Dear MR C

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Dear Mr.

My name is Ruhi Patel and I will be a freshman at UNC Charlotte this fall. I'm very excited to
start my new journey as a college student and I'm looking forward to learning more about myself
through the process.
I am a local to the Charlotte area. I've lived in Harrisburg for the last 11 years and I loved it so
much I decided to spend the next four years here as well. I am currently in the pre-dentistry
program and intend to pursue a degree in Organizational Management. I am also in the
University Honors Program. I know you probably think I sound like an over-achiever, and that
assumption wouldn't be entirely untrue. I am a bit of a perfectionist and I know the quality of the
work I am capable of producing and I won't stop trying until I am satisfied.
At the same time, I can also be very laid back and relaxed. I use art as a means to maintain a
balance between these two contradicting qualities. All throughout high school, I took one art
class every semester to give myself a break from my rigorous course load. Painting, drawing,
photography, and ceramics have served as an efficient outlet for many years and I hope to
continue pursuing this hobby for many years to come.
I am also a classically trained dancer in a form of Indian dance called Bharatanatyam. Training in
this dance form is very physically and mentally exhausting, but I love


moment of it! I officially finished my training two years ago. The


ceremony involves performing solo for two hours in front of over 200
people. This has been my greatest accomplishment to date and I am now
certified to teach Bharatanatyam.

I also love sports. Although my dance training didn't allow me time

to pursue an athletic career, I am able to live that dream through
my younger brother, Ishan. Ishan is 13 years old and is obsessed
with baseball. He started when he was 5 and I can't imagine my
summers without bleachers, peanuts, and wild foul balls. We also
love to watch just about any sport together, especially football,
college basketball, and the Olympics.
In all honesty, English has never been my favorite subject in school. I think the main reason for
that is because I always went into each class with an outlook of inferiority to my fellow peers
and mentally handicapped myself. In order to overcome this barrier, I challenged myself to take
AP Language and Literature my junior and senior years of high school. I was very much
surprised to see how much I was able to grow from these classes and how much I enjoyed it.
Much to my surprise, I received a perfect 36 on the English section of the ACT and won the AP
Literature special recognition award from my school last May. These achievements have helped
me build confidence in my work. I no longer look at English classes with dread and fear. I have
found a new enthusiasm for literature and a higher level of respect for the complexity and beauty
of the English language. I am excited to see how much I will improve through this writing class
and I am eager to accept the challenges that will be a part of that journey.
Your student,
Ruhi Patel

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