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For the teachers notes of this essay issue, we provide you with the question analyses
of the 2014 A level GP essay questions using the PVC (polarity-variable-constant)
Framework. The purpose of this framework is to help students break down the questions
into key terms or clauses, understand the questions requirements, and formulate points
for their essays. We believe close analysis of the wording of questions will aid students
in understanding the tension, scope and demands of the debate they are engaging in.

Here is a review of the PVC Framework:

Every argument begins with a basic polarity of two sides. Words such as is, does, has,
can, will, should and must help generate two opposing responses to the question (i.e.
is/is not; does/does not; and so on). Students must answer the question they have selected based on the polarity, as this will ensure relevance of their responses. Arguing
that something can, or will, has a future aspect to it; while arguing that it has, or does,
focuses on the present. Arguing about what should be or must requires considering why
it is ideal or what creates the imperative. Questions phrased as statements may need
to be paraphrased so that the polarity word (and the main variable) can be identified in
these statements that are central to the question.
Variables are words that determine the scope of the argument. There are usually
multiple variables in a question: a main variable and other secondary variables. The
main variable is either the key issue that needs to be resolved or the key value that needs
to be established by the end of the argument. The main variable is identified by its direct
association with the polarity word and hence constitutes the main tension or debate in
the question. Secondary variables expand or specify the scope of examples, contexts,
and conditions that are relevant to the discussion.
Constants are terms that change the meaning of the question by introducing specific
assumptions or additional requirements that need to be addressed in the argument.
Some commonly seen constants are only, never, really, or ever, and they change the
tone of the question and the extent to which ones point of view need to be argued.
Not all questions contain constants, and some questions contain multiple constants.
We term questions without constants basic polarity questions. As a general rule of
thumb, the more constants there are in a question, the more assumptions there are to
be addressed and thus the more complex the argument required.
Constants can also appear as given context(s). Questions that contain specified
context(s) require students to answer the question within the parameters of that
context(s). They can be the contexts of time (nowadays, todays world), space
(Singapore, your society) or a combination of both. These contexts highlight where the
debate is most relevant and helps to generate insightful points or perspectives. It may be
useful to list down the defining characteristics of the given context(s) during the planning
stages of writing.




1. Traditional marriage is an outdated concept. To what extent is this true of

your society?
This question can be rephrased as: Is traditional marriage an outdated concept in your
Polarity and main variable: Is or is not an outdated concept.
From the main variable an outdated concept, the central debate must focus on the
current relevance (of traditional marriage) and address what has changed from the past
to now.
Secondary variable: Traditional marriage.
This could be defined through social, cultural and legal lenses for instance, traditional
wedding vows, lifelong fidelity, marriage between a man and a woman, and marriage as
a religious or legal bond could be features of a traditional marriage set apart from other
less conventional (and conservative) relationships.
The given context is your society. For most students, that would be Singapore and
its unique characteristics that make for a meaningful discussion of the changing (or
unchanging) institution of marriage.

2. How far should firms be allowed to limit their workers rights when profits are
at stake?
Polarity and main variable: Should or should not be allowed to limit.
How ideal or right it is to permit or condone this action is the main argument.
This begs the question of who will be doing the permitting, whether it is the government,
the public, or perhaps some other form of governance like unions or business ethics
Secondary variables: Firms, their (firms) workers rights.
The relationship between firms and their workers is to be examined, including the
balance of power, their symbiotic relationship, and the firms responsibility towards their
workers. The range of rights that can be curtailed should be established, with clarity
about what are fundamental rights and secondary ones, and which ones tend to be
under threat by firms seeking to stay profitable.
Constant: when profits are at stake.
Any argument made should be informed and shaped by this condition of profitability
being threatened. This tension between profits and workers rights (and hence their wellbeing) raises questions about the nature of firms and what their main priority should be.

3. Gambling on sport undermines its spirit and should be banned. How realistic
is this position?
This question can be rephrased as: Realistically, should gambling on sport be banned
because it undermines its spirit?
Polarity and main variable: Should or should not be banned.
The idealism of should is contrasted with is realistic or not, reminding students not
just to focus on the ideal but on whether a ban would work or be sensible given the world
we live in. The effectiveness and desirability of legislating against gambling on sport and


the defensibility of this position is the key contention of this question.

Secondary variable: gambling on sport.
This specifies a type of gambling but still allows for a broad range of examples and levels
of severity.
Constant: undermines its spirit.
This is defined as the main reason for opposing gambling on sport. Thus the truth of
this should be considered and developed in the essay rather than only arguing the other
negative effects of gambling on sport. Students can challenge the validity and realism
of this belief as a means of arguing for their stand. The spirit of sport needs to be well
articulated and understood in arguing whether it is impacted negatively by gambling or

4. Discuss the view that, with an increasing global need for energy, every possible source should be exploited to the full.
This question can be rephrased as: With an increasing global need for energy, should
every possible source be exploited to the full?
Polarity and main variable: Should or should not be exploited to the full.
The extreme nature of exploitation is emphasised and whether this is right or wrong,
desirable or not is the main argument.
Secondary variable: every possible source.
A range of examples and categories of energy sources should be explored to reflect the
degree/extent denoted here.
Given context: The urgency and scale of the global need for energy is the defining
context for this discussion. Global players should be considered especially since they
will be the ones determining the demand and supply of, and hence pursuing or limiting
the exploitation of resources with different motivations. For instance, corporations might
emphasise profit/ the long-term sustainability of their business, states might emphasise
energy security / the welfare of their people, NGOs might emphasise the protection of
the environment)

5. For the majority of people, the Arts are irrelevant to their daily lives. How true
is this of your society?
This question can be rephrased as: Are the Arts irrelevant to the daily lives of the majority
of people in your society?
Polarity and main variable: Are or are not irrelevant.
The current relevance is to be assessed and that requires arguing the meaning and
value of the Arts.
Secondary variable: the daily lives of the majority of people.
The mundane, practical, day-to-day routines of most people make up the scope and
interest of this discussion. The implied contrast of this scope and the Arts is that the
latter is highbrow, reserved for special occasions, enjoyed by a select group of people,
or limited in practicality and utility. How this majority is defined and described should
be carefully developed to avoid sounding simplistic, overly generalised, or ill-informed.


