Audacity Lesson Plan

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Getting Started with Audacity

Lesson Plan
Introducing the Workshop
Print enough copies of the student handout for workshop participants: (The
handout includes a script, a labeled image of Audacity Environment, and
class exercises)
Bring a USB microphone with you to the workshop. You will need it to
demonstrate creating a narration.
Handouts enough for the class
State the name of todays lesson
Teachers Note:
Audacity is a program for creating and editing audio files...
State that questions are welcome at any time during the workshop
Copyright free audio files (
1. Test your equipment
2. Look at the Audacity Environment
3. Demonstrate the process of recording and editing an audio file
4. Demonstrate adding additional audio to a narration
5. Exercise Recreate the project just demonstrated
6. Listen to some the students projects
7. Answer questions
Getting Started
Testing the Equipment Everyone
Trainer Note: Hand out a copy of the sample script
1. Attach the microphone to the computer
2. Open Windows Sound Recorder
Start|All Programs|Multimedia|Audio|Sound Recorder
3. Turn on the microphone if the equipment has an on/off switch
4. Record a couple of sentences from the script provided using
the record, stop, and playback buttons in Windows Sound Recorder.
1. Check the computer volume setting
2. Check the headset volume control if there is one
3. Turn the microphone on, if it has a switch (common problem)
Student will complain about static.
4. Try a different computer
5. Try the headset of someone else
Accessing the Program
Trainer Note: Audacity is a freeware program found in the internet
Applications are free. Download audacity and the mp3 encoder,

Obtaining todays Workshop Files

Trainer Note:
Class participants and trainer should copy to their desktop the
following folder.
Trainers: You must also copy url: Sample_Demo to your desk top. This
folder contains the files needed for the demonstrations.
Play the Finished Broadcast MP3 file (Students will create this
broadcast in the workshop),
Desktop\Sample_Demo\Final_Student Project.mp3. This should take
approximately 1.5
minutes. Mention that the students final project will also be an MP3 file.
Question for students: After list
Explain the parts of the project when you are explaining the Audacity
Environment in the next
part of the lesson. (Script, music, Radio broadcast)
Explaining the Audacity Environment
Show Students the Finished Broadcasts aup file (Audacity Project
file) Use it to explain the
audacity environment.
Trainer Note:
Students are not actively participating yet. Trainer is still demoing and
lecturing. Draw
the students attention to the handout which has the audacity environment
labeled for
them. The handout has the same drawing as the one labeled below.
1. Click File|Open
2. Navigate to the desktop and open:\Sample_Demo\Example Student
Explain a Sound Track and its features
Trainer Note:
Audio or sound is represented by sound waves. A track will display the sound
waves for
one particular audio stream. The track will have a single wave for mono and
two waves
(one for the left, one for the right) when the audio is broadcast in stereo.
Whenever a
track or segment of a track is pasted after being copied, the segment
appears in a new
1. Zoom in to show the wave pattern and the zoom tool.
2. Click on View on the menu bar (to get back to normal view)
3. Select Project to Fit in Window
4. Point out to students the Mono and Stereo Tracks
5. Show the Volume and Balance adjustment tools for the track
6. Show how to mute a track Click the mute button
7. Show how to delete a track Click the small x in upper left hand corner of
the track
Explain the Meter tool bar
Trainer Note:
The meter tool bar will show the sound level of an audio track. The
appropriate output
range is between + and 6 decibels. Play track 1 and then track 2 and notice
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difference. The red area of the meter is reached with the narrative track, but
professional WPR broadcast stays in the green range.
Both the meter tool bar and/or mixer tool bar can be moved so their activity
can be
easily monitored when recording or listening to audio.
1. Click Mute on all tracks except the narrative
2. Select the Selection Tool
3. Click at the beginning of the narrative track`
4. Use the Audio control panel and click Play
Notice the red that displays on the Meter.
5. Mute the Narration track
6. Take Track 2 off mute
7. Click at the beginning of track 2 with the move tool. `
8. Use the Audio control panel and click Play
Notice that the Meter never reaches the red area of the display. This is a
Explain the Mixer Tool bar
Trainer Note:
The mixer tool bar allows for controlling the output of the microphone. If you
watch the
Meter tool bar when you record you can tell if you are recording within the 6
and 3
decibel range. If not, adjust the mixer. Encourage students to watch the
meters when
they create their narrative and adjust the microphone with the mixer to get
the best
Explain the Student Project (4 parts to this class project)
Create original narrative. See script handout
Edit out any ums or bloopers from the narrative
Import Wisconsin Public Radio audio and edit into two parts and place
Import an mp3 music file and then adjust the volume appropriately
Close the Demo project
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Trainer Note:
Sometimes due to the monitor screen resolution, the tool bar wraps so that
commands labeled above, may appear in a different position than shown.
Creating a Broadcast
Create Narration track Demonstration
Trainer Note:
Record the 1st paragraph of the narration on the handout. Add a couple of
bloopers you
can edit out, when you explain how to delete unwanted sections of an audio
Suggestions for bloopers:
Loud noise (hit the desk or something) and start sentence over
Rustle papers or bang the mike between sentences
1. Press the Record button on the Audacity Audio Control panel
Selection Tool
Audio Control

