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SEMESTER 1 2016/2017








This assignment is made possible through the helps and support from everyone
including our lecturer, parents, family and friends. Hence, we would like to express our
acknowledgement of gratitude towards the following significant advisers and contributors.
First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to God for granting us enough time
to complete our assignment on simulation. Next, we want to thank to our Information and
Communication Technology in Sciences lecturer, Encik Azmi Bin Ibrahim for guiding and
giving a valuable feedback throughout this assignment. This assignment is successfully
worked due to his consideration and criticism.
Moreover, we sincerely thank to our parents and family who provided us financial
support and motivation. Lastly, we also thankful for the great cooperation and hardworking
among ourselves throughout the duration of this assignment.


Simulation is one of technique used for helping student in increasing their motivation
in learning. Simulation based on Anu Maria (1997) is the operation of a model of system. The
model can be reconfigured and experimented in the system it presents. In other words,
simulation is the imitation of the operation of real world process or system over time. The
model is amenable to manipulate which would be impossible, too expensive or too
impractical to perform on the system which is portrays. Simulation is used before an existing
system is altered or a new system built, to reduce the changes of failure to meet specification,
to eliminate unforeseen bottlenecks and to prevent under the over utilization of resources. On
top of that, simulation is used to optimize the system performance. The simulation also can be
used to answer questions like what is the best design for a new telecommunications network.
What are the associated resources requirements? How will the telecommunication perform
and many more.
In developing the simulation model, design the simulation experiment and performing
simulation analysis, there are steps involved which are identify the problem, formulate the
problem, collect and process real system data, formulate and develop model, validate the
model, document model for future use, select appropriate experimental design, establish
experimental condition for runs, perform simulation runs, interpret and present result and the
last is recommended further course of action. However, not all these step may be possible
required. On the other hand the additional steps may have to be performed. Simulation model
consist of four components which are system entities, input variables, performance measures
and functional relationship.
For example, teachers and students are using Stella system for simulation. Stella
system generally used in education and research where it offers a practical way to
dynamically visualize and communicate how complex system and ideas really work.

Stella system is the one example of simulation. Based on Meadows, Stella system
gives us an enormously powerful and flexible tool for creating environments that allow
people to learn by doing. From this, people have to insert the input and it can stimulate an
output in the form of graph, diagram, charts and animations. People are easy-to-use the Stella
system and may explore more by asking. Its interactive media used in Stella system also can
attract people to watch what happen and also get the inspired to more exciting in learning.
From there, people especially students can learned when they can and explain back what they
have learned. Stella system enables students to creatively change the system and learned into
the real world.
For our assignment, we have chosen the prey-predator oscillations that are common in
many simple ecosystems. By providing this simple yet rigorous language for representing
dynamic system, this Stella system enable us to discover and analysis the graph that are being
constructed to do the assumptions about the process that governs a particular dynamic
phenomenon. The prey-predator dynamics can be highly qualitative and simplistic such as the
predators tend to regulate the prey population or vice versa.
This Predator versus Prey Model (Lynx versus Snowshoe hare) is prepared and the
aim of this exercise is to develop a model of a system that illustrates population dynamics
which are involving predator and their prey. For this experiment, we need to understand the
relationships between models of prey-predator at work of each of the population and the
interplay between the populations. The population is dependent for each other and if
something happens to effect on population, the other population also change

To study the relationship between predator and prey (Lynx versus Snowshoe hare).
To describe the changes for the graph of population between the Lynx and Snowshoe


To identify whether the students can make prediction by referring the plotted graph
between Lynx and Snowshoe hare.



