Syllabus Biology of Junior High School

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School : Junior High School .........................

Class : VIII (Eight)
Study Course : BIOLOGY IPA
Semester : II

Competence Standard : 1.To know all the system in human life

Subject Matter/ Time
Basic Competence Learning Activity Indicator Instrument Study Resource
Learning Technique Instrument Sample Allocation

1.1 To analyze the Growth and  To implement a book study for  To mention the factors which Written test Analysis test Write 4 factors which influence the 4 × 40’ IPA Biologi 2 Esis
importance of growth Development to obtain the information about to influence growth and growth and development in Book, page. 1-21,
and development in growth and development development of organism. organism. metamorphosis and
organism concepts. metagenesis chart,
growth and
 To search information through  To conclude the difference of Written test Analysis test Describe the difference of growth development video.
the source (plant specialist, growth and development in and development in organism.
livestock specialist, farmer, organism.
cattleman) about factors which
influence the growth and
development of organism.

 To observe through the picture or  To compare the Written test Essay test The offspring rotation between
video, metamorphosis and metamorphosis and asexual phase and sexual phase as
metagenesis process. metagenesis. alternating in organism referred
 To implement the growth
observation kinds of plant based
on the growth point.

1.2 To describe the Growth and  To see the picture and/ or  To describe the phase of Written test Essay test After happened fertilization of 2 × 40’ IPA Biologi 2 Esis
phase of human Development in presentation of human human development beginning ovum by the sperm, zygote will Book, page. 22-34,
development Human development. from baby, child, adolescent, grow become.... chart, and human
and adult. development video.

 To learn a book about the  To distinguish the Written test Analysis test Explain the characteristic of
characteristic each phases of characteristic of child and secondary sex in female adolescent
human development. adolescent. which undergo puberty time.

1.3 To describe the Movement System  To identify kinds of organ the  To compare kinds of organ the Written test Multiple Float rib to amount of.... 4 × 40’ IPA Biologi 2 Esis
movement system in arranger of movement system in arranger of movement system choice test a. two pairs Book, page. 35-62,
human and the relation human. in human. b. three pairs movement system
with health c. four pairs video, and movement
d. five pairs system chart.

Silabus IPA Biologi SMP dan MTs Jilid 2 2

Subject Matter/ Time
Basic Competence Learning Activity Indicator Instrument Study Resource
Learning Technique Instrument Sample Allocation

Written test Essay test The connection between the bone

 A book study about anatomy and  To distinguish the function of which can cause free movement
the bone, muscle, and joint cartilage, hard bone, muscle, referred to.......
function. and joint as the arranger of
body skeleton.
Work test Identification Fill the table which contain kind of
 To identify the kinds of joint Test joint, movement direction, and the
and the function. sample.

Assigning a Homework Make clipping which attract about

 A book study and/ or to see video  To process abnormality and task all the abnormality and disease in
presentation about abnormality disease sample data which the bone. Give explanation or your
and disease which relevant with relevant with bone and muscle, comment about each picture in the
bone and muscle. which usual found in daily life clipping. All of you can search the
and the effort to handle. picture resource or article from
magazine, newspaper, or internet,
then collect to the teacher.

1.5 To describe the Respiration System  To identify kinds of organ the  To compare kinds of organ the Written test Multiple An exchange of air with diffusion 4 × 40’ IPA Biologi 2 Esis
respiration system in arranger of respiration system in arranger of respiration system choice test did in.... Book, page. 99-118,
human and the relation human. in human. a. alveoly c. bronchy chart and respiration
with health. b. trakea d. pulmo system video, tool
and material of
 Too see picture and/ or video  To compare the inspiration and Written test Analysis test Make table which explain the practice.
about expiration and inspiration expiration process in distinguish of inspiration with
process in respiration process. respiration process. expiration process.

 A book study and/ or to see the  To process abnormality and Assigning a Homework Make the article wallpaper being
video presentation about the disease sample data in task colored about bird flu with 3 person
abnormality and disease which respiration system, which your friends. Explain about the
relevant with respiration system. usual found in daily life and disease.
the effort to handle.

