Dearprezdraft2 Udeemashakya

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Class agreed standards for an EPIC Winning Letter RUBRIC

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Dear President,
Im exasperated of the pretty lies this government tells us. History shows us that
greed is one of humanitys greatest flaws. It has caused countless wars and benefitted the
wealthy at an enormous cost for the ordinary people. This government was supposed to be
different. After all, wasnt it created by the people, for the people? Its supposed to derive
its just powers from the consent of the governed (Declaration of Independence). But
currently, politics derives its power from priceless green paper. That shouldnt be the case
because then our citizens voices are repressed by money.
The more money you have, the more opportunities you have to influence big
decisions and take that right away from the ordinary citizen. As of 2011, 1% of americans
owned 40% of this countrys wealth and the top 20% owned 97% of the wealth according
to a study done by Professor Mike Norton and economist Dan Ariely. To me thats brutally
unfair in terms of having a voice in todays government because money is a tool only the
top 20% can wield.
Everyones voice matters. As they live here, shouldnt they be an expert in their
living conditions and the policies that would benefit them? Yet, according to Center for
American Progress, policy changes in response to money in politics. I dont have the kind
of money that would influence people to change policies so, does that mean that my voice
doesnt matter? That even if the public banded together, they would be ignored if they
didnt have the funding?
A case of money moving things in politics is lobbying. While Id love to do away with
lobbying, unfortunately thats not a viable solution. Lobbying is a form of free speech. It
allows companies to represent themselves to the government. The problem has never been
with lobbyists speaking for companies, the problem is letting businesses control the
government. Letting them wield money as a bribe or a weapon is the problem. That is
something your ordinary person has no access to.
Im not saying that lobbying shouldnt exist. Im saying that there should be a cap to
the amount of influence that corporations have in our government. They should not be
powerful enough to cause a standstill in the Senate on issues that the majority of the
population has pushed forward. Like oil companies influencing politicians so that they
debate the existence of climate change when
it has been scientifically proven.

Corporations deserve representation in the government but, they dont deserve the
amount of power that they have today. There needs to be restrictions and stricter
beat-downs on bribes. There needs to be rules set so that the peoples voices are heard.
Do you see my point? People make up this country and theyre the ones being
governed. It shouldnt be the money talking. This country has millions of individuals, and all
of them deserve the right to have a voice in how this nation is run. Dont you dare let them
be extinguished.
Your conscience.

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