Output Level Meter Input Level Meter

Delete a track Editing Toolbar
Mute a track
Mono Track
Stereo Track
Track Volume
Track Balance
Time Shift Tool
Mixer Toolbar
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2. Repeat Testing, testing, 1,2,3, testing and watch the mixer tool bar
3. Adjust the mixer if necessary
4. Press the stop button on the audio control panel
5. Press the Record button on the audio control panel when you are ready
to read
the script
6. Read the script. Read only the first paragraph! Include at least one um
7. Press the stop button on the Audacity Audio Control panel
8. Point out that now you see two tracks. Latest recording is on top.
9. Explain the audacity guidelines listed below in the Trainer Note
Trainer Note:
Please explain the following rules and guidelines of Audacity
There is only one clip per track
Audacity always records or imports to a new track
Edit/Duplicate will not create another file. The feature will copy what is
highlighted and paste it in a new track making a duplicate.
10. Delete the bottom track or testing track. Click the X on the track.
11. Click the Play button to listen to the recording of Paragraph 1
12. Adjust the Track volume
OPTIONAL: Demonstrate how to do multiple recording sessions to
the same track.
Trainer Note: Use the Pause button on the Audio control panel. By
repeatedly pressing
the pause button, interrupted recording will be made to the same track.
Once the Stop
button is clicked, any further recording will appear in a new track.
1. Click the Record button
2. Read sentence 1 in paragraph #2
3. Click Pause
4. Click Pause, when ready to continue reading
5. Read sentence 2 in paragraph #2
6. Click Stop
7. Mute your track that is the recording of Paragraph #1 (bottom track)
8. Play the track that has your recordings of Paragraph #2 (example of one
track from
2 recording times)
9. Delete the track by clicking on the X
Trainer Note:
Please mention the following tips for making a quality recording.
Speak across the microphone to avoid popping Bs and Ps
Cover the microphone with a small piece of cloth or a Kleenex to eliminate
popping Bs and Ps
Speak in a loud clear voice; Between 6 and +6 decibels, Watch the meters
adjust the microphone!
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Exercise 1
Create a testing track. Watch the meters and adjust your voice and
to get a quality recording.
Delete the testing track
Create your narration track. Include an um or at least unwanted noise at
beginning and end of your recording.
Deleting Unwanted Segments of an Audio Track
Scenario: Recording person said um and wants to delete that section.
1. Magnify the area with the um
2. Select the selection tool
3. Click on the wave approximately where you think the Um is going to start
4. Press the Play button on the Audio control panel to start listening.
5. Press the Pause button when you are at the end of what you want to
6. Click and drag the selection tool from the beginning (A) to the triangle (B)
indicates where you stopped. See diagram below. The selection tool turns
into a
hand. The hand is not shown.
7. Click the Stop button on the Audio control panel.
8. Click the Play and Stop buttons on the Audio control panel to listen to
9. Adjust the selection area by using the mouse to point to an end point of
selection area and when a hand appears move the mouse right or left to
adjust the
10. Press Play to play your selection
Starting point (A)
Triangle indicating end point
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11. Click Edit on the menu bar and select Delete to delete the selection or
Selection Restore to clear the selection and start over.
Trainer Note:
When an area is selected and you want to deselect it and select a different
Deselect the area by clicking on EDIT | Restore Selection from the menu
The editing process just described should be used for any type of sound or
section that
needs to be deleted on an audio track.
Exercise 2
Edit your narration.
Adding the Wisconsin Public Radio file to your Audacity project
Import the WPR file Demonstration
1. Click on Project | Import Audio from the menu bar & Navigate to your
desktop to

