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Requirements Analysis and Design for Computer Engineering Department Course Load
Distribution and Room Scheduling Program
Group 7: Zainab Sada 149190
CMSE 321 Software Requirements Analysis and Specification
FALL 2016


In the Computer Engineering Department of Eastern Mediterranean University
there are 2 sub departments; Computer Engineering, offered in both English and Turkish
and Software Engineering. Both of which share the same resources, such as, teachers,
labs, classrooms, etc. The purpose of the report is to try to improve on the current
scheduling system. Already the scheduling system is very efficient but there could still be
some room for improvement
To date, we have conducted interviews with some instructors and our fellow
students on their knowledge of the system. Although we have not gathered too much
information just yet, we are optimistic that by the end of this week we would have
gathered enough information to complete our intermediate report. We have also done
some research on the Internet to find similar systems and reports in order to make a good
analysis report.

So far we have discovered that the person in charge of the scheduling is the Vice
Chair of the department, with the help of his assistants. They gather enough information
to ensure that there are no errors in scheduling for the teacher and classrooms to be used.
One of the major tasks to be completed by the end of this week is to get more
information on how exactly the scheduling system is formed and exactly how efficient it
is. Another task is to take what we learn about the system and come up with ideas on how
to make it better.
How is information gathered? Is there an algorithm for the system? Are the
classes scheduled manually? Do students who take the Turkish courses also take English
Courses? Do teachers who teach higher-level courses also teach lower level courses?
How are assistants assigned to labs? Are the multiple teachers teaching the same course?
Is there a grouping of courses in reference to which labs can be used for a particular
We expect that by the end of this week we would have most of our questioned
answered through research and interview, and we will be able to complete our
intermediate report.

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