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PRS stands for Productivity Reporting System. It can otherwise be called as Plant
Performance Reporting System. The main function of this system to cover tracking of all
plant level KPIs and presenting the same in the form of Comparative Statement across all
locations and regions and thereby facilitating standardized information of all plants and
provides the platform for shared learning. This system facilitates the efficient monitoring
of plant and production operations.
Productivity Reporting System is a data compilation, data analysis and report
generation system which yields the output in terms of Key Performance Indicators. The
Key Performance Indicators covered under PRS are
1. Utilization
2. Efficiencies (PE & ME)
3. Breakdown of all Equipments
4. Yield & Usage of Key Ingredients
5. Energy Management Indicators.
The report designs are made compatible for its usage at all levels of management. The
full usage of this system can help in building a healthy Management Information System.
Key to the achievement of success of any process requires the use of a consistent
methodology throughout the system. To ensure that all of the plants report the same data
in the same way, it was necessary to use a single measurement process and a single set of
measures. This system is required to use it in a systematic and standardized method for
recording and reporting on production performance. The data are collected, processed to
evaluate the plant performance measurements and reviewed at each of the individual
plants on a monthly basis at the PRS Centre or at the senior management level. Since
PRS will be having a data of all the plants in a standardized way, comparative
benchmarking is also possible on specific parameters.

This would open up a big

opportunity for shared learning with each other and thus facilitates the plant to capitalize
on the high level of expertise network existing with the Coca-Cola system. This way
TOS would assist the bottling plants in action planning, execution and monitoring the
trend through PRS reports.

Physical Case: Physical Case is a combination of both Flavour & Pack which are being
physically cased into Crate.
Equivalent Case: All Physical Cases are being converted into a standard 300 ml packsize is called Equivalent Case. One Equivalent Case is equal to 7.2 litres of Beverage.
Unit Case: 1 Unit Case = 5.678 litres of Beverage.
SKU: SKU is a combination of Both Flavour & Pack. For information, there are as
many as 300 SKUs are there in KO System.
COBO Plants: Company Owned Bottling Operation Plants. There are 26 COBO plants
in the country.
FOBO Plants: Franchise Owned Bottling Operation Plants. At present, 22 FOBO plants
are in operation.
PRS Rating: PRS Rating is being designed to make a healthy competition among all the
PRS user plants. Through PRS Rating, all the Plant level KPIs are being converted into a
single number to represent the overall health of the manufacturing locations on a scale of
1 to 100. PRS Rating is calculated on the basis of certain weightages assigned to
product-mix & pack-mix.
Benchmarking: Benchmarking is the search for best practices that leads to world-class
Production: Production may be defined as the conversion of inputs (Men, machines,
money, materials, method and management) of 6Ms into an output through
transformation process.

Production refers to the volume or quantity of goods and

services produced. It is the sum total of results achieved by various factors used together.
Productivity: Productivity is concerned with the rate at which the given volume is
produced. It shows the efficiency of the operation or the efficiency level of input usage
in production. It is an indicator that reflects the changes in the performance of an
enterprise and having some relationship between Outputs and Inputs of a various
activities of an organization. In the current scenario, we have various manufacturing
facilities which are identified in different ways, with quantifiable or non-quantifiable
measures. Plants today are performing on the various proportions to improve customer
needs & service, from purchase of raw materials to sales, to optimize the performance of

total value chain. To optimize the overall value chain performance of each function that
integrates across the system requires an appropriate application of balance input from
each of the three systems of People, Technology and Information.

While these

activities have resulted in reducing the significant cost by way of Action, Communication
and Control, it is understood that in certain dimension they are leading and lagging in
other thus hindering the improvement of overall value chain performance. To optimise
the overall Value Chain means the success of Coca-Cola depends on many
organisations that must work together to create and fulfill the consumer demand.








The PRS system is designed to fulfill the following objectives:

To capture, record, analyse and act on production information to improve

the production process.

To have production performance data that is compatible with the CocaCola System.

To have focus on all the manufacturing dimensions.

To have crystal clear demarcation of accountability & responsibility.

To share the information and of the best practices.




Measures of Productivity:

Line Utilization

Plant Efficiency

Mechanical Efficiency

Labour Productivity

Concentrate Yield

Sugar Yield

CO2 Yield

Crown Yield

Bottle Breakage (Plant)

Raw Water

Fuel Oil


Caustic Soda

Caustic Additive

Conveyor Lubricant (RGB)


Coding Ink

These Production performance measurements can be measured in two main areas.

