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The Monkeys Paw by W.W. Jacobs - pg.

NAMES: Hope and Evelyn
Directions: Use textual evidence from the story to support your answer when it asks
for it (quote & pg #). Answer the questions after EACH CHAPTER of the story - avoid
reading the whole story first, then answering the questions. Work together with your
partner, but DO NOT share the document!

Chapter 1 Questions:
1. How does Mr. White approach the game of chess as he plays with his son? What
might this reveal about his personality?
Answer: He didnt think ahead so his son bet him. This reveals that he probably
acts quickly without looking at what might happen or the consequences.
Quote: Mr. White, who, having seen a fatal mistake after it was to late,
Pg #: 250
2. When Mr. White states that hed like to go to India, just like Sergeant-Major Morris,
Morris tells him better where you are. In what way might this be a foreshadowing
Answer: He is saying that something bad might happen in india and Mr. White
would be safer at home.
3. Morris tells Mr. White that the old fakir who owned the monkeys paw put a spell on
it to show that fate ruled peoples lives, and that those who interfered with it did so to
their sorrow. How might this information about the monkeys paw be a
foreshadowing clue?
Answer: He is saying that sometimes you wish for things you dont really need
and later on you might regret it because it could change your fate for the worst.
4. After Mr. White retrieves the monkeys paw from the fire, give examples of
foreshadowing clues, provided by Morris, that build suspense or hint at what might
happen later in connection with the monkeys paw.

The Monkeys Paw by W.W. Jacobs - pg. 249

Answer: Morris is hinting that after the monkey paw is on fire that it might not
work the same or that something bad might happen. This give us suspense because we
dont know if he is right or not.
Quote: I threw it on the fire. If you keep it, dont blame me for what happened.
Pitch it on the fire again like a sensible man.
Pg #: 254
5. Give examples of Herbert Whites attitude towards the monkeys paw.
Answer: He is in owe of it and wants to use it because he thinks it can fix all his
problems and that he can have anything he wants my wishing for it.
Quote: White, with a slight cry, stooped down and snatched it off.
Pg #: 252
6. Why does Mr. White at first have trouble making a wish on the monkeys paw? What
does he end up wishing for?
Answer: At first he cant decide what to wish for because he thinks he has
everything already. His son convinces him to ask for money so they can buy nicer
Quote: I dont know what to wish for It seems to me Ive got all I want.
Pg #: 255

Chapter 2 Questions:
1. Using details from the first page of chapter two provide examples of Mrs. Whites
contradictory feelings about the monkeys paw and the wish that Mr. White made.
Answer: SHe doesnt believe its real at first and her son and husband are joking
around about it like its not going to happened. But she still runs to the door every time
someone comes like the postman wait to see if its the money. She says she doesnt
believe but she really does.
Quote: All of which did not prevent her from scurrying to the door at the
postmans knock
Pg #: 256
2. When the well-dressed stranger appears at their home, what foreshadowing clues
are provided that hint at the message that he brings will not be a positive one?

The Monkeys Paw by W.W. Jacobs - pg. 249

Answer: It is foreshadowing clues that he is bring bad news because he is
passing around and looks nervous. Plus the readers know they made a wish that might
be for the worst.
Quote: Is anything the matter?... Has anything happened to Herbert? What is
Pg #: 257
3. When the stranger arrives, what clues can the reader use to make an inference that
Mrs. White believes he is rich? What inference can the reader make about why Mrs.
White believes the stranger has come?
Answer: He is wearing a really nice suit, he had expensive clothes on.
Quote: In mental connection with the two hundred pounds, she noticed that the
stranger was well dressed and wore a silk hat of glossy newness.
Pg #: 257
4. How was Mrs. White able to make the inference that her son was dead?
Answer: Because the man who came to the door was from her sons work and
she knew that they had tempted there fate when they wished for the money.
Quote: Is anything the matter?... Has anything happened to Herbert? What is
Pg #: 257
5. How is the end of chapter two an example of situational irony?
Answer: Mr. White wished for 200 pounds and he got it but it came at the price of
his son getting caught in the machinery. They would have been better off not wishing
for anything. They were tempting there fate.

Chapter 3 Questions:
1. How are the behaviors of Mr. and Mrs. White different at the start of chapter 3?
Answer: They are both really sad that their son died but it seems like Mrs. White
is more sad. But the Mom wants to bring him back but the dad thinks its a bad idea.
Quote: wish our boy alive again. The man sat up in the bed You are mad!

The Monkeys Paw by W.W. Jacobs - pg. 249

Pg #: 261
2. In what ways has Mrs. Whites attitude about the power of the monkeys paw
Answer: At first she doesnt like it at all and thinks they shouldnt use it but now
she wants to use it to bring back her son.
Quote: The other two wishes, she replied rapidly. Weve only had one.
Pg #: 260
3. Why might Mr. White say that to bring back their son would be foolish and wicked?
Answer: Mr. White thinks it would be foolish and wicked because the first wish
did come true but at a high price. Better to leave it how it is than make it worse and
4. In what way does Mrs. White have power over her husband in the early parts of this
Answer: Because he wants her to be happy and she wants this so bad so he does
it for her.
Quote: No, she cried triumphantly; Well have one more. Go
Pg #: 261
5. How does Mr. White react when he hears the knocks at the door?
Answer: He gets very scared and doesnt want to help her open the door because
he is scared it is going to be his zombie son.
Quote: Dont let it in : I could only recognize him by his clothing. If he was too
terrible for you to see them, how now?
Pg #: 263 and 261
6. Using clues from the story:
a. Make an inference as to what Mr. White believes is on the other side of the door.
Answer: Mr. White though that his dead son that look terrible was on the other

The Monkeys Paw by W.W. Jacobs - pg. 249

b. Next, make an inference as to what Mr. White made for his third and last wish.
Answer: Mr. White probably wished that his son stayed dead and didnt come
back to life because he was scared of it.
c. Finally, make an inference as to why Mr. White made this wish.
Answer: To make sure that nothing bad happens because all of the wishes have
there coincidence.

RL.8.1: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Not Yet Meeting
Struggled to explain
what the text directly
says as well as the
meaning behind the
text. Did not identify
evidence from the text.

Approaching Standard
Explained what the text
directly says as well as the
meaning behind the text.
Identified evidence, but not
necessarily the strongest

Meeting Standard

Exceeding Standard

Explained what the text

directly says as well as the
meaning behind the text.
Identified the evidence
that most strongly
supports this analysis.

Explained what the text

directly says as well as the
meaning behind the text.
Identified the evidence
that most strongly
supports this analysis AND
proposed an argument for
why this is evidence is the

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