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Vidalia High School

Work-Based Learning
Youth Apprenticeship Program

Student Handbook

Donna A Collins
WBL/YAP Coordinator
Room 10
Office: 912-538-9122
Cell: 912-293-0303

Work-Based Learning and

Youth Apprenticeship Program
Student Information Sheet
Congratulations! You have chosen an awesome opportunity to gain real-world
experience that will give you an advantage in todays competitive workforce. To be
successful in the WBL/YAP program you need to know what is expected of you at
school and at your place of employment. This packet will provide you with all the
information needed to be successful in the program. There are three pieces in the
program that WBL/YAP students are expected to excel in:
Academic/Attendance Performance Maintain a C average and meet the
required attendance rules
School/Workplace BehaviorMaintain an acceptable behavior at school and the
place of employment
Job PerformanceSubmit job / class requirements and be a productive employee /

You are reminded that failure to meet any of the above expectations will result in
termination of your job, withdrawal from the WBL/YAP program, and/or loss of school
credit which could possibly hinder your graduation requirements. As a WBL/YAP
student, you have the privilege of leaving school early to begin your work experience.
You also have the responsibility of turning in required documents, assignments, and
calendars in a timely manner. Most importantly, you should be a respectful
representative of VHS at all times. The WBL/YAP program promotes the idea that not
all learnings happens within the walls of the classroom. Experimental learning allows
students to make a connection between concepts and skills learned in school with
To provide educational and
occupational experiences for
students that will assist them
in becoming productive citizens
in their community.

To provide students the opportunity to receive both
academic and occupational experience in the
workforce that will increase their knowledge, skills,
and abilities necessary for employment and further
education including postsecondary education.


receive occupational experience in business and

industries related to the students career
develop positive attitudes, work habits, and work
ethics for employment success
develop self-confidence and maturity
participate and excel in academic and
occupation experiences in the workforce
gain knowledge of available occupations,
employment requirements, and working

Mrs. Donna A. Collins, WBL/YAP Coordinator
Vidalia High School, North Street West, Vidalia, GA
30474 / Office 912-538-9122/Cell


WBL/YAP students are
required to join
This is the best
method of
communicating. You
will receive reminders
regarding monthly
submissions and
dates for onsite
Instructions to JOIN
message to


Enter the



To the students:
Establishes a clear connection between education and work
Increases motivation and retention by showing the relevance of academic and occupational instruction
Provides opportunities to explore possible careers and enhances skill development
Develops workplace responsibility and positive work habits and attitudes
Encourages completion of secondary education and enrollment in post-secondary education
Provides opportunities for leadership development
To the business and industry:
Provides opportunity to prepare future employees
Offers a source of skilled and motivated future employees
Offers an opportunity to provide community services
Increases employer visibility in education
Provides an opportunity to communicate required job-specific skills to educational personnel
To the school:
Keeps academic and occupational curricula up-to-date through communication with business and industry
Provides access to the latest equipment and technology
Enhances educations ability to meet the needs of diverse student populations
Makes education more relevant and valuable to students
Promotes faculty interaction with the business community
Facilitates communication regarding actual academic and occupational proficiencies required by business and
To the community:
Provides an informed, competent, and productive future workforce
Ensures cooperation and understanding between education, business, and the community
Enhances awareness of local employment opportunities
Builds the foundation for a more productive local economy




Academics/Attendance: Grades are an important part of the WBL program. At the end of each grading period the WBL Coordinator
will check the students grades. The student must maintain a C average or better. The Guidance Counselor, student, and WBL
Coordinator will meet to discuss the students grades. If the student does not successfully pass all grades, he/she will not be allowed to
enroll in the WBL program the following semester. You must assume responsibility for regular attendance at school and at your work
site. If you are absent from school you CANNOT go to work that day. You are required to sign out each day before you go to your work
site. This will serve as your school attendance record. The sign-in/sign-out sheet will be in the cafeteria.
School/Workplace Behavior: Students must demonstrate acceptable behavior at school and at the work site.. The WBL Coordinator
will stay in contact with employers to make sure appropriate behavior is maintained at the work site. Any problems that arise will be
discussed among the WBL Coordinator, the student, and students parent; and a plan for correcting the problem will be set in place.
Students are expected to make all efforts to succeed on the job. Job expectations include: appropriate dress, time management, good
attendance, getting along with co-workers, following instructions, treating supervisor with courtesy and respect, accepting constructive
criticism, and asking questions when needed.
Dismissal from Work Site: Any student who is fired by his/her employer will in turn be dismissed from the Work-Based Learning
Program. This dismissal will result in the students receiving no credit for the class. Alternate arrangements will be made to
accommodate class time.
Job Performance: A training agreement between the student, a parent/guardian, the employer, and the WBL Coordinator is established
so that all parties will be aware of each persons responsibilities. A training plan will be created by the employer and student to list the
tasks the students will be involved in and responsible for while on the work site. This training plan will be a document unique to each
student and each job site. This training plan will not necessarily list skills the student has already mastered but skills the student will be
developing throughout the WBL experience. This training plan will be used at the end of each nine weeks to determine if the student is
progressing and learning at the work site. Employers will be asked to rate students on the skills listed in the training plan. This evaluation

will be turned in to the WBL Coordinator for grading. The Work-Based Learning coordinator will then meet with the student to discuss
his or her performance.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I enroll in WBL?

