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Dux Bellorum FAQ & Errata

Version 1: March 2013


This information sheet covers a number of good

questions that have cropped up in the six months since
Dux Bellorum published, and corrects a couple of
minor errors that crept into the published text.

Page 33: Close combat procedure

In the table of modifiers, replace -2 Shieldwall other
than hill with See combat effect modifiers on p17s
terrain chart.

Further discussion with other players may be found

at: www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/88079/duxbellorum

Page 33: Close combat procedure

In the table of modifiers, the criteria for judging
whether a unit is attacked on its flank/rear is the same
as for all other flank/rear contact (see p31).

Page 13: Late Sample Army: Saxon

The special rule Swift deployment is not allowed to
this army. Replace with Experienced Warlord, which is
allowed and costs the same number of army points.
Page 17: Terrain effect chart
Terrain effects are cumulative in combat. Woods should
be changed to have the same combat effect as other
area terrain (Penalty when attacking for Shieldwall
and non-Skirmisher Mounted). Ditches and streams
are correctly shown in the rules: they have a different
combat effect to other linear terrain as they dont
provide good cover to the defender.
Page 21: Using allocated LPs during the game turn
LPs may be used to increase or decrease the dice roll.
Page 23: Missile fire
Change line 2-3 to read Units may not move and shoot
unless Foot armed with javelins, or Mounted with bows
or javelins. This means that Bows (on foot) cannot
move and shoot.
Page 25: Movement sequence and Bravery tests
If spending LPs on the Bravery test, these may be used
to increase or decrease the dice roll.
Page 26: Movement procedure
Mounted groups cannot move backwards; they are less
fluid that Foot in this respect.
Page 29: Uncontrolled charges
If your opponent interrupts your move and moves
outside of your charge movements distance, continue
charging your unit up to its full 3BW distance,
following the path of your target as best you can.

Page 33: Close combat procedure

In point 5, where the number of hits is referred to, this
means the number of points of Cohesion lost rather
than the gross number of hits before any LPs are used
to cancel them.
Page 36: Multiple units fighting
To clarify the second to last paragraph, if a main
attacker retreats, a supporting unit does not necessarily
do so (a supporting unit retreats only if it takes two or
more hits).
Page 46: Saxon army list
Some Kindle devices render the army list incorrectly. It
should read:
1 Foot/Mounted Companions with Leader
0-2 Noble Riders and 0-1 Noble Warriors/Shieldwall
OR 0-3 Noble Warriors/Shieldwall
0-9 Ordinary Warriors/Shieldwall
0-2 Foot Skirmisher

Other useful stuff

A printable quick reference sheet and blank army roster
can be found online here: www.boardgamegeek.com/
An example of a game turn played from start to
finish may be found here: www.boardgamegeek.com/
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