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American University of Rome

Marketing Communications Campaign-Washington DC Monuments

Dina Perry, Kelly Rooney, Hugh Swart

MKG 303-Special Topics in Marketing and Organizational Communication in Italy
Professor Anna Sasso
June 20, 2016

Contents List
Introduction-Page 2
Situation Analysis-Page 2
Cultural Context-Page 2
Historical Context-Page 3
Industry Analysis-Page 3
Market Analysis-Page 4
Competitor Analysis-Page 4
SWOT-Page 5
Objectives-Page 5
Strategy-Page 6
Execution-Page 6
Conclusions-Page 7
Recommendations-Page 8
References-Page 10
Appendix-Page 11

The Marketing Communications campaign for Washington DC Monuments is allowing
iGuzzini to incorporate their motto of Better Light for a Better Life into a US Government
campaign to improve the morale and hope of US citizens for the hope of the country and
themselves. During a time of turmoil, lighting is a unique way to inspire hope and change around
the world. iGuzzini will bid for a contract to redo the lighting on various monuments around the
National Mall to show people that The Light is Coming. With recent attacks, such as the Paris,
Brussels, and Orlando incidents, it is clear that lighting, especially lighting portraying flags in
support of the victims and their families on national monuments, inspires a lot of hope in people.
iGuzzini will also work on public relation events, as well as a social media campaign
with a video showing how iGuzzini has redesigned the DC monuments lighting and the support
and hope it inspires in victims families. This video will be shared across all social media
platforms to increase iGuzzinis consumer awareness, as well as start a global social change.
This report will give a brief background of the industry and context of our target
audience, the Washington DC area. A brief analysis of the company, along with the main
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats will highlight why the company is capable of
being a part of this marketing campaign. The objectives, strategy, and execution of this
campaign, briefly explained above, will be elaborated on. The report will conclude with a
timeline of this campaign and the possible contingencies that could occur with recommendations
on how to fix or avoid these problems.
Situation Analysis
Cultural Context

There is a cultural shift needed in Washington DC, and the United States in general.
American culture revolves around the desire for freedom and individuality, but with recent
attacks all over the world, a global social change is needed. American people have become less
connected with their relationships and are worried about the safety and future of the country and
society. The dream is now focused on increasing wealth.Yes Magazine states, this form of
corporate-driven consumerism increases inequality and undermines family life, and its gobbling
up the natural resources of our planet (Van Gelder).
Historical Context
Federal buildings and monuments, built in the early 19th century, had no artificial
lighting. As the years have gone by, the US federal government has allocated billions of dollars
to artificial lighting on buildings such as the Capital and Jefferson Memorial. iGuzzini has been
known to have energy efficient lighting options, that inspire people to have a Better Life for a
Better Life. As the US starts to shift towards more energy efficient options, the historical past of
the company and US government become irrelevant. This campaign will allow the company and
the US nation to start a new era and inspire people. The United States has recently transitioned
from fluorescent lighting to LED lighting in government buildings but still lags behind many
other countries in regard to being the most energy efficient as possible. Spending that $15 billion
would be an important start to helping U.S. companies regain their leading edge that theyve lost
over the last decade.
Industry Analysis
Within the public sector, US government agencies have strict purchasing policies and
procedures put into place. There are a vast number of companies that cater to US government

construction needs, which makes the competition high. The purchasing process includes a
bidding on different construction contracts, making the threat of substitutes high as well. This
increases the barriers to entry, as government agencies prefer to work with companies they know
and trust. Although suppliers do not have much bargaining power, lobbyists and federal
government officials have a large influence over which companies are chosen for these large
scale projects.
Market Analysis
Currently, the National Park Service, which manages and maintains monuments and
memorials, has an annual budget of $3 billion, although there is an estimated $12 billion
maintenance backlog ("US National Parks). With such a specialized market, the potential for
sales volume is relatively small. As a government agency, the profit potential and market
potential are not extremely high, but they are consistent over a period of time. This means that
iGuzzini will have the opportunity to form a relationship that could supply projects for numerous
years, rather than one large project with a high profit. The market trend is neither up or down
since there is a steady annual budget for monument maintenance. There is a lot of competition,
which is evaluated below.
Competitor Analysis
The current lighting design companies for the three main monuments in Washington DC
are handled by the Office for Visual Interaction, based in New York. For example, the lighting
for the National World War II Memorial (Drury) was completed by this company, yet iGuzzini
has a competitive edge over the competitors. The innovative and green designs that they offer
give a fresh perspective to these monuments. Although there are hundreds of design and

construction companies that could be considered competition, the main competitive advantage
iGuzzini has is the incorporation of green designs (Bradley). The company can help with the US
push towards green initiatives, while also incorporating a new initiative to help US society find
hope (Furas).
SWOT Analysis
Strengths-great reputation and impressive project history in countries around the world,
customizable solutions, luxury products, fairly strong social media presence.
Weaknesses-expensive, challenges related to installation after construction, Italian desire to stay
Opportunities-smaller projects, extend product line to domestic (household) use.
Threats-other luxury lighting companies, internal lighting contractors and designers within
companies, desire for foreign countries to buy domestic products.
The main objective of the Washington DC marketing campaign is to revive the spirit and
hope that U.S. citizens have for the future of the country and themselves. Combining iGuzzinis
Better Light for a Better Life with this marketing campaign (The light is finally coming.)
will bring more media attention to the company, as well as portray Washington DC and the
United States as a country looking forward to the future. With iGuzzini lighting on various
monuments across the city, the hope is to attract more tourists, overall improving the economy
and the country. Although this project will include a lot of time consuming work with
government agencies, the overall consumer awareness of the company will increase. With the

