
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 359
Question: Non-destructive testing is one of many applications of low-intensity ultrasound. Which of the following is not an example of
low-intensity ultrasound application.
'A' Answer: acoustic holography
'B' Answer: ultrasonic fish-finders
'C' Answer: ultrasonic cleaning
'D' Answer: ultrasonic flowmeters
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 3080

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 411
Question: The weak emission of light that sometimes accompanies cavitation in high intensity ultrasonic fields is called
'A' Answer: sonoluminescence
'B' Answer: fluorescence
'C' Answer: bioluminescence
'D' Answer: ultraluminescence
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 3085
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 38
Question: Diagnostic medical application of low intensity ultrasound has its advantage in
'A' Answer: its ability to detect phenomena X-rays cannot
'B' Answer: destroying gall stones
'C' Answer: generating therapeutic heat
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 3090
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 511
Question: The Doppler effect is utilized in ultrasonic
'A' Answer: flaw detection
'B' Answer: flowmeters
'C' Answer: B-scanners
'D' Answer: cleaners
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 3095
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Ensminger
Page Number in Source: 528
Question: Ultrasound intensity used in low intensity diagnostic testing (such as nondestructive testing) is on the order of
'A' Answer: 100W/cm
'B' Answer: 100mW/cm
'C' Answer: 100kW/cm
'D' Answer: 100MW/cm
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 3100

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Management
Page Number in Source: 51
Question: Steel ball bearings would probably be tested nondestructively using
'A' Answer: ultrasonics
'B' Answer: liquid penetrant
'C' Answer: magnetic particles
'D' Answer: radiography
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 3105
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Hinsley
Page Number in Source: 2
Question: The term defect or flaw indicates
'A' Answer: a minimum or maximum size
'B' Answer: suitability of a part for a given purpose
'C' Answer: nature of the fault
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 3110
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Hinsley
Page Number in Source: 5
Question: Ultimately the cause of any crack is
'A' Answer: corrosion
'B' Answer: re-crystallization
'C' Answer: stress
'D' Answer: strain
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3115
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Hinsley
Page Number in Source: 9
Question: Localized heating of metal objects can result in
'A' Answer: "crazy" cracks
'B' Answer: grinding cracks
'C' Answer: are strike cracks
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 3120

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Hinsley
Page Number in Source: 10
Question: In a valve casting, sponginess
'A' Answer: could result in a leak
'B' Answer: could be found using liquid penetrant
'C' Answer: is easiest found using ultrasonics
'D' Answer: both a and b
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 3125
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Hinsley
Page Number in Source: 15
Question: The term pipe refers to
'A' Answer: a forging defect
'B' Answer: a weld defect
'C' Answer: central shrinkage in an ingot
'D' Answer: a central blowhole in a casting
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3130
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: M.G.Silk
Page Number in Source: 119
Question: A surface breaking crack located by ultrasonics
'A' Answer: will be easily located using eddy currents
'B' Answer: may not by located by another NDT method
'C' Answer: will be shorter if located with LPI
'D' Answer: will be longer if located with LPI
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 3135
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: M.G.Silk
Page Number in Source: 97
Question: If a procedure fails to take into consideration a significant variable, such as temperature, the result will be
'A' Answer: unreliable inspection results
'B' Answer: missed defects
'C' Answer: lack of repeatability
'D' Answer: over sensitivity
Correct Answer: A

Question ID: 3140

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: M.G.Silk
Page Number in Source: 100
Question: If it is possible to automate a previously manually performed scan, you can always expect
'A' Answer: faster inspections
'B' Answer: more accurate results
'C' Answer: improved flaw detection reliability
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3145
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Sayers and Tait
Page Number in Source: 57
Question: When dealing with ultrasonic nondestructive testing the letters PZT stand for
'A' Answer: Paul Zamphir Tait, the discoverer of the piezo-ceramics
'B' Answer: lead zirconate titanate
'C' Answer: phosphoric zirconate tungstenate
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 3150
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Sayers and Tait
Page Number in Source: 57
Question: The most commonly used backing used in ultrasonic transducers used in NDT is
'A' Answer: air
'B' Answer: spur's epoxy
'C' Answer: epoxy resin filled with tungsten powder
'D' Answer: brass
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3155
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Sayers and Tait
Page Number in Source: 57
Question: The material added to epoxy resin to increase acoustic impedance of the probe backing is usually
'A' Answer: Rochelle salt
'B' Answer: iron filings
'C' Answer: tungsten powder
'D' Answer: PbO (lead oxide)
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 3160

