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Maintenance Cost per Hour vs.


M a in te n a n c e C o s t p e r H o u r =

T o ta l M a in te n a n c e C o s t
O p e ra tin g T im e

1.Maintenance effort required is increasing.

2.Maintenance practices / mechanisms are ineffective.
3.Operating conditions are deteriorating.
4 Equipment is being over maintained.
5.Maintenance cost budgeting was inaccurate.
6.Maintenance requirements changed during the fiscal year.
7.Budgeted operating time reduced.

1. Maintenance effort required is decreasing.

2. Maintenance practices / mechanisms are effective.
3.Operating conditions are improving.
4.Maintenance cost budgeting was inaccurate.
5 Maintenance requirements changed during the fiscal year
6.Budgeted operating time increased.

Wahyu Mulyana

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