monument campaign, iGuzzini will also be portrayed through media outlets as a company that
cares about people all over the world.
Given this objective, iGuzzini will need to work with the National Park Service to create
awareness about the new lighting to increase hope among visitors of the city. The main way this
can be done is through public relation events and social media. Recently, there have been many
attacks worldwide on different groups. After the attacks in France in November 2015, the French
government portrayed the French flag colors on the Eiffel Tower through strategic lighting (as
shown in Figure 1). This lighting gave French citizens, as well as people all over the world hope
for the country and their own personal safety.
The execution of this marketing campaign will be mainly through social media and
public relations events. The main social media campaign will be a video portraying the different
recent attacks that have been occurring all over the world; the Orlando attacks in June 2016,
Brussels attacks in March 2016, and Paris attacks in November 2015; along with pictures of
different monuments around the world portraying the flags of the respective country. There will
be a voice-over with family members of the victims talking about the support they received from
people all over the world. The end of the video will portray the Washington DC monuments that
iGuzzini has worked on, along with the message The light is coming. This video will be shared
through various social media outlets, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This will not
only bring attention to iGuzzini, but also show people all over the world that iGuzzini and the
United States want to bring hope back to people. This campaign does not focus on switching

consumers from other brands or influencing purchase intent, but it furthers the motto that
iGuzzini works from. There will also be publicity events about these efforts. Washington DC
often does fireworks on the National Mall for DC residents as well as visitors. iGuzzini will have
the opportunity to incorporate a light show and also show off the new lighting of the monuments
to all attendees. They can also have salespeople go around and show attendees more about the
products available, and increase sales worldwide.
The only costs associated with this media plan is production costs for the video and any
production costs for a light show and promotional materials to hand out to visitors of the
fireworks show. Since they will be partnered with the National Park Service, the US Government
may take the cost responsibility for the video. The main intent of this marketing campaign is to
target US consumers and improve the overall morale of the country and its people, so iGuzzini
is only a tool that is being used to help with this national effort.
iGuzzini has an opportunity to incorporate their positive social reputation and help more
consumers all around the world have more hope for the future, while also increasing the
consumer awareness of their business. In order to go through with this campaign, iGuzzini will
need to find contacts, usually lobbyists, who are familiar with the National Park Service and
explain the marketing campaign to them. Once lobbyists support the campaign, they will be able
to talk to different members of the National Park Service and work on getting a bid in on the
actual lighting of these monuments. There are various monuments that are currently undergoing
renovations, which include the US Capitol Building, National Museum of African American
History and Culture, National Mall, Dc United Soccer Stadium, Kennedy Center, Vietnam

Veterans Memorial Museum, Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial, and the National Law
Enforcement Memorial Museum. Getting lobbyists to support and put a bid in for the work will
take approximately one year. Once the bid goes in, the lobbyists will continue to push different
National Park Service members to choose iGuzzini as the winning bid. If iGuzzini gets the
winning bid for the entire project, it will take approximately another 2-5 years to complete the
work and implement the entire media plan. It is possible that another company could outbid
iGuzzini and they could lose the contract, or they could only win the contracts on a few of the
numerous monuments in Washington DC and on the National Mall. Another possible problem is
the cost of the project exceeding the anticipated costs, which could cause problems with the
contract being completed on time. The last possible problem would be that the National Park
Service does not want to spend the money on changing the lighting on these monuments, since
they already have a backlog for their purchases.
The main way iGuzzini can avoid any of these problems is to find the right lobbyists and
supports for the contract to go through. With all of the recent attacks, consumers and lobbyists in
DC are pushing for a more unified front by the US government. It is clear that lighting can give
people hope, and it has been doing so all over the world to different cultures for the past few
years. Supporters of this bill will be the stepping stone for iGuzzini. Once they have their
supporters for the marketing campaign, the only other issues to overcome is an extended, and
possible costly, project. Choosing low cost options and expecting the projects to take
approximately twice as long as intended will be the only way to overcome this obstacle. If the

National Park Service does not think new lighting will help, this is where lobbyists will work
with their contacts in Congress and throughout the government to push the idea on them.
Overall, iGuzzini has an opportunity to give consumers hope all over the world. There are
currently a lot of people in various countries that are losing hope for the future because of all of
the crises. iGuzzini built the company on the idea that lighting can change any space, perception,
idea, or person. It is clear already that the lighting on monuments around the world is a huge sign
of hope and respect for victims of tragedy. Promoting the iGuzzini motto of Better Light for a
Better Life with the marketing campaign of The Light is Finally Coming will increase
consumer awareness, increase sales overall, and increase the social impact across the globe.


Van Gelder, Sarah. A Brief History of Happiness: How America Lost Track of the Good
Life-and Where to Find It Now." YES! Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2015.
Furas, Ben Guest. "Why Other Countries Kick Our Butt on Clean Energy: A Primer."
ThinkProgress Why Other Countries Kick Our Butt on Clean Energy A Primer Comments. N.p.,
21 May 2011. Web. 16 June 2016.
"US National Parks Need $12 Billion for Maintenance, Repairs - Boston Commons High Tech
Network." Boston Commons High Tech Network. N.p., 2016. Web. 16 June 2016.
Bradley, Franklin. "Capitol Illumination." Architect of the Capitol. Web. 16 June 2016.
Drury, Brett. "Illuminating History." Architectural Lighting. N.p., 2008. Web. 16 June 2016.


Figure 1

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