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Student Teacher: Jessica Mills

Lesson Plan: Sec 4 EESL

Transition Words and Transition Phrases

75 mins
Hook: What are bridges?

10 mins

1. Use bridges as an analogy for transitional words

a. What do bridges do?
b. Why are bridges important?
c. What happens if you do not have a good bridge?
d. In English transitional words are like bridges
Build: Transitional works

10 mins

1. What is there role?

2. Why is it important to choose the right one?
3. Examples of good and bad: MODEL for students
o Why is this one not okay?
o Does it give the wrong meaning?
Practice: Handout: controlled writing activity

10 mins

Handout document.
Get a student to read aloud what it says.
List of words: any questions about the words?
Example needed?
Pg. 2 activity 1&2

Check for understanding: Correcting the handout

5-10 mins

1. Get the students to give the answers.

2. Go over any that may not be clear.
3. If it is unclear, visually write it on the board and explain the relationship between the two
sentences and the need for the transition word.
Practice: Fluency training activity

Take out a loose-leaf

You are going to write a sentence then switch papers.
Every sentence must have a transitional word or phrase.
Starter sentence: The best music in the world is by because

15 mins

Student Teacher: Jessica Mills

5. The person after you must either agree or disagree with you. They must use transitional
6. When you hear SWITCH! Finish your sentence and give the paper to the right of you!
a. Show students a MODEL for what you expect.

remaining time

1. Pg. 3 of document
a. In one or two paragraphs, you are going to state if you are for or against this
statement: Boys and girls should go to separate schools.
b. Support your opinion with specific examples.
c. MINIMUM 5 transitional words or phrases should be used!
d. Remember what you just learnt about how to HOOK someone into reading your
e. It is going to be evaluated critically
f. To hand in by the beginning of next class.
g. No late submissions with me accepted.

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