The first area is concerned with the efficient use of labour and equipment. The second
area is concerned with the efficient use of raw materials and production supplies. In the
case of Raw Materials and Production supplies, it is calculated in two ways:

YIELD - It is a ratio of what is consumed to what is actually required to produce.

USAGE - It is a quantitative relationship between what is produced and the

resources used to obtain the output.

Some basic definitions useful in calculations are:

Production Start Time: The time the first bottle comes out of filler.
Production Finish Time: The time the last bottle comes of filler.
Total Production Time: Production Finish Time minus Production Start Time.
Start-up Time: Time elapsed between loading the first case at the Uncaser till the first
filled bottle comes out of filler.
Changeover Time: Time taken for flavour changeover or package changeover and CIP of
Clean-up or Shutdown Time: Time taken for effective shutdown of the plant from end of
No Production Time (NPT): No production time is the time for which no production is
planned. It is the time for which the plant operations did not take place or run due to
external reasons. It includes plant stoppage induced by low market demand, empties not
available or early finish. It is reminded that any shortage of raw materials during
production time will not be construed as No Production Time.
The reason for NPT should be on the following reasons:

Empties Not Available at Plant

Low Market Demand

Labour Problem

Strike/Bandh due to political reasons

Paid Time For One Run:

The Paid-time for single run includes Start-up time, Net Production Time, Shut-down
time and No Production Time.

Setup or


(if any)


Paid Time for 1 Run

Earned Time: It is defined as the ratio of net production to the speed of the slowest
equipment in the line. The lines are usually designed on the bell curve. Thus the filler is
the slowest moving equipment. Thus
Earned Time = Net Production
Rated Filler Speed
Asset Utilization:
Asset Utilization is the utilization of an asset during the year. It breaks time
down on a 24 hour/day, 7 day/week basis all year long. It is the ratio between the earned
time and the total time in a year. This measure compares the actual no. of saleable
physical cases produced during the year to the theoretical number of cases that could
have been during the same year. It is a measure of overall efficiency of the assets that
have been utilized within the year. The formula for calculating Asset Utilization is given
as under:
Asset Utilisation =

Earned Time
------------------------------------------------------(No. of lines*60*24*no. of working days/yr)

Line Utilisation:
Line Utilization compares the actual no. of standard saleable physical cases
produced during paid time to the theoretical no. of cases that could have been produced
during the same time. It is a measure of overall efficiency of the Production operation.

To optimize the line utilization, it is important to keep all the planned stoppages like
Start-up, Changeover, CIP, P.M., Stopping the line for meetings and breaks to as
minimum as possible. The goal is to run as close to theoretical capacity as possible. This
provides the best equipment efficiency. It is given by,
Line Utilisation =

Earned Time * 100

Paid Time

Plant Efficiency:
Plant Efficiency compares the actual number of saleable physical produced
during Paid Time minus No Production Time (NPT) to the theoretical cases that could
have been produced during the same time i.e. (Total Paid Time - No Production Time). It
is a measure of overall efficiency of the Plant Operation. To calculate Plant Efficiency,
we divide the Earned Time divided by (Total Paid Time - No Production Time) multiplied
by 100.
Plant Efficiency (%) = Earned Time
* 100
(Paid Time - NPT)
Mechanical Efficiency:
Mechanical Efficiency compares the actual no. of saleable physical cases
produced during Scheduled Production Time or Net/Total Production Time to the
theoretical cases that could have been produced during the same time. It is a measure of
overall efficiency of the line operation. By calculating ME, the Manager would get a
clear picture as to how well his line performs. For calculating Mech. Efficiency, We
divide the Earned Time by Net/Total Production Time multiplied by 100.
Mech. Efficiency (%) =

Earned Time

* 100

Net Production Time

Labour Productivity:
Production Labour Productivity gives the utilization of plant personnel within
the production operation i.e. direct & Indirect Labour. It is measured in cases per man
hour. Direct Labor means the employees who are assigned or work directly on the line i.e.

starting from upstream Forklift operator to Downstream Forklift Operators. It refers to

Supervisors, machine operators, inspectors, mechanics and other line operators. Total
Labor is the number of employees assigned to direct labor and all other employees
charged to the production operation.
Labour Productivity = Net Production Cases
Labour Man hours
Concentrate Yield:
Concentrate Yield gives the percentage measurement of the quantity of Concentrate
and/or Beverage Base, contained in finished product, compared to quantity used.
Concentrate Yield (%) =

Theoretical Unit For Net Prodn.

