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Israeli Standard SI 1246

ICS CODE: 67.140.10


This document is only a proposal

The Standards Institution of Israel

42 Chaim Levanon Street, Tel Aviv 69977, Israel, Tel +972-3-6465141 Fax +972-3-6412762


IS 1246 Draft (2004)

This standard has been approved by the Technical Committee 551 tea and infusion herbs, with the
following members:
Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce

Mirza Viano

Israeli Consumers Association

Oded Gingis

Manufacturers Association of Israel

Shlomo Gani, Shalom Zeidler, Yehonatan Ironi

The Agricultural Research Organization

Uzi Ravid

The Standard Institution of Israel

Rut Aradi

Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour

Carmela Shimoni

Israel Defense Forces

Rina Gorali

The Histadrut Consumers Authority

Ester Gavrieli, Nahum Prazot

The Food Service

Isolda Ben Yaakov (Chair)

Naftali Polak integrated the work for the Standard preparation.

IS 1246 Draft (2004)

Revision notification
This Standard replaces
Israeli Standards IS 1246 of September 1984
Amendment n. 1 of May 2002
Food products, tea
Standard updates
Israeli Standards undergo revision from time to time, at least once every five years, in order to ensure
they are up to date with the developments in science and technology.
Users of Standards shall make sure they hold the updated edition of the Standard and its correction
A document that is published in the records as correction sheet can be a separate correction sheet, or a
correction that is integrated in the Standard.
Official status of Standard
It is necessary to check if the document is official, or if parts of it are official. Official Standards / official
correction sheets (fully or in part) come into force 60 days from the day the notice is published in the
records, unless the notice sets a later date.
Standards Mark
Any manufacturer that manufactures a product that fulfils the requirements of the relevant Israeli
Standards, has the right, by permission of The Standards Institution of Israel, to mark it with a Standards
This Standard or parts of this Standard cannot be photocopied, copied or published by any means,
without the written advance express permission from The Standards Institution of Israel.

IS 1246 Draft (2004)

Table of Contents
Chapter A General Matters............................................................................................................. 5

Applicability of Standard....................................................................................................... 5


References........................................................................................................................... 5


Definitions............................................................................................................................. 6


Classification........................................................................................................................ 7

Chapter 2 Requirements................................................................................................................. 7

General requirements........................................................................................................... 7


Origin substance.................................................................................................................. 8


Additives............................................................................................................................... 8


Distribution and packaging................................................................................................... 8


Transportation and storage................................................................................................... 9


Marking................................................................................................................................. 9


Content................................................................................................................................. 10


Composition of black tea...................................................................................................... 10


Size of tea leaves in the product.......................................................................................... 11


Additives content.................................................................................................................. 11


Microbiological requirements................................................................................................ 11


Micro toxins content.............................................................................................................. 12


Compliance with the Standard.............................................................................................. 12

Chapter 3 Testing methods............................................................................................................ 13


Content test.......................................................................................................................... 13


Testing the composition of black tea.....................................................................................14


Testing the size of tea leaves............................................................................................... 14


Testing the additives content................................................................................................ 14


Microbiological test............................................................................................................... 14


Testing for micro toxins......................................................................................................... 15

IS 1246 Draft (2004)

Chapter A General Matters

1.1 Applicability of Standard
This Standard applies to tea (hereafter: the product) as defined in Article 1.3.5.

1.2 References
Standards and documents referred to in this Standard (In the case of undated Standards and documents
the latest edition will apply):
Israeli Standards
IS 885 Part 1