1.6 To describe the Blood  To identify kinds of organ the  To compare kinds of organ the Written test Multiple Blood part which has function take 4 × 40’ IPA Biologi 2 Esis
blood transportation Transportation arranger of blood transportation arranger of blood choice test care of body and infection the Book, page. 119-140,
system in human and System system in human. transportation system in disease is.... blood transportation
the relation with health. human. a. red blood cell system video, and
 A book study about heart, blood b. white blood cell blood transportation
vessel, and blood function. c. thrombocyte system chart.
d. blood plasma
 To see the chart and/ or

Silabus IPA Biologi SMP dan MTs Jilid 2 3

Subject Matter/ Time
Basic Competence Learning Activity Indicator Instrument Study Resource
Learning Technique Instrument Sample Allocation
presentation about the blood  To explain the heart function, Written test Analysis test What the distinguish between vein
transportation of human. blood vessel function, and and artery?
blood in blood transportation

Assigning a Homework Make a poster being colored about

task the heart which has 50 cm x 40 cm
size and adhere in wallpaper.

 A book study and/ or to see

video presentation about  To process the disease sample Written test Analysis test Give 3 examples diseases which
abnormality and disease which data which relation with blood relation with blood transportation
relevant with the blood transportation system, which system and explain how the way to
transportation system. usual found in daily life. handle.

Silabus IPA Biologi SMP dan MTs Jilid 2 4

Competence Standard : 2. To know the system in plant life

Subject Matter/ Time
Basic Competence Learning Activity Indicator Instrument Study Resource
Learning Technique Instrument Sample Allocation

2.1 To identify the Structure and  To observe the tissue structure in  To explain structure and the Written test Multiple Out come O2 and CO2 in plant stem 4 × 40’ IPA Biologi 2 Esis
structure and function Function of Plant plant with use microscope. tissue function in the roots, choice test happened in.... Book, page. 141-165
of plant tissue Body stem, and leaf. a. lenti cell c. epidermis the structure plant
b. stomata d. xylem body chart and tool
with material of
 To identify the location of  To show the location of Work test Work product Experiment for see the transport
epidermis, cortex, and stele with epidermis, cortex, and stele in test tissue in stem (Activity 6.2).
use the structure plant body chart. plant.

 To explain the tissue function Written test Analysis test Explain the way of water and
which found in plant body. mineral absorbing from the ground
by the plant root hairs.

2.2 To describe the Photosynthesis  A book study to formulate about  To show the leaf part which Written test Multiple Photosynthesis process in leaf cell 4 × 40’ IPA Biologi 2 Esis
nutrition achievement the photosynthesis concept and act in photosynthesis. choice test happened in the.... Book, page. 175-190,
process and energy energy transformation. a. chloroplast c. nucleus environment, tool and
transformation in green b. vacuole d. cell wall material of practice.
 To implement the observation of  To implement and make report Work test Work product Experiment, use to know the
photosynthesis process. the photosynthesis observation test sunray and chlorophyll needed in
result. the photosynthesis process
(Activity 7.2 and Activity 7.3).

 To search information about the  To explain the factors which Written test Analysis test What factors which influence the
factors which influence the influence photosynthesis. rate of photosynthesis? Explain
photosynthesis process. with short.

2.3 To identify kinds Plant Movement  A book study to formulate kinds  To describe kinds of Written test Multiple The roots grow to below is 4 × 40’ IPA Biologi 2 Esis
of movement in plant of movement in plant. movement in plant. choice test the....movement Book, page. 191-200,
a. geothropis c. nasty environment, tool and
b. photothropis d. thropis material of practice.

 To identify all kind movement in  To explain the distinguish of Written test Essay test Make the distinguish table between
plant in around of environment. thropisme movement with thropisme movement with nasty
nasty movement. movement, then give each sample.

 To implement the observation of

thropisme movement with nasty Work test Work product Experiment to prove what the seed
test that while germinate to perceive the

Silabus IPA Biologi SMP dan MTs Jilid 2 5

Subject Matter/ Time
Basic Competence Learning Activity Indicator Instrument Study Resource
Learning Technique Instrument Sample Allocation
movement. stimulate of earth gravitation
(Activity 8.1).

2.4 To identify the Germ and Disease  A book study to formulate the  To explain the distinguish of Written test Analysis test What the difference between 2 × 40’ IPA Biologi 2 Esis
germ and disease in in Plant germ and disease concept. the germ and disease in plant. germ and plant disease? Give Book, page. 1,
plant organ which example. environment, video
found in daily life about the germ
 To see the chart, picture, and/ or  To process the germ and Assigning a Project task Did interview with farmer about samples and the
video presentation about the germ disease sample data in plant task the germ and disease in plant. disease in plant
and disease sample in plant. organ which found in daily Then, make the report in written
life. type.


To know
SMP Headmaster ............ Study Course Teacher

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Silabus IPA Biologi SMP dan MTs Jilid 2 6

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