Assignment 5

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Assignment 5

Use the Little Man Computer (LMC) to create 4 assembly programs and 4
flow charts.
Module 12 will have videos and instructions that will explain what LMC is and
how to use it.
You can use this version of LMC to run it. No install is required since it runs
from a browser. I have been able to use it with Firefox on Windows and on a
You can write directly into LMC or you can load a txt file. You will need to
submit your programs as txt file in Canvas. I suggest using Notepad for
Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. You can also copy and paste text into and out
of LMC. Do not save your programs in Word or any other word
You are to use the LMC assembly language to create 4 programs. Submit the
4 programs in one txt file. Make sure they are separated and that it is easy to
identify each block of text by task.
When grading we will cut and paste the text into LMC and run it to see if it
works. LMC is limited to use/calculate non-negative three digit numbers
(000-999). You can also set LMC to run fast, normal, or slow to test your
Flow Charts:
In addition to each program you will also need to submit a flow chart for each
task. Make sure it is easy to identify each flow chart with each task.
You can create flow charts using MS Word or
If you use Print the flow chart and then save as a PDF.

Task 1:
Create an assembly program that will add 3 input numbers and output the
Task 2:
Create an assembly program that will subtract the 2nd input number from the
first and show it in output.
Task 3:
Create an assembly program that will use a counting loop to count 1 to 20
then stop and show each number in output.
Task 4:
Create an assembly program with a decision loop that will input 2 numbers
and then output the larger number of the 2 inputs.

Bonus Task:
Create an assembly program that will multiply 2 inputs and show the answer
in output.
Course Grade Bonus: 6 pts
This bonus will apply to your overall COURSE grade and NOT Assignment 5.
To get the full bonus credit you must have the program (3pts) and flow

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