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Module Title:

Cross Cultural Leadership

Module Code:



Academic Year:



Module Leader:

Andrew Johnson

Instructions:Undertake the following task.

Word Limit:

3,000 words

Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. All
assignments which do so will be penalised. The penalty will be the deduction of marks at
the Markers judgement.
Submission Date:

This assignment must be uploaded on Turnitinno later than5pm on

the 13.05.2015.

Work submitted after this time or date will receive a mark of 0 unless an extension has
been approved in advance of this deadline.
Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or other
cause considered valid by the Programme Director. These must normally be received
and agreed by Programme Director in writing at least twenty four hours prior to the
Please refer to the Academic Regulations or your Student Handbook for full details.
Further details:

This assignment must be completed individually.

This assignment must be attached to a completed University
Assignment Cover Sheet.
All assignments must be submitted via TURNITIN. You are advised to
keep a copy of your TURNITIN receipt.
The Harvard Referencing system must be used.

Aim of this assignment

This assignment should demonstrate your understanding and give an evaluation of
leadership theories and cross cultural factors in power relations within organisations.

Glug plc is a company, based in the UK, which manufactures and distributes its
own branded soft drinks to an international, primarily European, market. The
companys headquarters are in the UK, but they have manufacturing and bottling
plants in a number of different countries including Denmark, Turkey and
The Board of Directors of Glug now wish to transform their product from a mere
export to a global product which is universally and instantly recognisable around
the world, on every continent. In order to achieve this, Glug plc is putting
together a large project management team of around fifty staff, consisting of
talented individuals from every world geographical region, ranging from
production specialists to marketing experts. The members of the team will work
from their own countries, keeping in touch through e-mail and video
conferencing. They will physically meet once every three months in London for a
face to face project progress meeting.
The success of this project is critical to the implementation of the companys
long term strategy. Therefore, the Chief Executive Officer is keen to appoint a
Project Manager to oversee this diverse and geographically dislocated team.
Although every member of the team is able to speak English,the Chief Executive
Officer is worried that the dispersed and diverse nature of the team will result in
a tough assignment for anybody appointed to the position of Project Manager. In
order to assist him in recruiting a suitable candidate to lead this multidisciplinary, international team, he has turned to a professional leadership and
management consultant for advice; you.
He asks you to produce a report for him covering the following:
Write a report for the Chief Executive Officer.
The report should cover:

Evaluate the factors which should be taken into account when managing
such a culturally diverse and geographically dispersed team such as this.
(30 marks)

Prioritise the factors which should be considered when deciding the type of
individual, in terms of experience, skills and competencies, who should be
appointed as the manager of this team. (30 marks)

Given the nature of this team, compare and contrast the approaches and
styles of leadership that would be most effective in ensuring the
successful delivery of this project. (30 marks)

The report format should include an executive summary, introduction,

body (research, analysis of findings), conclusion, recommendations,
references and appendices.
(10 marks)
You must support all the points, arguments and recommendations you make
with appropriate theory.
Assignment guidance:

The word limit for this assignment is 3000 words.

Students are expected to keep within the word limit. Appendices can only
be used to support the main body of the report. Any new information
included in the appendices will not be marked.
Your assignment should be written as a formal report to the Chief
Executive Officer, using an appropriate writing style and vocabulary.
Assignments should be correctly referenced using the Harvard system of
referencing. Incorrect or insufficient referencing will be penalised.

Assignments must be submitted via Turnitin. Individual feedback will be automatically

generated by Turnitin once the marking and quality assurance process has been
The analysis must be supported by academic theories and concepts and the paper must
be a report and comply with the Harvard referencing guidelines. The reflection must not
be descriptive in nature; it should provide clear evidence of understanding of the issues
under consideration.
There is no correct number of academic references to be utilised as the student must
draw as many references as required to provide a high quality answer. However, a
minimum of 12 academic sources are expected, and a majority of these should be
current, internationally peer reviewed articles/journals or accredited textbook references.
Sources such as Wikipedia and the like are not accepted. Sources available only online
should be avoided.

Specific Module Guidance

To achieve a pass level mark you must ensure that you demonstrate your analysis and
understanding of the range and scope of leadership approaches in cross-cultural
This will require secondary research. Your work will be referenced according to the
Harvard Referencing System and will be essay format.
To achieve higher marks, in addition to the requirements to achieve a pass mark, you will
need to make informed comparisons between the theories and concepts you have
studied and provide a reflection on how these apply to the scenario. The analysis will be
very well applied and will rely heavily for support on current literature.
Marking Guide

Evaluate the factors which should be taken into account when managing
such a culturally diverse and geographically dispersed team such as this.
Maximum 30 marks

Prioritise the factors which should be considered when deciding the type
of individual, in terms of experience, skills and competencies, who
should be appointed as the manager of this team. Maximum 30 marks

Given the nature of this team, compare and contrast the approaches and
styles of leadership that would be most effective in ensuring the
successful delivery of this project. Maximum 30marks

Report format and referencing. Maximum 10 marks

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