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The reflective theory propagated by Schn (1991) helps me identify and decipher learning and
development in action and on action, that is, while performing the act as well as after the
completion of the act through a method of engaging in continuous learning process from the
events that happen and the activities that I engage in on a daily basis. This conscious reflection
on my experiences and the development of insights into various events and activities that I am
influenced by and I myself influence in the course of day to day existence helps me in effective
practice based development and understanding.
This also guides me in interpreting and examining my own actions via-a-vis the actions of others
in context to various events that take place and the experiences that I gain from them, from time
to time.
This particular book explains the various facets of reflective learning and its implementation into
professional personal learning and development and helps me put things into perspective through
the interpretation and examination of the various events that I experience on a day to day basis
through the aspects of reflection in and reflection on action. The author has opined that the
reflection in action refers to the aspects of being subjected to the experience, engaging in the
thinking process at that point of time and acting on the event or activity taking place at that
moment. While, the reflection on action deals with the aspects of engaging into thinking about
what has already happened, about what different would you do in the next occasion of such an
event and engaging in the performance of the act and the time needed for the same.
Marchal (2010) refers to the studies based on auto ethnography as being grounded on the
confluence of ethnography and autobiography where it would enable me to collate personal
accounts and experiences with the aspects that I need to take into account in my professional
work. Self-observation and reflective investigation being integral components of auto
ethnography, this would allow me to interpret my lifes past and present accounts and help me
implement and apply the learning and development that I have been able to delve from such
experiences in to the professional field of working and in the development of the professional
identity and voice that I envisage to develop.

Chang (2008), refers to the use of the tool of human creativity as an useful tool to incorporate
and inculcate a culture of innovation, out of box thinking and creative practices in the
organizations not only for the personal professional development of the individual but also for
the peer members and subordinates working as a team or with other teams within the department.
This emanates that the use of the auto ethnographical and creativity based account of my
personal experience insight development and reflective investigation has enabled me to develop
deeper insights and develop a comprehensive understanding of the social, cultural, political and
psychological developments and the dynamics of the state of affairs that mark my day to day life.
Bolton (2005), refers to the use of creative thinking ad insight development as a key tool to help
my development of the attributes and virtues need for me to excel in the envisaged field of work
and meet the envisaged aims and objectives and meet the goals that I have set for myself in the
pursuance of my professional development and advancement.
Brockbank and McGill (2012) refers to the concept of evocative auto ethnography that helps me
to have valuable insights into events and activities that take place and which I engage from time
to time and develop a multi-layered conscious. Reflective and investigative account of the
various activities and events, taken together as well as in their individual implications and
The use of the concept of evocative auto ethnography assist me in establishing logical and easy
to understand links between my upbringing and family background and the envisaged
professional aims that I aspire to meet in the course of my academic and professional endeavor.
My parents being in the teaching profession, I was brought up in a well-disciplined and wellstructured environment with my parents always emphasizing on values, string moral and ethical
principles and relentless hard work to achieve what I aspire to. As a matter of fact, my father has
been my role-model for his dedication, determination and strong moral and ethical values that
have enabled him to develop into such a successful professional and more importantly, for him,
for me as well as for the society, as a respected human being.
My family background and my upbringing have been important factors that have helped me into
what I am presently and what I aspire to be in the future. As such, the evocative auto

ethnography concept helps me to a great extent in linking my past experiences with my present
state and my future ventures and aspirations and expectations.
So far the use of meta[hors to describe my own life is concerned, I have been very much
interested and intrigued in exploring the real meaning of my life as it stands today and as I want
it to be in some time from now. I have learned that the use of metaphors to define life helps guide
our behavior, way of thinking, mental and emotional affiliations and shape and mold us as
human beings.
I have used the metaphor, Life is like a butterfly; take rest but never forget to fly. The use of this
particular metaphor has enabled me to reflect on and investigate the colorful journey called life,
much alike the life of butterflies hovering on colorful flowers and buds, and has taught me to
believe in the power of dreams and never forget to wake up and fly again for the pursuit of even
greater dreams and to face even greater challenges that life has in store for me. The use of this
metaphor also signifies my belief that some point of life you definitely need to take rest and
recount and take calculated steps forward or even backwards, if need be so, but never stop
progressing along the designated path of your dreams, come what may.
To investigate and further explore the value and meaning of life and the ways personal
experiences can be used effectively as source of the guiding light for our future ventures, I have
used the analytic auto ethnography to be able to analyze and critically assess the different events,
the role played by others, by myself and the ways others or myself or both could have acted and
the expected result out of the ordeal. The use of the tool of analytic auto ethnography has helped
me develop out of the box and innovative thinking and interpretations skills that I believe would
be essential and valuable assets in my professional advancement post my completion of my
MBA program that I am currently pursuing and would help me move an inch further in
equipping myself to the best extent possible to fulfill my dream of working as marketing
executive for a reputed firm at the UK.
To develop better investigate and reflective skills I have referred to the concept referred to by
Baker (2012) with reference to the famous Kolbs model of learning cycle with emphasis on the
concepts of concrete experience and abstract conceptualization. Using these concepts I have
developed a better and more in-depth understanding of the aspects of the need to develop clear
and solid conceptualization from feelings or concrete experiences and the means to apply the

