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c a pa b i l i t i e s
Innovative technology and engineering expertise.

Solving challenges.

Why Boots & Coots

Customized pressure control, intervention, and pipeline
solutions to maximize customer productivity.
Results Driven
When you put competent people, innovative surface equipment, and engineering together, you get results effective and
efficient services. Boots & Coots is the leader in pressure control and well intervention solutions. No other company has more
of an extensive portfolio of technologies, capabilities, and experience than Boots & Coots.
Integrated Solution
We work with our customers to provide customized and integrated well intervention solutions. We have the benefit of
collaborating and bringing in other necessary Halliburton services. This capability enables us to manage the project from start
to finish, helping reduce costs, and maximize production.
Halliburton Pipeline and Process Services
Our pipeline and process services, with our in-house personnel equipment and resources, are unique within our industry and
we are the only company that can provide the complete range of services required for a major precommissioning project or a
major shutdown.

We provide more than Tools and Equipment. We provide SOLUTIONS!

Boots & Coots

The same legendary service, now with enhanced and

expanded capabilities.
You may know Boots & Coots as the premier name in oil and gas well firefighting.
Indeed, our well-deserved reputation as the industrys foremost well control
specialists was cemented more than three decades ago, but Boots & Coots is so
much more.
Today, Boots & Coots is one of the largest pressure control providers in the world
with the industrys most comprehensive and reliable technology, engineering
expertise, and personnel superiority. Combining our traditional strengths in
pressure control with Halliburton's history of innovation in well intervention and
global solutions offerings provides our clients with unprecedented solutions for all
their requirements.
Since joining forces with Halliburton in 2010, Boots & Coots has expanded its wide
ranging portfolio to additional services such as pipeline and process services, coiled
tubing, nitrogen, and thru-tubing applications. Boots & Coots' pressure control
operations include top technical experts, as well as state-of-the-art technology and
equipment that deliver the utmost in reliability throughout the life of a field, from
drilling to production. Backed with the global footprint of Halliburton, Boots & Coots
can now provide these and other services in more locations around the world.
Boots & Coots has the resources to deliver the highest levels of operational
efficiency and HSE performance in some of the worlds most challenging
environments. We may have grown, but our legendary commitment to providing
the highest standards of quality, and the health and the safety of our employees,
customers, and contractors will never change.
Above all, you can count on Boots & Coots to be your trusted advisor, bringing to
every job pressure and well control expertise and integrity that is unparalleled in the
oil and gas industry.

Boots & Coots

Coiled Tubing
Reliable, new generation technology and some of the industrys most

rig up, improves efficiency, and enhances safety. For multi-stage fracturing

technically proficient specialists combine to make Boots & Coots the

operations, Boots & Coots uses coiled tubing to enable pinpoint stimulation

provider of choice for coiled tubing equipment and services. Our services are

operations to precisely place the fractures, not only maximizing production,

customized for your specific application. From everyday sand clean outs and

but also doing so with less horsepower and fewer resources than conventional

plug mill outs to ultra high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) operations,

fracturing techniques.

Boots & Coots has a safe and cost effective coiled tubing solution.

key roles in elevating coiled tubing as a viable option in a wide range of

offshore we supply the industry's most reliable coiled tubing units. We offer

deepwater, unconventional, and mature field applications including:

units designed specifically for the most challenging operational environments.

Scale and wax removal

Our highly trained and experienced engineers analyze your objectives and
well characteristics to determine the most effective solution to maximize your
efficiency and productivity. We developed the most sophisticated predictive
modeling INSITE software for Well Intervention (IWI), to analyze hydraulics
and mechanical forces. We also provide data acquisition in real-time to track
pipe fatigue and monitor stresses to help ensure a successful job.

