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Podcast Script

Introduction with Clips from interview (hook)

Mike: We asked him to tell us more but he said Dont worry mom and dad I
can handle it.

Penny: Im 21.

Mike: Went up to washington state and dug a grave.

Mike: Thats when they set him up.
Mike: I waited by the phone all day and... no call.

Mike: Mike Moreau

Penny: Penny Moreau
Anna Nicole: Warning this podcast contains some gruesome violence
which maybe be disturbing to some listeners.
Play news clips of Timothy Douglas Moreau missing
News reporter: After 8 years his case was finally solved. He did get a
conviction but Tim was never found.
Main Topic
Jackie: Today we are going to talk about a Penny and Mikes son, Timothy
Douglas Moreau and their perspective on the death penalty. To give a little
background information, Tim and his family grew up in New Orleans. He loved
Mardi Gras and would beg his family to go to the parade.
Anna Nicole: Hes an amazing student, he was accepted to 5 different
schools, And was givin a full scholarship.
Mike: Well he was offered it but didnt accept.
Anna Nicole: He ended up going to Reed college in Portland Oregon
because he wanted to go to a school away from home.

Daisy: Tim loved music, he played the violin and use to go carolling during
christmas time. During his time at Reed college he asked for a leave of absence
and found a job at a concert hall, since music was still so important to him.
Daniella: Tim later started having a hard time at work. He ended up
calling his parents and explaining to them whats been going on on a Friday
night. But he didnt give Mike and Penny any specific details. Just that...
Mike: Dont worry mom and dad, I can handle it.
Penny: Im 21.
Mike: So, we tried reaching his boss who first wouldn't take our calls,
wouldnt return our calls.
Jackie: Mike and Penny Moreau called their son on Sunday and Tim said
that hes figuring things out, everything's under control. Tims landlady called his
parents and said that she hasnt seen Tim in 3 days.
Anna Nicole: Mike and Penny flew to Portland and when they got there
they didnt realize how

serious it was until seeing a gun on the detective. As they

were looking at the walls of the police station they say something disturbing.
Mike: There were pictures of homicide scenes, very gruesome pictures...
Daisy: The police started interrogating everyone to see what they can find,
so far to file a missing person case. At this point, the police already went to Tims
apartment and collected any notes he had, calendars and so on. The police was
reluctant to share any information with them.
Mike: Everybody's a suspect even the parents.
Penny: And our thinking then was ok, Tims okay.
Daniella: Mike and Penny looked at the brighter side of the situation, they
knew he was okay and thought they should head back to New Orleans in case he

Penny: No we have to stay here, we have to stay here, hes somewhere here.
But we went back to New Orleans, Gradually what happened,
Daniella: They first classified the cases as a missing person. Two weeks
later, they found his car parked in Portland airport.
Mike: In between the two calls, we learning there were counterfeited tickets
to the concert hall discovered that saturday night.
Anna Nicole: An employee story was stating that they confronted Tim
about the tickets and apparently said he did do that and was going to show them
where the money was. The police believed the story and they put out an arrest
warrant on Tim.
Daisy: They kept investigating, and investigating.
Mike: That began a saga of 8 years.
Daisy: When the tickets were discovered,
Mike: That night the boss Larry and another employee went up 40 miles
outside of Portland,
Daisy: Crossed to Washington State Line, And dug a grave. They met with
Tim the Tuesday night, a day after he called his parents that hes going to work
things out, in Larry's office.
Mike: That was when they set him up.
They had strangled him with a homemade garrett the damn thing broke and
they weren't sure he was dead. So they took duct tape and covered his face so he
couldnt breath if he was still alive.
Jackie: They put his body in garbage bags, then into a car and drove to the
grave to bury him.
Mike: But thats what the story was.
Larry, had been involved into all sorts of illegal activity regarding his
business and he had began to lose his business because of the bad publicity.

Daniella: In the deposition Larry was suppose to tell them how much he
lost, but Mike and Penny suspected that he wasnt declaring that income on his
Mike: So we took the deposition and went to the IRS and asked them if there
would be interested in the statement/ deposition.
That lead to an investigation fraud.
Penny: When he was suppose to go to federal prison but he,
Mike and Penny: Disappeared.
Penny: We were so afraid something had happened to him, but until you
know you doubt. Every redhead we would see on the street, we see a picture of a
redhead in the news paper, um I remember even there was a picture of a homeless
man and I thought, could that be Tim?
Mike: We were really living a paradox. Knowing intellectually that Tim
probably was dead, because surely he would contact us if he needed help, but at the
same time there was overwhelming evidence that something terrible might of
happened to him and he probably was dead we just didnt know.
Anna Nicole: Things got quiet for a year and then they got a call from
Jackie: He started trailing Larry, so they revoked his passport which made
him illegal in Vietnam so they decided to deport him to thailand and right when
he stepped off the plane the U.S. Marshall was there and arrested him, and went
to federal prison for a year.
Daisy: While Larry was in prison the case slowly started to break out.
People who had information about Tim's murder came forward because they felt
safe since Larry was behind bars.
Daniella: That eventually lead to information about an employee was
involved with Tims murder.

Anna Nicole:The police new a former girlfriend, she was faced with some
type of drug charge. The police convinced her to drop the drug charge if she
would cooperate and call the employee (his name is George) about her being
interested in getting back together with him.
Mike: The police were listening in hoping that would lead information to
Tim. But George suspected his call was being wire tapped so he said lets hang up
and Ill call you back. He went to a public phone and then called her back.
Jackie: Her phone was the one being tapped, so they got a conversation
between George and his former girlfriend which George confessed and told her
of his involvement with the murder of Tim. And the police immediately arrested
Penny: So we had finally knew, what had happened and this was 8 years
later. And they were not able to locate where they had buried him.
IV. 27:50
Daisy: Larry and the employer talked while they were in prison and they
mentioned that they were afraid of facing the death penalty. But they made a
plea bargain, that if they took the death penalty off the table they would try and
locate Tim's body and confess of his involvement with tim's murder.
Mike: Thats why the death penalty is so important to me

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