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14 November 2016
The Board of Directors of Air Mauritius met on Thursday 10 November with all Board
members in attendance except for one who was overseas. The Board agreed to
bring the following clarifications on the termination of contract of Mr. Megh Pillay as
The board meeting of 28 October 2016
The Board decided to terminate the contract of Mr. Megh Pillay during a Board
meeting held on 28 October 2016 at 16h00. The meeting was convened in
conformity with legal requirements and the provisions of the Articles of Associations
of Air Mauritius. A convocation and an agenda were sent to all directors entitled to
attend, prior to the meeting. This is not the first time that the Board of Air Mauritius
meets at such short notice.
Eight directors attended the Board meeting. Other directors sent their apologies. No
director convened objected to the meeting. The quorum for the validity of the Board
is five in accordance with the Articles of Association of the company.
The CEO was also convened to the Board meeting. On the agenda sent to all
directors and including the CEO, the item number 1 clearly specified the issue to be
discussed. He chose not to attend but did not object to the meeting.
The Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) was duly informed
The DCA was informed of the decision and of the appointment of Mr. Indradev (Raja)
Buton as Officer in Charge on 28 October 2016, immediately after the meeting of the
Board. There was no objection from the DCA. Mr. Buton has acted as Accountable
Manager on various occasions in the past and was found suitable as per the
standards of the authority.

Air Mauritius is the national carrier of the Republic of Mauritius. Created in 1967, it currently operates a fleet of
four A340-300, two A340-300E, two A330-200, two A319-100 and three ATR72-500. Air Mauritius presently flies
to twenty-four destinations in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Indian Ocean
Communications & Corporate Affairs, 16th Floor, Air Mauritius Centre
President John F. Kennedy Street, Port-Louis, Republic of Mauritius
T (230) 2077669 F (230) 2023314 e-mail:

The termination of contract was in order

The termination of the contract of employment was in conformity with the provisions
of the agreement signed between him and the company. The notice of termination is
disclosed in the Annual Report.
Reasons for the termination of contract
There were major disagreements between the Board and the CEO in recent months
on core strategic issues and governance. This led to an escalation which had to be
resolved in the best interest of the airline.


The salary and contractual terms and conditions of work of Mr. Seetaramadoo, who
is currently under suspension, have remained unchanged since his recruitment. Mr.
Seetaramadoo is employed on a fixed term contract.

Air Mauritius is the national carrier of the Republic of Mauritius. Created in 1967, it currently operates a fleet of
four A340-300, two A340-300E, two A330-200, two A319-100 and three ATR72-500. Air Mauritius presently flies
to twenty-four destinations in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Indian Ocean
Communications & Corporate Affairs, 16th Floor, Air Mauritius Centre
President John F. Kennedy Street, Port-Louis, Republic of Mauritius
T (230) 2077669 F (230) 2023314 e-mail:

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