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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: How to Read and Quote Shakespeare Plays

Name: Eu Lee Hong

Content Area: English Language Arts

Grade Level: 9

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Apply grades 9-10 Reading standards to literature (e.g., "Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a
specific work [e.g., how Shakespeare treats a theme or topic from Ovid or the Bible or how a later author draws on a play by
Apply grades 9-10 Reading standards to literary nonfiction (e.g., "Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a
text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious
Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

How do we interpret/read Shakespearean language?

How do we cite quotes from plays correctly?
How do we express complicated ideas through writing?

Unit Summary:
In this unit, you will learn how to read and quote Shakespearean language correctly. Shakespeare is one of the pinnacles of the
English literary world and students should be able to read it and understand it. Not only that but quoting textual evidence
correctly is also important. For Shakespeare's plays quoting lines is different than quoting a novel. So in this unit we will be
focusing on how to find underlying themes Shakespeare presents in his plays, how to quote lines from a play, and also how to
convert old English to modern English.
Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Students will form a
quickwrite on what they know about they
play A Midsummer Nights Dream. The
teacher will randomly pick students to
share what they know.

Quiz on A Midsummer Nights
Dream - After reading A Midsummer
Nights Dream. The class will have a
short quiz about the general idea of
the play.
Flashcards on A Midsummer Nights
Dream - Students can review
flashcards that are made through

Essay on A Midsummer Nights
Dream - Students will write an essay
about an ongoing theme in A
Midsummer Nights Dream
Acting out the Play A Midsummer
Nights Dream - Students will form
groups and act out the play of A
Midsummer Nights Dream. However,

Quizlet for A Midsummer Nights

Questioning on A Midsummer Nights
Dream - If students are having any
struggles with understanding the
play this is their time to ask
questions. Also the teacher will be
asking several questions about A
Midsummer Nights Dream.
Graphic Organizer on A Midsummer
Nights Dream - Students will fill out
a series of questions about the play.
This will not be open book so they
will have to use the knowledge they
have acquired during the class
meetings to answer them.

they will have to create a modernized

version of the script.

Lesson 1
Student Learning
Objective: Students
will be able to explain
a complicated story
that uses
Lesson 2

Acceptable Evidence
Students will fill out
the worksheet for
guided notes during

Lesson Activities: The teacher will give out a lecture using a PowerPoint. Students
will have a worksheet to fill out while teacher explains for guided notes.

Student Learning
Objective: Students
will be able to find
textual evidence that
are relevant to the
argument in students
writing and quote
them correctly.

Acceptable Evidence:
Students will be able
to fill out the
worksheet and do the
interactive online and
understand it.

Lesson Activities: The teacher will give students a worksheet and interactive to do.
The student must be able to fill out the worksheet and know how to do the
interactive online without looking at the play.

Lesson 3

Student Learning
Students will be able
to understand and
have correct
information on the
Unit Resources:

Acceptable Evidence:
Students will fill out a
graphic organizer in

Absolute Shakespeare
Citing Shakespeare
Insults by Shakespeare
Shakespeare is everywhere
Shakespeare Online
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
The pleasure of poetic pattern
Why Shakespeare? Because its 2016
Why Shakespeare loved iambic pentameter

Useful Websites:

Lesson Activities: The teacher will give a graphic organizer for students to fill out
information about the play. Students must be able to have a discussion about the
play with other students and teacher too.

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