(3-C) 3 Wiebke Fiebig

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DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Practical cooperation experience of Frankfurt with

Twinning and cooperation with evirons
Wiebke Fiebig
Head of Energy Department, City of Frankfurt, Germany

2016.11.04 Fukushima

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Target: 100% renewables by 2050

50 % reduction of energy consumption by 2050

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

50 % of the renewables-based efficient energy supply

will be provided from within the city of Frankfurt itself

Source photo: Mainova

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

50 % of the energy needed will be delivered by renewables

from the surrounding Rhein Main region

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Expenditure for energy supply

In Frankfurt, nearly EUR 2 billion per year are being spent on energy
Renewables are a chance to increase the added value
by keeping the money in the region

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Challenge Expanding renewables

Potential of waste, biomass and water is already being largely exploited
Few open spaces left in the city
Greatest potential: reduction of energy consumption

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

It is time for a transformation

We, as a society, need to rethink the way we use energy
and create a better awareness of energy consumption

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Result of the study: by 2050 Frankfurt will be able to supply

its requirements solely with renewables

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

The implementation calls on many stakeholders we can

only achieve the goal by all acting together

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Together with the FrankfurtRheinMain RegionCooperation Agreement since 2013

Compilation of a regional energy concept

Joint implementation of projects
Involvement of all the stakeholders in the region
Establishment of long-term cooperation

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Together with partner cities

Cooperation in city networks theme-based work group
Joint statements on political processes Creation of key general
frameworks for climate protection at local government level
Transfer of knowledge and exchange of experience


DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Twinning project with other major cities

Mentoring programmes for local government areas
Adaption of projects already implemented
Joint development of new projects


DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Example: free advice for homeowners concerning

energy-efficient refurbishment
Establishment of an Energy Advice Centre

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Project undertaken by the City of Aachen

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Example: Energy-related consultancy for low-income

households in cooperation with Caritas

Joint conception and further development

The charitable agency (Caritas) coordinates the consultancy service


DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Example: Energy-related consultancy for low-income

households in cooperation with Caritas

140 centres across Germany (administrative districts and cities)

Funding from the Federal Ministry for the Environment


DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

Thank you for your attention.

DAS ENERGIEREFERAT - Municipal Energy Agency

PIA Stadt Frankfurt am Main, : H.D.Fehrenz


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