Given context: your society.

Singapores unique demographics, economy, cultural environment, media, and links
with the worlds cultural institutions and performing artists as well as the majority of
Singaporeans lives, pragmatism, aspirations, preferences and preoccupations can be

6. How far is it important for people to be aware of current events in countries

other than their own?
Polarity and main variable: is or is not important.
Arguments about why it is important or not can be made with different evaluations of
how necessary, critical, valuable, and useful it is.
Secondary variable: peoples awareness of current events in other countries.
The differentiation between ones own country and others, along with the divide between
local affairs and foreign affairs are assumed to be innate, but can be contradictory given
globalisation. How awareness can be assessed and the means by which awareness is
created should also be considered in the planning stages of the essay.

7. In times of economic hardship, should a country still be expected to provide

financial or material aid to others?
Polarity and main variable: Should or should not be expected.
The use of should and expected emphasise that this debate is about standards and
ideals that we hold and being able to articulate why we have them. Those who might
expect this of a country include citizens, other countries, or international governmental
Secondary variables: a country, provide financial or material aid to others.
Different types of countries should be considered to create the range and complexity in
addressing this general question. The tension between the responsibility of governments
to care for their own country versus that of caring for others is key to this question.
Constant: still.
This creates a comparison between times when the economy is faring well and there is
an expectation, and times of economic hardship when there may or may not continue
to be that expectation. The reasons for expecting a country to provide aid in good or
ordinary times need to be re-evaluated in the context of economic hardship to see if
they continue to be valid.
Given context: in times of economic hardship. This pits adverse economic conditions
against humanitarian ideals. There are different levels of severity and various causes of
economic hardship which would inform the argument on expectations.


8. Do films offer anything more than an escape from reality?

Polarity and main variable: Do or do not offer.
Secondary variables: films, an escape from reality.
Varying the types of films presented in the essay and how they provide an escape from
reality is important. Rather than offering an escape from reality, films could immerse the
audiences in reality, or influence and impact reality. The dichotomy of escape and return
could be helpful in generating ideas, as well as the temporal effect (escape) versus the
permanent or lasting effect of films.
Constant: anything more.
This suggests that films are only capable of offering escapism and are thus limited in
their use and impact. Some students may choose to question the dismissiveness of this
and argue for redeeming this role of films.

9. To what extent can the regulation of scientific or technological developments

be justified?
Polarity and main variable: Can or cannot be justified.
This requires examining the reasoning behind regulation and also weighing aspects like
cost, efficacy, possible abuses, downsides, and possible short and long term implications
for different groups of people, the economy, security, and the environment. Justified
implies that the essay must address whether the pros outweigh the cons or vice versa,
instead of simply addressing the two sides of the argument.
Secondary variable: the regulation of scientific or technological developments.
Varying the different players who would be in charge of the regulation, as well as different
types of science and technology would be meaningful for nuancing this discussion.

10. Getting what one wants in life is what matters. Discuss.

This question can be rephrased as: Is getting what one wants in life what matters?
Polarity and main variable: Is or is not what matters.
Having to argue for whether something counts or is most important in the final analysis
requires considering its value, significance, and how it impacts other aspects of life both
in the short and long term.
Secondary variable: getting what one wants in life.
This allows for the essay to explore a wide range of personal goals and aims as well as
diverse methods of achieving them. While this sounds like a rather philosophical and
personal question, it should be examined on a larger scale given that this is a General
Paper essay, to see how getting what one wants in life would have wider implications for
how people live, work, relate and interact, or how this principle may be reflected in our
institutions, systems, and communal values.


11. Examine the extent to which expenditure on arms and the armed forces is justifiable in the modern world.
This question can be rephrased as: Is expenditure on arms and the armed forces
justifiable in the modern world?
Polarity and main variable: Is or is not justifiable.
This question calls for examining the validity of the reasons supporting and opposing.
Justified implies that the essay must address whether the pros of spending on arms
and the armed forces outweigh the cons or vice versa, instead of simply addressing the
two sides of the argument.
Secondary variable: expenditure on arms and the armed forces.
This would largely be expenditure by governments. Varying the types of governments
(and therefore states), amount of spending, and types of arms or forces would be
Given context: the modern world. The focus is on the current state of the world and
the latest trends, pressing issues, and major events reshaping the debate on military

12. Consider the view that some careers are better suited to one gender than the
This question can be rephrased as: Are some careers better suited to one gender than
the other?
Polarity and main variable: Are or are not better suited.
This invites the student to assess the current situation and argue whether this perception
of an advantageous fit for only one gender is true.
Secondary variables: some careers, one gender than the other. The use of the word
career suggests a more holistic and long term view, as opposed to jobs or types of
work. Establishing an insightful categorisation of careers that favour one gender over
the other for a variety of reasons would help with the development of the essay. Clarity
in the differences between the genders (perceived or otherwise) and what reinforces
those biases is also needed.

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