learning outcomes to the practical scenario so far my pursuance of professionalism is concerned.

The sue of the concept propagated by Schn helps me in the effective understanding and
implementation of the learning and experiences in the field of team work and professional
conduct within the organizational settings and the ways to incorporate the findings in my
envisaged field of work, the marketing execution and coordination of the activities of various
employees and managers under me. The use of the tool of reflective writing in line with the
concept developed by Schn also assists me in the efficient understanding and interpretation of
the skills and attributes that would be indispensable for my role as a marketing executive and
more importantly, in the assessment of my current skill levels against the envisaged standards.
The have incorporated the use of the various learning and investigative tools that I have
mentioned above in the course of my development of reflective-analytical skills that would
enable me reflect upon my identity and voice of my professional identity and distinctiveness in
the future. My role as a reflector has also been used by me in the successful conduction of the
activities that I have mentioned and in the effective development and enhancement of skills and
attributes that I believe would enable me become a better professional in the days to come when
I would be placed within the organizational settings.

Standing tall in spite of all odds

It was one of the coldest days of my stay in London and the sharp winds seemed to freeze even
the hottest of volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands. Draped in the thickest armor pitched against
cold, myself, along with three other classmates stood facing the gigantic and imposing faade of
the majestic Buckingham Palace which used to be the seat of power that once ruled the world.
The spectacular view of the milky white Buckingham Palace was a treat to the eyes and the way
the palace stood signified the immense authority and enigma it stood for and commanded and
still does. The magnificent and unmatched craftsmanship of the masons who built the palace in a
sense, personified the palace in a brides beauty and enthralled us as we found ourselves
engrossed into the grandeur and beauty of the majestic structure and its glorified symbolism.
As we took a walk along the large royal pathways the movement of my eyes caught something
that had stood still, unrelenting and like a statue throughout the time we were at the palace.

Dressed in pale grey with shining bayonets over their shoulders, the Queens Guards stood firm
absolutely indifferent to our presence or the extremity of the weather and the chill of the breeze.
As we moved closer I could have a glance at the face of the soldier who stood straight, chest out,
chin up gazing towards infinity, as if symbolizing the fact that they were the very pillars on
which the majestic structure of the palace rested, and very rightly so. Unmoved and undeterred,
they personified unflinching devotion to duty and rightfulness to the immense responsibility, the
society and the countrymen have bestowed upon them.
This experience took me over to another world as I took out time for myself to think and reflect
on the experience, of the imposing palace and the soldier.

The spectacular sight of the large,

grand and majestic Buckingham palace made me believe in the power of dreams as I believed the
palace to be a symbolic representation of my dreams, large, majestic, carefully crafted and
meticulously carved, standing tall amidst everything and the soldier as myself, relentless,
hardworking and unflinching towards my aims, unmoved and undeterred by the adversaries of
life that keep on coming one after the other, represented well by the chilling breeze.
As I was totally engrossed in to the grandeur and beauty of the sight and the depth of my
pensiveness, I felt a gentle pat on my shoulder which startled me but only to find out my
classmate asking me to come ahead and visit the museum inside the palace.
As my classmates walked and I followed down the tracks made some hundreds of years ago for
carriage horses meant for the queen and the dignitaries, I could feel the vibrancy and power of
the place engulf me as I reflected on my experience time and again seeking to delve the learning
I developed from the same.
This experience helped me rejuvenate to a great extent and enable me to rededicate myself to my
dream and urged me to be fearless and untiring towards the achievement of my aim. This
dedication and boost of confidence are regarded by me as being the most essential fundamental
factors that would guide me to tread along my designated path and achieve what I have dreamt of
my whole life. Once in the professional setting, this experience would help me have a positive
and zealous view towards the way forward encouraging myself as well as others to take on new
challenges and tasks enthusiastically and develop the never give up spirit.

