November 2016

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EYFS discussing what they might like to learn about over the next few weeks.

November 2016
Dear Parents and Carers,
A big thank you for your support of school and the effective partnerships which were established with
teachers during our recent Parents Evenings. It was great to see so many parents in school discussing
their childs learning and development, celebrating their strengths and finding out how to provide further
support. The staff found it a really positive way of ensuring that we can all learn from each other to help
every child achieve their very best both academically and socially.
In my recent discussions with pupils following their class assemblies, pupils talked about how valued they
feel by not only their own families but by all adults who come into school to celebrate their learning. Having
people there to applaud them, to listen and to value what they say helps pupils feel really special. We
have shared, during the term, the work of every class and it is a tribute to every pupil that they have the
social skills to speak confidently to audiences, support each other and have a team ethos after only a few
weeks of working together.
Individual Pupil photos
It was wonderful to see pupils looking really smart for their photos this morning. We will get the proofs sent
home as soon as possible so that if you want to, you can order photos ready to give as Christmas presents.
We will also be using the photos to update the Pupils Achievement Mountain pictures as some of the
children have changed considerably since their photos were put on it! It will be great that once again every
child has got an updated photo!
Children in Need
The School Council has organised a multi-coloured non-uniform day on Friday 18th November to raise
money for Children in Need. All pupils are invited to come dressed in bright colours to show their individual
support of Children in Need. Fun Golden time activities on the day will also be Children in Need themed!
We cant wait to see what pupils choose to wear when they enjoy the opportunity to come dressed in nonuniform!
School Admissions
To help us to allocate EYFS places and plan for the next couple of years, the EYFS staff would really
appreciate it if you could let us know if you have a pre-school aged child who may require a place in EYFS.
Ideally we would ask for children to be aged 6 months and over when they go on the waiting list, once on
the list, families will be invited to EYFS community events and be notified of when they may be offered a
place (usually in the terms after a childs third birthday). If you would like your child to be placed on the
EYFS waiting list, please would you contact the school office on 01427 880409 or email
Unfortunately, pupil admission into our EYFS does not guarantee a fulltime place in school. Applications for
all fulltime school admissions are controlled by Nottinghamshire County Council School Admissions
Department. Details of how to apply for school places is on the school website in the Policies tab, under
admissions or you can contact NCC directly by phone or on their website.
Some families have recently been concerned that the sibling rule has been removed as a criteria for out of
catchment siblings, this is still the case however it is being contested by a Nottinghamshire parents group
Fairness4siblings, we will keep you informed in case the situation changes in the future.
The Admissions consultation process for Y7 admissions to Secondary Schools in September 2018 has
opened. Tuxford Academy are consulting on their admission arrangements as they would like to include
North Wheatley C of E Primary as a dual feeder primary school. This does not affect the strong links and
feeder school status that North Wheatley has with The Elizabethan Academy. We continue to work closely

with the Elizabethan Family of Schools to ensure that pupils from across the family of schools have the very
best opportunities made available to them as well as ensuring that staff can access the very best
professional development opportunities.
Remembrance Sunday Collection
Pupils through school raised a fantastic amount this year for the Royal British Legion. The new wrist bands
and bracelets proved extremely popular as the School Council discovered when they sold the various items
at breaktime! A grand total of 135.00 was raised which will be sent to the Royal British Legion.
Parents forum 19th October 8.30am in the school hall
Mr Smith and Mrs Balmer led our second Parents Forum of the year on the 19th October, although they
had really productive discussions with the few parents who attended, they were disappointed that not many
parents took the opportunity to discuss school issues with them. The next meeting is on Wednesday 18th
January, they hope that more parents will use this opportunity to celebrate the schools strengths and find
solutions to things they find less successful!
PTFA update
The PTFA have continued to work hard over the past few weeks. The EDF Energy Power surge runs
proved very popular and raised nearly 2,200 for school. The Christmas Cards and Tea towels have been
a huge success with many families taking the opportunity to celebrate their childs artistic skills whilst also
supporting the school and the PTFA. Approximately 300 has been raised through this new venture.
Thank you!
A lot of work has gone into the Christmas Fayre and Extravaganza which will be held in the Village Hall on
the 25th November, they hope this event will provide an opportunity for parents, families and members of
the community to come together to start their Christmas Celebrations. I know they would really appreciate
your support so if you could help to run a stall or offer prizes please do speak to Fran or Nikki in the
playground. Remember that all monies raised help provide your children with experiences or resources
that they wouldnt get otherwise.
Up and Coming Events in School
The term leading up to Christmas is also a busy one in school. Below is a reminder of the important dates
in our school calendar.
18th November Children in Need
24th November Full Governors meeting
25th November PTFA Christmas Fayre and Extravangza, pupils may come to school in Christmas
jumpers instead of their school jumpers.
2nd December Class 3 visit to the Hepworth Gallery
5th December pm intra school Gym Competition hosted by NWPS.
9th December EYFS nativity for parents
13th December - Class 2 visit to Lincoln Collection
14th December EYFS visit to Lincoln theatre
14th December PTFA disco from 4.15pm to 5.45pm. Please note pupils need to be dropped off and
collected at these times.
15th December KS1 Christmas Production
16th December Christmas lunch for pupils
19th December Pupils Christmas party
20th December KS2 Christingle service in Church and school closes for Christmas
4th January School reopens after Christmas holidays

As always, my door is open if you do have a concern or something fabulous to share, do pop in and let us
know. We can only try and solve issues if we know about them!
All the very best,


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