Application of simulation
Simulation is the operation of model representation of that system. The
operation of the model can be studied and from this property concerning the
behaviour of the actual system can be interned. There are some interesting
applications of simulation. One of the applications of simulation is designing and
analysing manufacturing system where the system can be design by using the process
of simulation. Evaluating the high and small weapons requirements for a computer
system is simulation that used in military because it can evaluate new military system
or tactics. Besides that, simulation is apply in our daily life because it can applied in
designing and operating transportation such as freeways, airport and many more.
Other application involved in simulation is in evaluating design for service
organization such as hospital, post office or fast food restaurant and analysing
financial or economic systems. The last but not least, simulation can determine the
ordering policies for an inventory system and designing communication systems and
message protocol for them.
The simulation can be defined as interactive multimedia with dynamic element
under user control. In simulation, computer simulation will uses as help medium to
give motivation to student in their lesson during class. Example of computer
simulation is Stella System. Stella system is medium to help student to increase their
motivation in learning.


Application in Prey-Predator Dynamics

With computer simulation, student can know the increase or decrease in the
population of the prey-predators. For example, between Lynx and Snowshoe hare.
This simulation will motivate students to have higher interesting in this topic. This is

because students can adjust and run the simulation themselves. With this simulation,
students will have higher intrinsic motivation compared when teachers only teach
them about the increasing in the population with the pictures. Student will have no
ideas if they only be shown to the pictures and this will lead them to become boring
with the lesson. Then, using Stella system, student can explore the simulation and the
parameter of the experiment can be change. So, this simulation can help to show the
real data about the experiments. Students can identify the changes of the pattern of the


A Model of Prey-Predator Dynamics

Graph 1: The relationship between Snowshoe hare and Lynx

In order to run the simulation, firstly, we set with the zero number of Lynx. Since
there is no Lynx, so we can predict that there is no predation occur among Lynx and
Snowshoe hares. Based on the Graph 1, the interactions between Snowshoe hares and Lynx
are constant. This shows that the population of both species are stable because Lynx do not
disturb the Snowshoe hares population growth. Each Snowshoe hares gives rise to a constant
number of offspring per year. There are no limiting factors that disturb the Snowshoe hares
population growth apart from Lynx. Furthermore, Lynx eats a constant proportion of the
Snowshoe hares population per year. Thats mean that if we doubling the Snowshoe hares
population, the number eaten per Lynx also will be double. Lynx reproduction also directly
proportional to Snowshoe hares consumed.

Graph 2

Besides that, we adjusted the reading number of Lynx harvest up to 200 (refer Graph
2). What can we predict that, as the number of Lynx increases, the number of Snowshoe hares
will decrease. Graph 2 shows the populations growth and decline through time of both Lynx
and Snowshoe hares. At the beginning, the Lynx cannot detect a decrease in Snowshoe hares
immediately, so it will experience the difficulties of finding prey. Due to the declining of food
supply, starvation, mortality as well as difficulty to produce young are occurred, so it causes
the Lynx to response. However, the Snowshoe hares do not respond immediately to the Lynx
declining numbers. There are more Snowshoe hares are left alive because there are fewer
Lynx catching, killing and eating fewer of them. But to increase in numbers, Snowshoe hares
have to reproduce and it takes time so there is a lag in the response of each population to the
changes that takes place in other.

Graph 3

Last but not least, the number of Lynx harvest is adjusted up to 600. The prediction
that can be made is there are higher numbers of Snowshoe hares will consume due to the high
number of Lynx harvest. As the number of Lynx increases, the number of Snowshoe hares
decrease. Based on the graph, we can find that the Snowshoe hares population leads the Lynx
population through cycle. However, there are decline in Snowshoe hares population. This
might happened because of diet of Snowshoe hares decrease that lead to Snowshoe hares die
off and Lynx have to turn to other prey. The Lynx are picky and many are starving to death,
so there are lacking of predators and allow the vegetation to grow back and the Snowshoe
hares rejuvenates. Since there is more Snowshoe hares and nutrition available and a
downward spiral in their population like a roller coaster cycle. However, the Lynx maintain
riding its up and down.