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Sayers and Tait
Page Number in Source: 57
Question: The backward moving energy in an ultrasonic probe is damped by
'A' Answer: natural attenuation of air
'B' Answer: defocusing lenses
'C' Answer: scattering by tungsten particles
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3165
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: NDT Volume 20
Page Number in Source: 9
Question: The least difficult aspect of a defect to determine using ultrasonics is
'A' Answer: length
'B' Answer: height
'C' Answer: elastic constants
'D' Answer: yield stress reduction on the component
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 3170
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: NDT Volume 20 NO.1
Page Number in Source: 10
Question: In time of flight diffraction techniques, the first wave to arrive at the receiving probe is the _________ wave.
'A' Answer: Rayleigh
'B' Answer: diffracted
'C' Answer: lateral
'D' Answer: reflected
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3175
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: NDT Volume 20 No.1
Page Number in Source: 11
Question: The longitudinal blurring of ultrasonic B-scan images that results due to ultrasonic beam width can be reduced by
'A' Answer: using a lower frequency probe
'B' Answer: synthetic aperture focusing technique (saft)
'C' Answer: increasing the soundpath
'D' Answer: using immersion methods.
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 3180

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Snell's Law
Page Number in Source:
Question: Using a contact probe with lucite wedge designed to produce a 70 shear wave in steel, which material could you not inspect
using shear waves generated from this probe ( V lucite = 2.68mm/sec V steel (transverse) = 3.2 mm/sec)?
'A' Answer: Aluminum (Vl = 6.32mm/sec Vt = 2.49 mm/sec)
'B' Answer: Brass (Vl = 4.28mm/sec Vt = 2.03 mm/sec)
'C' Answer: nickel (Vl = 5.63 mm/sec Vt = 2.96 mm/sec)
'D' Answer: titanium carbide (Vl = 5.63 mm/sec Vt = 5.16 mm/sec)
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 3185
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Snell's Law
Page Number in Source:
Question: Given a wedge meant to produce a 60 refracted shear wave in steel (Vl = 5.66 Vt = 3.12 mm/sec), which material would you
be able to also use this wedge for a 60 refracted shear wave?
'A' Answer: aluminium 2117T4 (Vl=6.50 Vt=3.12mm/sec)
'B' Answer: beryllium (Vl=12.9 Vt=8.88mm/sec)
'C' Answer: iron (Vl=5.9 Vt=2.32 mm/sec)
'D' Answer: nickel (Vl=5.66 Vt=2.96mm/sec)
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 3190
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Snell's Law
Page Number in Source:
Question: The angle of incidence from lucite Vl=2.76mm/sec to produce a 60 refracted shear wave in steel (Vl=5.9 Vt=3.2mm/sec) is
'A' Answer: 23.1
'B' Answer: 34.6
'C' Answer: 48.3
'D' Answer: 58.1
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3195
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Snell's Law
Page Number in Source:
Question: In Snell's Law, there will be no first critical angle if the
'A' Answer: incident angle does not exceed 89
'B' Answer: acoustic velocity in the refracting medium is less than in the incident medium
'C' Answer: acoustic impedance of the refracting medium is greater than 1
'D' Answer: none of the above, there will always be a first critical angle
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 3200

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Snell's Law
Page Number in Source:
Question: The inverse sine of the ratio of the acoustic velocity in the incident medium to refracting medium's acoustic velocity gives
'A' Answer: the first critical angle
'B' Answer: the second critical angle
'C' Answer: the third critical angle
'D' Answer: the critical angle, which critical angle depends on the mode velocity used
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 3205
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Snell's Law
Page Number in Source:
Question: The inverse sine of the ratio of the _____ velocities gives the first critical angle.
'A' Answer: refracted long. and incident shear
'B' Answer: incident long. and refracted long.
'C' Answer: incident long. and refracted shear
'D' Answer: incident long. and reflected long.
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 3210
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Snell's Law
Page Number in Source:
Question: Given water, density=1g/cc Vl=1.5mm/sec and lead, density=11.4g/cc Vl=2.16mm/sec. The second critical angle of sound
moving from water to lead is
'A' Answer: 7.8
'B' Answer: 14.4
'C' Answer: 28
'D' Answer: not possible to determine from this information
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 3215
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Snell's Law
Page Number in Source:
Comments: Doesn't exist
Question: Given the acoustic velocities Vl=1.5mm/sec for water and Vl=2.16 Vt=0.70 mm/sec for lead. What is the second critical
angle for a longitudinal wave from water to lead.
'A' Answer: 43.9
'B' Answer: 33.9
'C' Answer: 27.5
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: D

