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School: Little Flower Childrens Home Foundation

Date of Preparation Meeting:
Grade Level: Grade 5
Date of Submission: November
14, 2016
Date of Guidance Visit: November 23,

Acquaintanceship to Friendship
Activity No. 3
I. Objectives:
A. To promote friendship among the pupils.
B. To help them realize that friendship does not happen in an instant but rather is a
process that starts in a simple sharing of ideas, thoughts and feelings, and doing
tasks together.
II. Introduction:
A. Opening Prayer:
King of all kings
Lord of all lords
We thank You for this day that You have given us
Thank You for the give of life to share with other people
Make us a blessing for others as You have blessed us
May Your plan be done in our lives
In Jesus Name we pray
B. House Rules:
The facilitator will remind the house rules she had in the first and second
visit and in addition of the house rule the facilitator will bring and use a whistle to
get the pupils attention when they are rowdy. The house rule is be JANICE!
J olly
A ctive
N ice to others
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C reative
E asy to approach
C. Ice breaker:

The facilitator will randomly divide the class into three groups.

Two groups will contain five members and one group will be having six
Each group will be given eight balloons.
Upon the signal of the facilitator, the pupils will blow the balloons until they
are aired properly. This will be done one person at a time.
After the balloon is aired, each group will form a line and a chair will be put
in front of the facilitator.
The pupils will pick one balloon and will run towards the chair to pop it.
After the balloon is popped, the next person in a group will do the same
until all balloons are popped.
The first group who will pop all their balloons will be declared as winner.

III. Materials Needed:

Ice breaker:
Activity Proper:
Music from the cellphone
IV. Activity Proper:

The pupils will be given five seconds to think of one person in their class
who they do not really know. Afterwards they are to be given pieces of
papers where they will write their own names and below their names are
the names of the person whom they do not really know.
The pupils will be asked to pass their papers to make sure not to change
whoever they wrote in it.
While the facilitator plays the music, they will pass around the box that
contains the strips of papers.
When the music stops, the pupil holding the box will pick one strip of
paper then read what is written.
The pupils who picked the strip of paper will do what is asked of him or
her. But he will do it together with the person he wrote on the piece of
paper she or he passed.
After doing what is asked of them, they will repeat the same procedures
until all the strip of papers are done.
The strip of papers contain the following tasks:
To sing in front of the class one stanza of his or her favorite song.

Both of them will eat polvoron in two minutes, they can help each
other and if they exceed in two minutes they will eat more polvoron.
One will teach a dance step to another.
They will exchange their biggest secrets by writing it on a piece of
Impersonate one love team in showbiz.
Both of them will share and eat one chocolate together.
Both of them will ask what their favorite pet is.
Both will ask anything from each other.
V. Processing:
1. Did you enjoy the activity?
2. What did you feel when you were asked to do things with the
person you do not really know?
3. After sharing such tasks, how do you feel towards your partner?
4. Through the activity, do you think you were given more chance to
get to know your partner better?
5. From your experiences together, do you think that such
acquaintance with your partner can somehow become a good
starting ground for friendship?
6. What have you learned from the activity?
VI. Insight:
Friendship may start through listening, sharing, or helping one another. It
takes time and effort to establish friendship. A genuine friendship is built slowly
and not in an instant. However, nothing can truly add more meaning to life than
having a true and intimate friendship. As friendship grows from a simple
acquaintance, we need to take the risk of unveiling some personal information
about us for it to flourish. Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly
not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
VII. Integration:
The facilitator will distribute a piece of paper to the class and will ask the
pupils to think of something about themselves that they want to disclose and
write it on the paper provided to them and would ask some volunteers to share to
the class.
Closing Prayer:
Lord, once again we thank You for this day
Thank You for guiding and protecting us
May You fill our hearts with goodness
And guide us towards our goals

Help us that we may be able to apply

Whatever we have learned here today in our daily lives
VIII. Time Frame
Opening prayer
House Rules
Ice breaker
Activity proper
Closing Prayer

2 minutes
5 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes
3 minutes


95 minutes = 1 hour and 35 minutes

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