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To : sandra232gmail@gmail.

Subject : I love my best friend
From :

Dear Paula,
Oh, how I missed being with you during the holidays this year! Everything in London is so
different from Spain that I don't know if I'll ever get used to living here. I'm so glad that my
father's job at the Spanish Embassy will only last until June. Then we will come home, and
you and I can spend the summer on the beach. (I hope you'll spend your holiday in Spain, as
I've already made some very nice friends, but don't worry - no one could ever replace you as
my best friend! After school, I sometimes go to my friend Fiona's house. She enjoys listening
to the same music and watching the same clips that you and I like. In fact, Fiona and I have
tickets for Bon Jovi's concert next month. I wish you were coming with us!
Life is very different here. Would you believe that we have to wear a uniform to go to school?
It's awful! A blue skirt and blazer, a white blouse and a ridiculous checked tie, not to mention
a pair of horrible, long, white socks. Besides, there is nothing to do in the evening. All the
shops close by 4.30 p. m. and pubs are only open till 11 p. m.
That's all for now. I must start my homework for my English class tomorrow. The teacher
wants us to write an informal letter to a friend and I don't even know where to begin! Please
write soon and tell me all the news. I miss you.

To :
Subject : My Nightmare
From :

Dear Smith
At the outset, I apologise for the delay in replying your letter of Date 12/12/12. In fact, I was
busy with my examinations which were over only yesterday.
In this letter I am describing a strange incident which took place yesterday and wants to share
with you. As I was free from the tension and exertion of examinations yesterday, I went to
bed early. I had a horrible dream. I saw dacoits entering our house. They tied and gagged us
and then demanded the keys at gun point. Then they started stuffing currency notes,
ornaments and other valuables in their bags. Suddenly, my sleep was disturbed and I could
not sleep again. I got out of bed. I was perspiring from head to foot.
I came downstairs and saw my parents tied and gagged. Two dacoits were busy ransacking
the almirah. I quietly tiptoed back to my room, picked up my mobile phone and informed the
police. The police van came immediately. The dacoits were arrested before they could make
away with the booty.
I wonder what would have happened if I had not had that strange dream which so
unexpectedly came true.
Pay my regards to Uncle and Aunt.

Yours sincerely

To :
Subject : Flood
From :

My dear Father
I am sorry for the delay in intimating you of my safe arrival at the school hostel after the
vacation. Actually, the journey was not that smooth.
The train left the station on time. I spread my bedding on the berth and started relaxing. After
about a two-hour journey, it suddenly stopped. I saw most of the passengers peeping out of
the windows. I got down and found many persons crowding around the guard.
On enquiry it was found that there were flash floods in the river Gomati. The floods had
caused serious damage to the rail tracks and the area was submerged in water.

There was a great anxiety among the passengers, many of whom were going on important
business. Some passengers were terribly upset. They were pestering the guard who himself
did not know when the train would resume its journey.
The local people from the neighbouring villages came to our rescue. They provided us with
food and water. We remained stranded for about twenty hours and then the train resumed its
journey. We heaved a sigh of relief. On the way we saw the ravages caused by the floods.
Pay my regards to dear Mother and love to Sonali.

Your loving son

To :
Subject : Fun on Holidays
From :

Dear Sharon,
How are you recently? I hope you are in the pink of health. Holidays had just
passed. How was yours? I had a really fun and memorable time during my holidays. Do you
interested how I spent my holidays? I couldn't resist to share with you my holidays life.
During the last summer holiday, my family had planned to Pantai Morib for
picnic. It was a nice Saturday morning. The gently wind breeze and it was quite a cold day.
We arrived at the beach rather earlier and got a fine spot to lay out the food. Pantai Morib is
such a marvelous place. The sand is so white and the sea water is so clean and clear. I can see
many fishes in the water and can see there was a lot of crab climbing in and out of the sand.
What a beautiful scene!
As usual, my mum would make sure to bring enough food to feed an army. My
brother and I were so excited and ecstatic. We quickly change into our swimming suit that we
had just bought and jumped into the water. We shivered because the water was as cold as ice
as it was still early in the morning. My brother was beyond excited while my father took out
the new flouts that he had bought at the nearby store. He could not stop jumping up and down
just like a monkey. We played happily and were in high glee.
We then swam until our skin wrinkled up like dried prunes. Later, we built some
sandcastle and put some baby crabs in it like it was crabs' kingdom. After that, we collected
many beautiful and unique seashell by the seashore. We also did not forget to buy some
souvenirs and took quite a lot of pictures at there. It was so wonderful!
Maybe you can join us next time. I reckon you sure will enjoy this trip very well.
If not, we also can go fishing at my village or climbing up the hill to enjoy the beautiful
scenery. We can learn a lot about the flora during those trip. It was quite a list of activities
that we can do in the next school holiday. Do you fancy joining me? I hope your answer is '
yes ' instead of no. I have to stop now. Don't forget to reply my letter.
Your best friend,

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