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1. Lector who entertained factory workers.

Broadly speaking, a lector is simply

someone who reads. However, they were often hired with money pooled from workers
to read to large rooms full of manual laborers to keep them entertained. Some read
left-leaning or union publications to the workers. So they had to read materials they
didn't want or with which they didn't agree. Also lecturers were in the risk of loosing
their booming voice. But they were useful for people as people working at factories
didn't have time to read or to familiarise themselves with recent news.
2. Resurrectionists, or body snatchers, were hired in the 19th century to remove
corpses from graves for universities to use as cadavers. Cadavers from legal means
were rare and difficult to obtain, so universities had to resort to other means to
procure cadavers for their students.
So resurrectionists had to be physically and emotionally strong, and fearless. Their
hands could be sore and blistered, and their backs and knees could be strained. Also
this job could damage their psychics as it involved working with dead people. And it
was dangerous because it was illegal. But they could help students and teachers to
observe the body and find something that might help next generations.
3. Rat catchers were employed in Europe to control rat populations. They should be
risky and always on their guard to find and catch a rat. They ran high risks of suffering
infections, but helped prevent these from spreading to the public. They were always
dirty as they were working on streets and in sewerages near cobwebs. They caught
rats overcoming obstructions. Rat catchers saved lots of lives.
Lilia 1. 1.Bowling Alley Pinsetter
In the early days of bowling, respotting the pins was a physically demanding job.
There were actually people behind the lanes resetting the pins and sending back the
balls.Bowling pinsetters are able to pick up standing pins, clear the lane of any
knocked-over pins and accurately reset the pins after every ball.Today there are
amazing robotic devices that do all the pin setting. Advantages: a lot of work places,
student could earn a living. Disadvanges: very dangerous work, it used child labor.
2. Human Alarm Clock
The Human Alarm Clock was a profession in England and Ireland that began during
the industrial revolution and has continued into the 1920s.
Their job was to wake people up so that can go to work in exchange for a few pennies
a week, awakening we know them today being priced out of the workers.
When people lived upstairs they often used piece of bamboo directed to the window
and they were not leave until the person had not shown that he was awake.
In general they were women or old people who were doing work because it could not
do something more lucrative. Advantages: job for all person even old people, they
helped people, they admire the sunrise. Disadvantages: they go against nature , they
wake up very quickly.
They lit lanterns in the streets, lamplighters used long poles to light, extinguish and
refuel street lamps until electric lamps were introduced. Advantages: to grace the
street, travels a lot, admire nights scenery. Disadvantages: they feel themselves

isolated because they do it when no one are on the street, they go to bed late and
get up early .

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