- Microbiological test methods for foodstuffs sampling for microbiological tests

IS 885 Part 8

- Microbiological test methods for foodstuffs: yeast and mould count

IS 1059

- Tolerances for weight and volume of pre-packaged food products

IS 1145

- Labelling of pre-packaged food

IS 1384

- Dried plants for brewing infusion beverages

Israeli Documents
Public Health Regulations (food) (pesticide residue) 1991, regulations collection 5337 dated 25-02-1991
or any other rule that will replace these regulations.
Public Health Regulations (food) (micro toxins in food) 1996, regulations collection 5744 dated 30-041996 or any other rule that will replace these regulations.
International Standards
ISO 1572: 1980 Tea Preparation of ground sample of known dried matter content
ISO 1573: 1980 Tea Determination of loss in mass at 103 C
ISO 1575: 1987 Tea Determination of total ash
ISO 1576: 1988 Tea Determination of water-soluble ash and water-insoluble ash
ISO 1577: 1987 Tea Determination of acid-insoluble ash
ISO 1578: 1975 Tea Determination of alkalinity of water-soluble ash
ISO 3103: 1980 Tea Preparation of liquor for use in sensory test
ISO 3310-1: 2000 Test sieves Technical requirements and testing
Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth
ISO 3720: 1986 Black tea Definition and basic requirements
Technical corrigendum 1: 1992
ISO 6078: 1982 Black tea Vocabulary

IS 1246 Draft (2004)

ISO 9768: 1994 Tea Determination of water extract

Technical corrigendum 1: 1998
ISO 15598: 1999 Tea Determination of crude fibre content
Foreign Documents
AOAC Official methods of analysis of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL 16th edition 1995
FAO/WHO Compendium of food additive specifications
FCC Food Chemical Codex
21 CFR Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, USA

1.3 Definitions
The following definitions apply to this Standard:

The total packaging units and their content, that are in a single place, have a single weight, contain a
single kind of product, manufactured by a single manufacturer and were packaged within a single
packaging week.


All specimens taken randomly from one portion, for the purpose of determining compliance with the


A quantity of a product that has been taken for testing from a packaging unit, or a whole packaging unit
taken for testing.


Absolute requirement
A requirement to which non-compliance of even a single specimen results in non-compliance to the
Standard of the whole portion.


A product extracted exclusively from the plant Camellia sinensis and its varieties


Green tea
Tea leaves that have not fermented and have been dried when green. The product resulting from the
infusion of these leaves is a yellow-greenish tea.


Oolong tea
Tea leaves that have partially fermented and then dried, the resulting product from the infusion of these
leaves is a dark tea.

IS 1246 Draft (2004)


Black tea
Tea produced by acceptable methods, especially fermentation and drying, and is produced exclusively
from the leaves, buds and soft stalks of the Camellia sinensis (Linnaeus) O. Kuntze plant variety, which is
known to be suitable for the production of drinking tea.


Packaging unit
A pack containing a single food unit, or containing several food units that are normally distributed and sold

1.3.10 Retail sale

The sale of a product directly to the consumer.
1.3.11 Consumer
A person purchasing the product for any purpose, including institutional consumption, with the exception
of production and sale.

1.4 Classification
The product shall be classified according to the form of packaging and level of fermentation during
production, as follows:

By packaging form Tea leaves in retail packaging; In bags.

By level of fermentation in production process Black tea; Oolong tea; Green tea

IS 1246 Draft (2004)

Chapter 2 Requirements
2.1 General requirements

The product shall be made exclusively from leaves of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) in its
varieties, with the exception of stated additives. The product shall be uniform and typical in
colour, without any added colouring. The products fragrance shall be typical, not rancid and
without any foreign fragrance. The product shall not contain foreign substances or bodies with
the exception of the permitted additives. The fragrance, flavour and colour of the beverage
produced shall be typical to tea of the declared variety. The beverage shall be clear.


General requirements for black tea

The beverage prepared for the purpose of evaluation of fragrance, flavour and colour, shall be prepared in
the method described in the International Standard ISO 3103-1980.
The evaluation shall be described in the test report, making use of the terms defined in the International
Standard ISO 6078-1982.

2.2 Origin substance

Origin substances for the production of the product shall be tea leaves that have been (according to
product variety) through withering, rolling, fermentation 1 and drying processes. The origin substance shall
be clean from foreign plant or other substances, insects and insect parts.

2.3 Additives
The following additives can be added to tea:

Plant parts Dried jasmine flowers Dried mint leaves Dried plant parts, approved by the certified authority

Other additives Bergamot oil Citric acid or lemon essential oil Flavour and fragrance extracts

With the exception of green tea, that does not go through fermentation.

