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Elysium on the Prairie

Character Questionnaire
By answering the following questions, you will help yourself and the Storytellers get
into the mind of your Character. This is meant to help you provide background,
purpose, and goals for your character as they begin playing within the game. By
completing this, players will net themselves 15 bonus experience points.
This questionnaire is streamlined, with few questions. However, these questions are
big ones, and encompass key concepts you should keep in mind when creating your
character. You should not only think carefully about each answer, but provide a
substantial or meaningful response. Dashing through this will not qualify for the
bonus experience.
There are some questions you may not actually know in character, but can establish
here. Who your Sire is, for example. Just note when needed what is In Character
knowledge and what remains to-be-discovered background information.
Player Name:

Character Name:

Mortal Ties
1) Who were you as a Mortal? When were you born? Where did you live? What
about your family? Describe what your life was like up until the Embrace.

2) Do you have any existing Mortal relationships? This can be family, a friend, a
lover, something else entirely. How do you interact and exist amongst the
Kine tonight?

The Embrace
3) Name and describe your Sire. When did you meet? How did you feel about
them? What sort of relationship did you have with them?

4) Why were you Embraced? What was it about you that made the extreme
effort worthwhile? Was there a benefit your Sire was hoping to gain? Was it
an action taken out of pity? Had you proven yourself somehow?

5) Describe the night of your Embrace. How was it done? What emotions were
going through you at that moment? What was one sound, smell, feeling, or
object that always reminds you of that night, even today?

The Danse
6) Describe your place within your Covenant. How did you first join? How do
you feel about them tonight? What are your goals within it? If you are not in
a Covenant, why have you rejected them, and what is your place within
Kindred Society without one?

7) How do you feel about your Clan? Describe a part of your personality that
you attribute to your Clan. How do you deal with your Clans disadvantage?

8) Name and describe the key Kindred in your history. What is your relationship
with them tonight? Are there any you would like us to use for plot purposes?

Coming to Champaign
9) What City did you spend most of your time in before Champaign? Describe
your best and worst moments while living there. What was your reputation
when you left?

Why did you come to Champaign? What drove you to the city? What
do you hope to gain by being here?

Name and set at least one short term and long term goal for you to
accomplish within Champaign. How do you think you could accomplish these
goals? This goal should involve other Player Characters in some way. (Ex:
As a Carthian, I wish to establish a Judicial System into the City )

Night to Night

Describe what you do on a night to night basis. Do you have hobbies?
A Job? How do you reconcile your Kindred existence with your day to day
life? What are you doing when not at gathering? Think beyond the simple
downtime actions that players take part in.

How do you behave in social situations? Are you confrontational? Do
you have any ticks or things that would stand out? Name some behaviors to
keep in mind as you play your character.

How do you feed? Describe the typical way in which you feed each
night. Do you target a certain group? Have a Herd? What do you do in times
of desperation?

The place a Kindred calls Haven is vital to their everyday existence. It
is where you will sleep each night, and one of your most guarded secrets.
Describe your Haven. Where is it located? How do you get in? How do you
keep it safeguarded from outsiders, as well as the Daylight?

Extras and Plots

Is there any other important personal information you would like the Storytellers to
know about your character? Any special details, ideas, or themes to keep in mind
you would like to explore?

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