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A Performance Critique

Whether the artistic expression is so phenomenal that it brings tears to your eyes,
or so lackluster that you cry tears of boredom, there is always a professional way to express
your opinion. By sharing your opinions of a performance and giving clear details about
what you experienced, you inform the reader about how the performance was received.
This is called a critique.
In writing a critique it is important that you include your likes and dislikes but it is
also important that you support your opinions. By following the guidelines listed below,
you will create a performance critique that is both professional and informative.

What Can You Critique*

Your critiques can be written on 1) any performance in the community that

includes dance that has occurred during the current school year. 2) Any performance,
reading, showing or gallery opening that occurs at the LaVilla School of the Arts {it
doesnt have to be dance} 3) and everyones critique # 2 is the Building Dances Concert.
Your critique should be submitted on a separate sheet of paper, typed or hand-written and
properly labeled: Student Name, Block, and Critique #
* You must be the audience and not involved in any portion of the performance.
Critiques on competition pieces, parades and neighborhood festivals demonstrations will not

You should also know that

This year you will be responsible for writing _3 critiques. Be sure to keep a program, ticket
stub, or other proof that you attended the performance. Label Your Critique by the number.
CRTIQUE # ___. The due dates this year are ___12/20, 2/21 ( This Critique is on the Building
Dances Concert and is the Mandatory Critique #2), & 5/9__. Youre welcome to submit your
critiques at any time before these due dates. No Critique will be accepted after the due date
Your Critique should always include these 4 paragraphs
Introductory Paragraph
Introduce the piece
Tell us the title, date, and location of the performance
Add information about the directors, choreographers, and composers
Plus the names of performers or artists, if available
Paragraph 2
Now, talk about the specific piece of artwork
Discuss the style, costuming, soloists, groups, theme or intent of the artwork
Include information about lighting, props, or any other extras
Paragraph 3
Here discuss likes and dislikes
Enhancers and/or distracters
What worked or what didnt work and why
Closing Paragraph
Summarize your findings
Offer solutions to problems and kudos to favorite parts
This is good place to add information about uniqueness
Would you attend again? Why or why not?





The writer is
careful to include
both an
paragraph and a
conclusion. There
are also 2 or
more paragraphs
of critique. Each
paragraph has
details that reflect
the idea of the
paragraph and
their opinion. The
writer shows
strong knowledge
of writing skills,
structure, and
mechanics and
comprehension of
the purpose of an
artistic critique.

The writer is may

be missing one of
each of the
introductory and
The critique may
or may not have 2
more paragraphs
of critique. Each
paragraph may
have supporting
details that reflect
the idea of the
paragraph and
their opinion. The
writer shows good
knowledge of
basic writing
skills, sentence
structure, and
mechanics and is
comprehension of
the purpose of an
artistic critique.

The writer is
careful to may be
missing one of
each of the
introductory and
paragraphs. The
writer may have
failed to document
information. There
may be fewer than
2 more
paragraphs of
critique. The
writer may not
have included
details that reflect
the idea of the
paragraph or the
writers opinion.
The writer shows
some idea of basic
writing skills,
structure, and
mechanics. They
may somewhat be
demonstrating a
grasp of the
purpose of an
artistic critique.

The writer has no

clear introduction
conclusion. The
critique also has
fewer than 2
paragraphs of
critique. There is
no real evidence of
supporting details
that reflect the idea
of the paragraph or
the writers
opinion. The writer
shows poor to fair
knowledge of
basic writing
skills, sentence
structure, and
mechanics and
demonstrates an
unclear idea of
purpose of an
artistic critique.

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