IS 1246 Draft (2004)

The additives shall match the stated and shall be of a quality suitable for use in food products; they shall not be
spoiled or contain insects or insect parts or foreign substances. In plant additives, as in the case of mint leaves,
the level of pesticides shall not exceed the level permitted by the certified authority 2. The additives shall comply
with the requirements of the up to date Israeli Standards and Regulations, and in their absence to the
requirements of the latest edition of the Food Chemicals Constitution of the National Academy of Science in the
United States, or to the requirements of the Compendium of food additive specifications of the FAO/WHO.


Distribution and packaging

Tea for retail consumption shall be distributed in packaging packed by the manufacturer, which content
is as specified in Article 2.7. Tea shall not be distributed unpacked.
2.4.1 The product shall be packaged in closed packaging: a metal box or package made of another material,
that is made of several layers, that will protect the product against contamination, spillage, moisture of
foreign fragrances.
The packaging shall maintain the organoleptic traits typical to the product, shall not add to the product
any flavour, colour or fragrance and shall not contaminate the product. The packaging would not be
opened without damaging its permeability.
2.4.2 The paper used for the production of tea bags shall allow the filtration of the tea extract through it without
allowing passage of tealeaves or tea powder granules. Paper fibres shall not remain in the beverage in
the process of infusion and no flavour, fragrance of colour shall be added to it.
Sealing of the bag shall be by heat soldering, gluing, metal pins (made from material approved by the
certified authority to come into contact with food) by folding their edges after inserting them into the bag
or by any other means, provided that the sealing method ensures the integrity of the bag.
2.4.3 The string for the bag, if such exists, shall be made of cotton, aluminium foil, or other material approved
for use in food by the certified authority. The dye of the string shall be food colouring. The string shall be
attached to the bag by heat soldering, gluing, metal pins by folding their edges after inserting them into
the bag or by any other means.
The length of the string shall allow convenient hanging of the bag during beverage preparation and
easy removal of the bag from the cup when infusion is complete.
2.4.4 The packaging material shall comply with the requirements of Israeli Standards and Regulations, and in
their absence, to the requirements for food packaging materials of the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) in the United States, as specified in CFR 21.


Transportation and storage

At all stages of transportation and storage, the product shall be in a place that is shaded, dry, clean and
protected from moisture. The product shall be transported and stored in adequate sanitary conditions, that
shall prevent contamination of the product, spoilage and damage to the packaging.

As specified in Public Health Regulations (food) (pesticide residue) 1991, regulations collection 5337

dated 25-02-1991 or any other rule that will replace these regulations.

IS 1246 Draft (2004)




The marking requirements of Israeli Standard IS 1145 apply to this product, with the following

Product name (Article 4 in IS 1145) shall include the word tea and shall provide a correct description
of the nature of the product. In a product that contains natural additives such as: dry jasmine leaves, dry mint leaves or essential
oils, the word tea shall be marked with the addition of the additive, as mentioned in Article 2.3 Tea that includes artificial flavour and fragrance extracts, shall be marked . Flavour tea, with the
addition of the flavour and fragrance name.

No words implying superior quality, including: prime, fine, special and so on, can be used,
either in Hebrew or in any other language.

2.6.3 Ingredients (Article 8 in IS 1145)

It must be stated whether flavour and fragrance extracts added to the product are natural or artificial.
2.6.2 The date shall be stated as specified in Article 9 in IS 1145
2.6.3 Storage instructions
2.6.4 Bags marking The tea bags string shall be marked with the name or registered trademark of the manufacturer,
distributor, packer or importer. The dye used for such marking shall be food colouring.
In a bag without a string, the identification mark of the manufacturer, distributor or packer shall be
imprinted on the bag. If the product is destined for retail consumption, and the single tea bag is contained within an external
paper bag the external paper bag shall be marked with the name of the product, the name of the
manufacturer or the distributor or the packer and with the weight of the tea within the bag.


