LESSON PLAN 7b Inspectie

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School: Ion Jalea Secondary School, Constanta
Date: the 21st of May, 2015
Class: VII B
Level : Intermediate
Number of students : 29
Textbook: English Scrapbook
UNIT 9 Problem solving
Lesson Are you good in a crisis?
Lesson topic: Present Perfect Simple
Type of lesson: - Consolidation
Time of lesson: 50 minutes
Types of interaction: Frontal, pair work, individual
Materials: textbook, whiteboard, handouts
GENERAL AIMS (teacher and students)
to consolidate the form and function of Present Perfect Simple
to improve the students vocabulary and knowledge
to develop communication during class
to discuss and express opinion
to check comprehension
SPECIFIC AIMS (students)
By the end of the lesson
students will be able to identify the form and use of Present Perfect Simple
students will be able to differentiate between Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple
students will be able to use appropriate adverbs (for, since, just, yet, ever, never for
Present Perfect Simple and last.., ago, yesterday, in for Past Simple)
Affective objectives:

to create a pleasant atmosphere in order to offer the background for easy conversation
between teacher and students
to make students speak freely
to stimulate students creativity

Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing



methods and procedures: dialogues, conversation, pair work, independent work

materials and equipment: textbook, printed materials, whiteboard, videos

organization: individual work, group work

techniques: scanning, choose the correct answer, fill in, match

LOCATION: the classroom

ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: - if teacher thinks it is necessary, she will offer the students
guidance in solving certain exercises;
- Some students might need further help and extra indications
in solving the tasks and they may also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
- Some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate
in the activity, so they may need assistance.
TEACHING AIDS: textbook (English Scrapbook), whiteboard, printed materials

Harmer, Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Longman, 1991
Scrivener, Jim, Learning Teaching, Macmillan Books for Teachers,2005
Achim , Alaviana; Comisel , Ecaterina; Dinu, Felicia; Mastacan, Loretta; Popovici
Ruxandra and Teodorescu, Elena, English Scrapbook, Oxford University Press, 1998


Objective: To increase students attention and interest towards the class
Time: 3
Procedure: Teacher attends the pupils and ensures a friendly atmosphere so that the students
might feel encouraged to fully participate in the class. (greetings, teachers presentation, How are
you?). In order to make sure the students pay attention and focus on the lesson, the teacher
starts a short conversation introducing the topic of the lesson.

Objective: - to identify and remember the way in which Present Perfect Simple is formed and
when it is used
Interaction: T-Ss
Skills: speaking and writing
Teaching techniques: explanation, dialogue
Time: 10
Procedure: Teacher announces the topic and asks helping questions in order to make the students
remember the form and use of Present Perfect Simple. The T writes on the whiteboard rules and
examples. The T asks the students to look at the first set of pictures from the worksheet
(Appendix 1) and using the pictures and the phrases given in the box, to make sentences using
Present Perfect Simple.
ACTIVITY 3 Lead in (game, find the differences)
Objective: - to identify and form sentences using the correct tense
Interaction: T-Ss
Skills: speaking and writing
Teaching techniques: explanation, dialogue
Time: 5

Procedure: The T asks the students to look at the Lead-in and Task 1 exercise that can be found
in Appendix 2. Ss look carefully at the 2 pictures and say which the differences between the two
pictures are. Then, using the details given, they make sentences with Present Perfect Simple and
match the columns given.

ACTIVITY 4 Writing
Objective: - to identify and write sentences using the note from the fridge.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss
Skills: speaking and writing
Teaching techniques: explanation, dialogue
Time: 7
Procedure: Teacher announces the topic and asks one of the students to read the task. The teacher
makes sure that everyone understands what has to be done. Students read the note that is on the
door fridge and write about the things that they have or havent done yet today. Then, the teacher
asks several students to read their sentences and checks if the sentences are correct from a
grammatical point of view.
ACTIVITY 5 Reading
Objective: - to improve the students ability to extract specific information from a given text
-to scan the text for specific details in order to choose the correct option from a
multiple-choice exercise
-to identify the verbs used at Present Perfect Simple and to illustrate the rules of using
it correctly
Interaction: T-Ss
Skills: reading, speaking and writing
Teaching techniques: explanation, dialogue
Time: 10
Procedure: Teacher announces the topic and asks one of the students to read the task. Students
are asked to read Jennas blog, a teenager who has recently moved from UK to Seattle. The
teacher asks the Ss to pay attention to the Present Perfect structures. After the reading, the T

checks the comprehension of the text and asks the Ss to solve exercises 2, 3 and 4 from
Appendix 3, all of which are related to the reading activity.

ACTIVITY 6 Practice
Objective: - to use the appropriate forms of Present Perfect Simple
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss
Skills: speaking and writing
Teaching techniques: explanation, dialogue, conversation.
Time: 10
Procedure: Teacher announces and explains the students the exercises that have to be solved. Ss
are asked to solve, one by one, exercises 6, 7 and 8A from Appendix 4. T both encourages Ss to
participate and answer and checks if they have understood the forms and use of Present Perfect


Objectives: to speak about the topics and to revise the use of the Present Perfect Simple
Interaction: T-Ss
Skills: speaking
Teaching techniques: dialogue, explanation
Time: 5
Teacher explains which the homework is. (exercise 9 Appendix 4)
Teacher appreciates students behaviour during the class and gives grades.
Teacher says goodbye to the students and thanks them for their attention.

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