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Felipe II strengthened the administration of the Hispanic monarchy and get away from the
medieval traditions that the Catholic monarchy of his father had represented
The Justice and Government groups underwent throughout remarkable reforms, while the Court
became more and more m sedentary.
Felipe II developed a centralized bureaucracy, that was supervised directly by him .
He introduce the viceroys, who were regal official that runs a country, colony, or city province (or
state) in the name of and as representative of the monarch
He centralized the power of his empire installing the capital in Madrid.

Due to the fears of Felipe II from the moriscos that they could ally with the Berber and cause an
invasion, forbade them from their language, their customs, etc...,this caused the moriscos
rebellion in 1568.
About 5,000 soldiers and Knights, divided into two camps, fight against 4,000 Moors.At the end,
many of the Moors, more or less 2,000 fled to las Alpujarras.
This war is also known as the Alpujarras warGuerra de las Alpujarras. Henry Kamen, described
it as "the most savagewar ever in Europe in this century.
Felipe II was overwhelmed by the priests massacres carried out by the rebels.
The Moors had suffered unspeakable atrocities. Apart from the deaths and deportations,
thousands were sold as slaves in Spain. Only in Cordoba, in 1573, were more than 1,500 Moorish

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