In testing, in accordance with Article 3.1, the product (destined for retail consumption see Articles 1.3.10
and 1.3.11) shall comply with the following requirements:

2.7.1 A product of type

The content of a product of type shall be one of the following weights: 50 g, 100 g, 125 g, 200 g,
250 g, 500 g and 1 kg. Weight exceeding 1 kg shall be as agreed between the customer and the supplier.
The actual content shall comply with the Israeli Standard IS 1059 for easy to fill products (group B).
2.7.2 A product of type

IS 1246 Draft (2004)

The content of a product of type shall be one of the following weights: 1g, 1.5 g, 2 g, and 2.5 g.
The actual content shall comply with the Israeli Standard IS 1059 for hard to fill products (group C).


Composition of black tea

The requirements of this Article apply only to black tea (types and destined for retail
consumption. In testing in accordance with Article 3.2, the product shall comply with the composition
requirements specified in Table 1.
The values specified in Articles 2.8.1 2.8.6 relate to substance that has been dried in a drying oven at a
temperature of (1032) C in the method described in the International Standard ISO 1572-1980
Table 1



Water extract
Total ash


Water-soluble ash

- % in weight, min.
- % in weight, min.
- % in weight of the
total ash, min
- % in weight, min
- % in weight, max
- % in weight, max
- % in weight, max
- mg to kg, max
- mg to kg, max
- % in weight, min


Black Tea

Alkalinity of water1
soluble ash
Acid-insoluble ash
Lead(a) (b) (c)
Cadmium(a) (b) (c)
2.8.10 Caffeine(c)
Comments to the table:
(a) The requirements for lead and cadmium content are absolute (see definition 1.3.4)
(b) If there is a contradiction between the stated requirements for lead and for cadmium in this
Standards and those stated in the Public Health Regulations (food) relating to these
substances in products that fall under this Standard, the requirement of the Public Health
Regulations (food) shall apply (these regulations, that are concerned with heavy metals, are in
preparation at the time of publishing of this Standard).
(c) Checked only in case of doubt or by special request.


Size of tea leaves in the product


Tea leaves in retail packaging (type

In testing, in accordance with Article 3.3, at least 97 percent of the total specimen weight shall remain on
a sieve with a nominal aperture size of 300 micrometer.

Tea leaves in bags (type

In testing, in accordance with Article 3.3, at least 96 percent of the total specimen weight shall remain on
a sieve with a nominal aperture size of 180 micrometer.

For technical requirements for sieves, see the International Standard ISO 3310-1200

IS 1246 Draft (2004)


Additives content
In testing, in accordance with Article .4, the additives content shall be as follows:

In a product containing jasmine flowers, the content of dry jasmine flowers shall be 15%-30% in weight;
2.10.1 In a product containing mint, the mint content shall be 20%-30% in weight;
2.10.2 The content of any remaining additives shall be as required by the certified authority.

2.11 Microbiological requirements

In testing, in accordance with Article 3.5, the mould count shall be as specified:

In green tea

less than 10,000 in 1g.

In Oolong tea

less than 1000 in 1g

In black tea

less than 1000 in 1g

2.12 Micro toxins content

In testing, in accordance with Article 3.6, the content shall comply with the micro toxins requirements of
other foods according to the regulations on micro toxins in food4.

2.13 Compliance with the Standard

2.13.1 Compliance of a portion to the Standard
In order to determine whether or not a product portion complies with the Standard, the following
procedure is carried out:
Three random samples are taken from the portion as follows:
Sample 1

- to test the compliance with the content requirements (Article 2.7);

Sample 2

- to test the compliance with all Standard requirements, with the exception of the content
requirements (Article 2.7) and microbiological requirements (Article 2.11)

Sample 3

- to test the compliance with microbiological requirements (Article 2.11)

The specimens for Sample 1 can be used also as specimen for Sample 2 and Sample 3

Public Health Regulations (food) (micro toxins in food) 1996, regulations collection 5744 dated 30-04-

1996 or any other rule that will replace these regulations.