the Audacity Copy to Desktop folder

2. Select the WPR.wav file and double click or click Open
3. A new track is added to your project. Notice that it is a stereo track and
was added
below your narration.
4. Mute track 1
5. Play track 2 and listen to the WPR recording
6. Select the time shift tool. Click and drag the audio to align it near the
end of your narration track.
Edit WPR track Demonstration
Trainer Note:
Not all of the specific steps are listed below. Use your knowledge from using
the time
shift tool and the selection tool; along with deleting unwanted tracks,
splitting audio
and copy and paste to edit the WPR file according to the general instructions
To split an audio track, click Edit|Split
1. Highlight the section of the WPR track that announces the next program
ground zero
2. Edit|Split (You now have two tracks with pieces of the WPR audio)
3. Use the time select tool to move the program section so it plays at the end
of your
4. Delete any unwanted audio from the program section
5. Edit the time section of the WPR audio until you only have the section that
Its 8 minutes past 8 oclock
Time Shift tool
used to move
the audio.
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Trainer Note:
In editing this section you may use the zoom tool to accurately select the
area of the
track that you want. You may also decide to use the selection tool to choose
a starting
point, play the audio and Pause where you want to end the section you
want. If you
then highlight from your start point to the green arrow, you must remember
to then
click the Stop button on the Audio control panel or the tools on the tool bar
will not
work, if you choose to cut or copy and paste the selection.
6. Change volume of the two WPR tracks to compliment your narration track.
Exercise 3
Add the Wisconsin Public Radio file, WPR.wav, to your Audacity project
Edit the WPR file to put the part about ground zero after your narration
Isolate the announcement that it is 8 oclock and put it at the end of your
Adding a Music File to your Audacity Project
Import the Music file and contour the audio Demonstration

1. Click on Project | Import Audio from the menu bar & Navigate to your
desktop to
the Audacity Copy to Desktop folder
2. Select the romantic Nights.mp3 file and double click or click Open
3. Use the Envelope tool to contour the audio. (i.e. make the music very
faint under
WPR announcements, bring it up after the time announcement and then
louder again
and finally fade away.
Trainer Note:
To use the envelope tool select it and then click on the audio track where you
want to
start to adjust the audio. When you click, adjustment points are made. Make
as many
points as you need to shape the audio the way you want to. With the
envelope tool
placed over existing points you can move the points up or down or right or
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Exercise 4
Add the music file, RomanticNights.mp3, to your project
Adjust the volume (envelope tool)
Saving Your Broadcast as an Audacity Project and as an MP3 File
Trainer Note:
Explain the difference between the Audacity project file and an MP3 file. The
file is a small pointer file that points to your editing and composing data
created while
building your project. This data is in a separate folder made by Audacity and
is an
essential part of the project. When you export to an MP3 all the data is
compressed into
a playable file. The playable file is also small. The data however will be large.
For our
classroom exercise we used the Desktop. Never save anything you will need
again, to
the Desktop. Computer maintenance each morning at 4am will clean up the
harddrive. When you create your real project be sure to use the UWEC
video server.
Accessing the video server
Creating a personal folder on the video drive
Accessing a group folder on the video drive
Save the project Demonstration
File | Save Project
Trainer Note:
Saving the project allows you to edit any tracks if you choose to do so.
Export your final project to an mp3 file format Demonstration
1. File | Export MP3
2. Browse to where you want to save the file
Trainer Note:
If the professor for the class will create a class folder on the W: drive, save all
the class

projects to the folder and then listen to some or all of them to experience the
people use in making a broadcast.
3. Give the file a name
4. Click OK
Prior to the next workshop, be
sure to add the detailed steps
for these headings. The
instructions are not complete at
this time. 101207
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Exercise 5
Export your project to an mp3 file.
Listen to the Completed Projects
Trainer Note:
Ask the instructor to make a folder for the class on the W: drive. Ask students
to export
their project to an MP3 in the class folder. You can then play each file. Ask
students and
instructor for comments.

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