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The Supply Chain and Operations Summit organized by SKEIN- the supply chain and

operations club of IIM Udaipur is an annual event that brings together the supply chain experts
both from the industry and from the academia, who share strategies and discuss ideas with each
other for a better and more efficient tomorrow. This years SCM summit brought together
industry leaders from a diverse set of verticals, who not only shared their deep insights on the
subject matter but also discussed about new trends and issues and brainstormed about the future
of supply chain.
The theme for the 3rd edition of summit was Reinventing the Supply chain. The day started
with a keynote address by Prof. Janat Shah., followed by series of panel discussions and Q&A
rounds on Data Driven Decision making and Reinventing Retail Supply Chain.
The first half of the day was dedicated to discussions on Data driven decision making, during
which Mr. Pramod Sant , Vice President - Head of Import Export and Export Control and
Customs, Siemens, Mr. Dev Arora Associate Vice President -Procurement, Moser Baer India
Ltd and Mr. Ravi Sankar, Vice-President and Head- Supply Chain Management, TATA Projects
shared their insights and past experiences about the vitality of Data and the importance of correct
interpretation of data to make decisions.
The second half of the day was dedicated to discussions on Reinventing Supply chain, and the
key industry experts for this session were- Mr. Sandeep Anand, Head Demand Planning, Supply
and Distribution, Delmonte India, Mr. Rahul Pandey Founder Director of IGSA Labs, Founder
Advisor of OPENSCOR and Mr. Abhinav Sinha, Head of Planning, Cargill India Pvt. Ltd. This
was an interactive session and topics discussed ranged from FMCG supply chain management to
entrepreneurship opportunities in the logistics domain and beyond.
The discussions were so intense, interesting and engrossing that both the panelists and the
students lost track of time and at the end of the day, everyone involved came out of the venue, a
bit more knowledgeable and a tad richer in experience.

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