IS 1246 Draft (2004) Sample 1
A random sample of 20 specimens packaged in their original packaging is taken from the portion. The
content of type product is tested as required by Israeli Standard IS 1059 for easy to fill
products (Group B). The content of type product is tested as required by Israeli Standard IS
1059 for hard to fill products (Group C). Compliance with the requirements of Article 2.7 is tested. Sample 2
A random sample, of the size specified in Table 2, column 2 is taken from the portion. Compliance of
the specimens in the sample with all the requirements of the Standard that apply to Sample 2 is
The portion complies with the requirements of the Standard that apply to Sample 2, if the number of
defective specimens is no larger than the acceptance value specified in Table 2, column 3.
The portion does not comply with the requirements of the Standard that apply to Sample 2, if the
number of defective specimens is equal to or larger than the rejection value specified in Table 2,
column 4.
Table 2
Number of packaging units
Portion size
Sample size
Up to 500
15000 and over


3 Sample 3
Three specimens are taken from the portion, as specified in the Israeli Standard IS 885, part 1. The
compliance of each specimen with the microbiological requirements is tested (Article 2.11)
The potion complies with the requirements of the Standard that apply to Sample 3, if all three
samples comply with the microbiological requirements. Compliance regulations
The portion complies with the Standard if all samples taken from the portion have been checked and
found to comply to all Standard requirements, according to the following rules:
A. Sample 1 complied with the content requirements according to Article 2.7
B. Sample 2 complied with all Standard requirements, with the exception of the content
requirements and the microbiological requirements, according to the acceptance number
specified in Table 2.
C. Sample 3 complied with the microbiological requirements according to Article 2.11


IS 1246 Draft (2004)

2.13.2 Compliance of one packaging unit with the Standard

In order to determine whether or not a single packaging unit complies with the Standard, its compliance
with all Standard requirements is tested. With regards to the content the surplus or deficiency shall not
exceed the values stated in Articles and in the Israeli Standard IS 1059
The packaging unit complies with the Standard if it complies with all its requirements. The packaging unit
does not comply with the Standard if it does not comply to any one of its requirements, even if it is a part
of a packaging unit portion that was found to comply with the Standard according to Article 2.13.1

Chapter 3 Testing methods

3.1 Content test
The content is tested in the accepted method, by deducting the weight of the packaging (including tea
bags in a product of type from the total weight. The net weight of each specimen from the sample
is tested. Afterwards, the average net weight of al specimens in the sample is calculated.
Determining the weight of the packaging shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of
Article 5 of the Israeli Standard IS 1059.

3.2 Testing the composition of black tea

The composition of black tea is tested as described in Table 3. the detailed tests in the table shall be
conducted on each ground specimen, that has been prepared as specified in the International Standard
ISO 1572-1980.
Table 3

Water extract
Total ash
Water-soluble ash
Alkalinity of water-soluble ash
Acid-insoluble ash





Testing in accordance with

ISO 9768: 1994
ISO 1575: 1987
ISO 1576: 1988
ISO 1578: 1987
ISO 1577: 1987
ISO 15598: 1999
ISO 1573: 1980
AOAC 972.25(a)
AOAC 934.07(a)
AOAC 945.58(a)
AOAC 973.34(a)
AOAC 972.16(a)
AOAC 925.17(a)
AOAC 969.15(a)


IS 1246 Draft (2004)

Comment to the table:

(a) a number of official testing methods from the AOAC official testing methods book.

3.3 Testing the size of tea leaves

Specimens weighing 100 g are taken. Each specimen is divided into four sub-specimen weighing 25 g
each. The specimens are sifted using a standard sieve 3 according to the type of the product (as specified
in Article 2.9) by efficient shaking during three minutes at least. The quantity of material left on the sieve is
weighed. For each specimen an average value of the remaining material is calculated, expressed in
percentage of the weight of the tea that had been sifted.

3.4 Testing the additives content

The jasmine flowers or mint leaves are removed manually from the product. They are weighed and their
compliance with the requirements of Article 2.10 is tested. If necessary, a magnifying glass or other
equipment can be used to remove the additives from the product.

3.5 Microbiological test

The mould is counted as specified in the Israeli Standard IS 885 Part 8.

3.6 Testing for micro toxins

Tested as specified in the regulations relating to micro toxins in food 5.


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