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‘TABLE C66 PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDING DESIGN WIND ‘SPEED DURING REFERENCE PERIOD. “nwa elnee (pone Feed fea) Probay pe | S| ew 0.04 (125) oot | 018 [034 [oss [087 | 098 ‘002 (vs0) | ace {010 | ors | 040 | 06s | 087 ‘or aie0) | ~a0i_| 00s [010 | 022 | 040 | 06 [oes 7200) | “000s [002 [ans [oto | 022] 039, ‘TABLE C6-7 CONVERSION FACTORS FOR OTHER MEAN RECURRENCE INTERVALS a Pook Gut Wie Spend Vm ore) Conteris US. Vaueiee | V> eo mance) (a7 ms) rate (38-45 m9) . 300, 125 ey 1a, 200) Lia ie rm 100, io 107 1.06 0 1.00 7.00 7 1.00 25 093 038 ase 10 os (0:74 Gp mia) 639 mi) 087 —s 078 (0.66 70 mph min) (3.3 ml) oo ‘Note: Conversion factors forthe cola "V > 100 haricane” are approximate, For the "MEI = 30.5 ova, the acral eam period a represented by de des wind speed map inFig. 6-1, vanes frm 30 to approximately 90 year Foran MR ~ 500, te Covesion fcr thooretieally "exact as shown, 318 ASCE 7-08, STANDARD 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL LOADS The basic reference for computation of environ- ‘mental loads is the 1995 edition of ASCE 7. The re quirements of ASCE 7-95 shall be applied except as, ‘modified herein. ‘When an environmental loading is contained in another document acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction, written to address a specific material or ‘method of construction, the more applicable document shall be permitted to be followed. 6.1 Importance Factor: ‘During construction, the importance factor, I, shall be 1.0 forall environmental loads, regardless of what the importance factor is for the completed structure. 62 Wind Except as modified herein, wind loads shall be caloulated in accordance with procedures in ASCE 7- 95. Design wind pressures shall be based on design velocities calculated in accordance with Section 6.2.1, without increases to meet minimum design wind load- ing requirements of ASCE 7-95. 6.2.1 Design Velocity ‘The design wind speed shall be taken asthe fol- owing factor multiplied by the basic wind speed in ASCE 7-95: Construction Period Factor Tess than 6 weeks 0.75 feeks to 1 year og fo 2 years 0.85 2105 years 09 SEVASCE 37-02 COMMENTARY (C6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL LOADS. ‘This section deals with special issues of construc- tion and temporary structures for which the basic pro- cedures of ASCE 7-95 are to be modified. ‘The objective of this standard is to provide a level of safety during construction that is comparable to that of the completed structure. To achieve this, the proba- bility of aload exceeding the factored nominal con- struction load during the construction period should be roughly the same as that ofa load exceeding the fac- tored nominal design load during the projected life of the completed structure, Standards and other documents applicable to spe- cific materials or methods of construction have been de- ‘veloped and are recognized and used extensively (eg., AASHTO 1996; CALTRANS 1989; MCAA 2001). 6.1 Importance Factor The importance factor is 1.0 for all environmental Joads during construction, regardless ofthe occupancy ater construction. During construction, the primary o°- cupaney ofa building is by construction personnel. As such, the risk to loss of human life is comparable to that for Category Il buildings as defined in ASCE 7-95. €6.2 Wind ‘Structures shall be stabilized during construction to resist the wind loads specified in this section with full regard to all intermediate stages of construction. Information and guidance have been lacking in the United States on the selection of wind speeds and force coefficients on structures during construction (Ratay 1987). Limited research and development have been performed for the purpose of this standard (Boggs and. Peterka 1992; Rosowsky 1995). ‘Tf local conditions so dictate, and for certain haz~ ardous construction operations, it might be appropriate to apply a minimum wind pressure, such as 10 psf (0.48 kNim?), to design. €6.2.1 Design Velocity ‘Wind provisions are established such that (1.4)° X the construction design wind velocity should have the same likelihood of being exceeded in the construc- tion period (say 1 to 2 years) as (1.4) X the 50-year ‘mean recurrence interval design wind does in a 50-year period, The reduced construction period velocity fac- tors have been developed to achieve this objective (Boggs and Peterka 1992; Rosowsky 1995). 25

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