Communication 1

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A very significant dimension in behavior dynamics is communication

It is a basic component in ones relationship with others
It is at the center of all human existence
It links us to others physically, emotionally, and intellectually
Warped, twisted or overdosed communication is one of the causes of conflict
between and among persons, groups and organizations
Communication is the lifeblood of any organization
Communicating ideas and information makes action and coordination possible
The impairment of communication due to certain barriers only causes confusion
and misunderstanding
To perform well, organizations must foster effective communication.
Definition and Process
Communication is a process which aims to transfer and implement the meaning
of symbols from one person, group or organization to another.
Its ultimate goal is the sharing of meaning
The sender is the communicator who can be any person, group or organization
*The qualities and characteristics of the sender are usually reflected in the
message that is sent.
The receiver, likewise, can be an individual, group or organization
The recipient of the message is, likewise, characterized by his role, authority,
educational level and personal, social, educational qualities as reflected partly as
the reason for his being sent the message in the first place
The more congruent the qualities and characteristics of both sender and receiver,
the more likely the communication is taken and understood at the same level and
The message is communicated through symbols that are sent through a medium.
The symbols can take various forms such as verbal and non-verbal, oral and
written, textual and visual.
The elements to consider in non-verbal communication include general
appearance, kinesics, proxemics and para language.
The message goes through pathways which are channels along which its
passage may either be facilitated or impeded.
The reaction by the recipient which may be expressed either in silence or actual
response directed to the sender is the feedback.
In short, communication is conveying thoughts and feelings to others and
receiving them from others as expressed by Dean and Bryson.
In the business world, communication is needed to establish and disseminate
goals for an organization.
Ways of communication by channels

Formal Channels

Informal Channels

For Top Management

Policy issuance/statements
Meetings (board)

Hosted meals
Use of key informants like secretaries,
aids, runners

For Middle Management

Meetings (staff)

Informal meetings

For Rank and File

Meetings (associations)

Small talk

Factors that Affect the Quality of communication

1. Goal Clarity
The ultimate goal of communication is to share meanings.
The sender must clarify the goals.
In organizations which use the Management By Objectives (MBO)
approach, the objectives are jointly set by both supervisor and
subordinate. MBO serves to ensure that the objectives are clear to
both the organization and the individual.
2. Sender
His qualities, characteristics, status, role affects communication flow.
Example 1: A highly autocratic university president, for instance, would most
likely be misunderstood by an autonomous academic staff.

Example 2: A lax foreman may cause confusion among factory workers who have
been used to being given detailed specific procedures.
3. Receiver
His qualities, characteristics, status, role, emotional state is a factor in the
success or failure of communication.
Example: A pretty but dumb secretary can be a pain in the neck of a highly
energized, aggressive and intelligent boss.
A person with ability to listen, without this ability, communication breaks down
4. Shared Experience
Experience common to participants helps enhance communication process.
The greater the area of shared experience, the greater the likelihood that
communication would succeed.
Example: An engineer is better able to communicate technical matters to another
engineer than to a non engineer. The more effective sharing of meaning between
the engineers derives mostly from their similar education and professional
5. Symbol
Communication is largely symbolic.
It is achieved through the use of symbols both verbal and non verbal.
Verbal communication should be formulated with much care. Example: The
speaker would suddenly laugh in the midst of a truly sad story.
Non Verbal communication occurs very frequently and can be very expressive.
Example: Traffic enforcer using hand signal in managing the traffic.
6. Medium
The message can take various forms: a typed letter, a bulletin board notice, a
lecture, a demonstration, a slide, a radio broadcast, a televised program, a
telephone call, a drawing, a painting, a song, ringing of a bell and many more.
The medium used depends on the content, objectives, scope of the message,
the senders choice, resources, skills, the size of the group to which the message
is to be sent and the time available to formulate the message.
Communication is greatly improved if a mix of different media is used.
7. Pathways
The passages through which the message travels can either be clear or clogged
up with physical or psychological disturbances.
A clean, clear passage devoid of noise and breakdowns make for fast
communication and thus more and better transactions.
Psychological/emotional problems caused by envy, jealousy, insecurity,
prejudices, immaturity may prod them to hide information or deter its flow.
Psychologically caused communication problems are more difficult to resolve
than those that are physically based.

Inattention due to poor motivation is more difficult to handle than a broken

8. Information Overload
Due to fast technological processes of accumulating and transmitting information
thru the radio, television, newspapers, etc.,
Many of our managers are drowning in a flood of numbers, data, information,
and their failure to cope effectively with such information overload will have
serious and even disastrous consequences not only for their organizations but for
our entire economy
Thus, Wallace and Szilagzi, Jr. caution managers, not to be bogged down by
excessive details furnished to them by their staff but to concentrate on long-run
strategic planning based on concise, relevant and meaningful summaries.
9. Feedback
How do we know if communication has been successful?
When do we say that our communication is good?
The reaction by the recipient to the communication is, by and large, the main
criterion that determines its success or failure.
Chung and Megginson put in this way: Effective interpersonal communication is
achieved only when the sender obtains the intended response from the receiver.


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