Question ID: 3220

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 91
Question: In the welding process, removal of weld metal and base metal from the opposite side of a welded joint to ensure complete
penetration upon welding from that side is called
'A' Answer: de-welding
'B' Answer: beveling
'C' Answer: back gouging
'D' Answer: joint preparation
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3225
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 92
Question: The preferred welding term for a blowhole is
'A' Answer: tunneling
'B' Answer: gusher
'C' Answer: porosity
'D' Answer: gas pocket
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3230
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 92
Question: The purpose of backing material at the root of a weld is
'A' Answer: to support molten weld metal
'B' Answer: a heat sink
'C' Answer: to prevent lack of fusion
'D' Answer: all of the above
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 3235
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 93
Question: In welding processes, a preplaced filler metal which is fused into the root of a joint and thereby becomes part of the weld is a
'A' Answer: chill
'B' Answer: chaplet
'C' Answer: consumable insert
'D' Answer: covered electrode
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 3240

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 93
Question: A crack occurring in the depression at the termination of a weld bead is called a
'A' Answer: hot tear
'B' Answer: termination crack
'C' Answer: heat check crack
'D' Answer: crater crack
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 3245
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 95
Question: In a welded joint, the minimum distance from the root to the weld face is the
'A' Answer: hypotenuse
'B' Answer: leg
'C' Answer: effective throat
'D' Answer: length of weld
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3250
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 96
Question: The purpose of flux material in welding is
'A' Answer: to stabilize the welding arc
'B' Answer: to protect the molten weld from atmosphere
'C' Answer: both a and b
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3255
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 97
Question: In welding, the area of base metal melted as determined on a cross-section of the weld is the
'A' Answer: heat affected zone
'B' Answer: fusion zone
'C' Answer: dead zone
'D' Answer: twilight zone
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 3260

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 99
Question: The portion of base metal that has not been melted but whose mechanical properties or microstructure have been altered by
heat of welding or cutting is called the
'A' Answer: fusion zone
'B' Answer: heat affected zone
'C' Answer: dead zone
'D' Answer: twilight zone
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 3265
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 99
Question: In a welding process using inert gas as a part of the operation, the purpose of the inert gas is to
'A' Answer: react with the filler metal
'B' Answer: provide a protective atmosphere over the weld puddle
'C' Answer: increase the heat at the arc
'D' Answer: harden the weld metal deposited
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 3267
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 101
Question: The protrusion of weld metal beyond the toe, face or root of a weld is called
'A' Answer: overlap
'B' Answer: undercut
'C' Answer: pass
'D' Answer: bead
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 3269
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 108
Question: Another term for the welding phenomenon called "suck-back" is
'A' Answer: undercut
'B' Answer: blow-through
'C' Answer: concave rout
'D' Answer: overlap
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 3271

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 109
Question: Cracking occuring in the heat affected zone that does not usually extend to the surface of the metal is
'A' Answer: transverse cracking
'B' Answer: underbead cracking
'C' Answer: laminal cracking
'D' Answer: post weld heat treatment cracking
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 3273
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: HSB
Page Number in Source: 109
Question: In tig welding the electrode manipulated by the welder is
'A' Answer: made of tungsten
'B' Answer: not consumed
'C' Answer: both a and b
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3275
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: 48GP 6a
Page Number in Source: 8
Question: When inspecting a curved surface with a contact probe it is advised to use
'A' Answer: circular probes
'B' Answer: rectangular probes
'C' Answer: large probes
'D' Answer: small probes
Correct Answer: D
Question ID: 3277
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: 48GP6a
Page Number in Source: 8
Question: When inspecting rough surfaces, such as castings, coupling efficiency can be improved by
'A' Answer: using larger dimensioned probes
'B' Answer: increasing receiver gain
'C' Answer: using lower frequency probes
'D' Answer: increasing damping
Correct Answer: C

