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N e w s l e t t e r

Unit 1, 2 Parker Hill, Rathmines Road, Dublin 6 (opposite the swimming pool)


Phone: 085 752 1220 OR 01 4977005 (Office hours)

Drop-In Hours: Monday and Thursday 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm



Hello Readers
Here we are in November already. The evenings are getting shorter, leaves are falling from the tress
and chestnuts are falling to the ground, the leaves are turning into magnificent colours. It is the

time of the year to get cosy, sit by the fire enjoying a nice cuppa with nice cosy socks on your feet.

Inside is a spread of our celebrations on World Mental Health Day among other interesting bits n
bogs. Enjoy this months newsletter everyone!

~ The Gateway Newsletter Team (new members wanted, please pop in on Thursdays 2.30-4.30pm)

Hello from Stephen...

Hello everyone; my name is Stephen and I am

I hope to do some work

here on my third year placement from Maynooth

with members that is of

University. I am really glad that I have been given interest and that will
the opportunity to experience community work

contribute to the

like this and with such a great team of people. I

greater experiences

have been studying Community and Youth work

of members and the project.

for two years now but before that I was working in

youth development as an outdoor pursuits
instructor in Cavan and spent two years studying
outdoor adventure sports.

A little about myself I have two cats and a dog.

I really enjoy getting out and about rock climbing
or kayaking; they are my ways of switching off
from the world and keeping fit. I also enjoy going

During my time with Gateway, I hope to really get to the cinema and I love to read fantasy books and
to know you all, get a better sense of community

books about exploration and adventures. I love

development and how mental health services in

cookery shows and Grand Designs.

Ireland work.

World Mental Health Day 2016

Monday the 10th October was World
Mental Day at Gateway where members
organised a great event and celebrated the
5 ways to wellbeing ...

Kate from


Mental Health Reform

John from
Dublin South City Partnership

with different activities based on these

taking place throughout the day.
We had great food and great company.
Richard was our brilliant MC for the day
introducing all the different activities and
BE ACTIVE We had great fun doing
Act the Maggot with Amy in the back
room. Oliver and Kevin also led a lovely
walk to the canal.
KEEP LEARNING We had three guest
speakers from the community providing
information on a range of topics which
included John Burns from Dublin South
City Partnership, Kate Mitchell from
Mental Health Reform and Jill OHerlihy
from Mental Health Ireland.

Music Group

Maria Johes,
Creative Writing Tutor CDETB

We had a terrific musical interlude from

Gateways music group with Maureen,
Clodagh and Margaret. The Keep
Learning section continued with readings
from our Creative Writing group and the
launch of Gateways short film with Tim
and the film and leadership group. We
also had a some time to discuss our
wellness tools where Kevin spoke on
gardening and Maureen about using a
wellness journal.
At 4pm for the TAKE NOTICE part, we
finished the day with a relaxing
mindfulness meditation circle with Carol.

Walking Group

Throughout the day there were lots of

chats and connections bringing us all
Another great World Mental Health Day
at Gateway!
Thanks so much Richard!

Getting to know you, getting to

know all about you Mary Q
1. What is the best thing that has happened
to you in the last 12 months? Gateway
2. If you had a super power, what would it
be? Fly to the moon
3. Can you tell us your 3 best traits?
Kindness, caring, helpful.
4. What do you value most in life? My
5. Name one thing you would like to
change about yourself? My Weight
6. Where would you like to visit?
Disneyland Florida
7. Name something you miss about your
childhood? Playing with toys
8. Name your three wishes? To be
healthy, happy
and carefree
9. What is your
favourite film?
Beaches with
Bette Middler

Members Hour, anyone?

Gateways members hour is on the third
Monday of the month between 2 .30 and
3.30 A member speaks on a topic that is of
interest to them as a result the topics are
very varied! In the past these talks have
included sharing wellness tools and
gardening. Members have also shared
information on things like thyroid illness
and OCD. If youd like to do on a
members hour, let others know at the
members meeting or say it to a project
worker when in drop in Good Luck!

The Iveagh Gardens
are open Monday to
Saturday 8 .00 to
15.30 and Sunday
10.00 to 4.00.
Palmerston Park
Monday to Thursday 10.00 to 17.00


Still meeting every Thursday at 1pm
and rockin some great tunes!! New
members wanted and welcome.
Its a lively and groovy space where
you dont have to think and you can
just sing
Come on give it a go!

Thanks and appreciation to all our supporters

Botanic Gardens
Monday to Friday 9.00 to 16.00
Saturday and Sunday 10.00 to 16.00
Oh and look out for the Merrion Square
Art Exhibition every Sunday!

MY MIND in Ranelagh is offering discounted

counselling services. Vouchers are available to
Gateway members at 10 per session for 5
sessions. Contact Gateway in confidence on 01-4977005.
Thank you to the ESB for supporting this service.

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