Student must meet with the WBL Coordinator (DCollins). Student must have a valid job, on track for
graduation, and acceptable disciplinary record.

Can I enroll in WBL any time throughout the semester?

NO, students can only enroll in WBL during the first 10 days of school. If a student does not obtain
employment during the allotted 10 days, he or she must wait until the beginning of 2nd Semester.

What if I change my job during the semester?

Students enrolled in WBL must notify DCollins regarding any job changes. The student will be required to submit new
required documentation for the new job.

What if I am terminated from my job for disciplinary reasons?

Students terminated from a job for disciplinary reasons will receive an F for the course.







What if I am laid off from my job (no disciplinary actions)?

Students will be allowed 3 weeks to find another job. During the 3 weeks students will be exempt from the
work calendars; however, all other requirements must be met.
Can I work at a job as a volunteer (no salary)?
Students are allowed to volunteer at a steady job with no salary. Sometimes the best work experience is
unpaid experience.
Will I be able to remain in WBL if I am failing my grades?
Students grades will be monitored throughout the semester. If a student is in danger of failing a class, a
meeting will be called with the student to discuss the issue. If a student fails the class at the end of the
semester, the Guidance Department will be notified and will determine if the student can still enroll in WBL
the following semester.
When I am sick and call in for work, do I also need to notify the WBL Coordinator (DCollins)?
Students should follow the workplace procedures for calling in sick. Students do not need to notify DCollins;
however, the student should document their work calendar.
If I do not meet the required number of worked hours for one week during the month, can I roll over extra
hours from other weeks?
If a student is sick, out of town, etc. during one week of the month and does not meet the required number of
worked hours, he or she may use hours from other weeks in the same month. The goal of the student is to
maintain an average of hours worked.
If I have a problem at work, what should I do?
Students are encouraged to discuss any problems they have at work with their immediate supervisor.
However, the WBL Coordinator (DCollins) is available for students, if needed.

Assessment Information
Monthly Assignments (25%)
Monthly assignments are required each month. Topics for each month are located on the Work Calendars provided in your
folders. Please follow the rubric below to complete the assignments.

Work Calendars (25%)

Work calendar are required each month. Hours, gross salary, and number of hours worked are required. Copies of payroll
checks are not needed; however, a supervisor must sign off on all calendars. Students are required to work a certain number of
hours based on the number of periods they leave school. Follow the rubric below to identify the required number of hours you
must work. Students are required to sign out from school. Sign out procedures helps eliminate problems with your attendance.

WBL/YAP Coordinator Observations / Employer Evaluations (50%)

The Work-Based Learning coordinator will stay in contact with employers throughout the semester. Onsite observations will be
conducted during the school year. Phone calls, emails, etc may also be used to make sure everything is progressing smoothly at
the work site. The Employer will complete evaluations on the student/employee based on the training plan and work ethic skills.





Excellent-25 pts each

Formatted Correctly
Error Free
One Full Page

Acceptable-20 pts each

Partially Formatted Correctly
1 5 errors
< One Page

Not Acceptable-0 pts

6+ errors
< Half Page


Submitted Late

Did NOT Submit Auto 0


Time New Roman/12/DS
Spelling & Grammar
One Full Page
Category SCORE


Acceptable-20 pts each

1 5 Recorded Errors
1 5 Recorded Errors

Not Acceptable-0 pts

Did NOT Record Hours
Did NOT Record Salary

Worked Correct
# of Hours

Did Not Work Correct

# of Hours

Did Not Work Any Hours

Supervisor Signature

No Signatures
Did NOT Sign Out
Did NOT Submit - Auto 0

Submitted Late


Worked Hours
1 Period 10 Hrs /week
2 Period 15 Hrs / week
3 Period 18 Hrs / week
Req Signature
Sign Out Procedures

Excellent-25 pts each

Recorded Correctly
Recorded Correctly

Category SCORE

2016-2017 WBL/YAP Grade Sheet

Required Documents


Student Profile/App
Remind 101

WBL Coord Obs #1

WBL Coord Obs #2
Employer Eval #1
Employer Eval #2

Training Agreement
Training Plan




1 Semester Monthly Grades



2 Semester Monthly Grades

Work Calendars



Work Calendars

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