Question ID: 3279

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: 48GP6a
Page Number in Source: 10
Question: For contact testing of thin steel plate (5mm) it is recommended to use shear waves at 80. A significant problem to contend
with however is
'A' Answer: a large fraction of energy is converted to surface waves
'B' Answer: interference from side lobes
'C' Answer: identifying defects
'D' Answer: locating the position of defects
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 3281
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: 48GP6a
Page Number in Source: 16
Comments: You need full skip + 30mm
Question: You are required to scan the full volume of an unground tee joint weld on 100mm thick plate. Scanning is to be done from one
side of the weld prep plate using a 45 probe. What is the scan distance you must move from the tee plate surface to ensure 100%
coverage of the weld having a leg of 30mm?
'A' Answer: 142mm
'B' Answer: 230mm
'C' Answer: 283mm
'D' Answer: 300mm
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 3283
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: 48GP6a
Page Number in Source: 16
Question: You are to scan an unground 50mm thick butt weld from one side of the weld only. The plate is 20mm thick and full volumetric
coverage of the weld plus 20mm heat affected zone is needed. Weld face is 20mm wide. What is the maximum scan distance from the
weld centre-line for this coverage with a 60 probe?
'A' Answer: 40mm
'B' Answer: 68mm
'C' Answer: 98mm
'D' Answer: 120mm
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3285
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: 48GP6a
Page Number in Source: 22
Question: A sharp narrow signal whose amplitude remains constant when orbited and drops off quickly with probe rotation is probably
'A' Answer: lack of fusion
'B' Answer: an isolated pore
'C' Answer: slag
'D' Answer: a transverse crack
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 3287

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: 48GP6a
Page Number in Source: 22
Question: A ragged, cluster of individual spikes is located and determined to be a defect. Sound path varies, amplitudes vary with
rotation and orbiting with the probe. But the defect does not drop off completely when orbited. It is most likely a
'A' Answer: crack
'B' Answer: slag inclusion
'C' Answer: porosity cluster
'D' Answer: lack of fusion
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3289
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: 48GP6a
Page Number in Source: 25
Question: A sharp narrow defect signal is located during a standard A-scan of a weld. Rotation and orbit of the defect cause it to drop off
quickly with lateral probe motion the signal remains constant in both amplitude and sound path. It is most likely a
'A' Answer: slag inclusion
'B' Answer: crack
'C' Answer: lack of fusion
'D' Answer: pore
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3291
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: 48GP6a
Page Number in Source: 25
Comments: Could be called undercut also.
Question: Given a butt weld in a 55mm thick plate, ground flush, you locate a large sharp narrow reflector with a soundpath of 154mm
and exit point 128mm from the weld centreline using a 45 probe. If it has length of 20mm the flaw is likely
'A' Answer: lack of penetration
'B' Answer: mis-match
'C' Answer: lack of fusion
'D' Answer: suck back
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3293
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: 48GP6a
Page Number in Source: 19
Question: The purpose of a straight-edge probe guide to limit traversing motion is to
'A' Answer: facilitate defect evaluation as to type
'B' Answer: limit scanning to a specific depth
'C' Answer: determine vertical extent
'D' Answer: none of the above
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 3295

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: 48GP6a
Page Number in Source: 19
Question: When performing a manual pulse-echo contact scan to evaluate the root area of a weld, a helpful aid is a(n)
'A' Answer: level 1 technician
'B' Answer: straight edged probe guide
'C' Answer: electronic gate
'D' Answer: threshold alarm
Correct Answer: B
Question ID: 3297
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: Velocity Ratio
Page Number in Source: n/a
Comments: Requires only to know ratio of velocities is about 4 to 1.
Question: Given an immersion probe with a focal length of 50mm in water, about what depth in steel would this probe focus if positioned
with normal incidence 40mm over a steel plate (using water couplant)?
'A' Answer: 2.5 mm
'B' Answer: 5.0 mm
'C' Answer: 10 mm
'D' Answer: 40 mm
Correct Answer: A
Question ID: 3299
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: EPRI
Page Number in Source: 3
Question: The probe used in the 30-70-70 mode converted method uses
'A' Answer: 3 separate elements mounted at different angles
'B' Answer: 2 separate elements mounted at different angles
'C' Answer: a single element mounted to induce a 70 refracted Longitudinal wave
'D' Answer: a single element mounted to induce a 70 refracted Shear wave
Correct Answer: C
Question ID: 3301
Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: EPRI
Page Number in Source: 4
Question: The indirect shear wave in the 30-70-70 mode conversion method is formed off the
'A' Answer: 70 Long. wave
'B' Answer: creeping wave
'C' Answer: direct shear wave
'D' Answer: damping material on the front of the probe shoe
Correct Answer: B

Question ID: 3303

Type: UT
Level: 2
Source of Question: EPRI
Page Number in Source: 25
Question: Which is a limitation of the 30-70-70 mode conversion method?
'A' Answer: It cannot be performed with conventional probes
'B' Answer: It requires special calibration blocks
'C' Answer: Parallel surfaces are needed for mode conversion
'D' Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer: D

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