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Final Examination

Cognitive Psychology
Name: ________________________
Time/Block: _____________________

Score: _______
Date: ________

Identification. Identify the following terms being referred to.

________________1. A learning theory that center on the concept of homeostasis and

that all motivation arises as a result of biological needs.
________________2. A term referring to the measurement of potentials (aptitude).
________________3. A law that concerns on the satisfactory of behavior will lead to
continuity of behavior while dissatisfaction will lead to change in
ones action.
________________4. Learning theory that focus on the set of applications of probability
functions to predict behavior.
________________5. It is regarded as the most powerful experimental variable known
in psychomotor skills.
________________6. Skinners famous experiment which contributed a great role to
psychology of learning and behavior in general.
________________7. Practice sessions that are generally superior to long practice
________________8. Learning theory that is purposive or goal directed and involves
the use of environmental factors to achieve a goal (means-endanalysis)
________________9. It is a basic kind of learning that involves associations between
environmental stimuli and the organisms responses.

_____________ 10. It denotes a closer relationship between movement and

sensation involved in complex acts.
______________11. It is an after-effect, knowledge of result.
______________12. Type of learning that refers to a particular paired stimulus
consistently elicits the response.
______________13. A learning theory where the concept of reinforcement strengthen
the relationship between the stimulus-response in a given situation.

______________14. Learning theory that takes place by establishing connection

between specific stimuli and responses, reinforced when the
proper response is given.
______________15. It refers to the acquisition of ability in performing motor skills.
______________16. Practice that is usually superior to distributed practice for singlediscrete- trial tasks.
______________17. A learning theory that considers a pattern or chain of movements
brought by both environmental and internal stimuli cues.
______________18. A period that appears to be an intrinsic requirement of efficient
______________19. School of Psychology that accounts for actions of man in terms of
observable events.
______________20. A movement that is complex and that requires minimum or
maximum practice.
______________21. A learning theory that describes the effect of the consequence of a
particular behavior on the future occurrence of the behavior.
______________22. Practice that is usually superior for complex continuous-actiontask.

______________23. A type of reinforcement which is painful, after such behavior will

decrease the likelihood of behavior to occur again.
______________24. Psychologist that investigate the development of motor patterns
and skilled performance in various stages of life.
______________25. Type of learning that refers to a particular paired stimulus
consistently elicits the response.


Matching type. Write the correct letter on the space provided for
each number.

_____1. John Locke

a. Perception of depth and distance

_____2. George Berkeley

b. introduced the notion of the association of ideas

_____3. Herbert Spencer

c. Concept of the mind and matter

_____4. William James

d. propose evolutionary associationism

_____5. Plato

e. Forerunner of functionalism

_____6. David Humes

f. law of resemblance, contiguity, cause and effect

_____7. Thomas Hobbes

g. Develop the nonsense syllables

_____8. Herman Ebbinghaus

h. father of associationism

_____9. Aristotle

i. thoughts and emotions are due to external stimuli

_____10. David Hartley

j. worked on contiguity theory

k. Formulated neurophysiological theory
l. Pioneered in stimulus sampling theory

It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.
Albert Einstein

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