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Kieth Morris YOUR RULES — MY WAR Tell me what's right Tell me what's wrong ‘Sing me your egos song Show me your weakness Show me your fears Toil me how f should live C.D. LOS ANGELES BLACK FLAG THE CHOICE bas Do you act, speek, of dress differant ta ha different or ta be the sama? Are you a Democrat. Republican or an Anséchist? You now that you are supposed to be one of these, 20 you ate {youl navar find deeedars thet way) Do you really hate Feagan or | T-S.0.4,? Orisit that someone or some group told yau te hate hain? Do you're hi thar forma of music Khe Heavy Metal or 422) Or are you just efraid to admit you like zomathing alta because you'll ba condemned by you pears. Whan you frst decided to drink, semake or de drugs ware you doing because evarybody thel's “e000 was doungit OF because you felt you had no osher choice? nary mance for you? Or by you? | ight Ee without drugs. alcohol.or aay other of lila's menteltraps, tallow yout mind Where the only rales ave the anes you tet and the Only one you have (0 ani vyourcelt, The Straight Edge isn't ralling people to follow acode ef Behar Interprared by each inchvidual ari ralutes to te we she, The Sunight Edge i those wha wantit ALSS.0, BOSTON SOCIETY SYSTEM OECONTROL The attitude here islike. . . if 1'm not fucking with you, don'tfuck with me, And if I'm bothering you because look or act different, then you better think twice about your so-called values and if I'm stil) bothering you; then great, cause I'm here to stay and I'm real sorry I'm ruining your vacation. We're all having fun, but fun to us is like skating an empty pool. There's # risk, a danger. To get the most you have to keep pushing it, And that’s it right theve, it’s fun ‘pushing. it’s fun shaking people up and not giving anyone what they expect. GO START YOUR OWN BANDINI! RANDY TURNER “BISCUT™ AUSTIN, TEXAS BIG BOYS: Far too many people base their opinions SE ee eee a eiediutuat Being | msmanasrteee Cott perce aa tract Gael for tham in your mind, bout anarchy 50 don'tbother circling stondard you set anly porson you have ta satisty is yourself. if 13 quains about the way you look, why you're not wearing this fot thom wallow in a shallow aividuality, because it's you ideal, BARRY HENSLER MAUMEE, OHIO NECROS THE SOUND OF HELL TOO CLOSE TO HOME DEAD KENNEDYS BLEED FOR, ME b/w LIFE SENTENCE THOUSANDS OF TITLES AVAILABLE; Pasity Pro WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG! docta 055 H, Lares, Suite A, LonAngalee,cawoozacaisyeazia7a | Gover! De MY RULES | x PHOTOZINE x LISHER EDITOR ART DIRECTOR | ALL PHOTOGRAPHY GLEN E. FRIEDMAN | PUBLISHING ADVISOR PRODUCTION MANAGER VITAL ASSISTANCE | KEWIN J. THATCHER EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTERS AL BARILE JELLO BIAFRA CHUCK DUKOWSKI BARRY HEHSLER Ras HILW EHUD JOSEPH JAN MaCKAYE KIETH MORRIS RANDY Turner Copyright ©4982 by GLEN E FRIEDMAN. All righls reserved, fo part of this publication may be reproduced in any way what- soever, for any reason, without the express written consent of tho PUBLISHER. To gel additional copies of MY RULES pleose send $2.00 +506 fot postage and handling (83.00 total foreign} along wilh Gnomeandcompielecdeross 0: MY RULES/Glon E. Friedman P.G. Box 11322, Baverty Hills California 90243 U.S.A, COVER w = = Fe =e a = S L al Ce r= Fl 2 = Fa cs = A =) MOTHER, COUNTRY, ‘OUNG AMERICA, FRONTIER, PO BOX 22, SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 SONA SOAS sorseannae pore a SANA i 5 SHANG SAO SAAT AAA AA LAL ‘ AAA AAAI ee oe % NNN pesppsosnaraosennsoatneaanNNNNNNNENNHNNNNNANN e ss & } i SACORARING TRUE eam mAansscsn DESCENDENTS aR oe 5 FLORIDA NEWvoRK [ian eee any Devas | WURM STAINS SACCHARINE TRUST “8 Sa MEST: PUPPETS . UBHUMANS ST. VITUS Hi BLACK FLAG MINUTEMEN OVERKILL FOR INFO ON RECORDS, BOOKING, MERCHANDISE CONTACT Simssams TET !ssore1—— aS) DECONTROL A [ E i fy 4 EH THERE’S NOWHERE TO RUN, SO MAKE A CHOICE! For those of you srepexci.sth¥ BY I SOMEONE GOT TH aio COMPLATION SOUND & FURY TE ({OUTH BRIGADE LP} vo LIMITED EDITION: \ J AGGRESSION LP wo) OUTSOON I Send $5.00, ($6.00 overseas) prstpald per album to BETTER YOUTH ORGANIZATION 4 a) ae ce el a) Ba al ee es = e GRUE SOUNDS SURGERY DISASTERS DEAD KENNEDYS SECOND ALeuM ViRvsS 27 =m MY RULES INGENUOUS EDITORIALS Thay erare ro important ha rules to a city thet we losthed, malted in fines 12 90 Band het elide't soem to ft now Scared. but helbent on Soing what we hed higher Thaatmoash 1AN PS, Straight Edge is not # movamsnt of stupidity, pro-siartnets, pro-positive thinking idea, This here Glen Friadman guy asks me to write something for his photo magazine andissid “Hellyes, I'd doit for sure.” He says thatitshould be Tomathiag personal and / start wondering if he wants it in spit, urine, blood, maybe some bowel movement (naw, just kiddin’ Glen}. ‘Glen has always been ane of my favourite photographers and figured he’s done favors for myself and band so its the iaest ican do, Here goos: The music scans in L.A. band wise could never have a stronger ostar and Jager followings than it hes now. Tha problem is that the aumber of places toplay gets smaller onch day as clubs end halls close down duato Zamage or police pressure. All we have to do is shaw these people ‘businmssmnen, parents, authorities) chat we aren't the brainless idiots vpat they make us out to be and that we can conduct ourselves in an itjarly fashion. 1don't want to preach so this is the end of this sermon. RABBI MORRIS LOS ANGELES CIRCLE JERKS inthe fact that we ware finaly going to see ther represented thet total release raned and planied, driverr 250 f tha nigh. and sat throug» TTeenaria whatroever. We were laughed at, ridicute Cur social atiguites: we were definitely un-cool. After allwe weren Tin the circle. or iran fhe teane, Our values cidh't ht, and, mast of al, how could we (coming from 7) have sy tobe ?? Sowe stuck fogether, the, We xa "ideos, the other on the does just waiting for shit. And thay pavaded past vs outside voor Some iqnocedas. same thawed interest and came inta talk, but mostgava us ving legencts. Thay. verronal ebeilion that we felt go atrongly. We had ple jaamal room. oneeye on si muti hevebeen 2 A.M. whan they finally came on. All of usgatheredat of the stage, Thera were ayasiecking down on us and sideways comments whit Sround us. But all that svt sfopped ai 100" ax tha first song started. ‘out to do. Tensions ran high, But way hard, burt we were hardet. And when it was ova wo had the Iadt laugh, The city was £08! there, and we rill hated it But at ieaet we had bimat en it. we ‘caaghtit while was leaping ferhich wasn’t too herd] and would remamber And it did. WASHINGTON D.C. MINOR THREAT ‘of rules, i is an anci-absession. ast! Henry Rollins:

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