Although the simulation, especially the computer simulation is uses to help student to
increase their motivation in class but we still must count on its pros and cons. There are
advantages and disadvantage in using computer simulation especially in education programs.
Advantage of using computer simulation
There are some specific advantages of using this simulation such as give student more
feeling for reality in some abstract fields of learning, give the student experimenting, saving
the cost of providing the necessary apparatus, and student can change and insert the
parameter values,

Give Student More Feeling For Reality In Some Abstract Fields Of Learning.
Computer simulation can be used in education to give the student more feeling for reality

in some abstract fields of learning because of simulation can be entertaining due to dramatic
and animation- like components. This is prove when a teacher try to explain a difficult topic
such as nuclear and radiation in the traditional ways it will result on student mostly failed to
understand deeply about the topic. This topic will take a lot of time to understand and to
execute the experiment on it is impossible due to the safety factor and insufficient material to
do the investigation. Regarding from this, teacher should use the computer simulation after
the theoretical discussion of this topic because of to make the student more understand and
feel excited when learn this topic. So that the uses of some abstract of learning like computer
simulation is greatest chance that can give the student more feeling in their study.

Student Will Be Active Rather Than Passive in Class.

Computer simulation programme is one of the attractive ways to attract students attention

in the class. The students will be more active rather than passive. When the students are
listening to the teacher, they will listen passively. Using the simulation, it creates an
interactive educational setting which offers the possibility to effect changes in relation to the
learning experience more interesting and efficient way. Experience the experimenting by
using computer simulation programme is make students to explore more the lesson using
different way which will help them to be more clearly understands.


Saving The Cost Of Providing The Necessary Apparatus in doing experiments

Next, this computer simulation program will help to save the cost of providing the
necessary apparatus in doing the experiment. Furthermore, laboratory apparatus are
expensive and the apparatus only can be handled by those who are master in using it.
Therefore, computer simulation could save the cost. The school can use the money for other
sciences purpose. So that, the science and technologies will be more improves in that school.

Student Can Change And Insert The Parameter Values

In Stella simulation system, the student can change and insert the parameter values that
they think it will produce a result that are interesting for them. They can skip other part or
aspects that are not interesting to them. So, using this simulation, student will know how to
learn and conduct experiment systematically and also decides whether they want to approach
simulation and how often they want to repeat the experiment. By using computer simulation,
student will have many ways to achieve their understanding.
Disadvantage of simulation
There are specific disadvantage of simulation such as higher software cost, additional
training required and limited scope applicability.

Higher Software Cost

Computer simulation such as Stella Software required higher costing for obtain its
software. About RM 3000 above we should have if need to buy this simulation software.
Regarding to this, many school in our country do not use the Stella Software as one of
medium in teaching and learning especially for Science subject. So, many old teachers more
like use the tradisional way teaching compared to use the computer simulation programme.

Additional Training Required

Computer simulation programme such as Stella software also need the additional training
required. Although this software give the free a month trial download for user but it is
actually need the expert or someone who know how to use this software. According to this,
school or any educational institution departments have play their role to give the additional
training to student and teach them how to use and apply their lesson using software
simulation Stella. So that, student can master the uses and often learn their lesson using this
software for making them understand more about the topic.

In conclusion, student will be able to learn the relationship of prey-predator dynamics.
When the number of prey increases, predator will decrease and vice versa. The graph will
show different pattern based on the number of lynx which have been controlled as a variable.
Using simulation in teaching and learning process will help student to learn an experiment
easier and use less time. Student can explore new thing even though not in a formal class
since there is a software that can be used to see the model and simulation such as Stella
Overall, Stella system or computer simulation system is suitable in education in
Malaysian School. This is because, this computer simulation have many advantages to the
students. Besides, Considerable research worldwide has established the need to improve
teaching and learning of Science Education through the rapid development and the usage of
appropriate media. Therefore, simulation is one of the powerful learning experiments. By
using the simulation in teaching and learning, it has the potential to engage the student in
deep learning that it will empower the understanding about the whole topics. Furthermore,
simulation such as Stella help student to understand scientific knowledge by testing the
hypothesis due to the fact that simulation making good clear complexities the issues involved.
So, Stella Software recommended is the best to use as well because it can improve students


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