Actual Units Used (For the Batch)

Sugar Yield:

Sugar yield measures the quantity of sugar used in finished product as

compared to the quantity of sugar used for the batch.

Sugar Yield (%) = Theoretical Qty. Of Sugar
Actual Amt. Of Sugar Used
Theoretical Qty means the theoretical weight of sugar required for the net production of
all products produced in the plant. Actual amount of sugar used means the weight of
sugar used for that Net Production.
CO2 Yield:
CO 2 Yield measures the quantity of CO2 contained in the finished product as
compared to the quantity of CO2 used.
Co2 Yield (%) =

Theoretical Weight Of Co2

Actual Amt. Of Co2 Used

Theoretical weight of CO2

= CO2Vol * Container size (ml.) * No. of Container/Case*1.98* no. of cases
1 Million
1.98 is the density gram / liter at 1 atm. Pressure

Closure or Crown Yield:

It is defined as the ratio of the theoretical number of closures required for the
net production and the closures actually consumed.
Closure Yield (%) = Theoretical No. of Closures required. for that Run * 100
Actual No. of Closures used for that Run
Bottle Breakage:
The new definition for Bottle Breakage is redefined as Plant Bottle Breakage
that comprises of Breakage in Plant and Breakage in Warehouse.
Plant Bottle Breakage (%) = Brkg. In Plant + Brkg. In W/House
Total no. of Sale able cases produced
Caustic Usage:
Caustic Usage is the measurement of Usage of Caustic soda usage for washing
refillable bottles and CIP purpose. It is measured in grams/litres of Beverage.
Caustic Soda Usage = Actual amount of Caustic Soda used
Net Litres of Beverage Produced
Amount of caustic used is given in litres and is used in varying concentration. Thus
amount of caustic consumed is calculated as
Caustic Consumption = amount in litres* density in gm/lt * concentration
Water Usage:
Water Usage is the measurement of Usage of Water against the total volume of
finished product, to include direct and indirect Water used. Consumption should include
both for production days & non-production days. The ratio is the amount of water
purchased to the amount of beverage sold.
Water Usage (L/Lb) =Actual Amount Of Water Used
Net Litres of Beverage Produced4
Fuel Oil:

Fuel Oil Usage is the measurement of Net Production of Beverages per liter of fuel
Fuel Oil Usage (Lb/L) = Actual Amount of Bev. Produced
Net Litres of Fuel Oil Used.
Weightage is being given in Fuel Oil:
HSD 1 LDO - 1.02 FO - 1.11
Electricity Usage is the measurement of net litres of beverage produced per unit
of electrical power used, including direct & indirect power used. Consumption should
include both for production days & non-production days.
Electricity (Lb/kWH) = Actual Amount of Bev. Produced
Actual Amount of Electricity
Conveyor Lubricant:
There are three types of conveyor lubricants used. It removes soil,
maintains cleanliness of the conveyor and enhances overall hygiene. They are

SU 853 - Soap based Conveyor Lubricant


SU 846 - Synthetic Conveyor Lubricant


P3 - Lubodrive - Liquid, soap-free chain lubricant for conveyors in the

and beverages Industry especially for PET line.

PRS calculates the usage of these lubricants in terms of ml/1000 cases. The formula is as
Lubricant Usage = Actual conveyor lubricant consumed in ml
Total no. of cases produced* 1000
Coding Ink:
This parameter calculates the usage of Coding Ink for every 1000 cases of
production. The formula is as under:
Ink Usage = (Actual usage of Coding Ink consumed in ml)
Total no. of Cases produced* 1000


Bottle Washer Additive:

Usage of additive used in bottle washer is measured in terms of gm/litres of
beverage. The formula is as under
Bottle washer additive = Consumption in gms
Litres of beverage
Types of Breakdowns:
Production time Comprises of Uptime & Downtime. Uptime is the time utilized for
production and Downtime is when the line was not running due to failures and they are
classified as follows:

mechanical losses

electrical & electronics losses

operational losses

external losses

unrecorded losses

line constrained loss

Unrecorded Downtime:
Accurate reporting of data is always not possible by any human being.


accurate reporting by a shift supervisor cannot always account for all losses of efficiency,
particularly in the categories of;

Short stops, typically of less than a few minutes duration.