Our expertise, resources, technology, and professionalism have played

Whether your well is vertical, horizontal, or highly deviated onshore or

Jetting with nitrogen

Pinpoint stimulation
Plug mill outs
E-Line fiber optic and logging applications
Fishing services
Sand matrix cleanouts

Boots & Coots offers the most advanced coiled tubing technologies in the

Coiled tubing perforating

industry. Our unique Enhanced QuikRig Coiled Tubing System enables faster

High-Pressure High-Temperature (HPHT) applications

Boots & Coots

Hydraulic Workover/Snubbing
For more than 85 years, our experienced personnel and technology have led the industry
in the development of equipment and techniques that best serve operators' needs for
workover and completions operations. Since then, Boots & Coots has evolved into one
of the leading names in hydraulic workover (HWO)/snubbing technologies with the
worldwide resources and expertise to resolve your most difficult snubbing, intervention,
and workover challenges. Not only do we design and operate the safest, most reliable and
efficient units in the industry, our highly experienced and skilled HWO specialists bring
unequalled pressure control expertise to every job. Our dedicated engineering staff is
focused on developing new technologies that will improve the efficiency of our services.
Longer lateral wells are becoming the standard in the industry. HWO offers extended
reach, up to 20,000 ft. laterals, depending on the pipe size. Key enablers of this technology
are the hydraulics, pipe rotation, the force of the jack, and experienced operators who
understand how to efficiently drill to this depth. Our latest technological design in safety
systems is what sets us apart from our competitors. The unique slip interlock system
prevents the opening of both slip bowls at the same time. This enhanced safety feature
helps provide protection against mechanical failure, power loss, low operating pressure,
obstruction, and operator error.
We manufacture much of our own equipment, resulting in the right technology
for our services, including:
Completions under pressure

Side tracking



Thru tubing applications

Underbalanced drilling

Extended reach cleanouts

Screen installations


SIMOPS, pad and cluster wells drilling

rig assist, and completion optimization

Plug and abandonment

Boots & Coots

Pressure Control Equipment Services

The intense activity in onshore shale exploration and production with
increasingly complex well designs has heightened the need for reliable and
safe equipment. Operators can count on Boots & Coots to deliver the highest
standards of pressure control services and to provide the safest and most
reliable technology available, designed entirely to deliver the highest level of
safety and efficiency to optimize your production.
High pressure operations demand specialized equipment that operates
flawlessly. For well control, snubbing, and production cleanup, we offer rental
equipment that meets applicable API and industry specs and the HPHT
requirements for deep wells and unconventional gas plays. We provide the
planning, surface equipment, and associated services that operators need to
control pressure and regulate flow during completion operations. Our highly
trained and experienced service personnel are on location all the way from
assembly to project execution, operating, and maintaining the equipment to
our stringent safety and reliability criteria throughout the project.
Boots & Coots equipment meets all API, PSL3, H2S, and NACE guidelines
and is specifically designed for difficult HPHT operations. Our inventory
of pressure control rentals includes:
 igh pressure manifolds from 5M to 15M for standard
and H2S environments
Snubbing stacks configured for any application
Frac trees from 4 116 to 7 116 inches pressure ranges of 5M to 15M
Gate valves from 2 116 to 7 116 inches pressure ranges of 5M to 15M
Hydraulic chokes from 2 116 to 4 116 inches and up to 15M
Flow iron to flanged and 1502 Weco
Sand separators, ball catchers, and drillout plug/junk catchers

Well control command centers that provide a temperate climate

for personnel in harsh conditions
S pools, adaptors, crosses and tees, tank mounted gas busters, generators,
air compressors and four stage accumulators
Our services include:
Well completions

Well control

Coiled tubing




Boots & Coots

Boots & Coots provides efficient downhole tool solutions for both hydraulic
workover and coiled tubing operations, using innovative technologies to

Specialty tools for logging, milling, perforating, cleaning, repairing,

matrix stimulation, hydraulic fracturing, and fishing complement our well

maximize well and reservoir performance.

intervention services.

We listen to our customers and recognize that every well and reservoir

Our engineers design tools and services that have proven to be very effective.

presents unique challenges. Our people have expertise with and access to
some of the best tools and fluids in the industry. They work together to
find the best solution and provide customized downhole tool solutions to
address these challenges.

One such tool is the Pulsonix Tuned Frequency Amplitude (TFA) service,
which is an innovative process to help optimize near-wellbore treatment
effectiveness. This service enables the best placement and response from
the treating fluids, using fluidic oscillator technology. The service has been
successful in a number of wells with improved production results.

