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[speech MUST HAVE direct references (quotes, statistics, evidence) stated by your candidate &
presents the Candidates position accurately**, thoroughly, and persuasively.]
** for the candidate

ISSUE: Military Spending

SPEECH: Under the Trump Presidency, the military budget will be increased to
rebuild the military to its strength during the Reagan Buildup. Trump will
increase military spending from 515 billion dollars to 619 billion to rebuild our
aging and depleting military. The amount of Army personnel is roughly 480
thousand, Trump will increase this number to 540,000 to allow the Army Chief
of Staff to execute the missions he requires yet cannot fulfill due to the lack of
members. Trump will also increase the number of MArine Corps battalions to
36 and update the Air Forces jets to newer models and increase the number to
1,200 usable fighter jets. As well as increasing and updating the military, Trump
will invest in a new missile defense system, updating us from the outdated 60s
nuclear controls to modernized and improved systems to better protect

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