Slow speed running of a filler, whether induced by constraint in upstream or

downstream equipments

or occurred due to deceleration/acceleration during

power cuts or at other stops

Incomplete downtime recording, often as a result of misunderstanding or complex

line layouts or communication difficulties. To calculate Unrecorded Losses, the
formula is as under:

Unrecorded Losses = Total Paid Time - Earned Time - All Recorded Losses
Paid Time


All Recorded Losses = the summation of all breakdown occurred due to Electrical,
External, Mechanical and Operational reasons.
Line Constrained Loss:
Achievable line speed may be constrained due to equipment speed or capacity
restrictions, as against the manufacturers standard rated filler speed on machines other
than filler. If the line speed is constrained, there is the opportunity for additional capacity
by way of upgrading, modification or replacement of equipment to achieve line balance
to manufacturers rated filler speed on all products and packages.
Line Constrained Loss (%) =

Lost Time (Constrained) x 100

Paid Time

Lost Time (Constrained) = E.T. (Constrained) - Earned Time (Rated)
E.T. (Constrained) = Net Production / Constrained Line Speed
Forklift Diesel:
The diesel used in forklifts is measured in terms of ml per 1000 cases. It is given
Forklift Diesel = Total consumption in ml
No. of c/s produced*1000
Forklift LPG:
Similar to diesel, the LPG used in forklifts is measured in terms of ml/1000
c/s. it is given by
Forklift LPG = Total consumption in ml
No. of c/s produced*1000
Empty Washing:
During calculation of empty washing,

There will be no efficiency tracking (Rated speed will be considered as Zero)


No Paid-time tracking

No labour tracking on empty washing on non-production days

All Material Consumption to be reported to the PRS Centre

Discount will be given, as specified in PRS Rating Matrix - 2002

To be reported in the following way:

Start-time = the first bottle gets into the Bottle Washer
End-time = the last bottle gets out of the Bottle Washer
Cases washed imply Total No. of Empties washed.
Pre Mix and Post Mix:

Canister system introduced in 1955

Premix is Ready to Drink product in 18L Canister which only requires
before serving to the Customer
Manufacture in the bottling plant
Cost-effective & Space saving
No need of source of Water & Power
One 18 Lts. Canister = 60 glasses of 300 ml.

Age 30 days


Postmix is final syrup (Concentrate + Sugar + Water) in a 18L Canister which

requires to be cooled & mixed with carbonated water before serving to the
Manufactured at the point of consumption.
Profitable, reduced storage space, Convenient to use, Fast & Efficient.

One 18 Lts. Canister = 384 glasses of 300 ml.

Age 75 days
NOTE: No Water Canister will be considered in PRS
There are 8 main ingredients &utilities used for manufacturing Post-mix & Pre-mix

Carbon dioxide

Fuel Oil
Caustic Soda

The data of production activities for one day is as follows. The calculation of various
PRS parameters is shown.
Data:Production of Sprite 200 ml
Physical cases = 30445 c/s
Ready Syrup = 27200 litres
Production time = 1350 min
CIP = 90 min
Paid time = 1440 min
Caustic consumption = 29 kg
CO2 consumption = 1311kg
Fuel Oil = 1753 litres
Conveyor Lubricant = 53 kg
Electricity = 9900 kWh
Crowns = 5083 gross
Earned Time = 30445/25 = 1217.8 min
Line Utilisation = 1217.8/1440 *100 = 84.56%
Plant Efficiency = 1217.8/ (1440-0) * 100 = 84.56%
Mechanical Efficiency = 1217.8/1350 * 100 = 90.2%
Labour Productivity = 30445/24 = 1269 cases per man hour
Concentrate Yield = theoretical cases/ actual cases * 100
Theoretical Cases = Ready syrup*blend ratio = 27200*4.4/4.8 = 30607 cases
Litres per case
Concentrate Yield = 30445/30607 = 99.47%
CO2 Yield = 3.7 * 200 * 24 *1.98 * 30445/ (1000000*1311) = 81.66%
Caustic Usage = 29 * 1000/146136 = 0.19 gm/lit. Bev.

Electricity = 146136/9900 = 14.76 lit/kWh

Fuel Oil = 146136/1753 = 83.36 lit. Bev/lit. Oil
Crown Yield = 30445 * 24/ (5083*144) *100 = 99.82%


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