Offering a broad selection of telemetry, thru tubing and pinpoint stimulation

tools, Boots & Coots has the complete solution for your downhole tool needs.

Boots & Coots thru tubing tools includes a broad array of connectors, mills,

Telemetry tools are used to help gather real-time data, such as depth

conveyed perforating tools, among many others.

correlation, temperature, and pressure of the well, so that each job stays
within operating ranges. By providing downhole conditions, we can reduce
uncertainty and accelerate operational decisions with stimulation treatments,
jetting, and underbalanced operations. The CoilComm monitoring service

provides real-time, fiber optic monitoring down the wellbore by offering

rigless capabilities for fiber optic cable inside coiled tubing.

bits, motors, agitators, jars, fishing tools, toe preparation, and tubing-

And finally, our pinpoint stimulation tools with coiled tubing offer an
alternative to the plug-and-perf system. The Halliburton Pinpoint team
works closely with Boots & Coots to deliver the optimum treatment of
multi-stage fracturing to maximize reservoir access to improve long term

Boots & Coots

Prevention Services
Be prepared before problems arise by calling Boots & Coots to help you
identify your risks, reduce the threat of serious problems, and mitigate
damages should an event occur.
While identification of risks associated with any business and the
management of those risks are important aspects in today's competitive

perform a table top drill to show clients how to use the methods discussed.
All competency based programs offered by Boots & Coots have been designed
to promote continuous employee improvement.
Our services include:
Critical well plan

Workover-completion audit

Well control contingency plans

Offshore audits

Emergency response plans

Well control third party witness

Our prevention services are customized to your specific needs. These

Drilling rig audit

Risk assessments, HAZID, HAZOP

services include, but are not limited to, contingency and emergency

Coiled tubing audit

BowTieXP risk assessment

response plans, risk analysis programs such as HAZID and HAZOP,

Flowback audit

Consequence analysis

inspection programs for well control equipment, flowback operations,

Wellhead audit

First responders training

frac, coiled tubing, drilling rig and wellhead equipment. Our services are

Frac audit


HWO/Snubbing audit

Drill and competency assurance


world, it is even more so in the oil and gas exploration and production

designed to help you reduce the likelihood of accidents and ensure the
integrity of your equipment, protect your employees, the public, and
your reputation.
Our pre-event engineering services include Boots & Coots' unmatched
experience with deep, HPHT wells, onshore, or offshore. Our prevention
specialists work closely with your personnel in the early stages of a project.
Boots & Coots is the company you should call for consultation in the
planning of critical wells. Our experience in well control provides a
unique perspective in writing procedures for dealing with high pressures,
temperatures, or kicks. With increased governmental regulations in
obtaining permits to drill a well, we can assist by writing your emergency
response plans, as well as site specific well control contingency plans.
We also offer training programs such as emergency response or incident
command training. In this course, we discuss the importance of emergency

response, how to manage it, and the necessary equipment that is needed. We

Wireline audit

*BowTieXP is a trademark of IP Bank B.V.

Boots & Coots

Well control
While the name Boots & Coots is forever linked to some of the world's most
notorious and difficult-to-control blowouts, today we are also fostering an
ever-growing reputation as the one company operators rely on for the most
complex pressure control situations. Certainly, we remain true to our longheld pledge to "suit up and show up" wherever and whenever we are needed.

In many well control situations, planning for relief wells is one of the
first contingencies developed immediately following a blowout. With the
collaboration of Halliburton, our range of relief well engineering and
services is unmatched in the industry. Our engineers have extensive project
management experience and a wide range of skill sets, which are key to a

It is a promise that goes back decades and traces its roots to the pioneers of

successful outcome with any well control event.

oilwell firefighting as we know it today. In fact, several of our current senior

Our services include:

well control specialists worked directly under the legendary Red Adair. Still
others fought some of the world's most infamous oilfield blowouts with our
namesakes, the renowned Boots Hansen and Coots Matthews.

Emergency blowout response and

Pressure control equipment

With a heritage that dates back to snubbing out Algeria's infamous "Devil's


Cigarette Lighter" (1961), the predecessors of those legends have worked on


every continent. We were there for the Bay of Marchand blowout (1970), North
Sea-Piper Alpha (1988), Operation Desert Storm-Kuwait (1991), Operation

Well control and pressure control


Iraqi Freedom (2003), and the Macondo disaster in the Gulf of Mexico (2010).

