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Alonzo S.

Quarter 2/ Period 6
Narrative Essay


CRACK went the thunder, john was running through the woods before it started
raining to collect firewood and to explore a little bit of the woods before he went home
little did he know he went too far than he wanted to while he was exploring he felt a
raindrop hit his head so he started his on his way home. After a few minutes of walking
he figured out he was lost then all was quiet a little too quiet for johns taste then he
heard the snap of a twig and john ran as fast as he could he ran until he found a cabin
he thought it was his home he also saw the chimney smoking so he presumed his mom
found their stash of extra wood while he was out john felt a little safer when he was at
the door of the house.
Hello, mom are you there john heard footsteps coming from the kitchen john
found out the cabin looked a little different than what he was used to all of a sudden he
saw a young boy come from the kitchen who are you asked john
I am henry
Hello henry Im john have you seen my mother
I have not seen anyone in a few weeks I just somehow found this cabin and
based on what my dad has taught me I was able to live here
Oh that's cool what he teach you

He taught me how to hunt start a fire what wood is good wood and also how to
make a bow arrows a spear and a small wooden sharp sword but my mom taught me
how to cook a chicken and deer and a boar
Cool my dad was never home he is always at work so I was never taught those
skills except the wood one my ma taught me that.
Hey Ill teach you those things no sweat
REALLY thank you!
(Over the past few days Henry taught John how to do all the skills that john's dad
Thanks for the lessons
No problem
Ah I almost forgot my mother she is probably worried sick do you know the way
back plus you should come my mom will probably be thrilled to have another helper
around the house.
Ok sure
(As the two of them went back to johns house when they got there john was
happy but was shocked in horror when he saw his house burnt and only a little bit of the
house remained he kept yelling) MAMA (but there was no response john got a little
worried when he opened the door)
Mama is you there? (A faint moan could be heard from inside) they both ran in
and saw johns mom mostly burnt covered in rubble and was impaled with blood all over
the floor henry ran back out to throw up as john picked up the ruble off of his mom when
all the ruble was off of her he saw she was impaled by a large metal spike from the

ground as soon as henry ran back in john's mom said her last words to the both of them
It's a trap as she said it the floor collapsed below them.
WHERE YOU AT. (Just then john saw his mom fall and splash the water) john: MOM
(john got his mom out of the water but he was too late she was already dead when she
came down.
At that moment john started to cry and he couldn't stop crying that was until he
heard henry scream at that moment john prayed for his mothers safe passage to
heaven and ran towards henrys screams john: HENRY I'M COMING HOLD ON. When
john ran a couple meters he saw a torch (type of flashlight) and just a giant maze then
he heard henrys screams again and this time the beam of his light so john entered the
maze and he kept looking up and listening top henrys screams and his beam of light.
John: Henry keeps your light up Ill find you that way. Henry: OK.As john and Henry
kept running they smashed right into each other John: Henry. Henry: John. John: We
have to find a way out, lets go this way. As john and henry went through the maze after
what felt like hours but was only 20 minutes they finally found a way out and at the end
there was a crate and in the create was a dagger and a 1911 colt with one clip and the
clip held only 9 rounds. John: well it's better than nothingHenry: Right,hey look I see a
way out As the two boys went towards the light they heard a noise turned around and
saw a pale man with no face wearing a suit and tie with tentacles coming out of his back
the ran away from him as fast they could and saw he was walking towards them and
when they got out of the cave they looked back and saw from on top of the cave a pale
teenage boy with a white hoodie and black jeans jump from the cave and land right next

to the pale man except the teenage boy had a weapon he had a large steak knife at that
moments the boys started running the teenager was going to run to but the man held
him back with one of his many tentacles so the boys ran until they henry tripped over a
notebook scribbled in marker names of the monsters john opened the book with
henry at his shoulder and opened a page and saw the pictures/drawings of the two
freaks chasing them the man was named slender man and the teenager was called
Jeff the killer.
Henry well now we know their names
John True keep looking through that book see if you can find a weakness for
As the boys kept walking through the forest they heard the crunching of leaves
and they both knew the creatures were coming.
Henry *whispered* Get in the house hurry
The boys ducked in the house and watched the two monsters run by
Jeff the killer come on send they shouldn't be far don't worry after I kill them you can
eat them I promise Slender man you better promise as the two creatures walk away
henry opened the book and looked to see if the two had a weakness the book only said
for both of them close your eyes pray you have a quick death
As john threw the book and made a loud noise at that moment they both knew to
run while they were running john told henry to follow him they ran towards the city
they saw buildings and cars but when they got to the streets they saw empty cars and
they saw dead bodies everywhere they turned around to see the monsters on their tail

and they ran henry tripped over a rock john turned around to see henry on the ground
john was going to run towards henry to help him but what he saw was Jeff sprint
towards henry and cut him up at lightning speed and the henry told him to run
So john ran a fast as he could until he saw an airport and a working plane and
thought Someone must be working the plane but I got to move fast in order to get on
the plane in time
John turned around to see henry being devoured by slender man's tentacles
John walked in the airport and sprinted around to see where the plane was he
got to the second floor and ran into the narrow little walk way and made it on the plane
john ran towards the cockpit and was shocked to see Jeff the killer as the pilot Jeff the
killer GO TO SLEEP john NOOOOOOOOOOOO The last thing john saw was slender
man entering the plane and Jeffs knife going into his chest.

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