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I despise what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say

Freedom of speech is a hallmark of a civilized and tolerant society. It is not about

propagating your views exclusively and restricting voices of those who hold
opposite views to that of yours. Rather, commitment to free speech involves
respecting, defending
and tolerating diverse views, ideas and beliefs, and
acknowledging the fact that every individual has the right to freedom of opinion and
expression, as mentioned in the First Amendment to the United States
Constitution Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of
speech.. Various philosophers and thinkers like Voltaire, J.S.Mill and John Locke
have been prophets of free speech mainly because of the benefits- instrumental and
moral that ensues from respecting this right. Clearly societies which restrict free
speech descent into totalitarianism inevitably. Withering away of pluralism and
recourse to violence become their regular features. However, in order to progress
and advance in all spheres, societies have to acknowledge intrinsic value of
individual liberty to speech, propagation of ideas and opinions. They can accomplish
this by providing enlightened education to their masses, keeping intact inclusive
social contract and by recognizing fruits of pluralism.
The declaration I despise what you say, but I will defend to death your right to
say is attributed to Voltaire a prophet of free speech. He declared this in the era
of enlightenment prevailing in Europe during the 18 th century and at that time ideals
of liberty and equality emerged. In that era, Voltaire in a reply to article of Rouss

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