Jet cutting

Boots & Coots has amassed a highly specialized team of degreed engineers,

Freeze services

Hot tapping
Relief well engineering
Relief well project management
Relief well planning
Dynamic kill analysis
Relief well casing and tubular
design and analysis
Advanced milling techniques

experienced in all phases of drilling and production operations. Our engineers

apply this experience to solve the most complex or unique problems our clients
encounter, helping them design and implement a safe and effective operation.

Boots & Coots

Pipeline and Process Services

To meet even more of your operational challenges, Halliburton's Pipeline and Process Services (PPS)
joined Boots & Coots' suite of midstream and downstream offerings. For over 40 years, Halliburton's
PPS capabilities have earned the trust of the worldwide pipeline and process industry with the highest
level of expertise to clean, test, and help ensure the integrity of systems to maximize oil and gas
production and transportation.

Global Presence and Resources

Whatever the challenge, Halliburton's Pipeline and Process Services has the skills, experience,
and technology to provide effective solutions worldwide. Some significant projects include:
Pioneered unmanned deepwater pipeline and hydro test operations
Pre-commissioned some of the deepest pipelines in the world, at depths exceeding 2,000 m (6,500 ft)
Effectively dried a number of the largest gas export pipelines in the world
Pre-operational cleaning of some of the world's largest and most complex process systems
Pre-commissioned and commissioned many of the world's longest and largest diameter subsea pipelines
Pre-commissioned the longest thermoplastic umbilical in the world to date: 54 km (34 miles)
Leak testing and pre-commissioning services in some of the largest and most complex process systems
We operate one of the largest mobile pumping fleets in the world, provide an extensive range of
specialized pipeline and process services equipment, maintain a strong global engineering base, and
have provided services in over 40 countries.
Our services include:
Pre-commissioning, commissioning, decommissioning, and maintenance
Subsea pipeline services
Conventional pipeline services
Process services

Boots & Coots

PWR Rentals
PWR Rentals began operations in 2002 with a seasoned group of industry
professionals with more than 20 years of experience. Since that time, PWR
merged with Halliburton, under Boots & Coots Pressure Control. PWR rents
customized wireline pressure control equipment for producers and operators
in the Gulf of Mexico and the US Southern regions.
We offer a large inventory of wireline packages in 5K, 10K, and 15K PSI in

Finally, we have our own fleet of trucks to simplify logistical issues, expedite
deliveries, and often reduce costs.
Our value proposition is pressure control equipment designed to provide
superior operation and efficiency, optimizing customer operations.
Let us be your trusted advisor to your wireline pressure control operations.

singles, duals, triples, and quads.

10K PSI Hydraulic Dual Wireline Valves
10K PSI Air Operated Hydrostatic Test Units
10K and 15K PSI Air Operated Grease
Injection Units
15k PSI Quad Hydraulic Wireline Valve H2S
HP550 20K PSI Diesel-Hydraulic Hydrostatic Test Unit
PWR is a leader in setting standards. We work with manufacturers in
designing and testing equipment that meets the oilfields demands for
ruggedness and reliability. Our equipment can be traced all the way back
to the steel mill it originally came from. New offshore regulations mandate
traceability and our customers are beginning to demand it onshore as well.
The industry is requiring backup systems to help reduce non-productive
time. Our air-operated grease injectors have the Division 1 Class 1 quad
powered system, making it a fully redundant system. We also have a 20K
air-driven test pump to meet Zone 1 requirements when this equipment is
needed on the rig floor or on production quarters. PWR Rentals is leading
the way to help our customers operate as efficiently as they can.
Our equipment is the highest quality with our integral design. Whenever
possible, we mill from a single piece of steel. This makes our rentals
exceptionally strong compared to competitors' equipment.

Course Catalog
Sales of Halliburton products and services will be in accord solely with the
terms and conditions contained in the contract between Halliburton and
the customer that is applicable to the sale.

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2014 Halliburton. All Rights Reserved.

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