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The Central Science
What is chemistry?

Science that deals with

Materials of Universe
Changes they undergo

Dealswith structure and properties of

Examples of Chemical Change

Wood burning
Plants growing
Steel/iron rusting
Chemistry learned/stored in brain
Formation of acid rain
Why the central science?
Brief History of Chemistry

Earlyhumans noticed chemical

changefundamental change in nature
and structure of matter
Useof metals during Copper and
Brass ages
Gold and copper prized for malleability and

Egyptians learned the art of embalming

and dying
Khemeia has a Greek origin from khumos-the juice of plants.

Greeks developed chemical theories

Thales ((640-546 BCE)-water is an elemental material
Anaximines (570 BCE)-air
Heraclitus (535-475 BCE)-fire
Empedocles (530-490 BCE)-earth

Aristotle said all four were elements


Atmos-Greek for indivisible

Atthe same time-Arabs (1100-650
BCE) Khemeia became Al-Khemeia or

Medieval chemical science and

speculative philosophy
Goal was the transmutation of cheap
metals into gold, and/or a universal
cure for disease, and/or a way of
prolonging life
Alchemists Sought

PhilosophersStone (convert cheap

materials to gold)
Elixor of Life (cure disease)
Fountain of Youth (end aging)
Alchemists Contributions

Lab techniques

Lab tools and supplies

Alchemy to chemistry

Democritus: first idea of atom

Geber: stereotypical alchemist
Paracelsus: last alchemist/first
Robert Boyle: definition of atom
Georg Stahl: phlogiston theory
Phlogiston Theory

flammable materials contain
without color, odor, taste, or mass
liberated in burning
"dephlogisticated" substances are in "true" form, called the

Eventually rejected
Antoine Lavoisier

Known as Father of Chemistry

First chemistry textbook
First to explain true nature of burning
Named oxygen
Naming system for chemicals
Explained Law of Conservation of Mass
The Scientific Method

Involvesa method used to investigate

a natural occurrence.
Steps of the Scientific Method
Steps Continued
What are these objects?
Learning Chemistry

Vocabulary challenging
Must be memorized

Prepare to THINK!
Problems need solving
That means MATH (it IS a four letter word!)

Requires creativity
Math Skills Required

7 X 13 = 28
Long multiplication
Long division
Final proof

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