The essence of life is in motion

As out tourist cab took us atop the bridge over the river Thames I could see the magnificent
Westminster building in the center of all the hustle and bustle of the city as if claiming its spot on
the dais as being the winner of the beauty pageant among all the competitors in the form of other
heritage buildings in the heart of the city. As we tool out steps further after absorbing the charm
and grandeur of the city, we waited along the sideways of the bridge with myself engrossed in to
the ever flowing and relentless silvery flowing waters of the river. As the river flowed and the
breeze caused ripples over its surface the water shined in a graceful manner as if asking for
compliments for its graceful movements and never rest attitude.
As I tied to look beyond the horizon, my eyes caught the sight of the London Eye, which as if in
an effort to match steps with the mighty Thames, moved untiringly bringing joy to hundreds of
people who boarded its capsules to have a lifetime experience. The sight of the Thames, the
London eye and the usual hustle and bustle of the city with the Westminster building at the center
created an aura that was sure to absorb even the most indifferent human being on earth. The ever
flowing Thames, ever cycling London Eye and the Westminster building seemed to me as if it
was lifes story to keep on moving through the annals of time and never stop, to claim the best
life has to offer, represented by the grandeur and centered location of the building.
Suddenly, my concentration and hypnotization was disturbed by a shrill honk and upon seeing
around I found our guide honking me to come along and my classmates waving their hands out
to call me over.
The experience of the sightseeing along the Thames, as we drove past the bridge and the amazing
sights and sounds of the city, has been one to relish for me as it took me to another world and
enabled me relate the things to investigation and interpretation in such a manner so as to devolve
learning and development outcomes from the same and relate them to my daily life activities and
endeavors. The sights and sounds and the vibrancy of what I experienced on my sightseeing trip
to the Thames made me realize that the essence of life rests on motion and we are alive till we
keep on moving towards our aims unfearful of the challenges and barriers we are sure to face on
our way. The Westminster building stood as a golden trophy meant for the relentless and untiring
who embrace the challenges life offers and turn them into footsteps to move further towards the

envisioned aims of life, reflected through the beauty and graceful movements of the Thames and
London Eye.
The implications of the insights that I am able to get from the experience would be helpful so far
my professional aims are concerned and would guide me along the path of continuous
improvement and growth to be able to equip myself as a professional and meet the challenges
that I would be needed to be faced and effectively tackled by professionals in the organization,
especially for the marketing executives who have to deal with volatile marketing environment
dynamics and evolving and ever changing attitudinal and behavioral trends of the customers. As
such, the learning and the lesson that I learned from the Thames and the London Eye would
beneficial for me in the course of my professional development and advancement.
The reflection and investigative learning that I have been able to perform through my
experiences in the UK have been instrumental in enabling me to learn to adapt and improvise as
per the needs and requirements that the changing and ever evolving situations demand. The
aspects of determination, dedication, confidence, ability to continuous evolve and develop have
been the major areas where the reflective and investigative learning has helped me and I expect
the application of the lessons learnt and learning outcomes arrived at would continuously guide
me through the course of profession which I expect to be able to enter into post completion of
my final semester of my MBA course. The aspects of confidence, creativity, innovation,
determination, continuous improvement and unflinching dedication would enable me to be a
successful marketing executive one day and would enable me to grow and evolve as a person as
well as a professional.
The usefulness of reflective and evocative auto ethnography has been manifest in the manner in
which the learning outcomes have been effective and efficient in enabling me to develop deep
insights into the events and experiences that I have been a part of through these years and has
also enabled me to develop ways to relate such learnings with my practical activities and my
professional realm of activities which has been instrumental in teaching me useful lessons
personified by the subjects and objects that have been at the center of the events that I have
mentioned in the preceding sections of this assignment. The account of the reflective
investigative learning has hence, been an effective tool to aid me in my professional
advancement and development and I am quite sure that the account of my learning will be an

useful tool for me to excel in my life and learn further from the activities and events that I have
reflected on.

Baker, M. (2012). The effect of Kolb's experiential learning model on successful secondary
student intelligence and student motivation.
Bolton, G. (2005). Reflective practice. London: Sage Publications.
Brockbank, A. and McGill, I. (2012). Facilitating reflective learning. London: Kogan Page.
Chang, H. (2008). Auto ethnography as method. Left Coast press: New York., (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Aug. 2015].
Schons, E. (1999). A model of individual influence in group problem-solving.
Tarrant, P. (2013). Reflective practice and professional development. London: SAGE.

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